Зображення сторінки
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Oath. a,d, a,t, i't, to bind. Cfr. goth. aiths; g. eid; d. eed; ags. ath. Ов. v. Ep-.

Obed-, Obey. abhi-vad, to salute respectfully; vidheyas, compliant.

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Ode. vad, to speak; i'd, to praise, to celebrate. Cfr. "vow, 'won,

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-OID. vid, to know, to describe, to be fixed or steady. Cfr. elow, Oil, Ole-, Olive. ulca', fire; lip, to smear; lavana', light, lustre. Cfr. "elatov; oleum, oliv-; goth. alev; g. öl; d. olij; ags. ol; fr. huile. [fr. oindre, oint. OINT. a,dj, (a,cta',) to anoint. Cfr. ungere, unctum; sp. pg. untar ; Oker, Okra. v. Ochre.

Old, Olete, -Olescent. al, to be competent or able. Cfr. protection, strength; "alow, 'alz; alo, oleo; g. alt; d. oud; ags. eald.

Olig. lu', to cut; lig, to lessen. Cfr. 'ohiyos, 'eldoow; ags. læs.
OMPHAL. v. Umbil-.
[goth. ana; g. an; d. aan.
On. anis, a limit, a boundary; antar, within. Cfr. 'εv, "avw; in;
One. v. Un-.


v. Name.

ONYCH-, Onyx. v. Nail.

Oo-. v. Egg.

Ooze. v. Issue.

Open. v. Up, Over.

[ibhyas, opulent.

Opi-, Opt-, Opu-. a'p, to obtain; ibh, to accumulate; ibhas, best;

Oper-, pr, to labor. Cfr. sрáw; operor, ops.

Optim-. uttamas, best.

Option. v. Pet-.

[aiththau; g. oder; ags. other. Or. utas, a particle of deliberation. Cfr. avτáp, aʊte; aut; goth. Orange. surangas, the orange. Cfr. aurantium, syringa. v. Gold. Or-, Orat. ru, rat, to speak, to sound; r, to attack, to arouse. Cfr. "opw; oro, orator, oraculum. [orbo, rapio.

Orb-, Orphan. ru'p, to form; ri'v, to take. Cfr. 'opgavós; orbis, Orchard. rdh, vrdh, to increase, to grow. Cfr. "pa; hortus; goth.

vaurts, aurti-gards; og. wurz; ng. wurzel; ags. vurt, ort-geard. Orchestra. rach, rd, to go, to move. Cfr. ορχέομαι; ορχήστρα. Ord-, Ortho-. urd, to measure; rdh, to augment, to please; ra'dh, to complete, to be right; hrud, to collect. Cfr. "padtos, 'oplós ; ordo, ordino; pers. radah; goth. ga-raids, raidjan, raihts; ags. hrad, gerad; g. bereit; d. reeden, bereid; fr. it. sp. sw. dan. g. ir. russ. ord-.

Organ, Org-, Orig-. rd, to be strong; vrad, to prepare; ratf, to work, to make; r, to attack, to excite, to go; u'rdjas, effort, exertion. Cfr. "εprov, "opravov, 'opry; origo, urgeo, organum; goth. vaurkjan; g. d. werk; ags. wircan.

[orno, urna. Orn-. u'rņu, to cover, to conceal; varn, to color. Cfr. oùpávos; Oro-. giris, a hill. Cfr. "opos; slav. gora.

Os-. ag, to eat.

όστρεον, υστέον;


OSTEO-, Ostra-. asthi, a bone. Cfr. "OGтpsov, 'oortov; os, osseus, OTHER. antara,, itaras, other, different. Cfr. "erepos; alter, itero; goth. anthar; g. ander, oder; ags. other; fr. autre; sp. otro. OTTER. udras, an other. Cfr. "vdpos, "evvdpis; lutra; g. otter; sw. utter; it. loutra; fr. loutre.

Ourano-. v. Orn-.

v. Water.

d. ags.

Oust, OUT. Vahis, ut, out, outwards. Cfr. "ert; ultra; goth. us, ut; g. aus; d. uit; ags. sw. ut; dan. ud; fr. oter, outrager, outré. Ov-. v. Egg.

Ovation. a'-vad, to celebrate.


