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Die Kündigung des Privilegiums der Reichsbank und die Privatnotenbanken. [Preuss. Jahrbücher, 1889.]

Professor Nasse's contribution to Schönberg's Handbuch on "Geld und Münzwesen" is a good specimen of his work.

At the University of Breslau DR. WERNER SOMBART has been elected to fill the chair vacant since the removal of Prof. v. Miaskowski. The new appointee has heretofore been engaged in business pursuits in Bremen. It need not be said that his appointment is a departure from the usual traditions. Dr. Sombart has been a frequent contributor to scientific periodicals, his name figuring prominently in Prof. Schmoller's Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung und Verwaltung. He has also written "Die Romische Campagna, eine Socialökonomische Studie."

DR. WALTHER LOTZ entered the philosophical faculty of the University of Leipzig as privat docent on the 2d of February, 1890. He has been appointed assistant to Prof. Brentano in the seminar of the latter. His works on monetary questions have been very favorably received in Germany, as they show a practical grasp of the subject unusual in the works of a beginner. After completing his university studies, Dr. Lotz studied practical affairs in banking establishments in Vienna and Berlin, and there gained familiarity with all aspects of his special field of investigation. He has published "Geschichte and Kritik des deutschen Bankgesetzes von 14ten März, 1875." Leipzig, 1888. "Die Währungsfrage in Oesterreich-Ungarn und ihre wirthschaftliche und politische Bedeutung." Leipzig, 1889. "Die Technik des Deutschen Emissionsgeschäfts, Anleihen, Konversionen und Gründungen." Leipzig, 1890.

In the law faculty of the University of Munich DR. E. REHM established himself as privat docent with the beginning of the academic year 1889-90 [Sept. 21st, 1889]. His special department of work is public law. His published works are: "Die Rechtliche Natur des Staatsdienstes nach

deutschem Staatsrecht historisch dogmatisch dargestellt"-a work which received a prize from the law faculty of the University of Munich, and which appeared in Hirth's "Annalen des deutsches Reiches," 1884 and 1885, and "Die rechtliche Natur der Gewerbskonzession," Munich, 1889.

The faculty of law and political science at the University of Strassburg has had an accession to its force in DR. C. J. FUCHS, who established himself there as privat docent on the 12th of December, 1889. His lecture course for the Summer semester is upon "International Trade," and it is the economic aspects of commerce which have been the special field of his researches. He has published the following monographs or more important essays: "Der Untergang des Bauernstandes und das Aufkommen der Gutsherrschaften. Nach archivalischen Quellen aus Neuvorpommern und Rügen." Strassburg, 1888. Also in Prof. Schmoller's Jahrbuch, 1890, "Die Organisation des Liverpooler Baumwollhandels in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, and in Prof. Conrad's Jahrbucher, 1890, “Der englische Getreidehandel und seine Organisation."

DR. JOSEPH VON HELD, professor in the faculty of law and political science in the University of Würzburg, died on March 19th, of this year, at the age of 75. The name of Held is an honored one in the field of political and economic science. Adolf v. Held, one of the most brilliant economic scholars that the nineteenth century has produced, was the son of Prof. Joseph v. Held. It will be remembered by those cognizant of recent economic history in Germany that Adolf v. Held was drowned in the Lake of Thun in 1880 just after being called to Berlin as ordinary professor of political economy.

The leading works of Prof. Joseph v. Held were:

System des Verfassungsrechts der monarchischen Staaten Deutschlands. 2 vols. Würzburg, 1856-57.

Staat und Gesellschaft vom Standpunkte der Geschichte. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1861-1865.

Grundzüge des allgemeinen Staatsrechts. Leipzig, 1868. Verfassung des deutschen Reiches. 1872.

Dr. v. Held, beginning as privat docent in the Winter semester of 1839-40, remained as an active and successful teacher in Würzburg for over fifty years-forty-seven years as ordinary professor. He seems to have been a man of unusual ability in many directions, and to have made a marked impression on his students as a teacher and on his colleagues as a scholar.


PROF. JAMES LORIMER, LL.D., who occupied the chair of public law in the University of Edinburgh, died on the 13th of February, 1890. His death is a great loss for his university and for science. In the affairs of the former he took the most active interest, aiding in every effort which went to make it a centre of culture. In the scientific world he was a prominent member of that group of legal writers who in late years have laid the foundation of a science of jurisprudence in the British Isles. His life work was in the field of public law, and his most ardent wish to bring that branch of the law to a place of honor in English legal learning. The enthusiasm which he brought to the work was not without results. In his published works and his lectures he interpreted to the English student the historical standpoint of the school of Savigny, and treated English legal development from a novel point of view. His connections with the great scholars of the continent were very intimate, and thus he became the representative of scholarship in the broadest sense. In the foundation of the International Institute of Public Law he took an active part and was prominent in all its work. The most important works of Prof. Lorimer are his "Institutes of Law" and his "Institutes of the Law of Nations."


DR. GEORG JELLINEK has been recently called to the University of Basel, beginning his work with the Summer semester, 1890. Dr. Jellinek was born in Leipsic, June 16th, 1851.

His parents removed in 1857 to Vienna, where he prepared for the university. He studied law, political economy and philosophy at Vienna, Heidelberg and Leipsic, taking the degree of Ph.D. at Leipsic in 1872, and that of LL.D. at Vienna in 1874. He entered the academic career as privat docent at Vienna in 1879, where he was elected extraordinary professor of public law in 1883. After six years of active work, during which his reputation as a scholar was rapidly growing, he resigned his professorship owing to difficulties with the Minister of Education, growing out of a dispute with the clerical party in Austria. A few months after his resignation at Vienna he was called to Basel as professor of international and public law.

Dr. Jellinek has an enviable reputation among writers and students in the field of public law. His leading works


1. Die social ethische Bedeutung von Recht, Unrecht, und Strafe, 1878.

2. Die rechtliche Natur der Staatenverträge, 1880.

3. Die Lehre von den Staatenverbindungen, 1882.

4. Oesterreich-Ungarn und Rumanien in der Donaufrage, 1884.

5. Ein Verfassungsgerichtshof für Oesterreich, 1885.

6. Gezetz und Verordnung, Staatsrechtliche Untersuchungen, 1887.



The "Giornali degli Economisti," heretofore edited exclusively by Prof. Zorli, will henceforth appear monthly under the editorship of PROFS. ANTONIO DEVITI DEMARCO, professor of finance at the University of Rome; UGO MAZZOLA, professor of finance at the University of Pavia; ALBERT ZORLI, professor of finance at the University of Macerata, and MAFFEO PANTALEONI, director of the Superior School of Commerce at Bari.

THE ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION. An Historical Treatise, in which is drawn out by the light of the most recent researches the gradual development of the English Constitutional System, and the growth out of that system of the Federal Republic of the United States. By HANNIS TAYLOR. In two parts. Part I, The Making of the Constitution. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 616. 1889. As the title of Mr. Taylor's book indicates, this is an American history of the English Constitution, and deals primarily with the government and institutions of England. The idea of the author has been to describe the historical development of the English constitutional system and the growth out of that system of the institutions. of the American Republic. The work is to be completed in two volumes, the present one dealing with the genesis. of English institutions and the perfecting of the English political machinery, ending with the accession of Henry VII. The next volume, which we understand to be nearly ready for the public, will deal entirely with the "aftergrowth" of the constitutional system with reference to the

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