Oven. tfu'r, uf, av, to burn; agnis, fire. Cfr. D a furnace; zλ- or zp-iẞavos, avw; goth. auhns; sw. ugn; ags. g. ofen; d. oven. OVER. upa, upari, upon, above. Cfr. 'vnép; super, aperio; goth. ufar; og. oba; ags. ab-ufan; g. über; d. dan. over; fr. ouvert. OVINE. v. Ewe.

Owe, Own. ag, to receive; i'g, to possess. Cfr. "eyw; goth. aigan ; ags. agan, agen; dan. egen; g. d. eigen.

Owl. ulu'cas, an owl. Cfr. 'oloλvyuós; ululare; ags. ula; g. [d. os; sw. dan. oxe.

eule; d. uil; sw. ugla.

Ox. ucfan, an ox or bull. Cfr. goth. auhsa; ags. oxa; g. ochse;

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PACE, PAD. pat, path, pad, pas, to go, to move; pad, to heap together; pad, a foot; pathin, a road, a way. Cfr. naréw, πάτος, πέδον, πέζα, πούς, πέτομαι; peto, pes, pedester, passus, spatior; it. passo; sp. paso; fr. pace, pas, passer; g. pass; Pacha, Padisha. v. Bashaw. [d. pas, pad. v. Foot. Pack, Pact. Pæd-. v. Puerile.

v. Bag.

[pagina; fr. page.

Page. patf, to spread; pacfas, a side; pa,dji', a journal. Cfr. Pail. pul, to collect. Cfr. nélka.

PAILLASSE. palas, straw. Cfr. palea; fr. paille, paillasse. Pain. pu,th, to hurt, to suffer pain; van, to serve, to be distressed; pain, to grind; pu,s, to punish, to pain. Cfr. Tévdos, nóvos, névns, révoμai; pœna, penuria; ags. pin, pine; g. pein; d. pijn; fr. peine. [peindre. PAINT. pid, (pi,cte,) to dye or color. Cfr. pingo, pictus; fr. Pair. paras, more, other, different; pr', to fill; para ́, back. Cfr.

ларá; per, par; sp. pg. g. sw. arm. fr. par; g. d. paar; fr. pair. PALACE. pallis, a house, a village. Cfr. óhts; palatium; g. pfalz; it. palazzo; fr. palais.

Pal-adin. pall, to go.

Palanquin. palyancas, a bedstead.

Pale, Paleo-, Pall. palitas, old, grey-haired. Cfr. ahatós, mohtós; pallidus; fr. pale. v. Pole, Fail, Pale, Veil.

PALEACEOUS, Paleous, Pallet. v. Paillasse.

Palestra. pil, to throw. Cfr. náin; pello.

Palsgrave. v. Palace.

Palsy. v. Para, Lys-.

Pamper, Pan-, Panada. panas, the bread-fruit tree; pa', to drink. Cfr. panis, bibo; it. pane, bere, pambere. [pan, to praise. Pan-, Pander. pand, to accumulate; pandas, an eunuch, a catamite ; PANDIT. panditas, a scholar, a teacher.

Pang. v. Pain.

Panic. pa,d, to go, to heap together, to destroy; pannas, falling. Cfr. navxós; w. pannu; it. sp. panico; fr. panique.

Pansy. fr. pensée. man, to think.

Pap, Papa. pa', to drink, to nourish, to protect; papus, a nurse, a

protector. Cfr. náopat, náññas; papilla; it. pappa, papa ; g. Par, Para. v. Pair. [d. fr. sp. papa. Par-, Parade. pr', to fill, to please, to protect, to labor. Cfr. parcus, parsimonia, paro; it. parata; sp. paradu; fr. parade.

Paradise. parus, Paradise. Cfr. D775 a pleasure-garden; napádɛtoos. Par-cel. v. Part.

Parch. bhrd, to parch, to fry.

Pardon. v. Per-, Don-.

Parent. v. Bear.

Parget. pṛts, prd, to touch, to be in contact with, to paint.
Parry. para', backward.

Par-see. v. Pyr-.

PART. prthac, separately; pari, a prefix, implying part. Cfr. pars; fr. part; sp. it. parte. v. Brittle. [perdiz; fr. perdrix. Partridge. pard, to break wind. Cfr. néрow, népôt; perdix; sp. Pas, Pass, Passion, Passive. v. Pace, Patience, Push. PASTE. pust, to bind, to smear; piftac, kneaded. Cfr. πάσσω,

Raotós; pistor, pastillus, pastino; it. sp. pasta; it. pastiglia; fr. pastille.

Past-or, -ure. puf, to nurture; bhacf, to eat. Cfr. Bóozw; pasco. Pat. pat, to fall, to alight. pathyas, suitable. Cfr. nintw; g. pass; d. pas; w. pat. v. Pace.


Pat-en, -ent. pat, to move, to encompass; patas, a screen of cloth; patra, a leaf. Cfr. hatós; pateo, patera, patina.


PATH, Patrol, Patten. v. Pace.

Path-, Pati-ence. pat, to be powerful. Cfr. zálos; potens, patior. Patois. put, path, to speak. Cfr. peto, petitio.

Paunch. pa tf, to spread; pu,djas, a collection.

PAUPER. pa pas, vile, abandoned, profligate. Cfr. pauper; sp. pobre; fr. pauvre.

Pause. pas, to obstruct. Cfr. añois; pausa; fr. g. dan. pause.
Pav-. pay, to go; vi-pay, to spread. Cfr. pavo; w. paw.
Paw. v. Pace.

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Pawn. pa'nas, trade, traffic; panas, price, a wager. Cfr. pendo, pensio; g. pfennig, pfand; d. penning, pand; ags. penig, bad. v. Bet, Bind, Peace. [pagar; fr. payer.

Pay. pid, to impinge, to give. Cfr. naiw; it. pagare; sp. pg.

Peace. pag, to bind, to tie, to move.

pecten, pectus, piguus; fr. paix. VOL. VII.—2 H


yós; pactio, pax,

-Peach, (im-.) pa,tf, to make evident, to state fully.

Peak. pitftf, to cut, to divide. Cfr. réxw; pecten, pecto; ags. ir.

peac; fr. pique; sp. pico; it. becco; g. picken; d. pikken. Peal. pil, to throw, to cast or send; pi'l, to prohibit, Cfr. Ball; Peck, Pec-. v. Peak. [pello, balo. v. Bleat.

Pecker, Pica. picas, the Indian cuckoo.

PECU-. pagus, an animal. Cfr. nãν; pecu, pecul. v. Fee.

PED-. v. Pace, Speed.

Peddle. v. Pet-.

Peel. bil, bhil, to tear, to detach. Cfr. pilo; sp. pelar, pillar;

fr. peler, piller. v. Peal, Fell.

Peer. v. Par.

Peg. v. Bag, Peace.

PEIR-. pr, to make exertions. Сfг. netрáw. v. Experience.

Pel-, Pell-, Pelt. v. Peel, Ball.


Pen. (v. Feather.) pen, to go, to embrace, to grind. Cfr. ags.

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[iobros; plebes, po-pulus. v. Fill.

PEOPLE. pul, to accumulate ; pr, to fill. Cfr. πλήρης, πλέως, πληθύς, PEPPER. pippali', pepper. Cfr. nept; piper; ags. pepor; g. pfeffer; d. pepper; fr. poivre. [πέψις, πεπτικός. Peptic. pats, to cook, to ripen; pa'tfacas, digestion. Cfr. ÉCOW, PER, PERI, -Pire. pr, to complete; pari, a prefix of ubiquity, en

circling, diffusion, &c. Cfr. epi; per. v. Emperor.

Perch. prtf, to touch, to come in contact, to restrain.

Peril. v. Peri, Coil, Peir-.

Pert. pr, to delight; pr', to fill, to satisfy. v. Peir-.
Pesade. v. Pace.

[fr. pessaire.

Pessary. pas, to bind, to tie, to obstruct. Cfr. pessus ; it. pessario ; Pest, Pester, Pestle. pas, to obstruct, to injure or kill; pif, to grind, to pound. Cfr. pestis, pistillum; it. peste; fr. peste, pester. Pet-. pat, to surround or encompass; patus, blown, expanded; pat, to go, to move; put, to be or become small; veth, to ask. Cfr. ródos, retáw, réτakov; peto, impetus, pateo; fr. petale, petit. v. Pace, Bid, Feather.

Petecchiæ. pati's, yellow.

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