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(here a pause may be made for a few moments, as a preparatory step to order). Now, a good clap with the hands; or, stamp with the feet, &c. The bell should now be introduced as a signal for silence; at the sound of which, all should be taught to fold their arms, shut their mouths, &c. These various exercises should be repeated again and again, till performed simultaneously like a company of soldiers, but let the silent lessons be short at first. The Teacher may next instruct them in his signals for various movements; as, a stamp with the foot, for them to rise; holding up the hand, for them to turn their faces to the wall and kneel on the form; (this is the position for prayer with hands behind,) when done a stamp, to rise again—a clap with the hands, to front-and a motion or order to sit down. Thus, the Teacher will soon have all his signals known by the children, and the school reduced to some degree of order.

A child may now be put into the rostrum with a board containing easy words. Let him then spell a word, and the children repeat after him, all speaking together; or, he may count 1, 2, 3, &c. to 12; the whole school repeating after him, at the same time clapping their hands, stamping with the feet, or throwing up the arms, &c. : let this be frequently repeated, every now and then introducing some new but simple lesson; such as the five senses of man-four animal motions with action. The following simple lesson, accompanied by motions of the fingers as if dressing a doll, stooping down as if playing at marbles, will be found highly interesting at this early stage of the school; and if each line be repeated in a different tone of voice, the children will endeavour to imitate; and this will be found an excellent preparatory step to singing—

One girl dressing a doll.

Two boys playing at marbles.
Three horses drawing a cart.
Four men rowing a boat.

Five children round the table.

Six apples on the tree.

Seven ducks in the pond.

Eight chickens at the barn-door.

Nine bees near the hive.

Ploughing-sowing-harrowing and rolling; gardeninghay-making-gathering fruit-and skaiting.

Another mode of arresting the attention of the little ones

is, to suspend from the ceiling, or a beam near the centre of the room, a string with some weighty substance at the end, about six feet from the ground. Whenever this is set in motion, it must be known as a signal for perfect silence with folded arms; and here it would be well for the Teacher to make himself a prominent example, by sitting down and folding his arms. The first week should be devoted entirely to order and precision of speaking and acting; and if this be tolerably acquired, the Teacher may rest satisfied with his labours, and look forward for final success. Let him not aim too hastily at great things; by doing so many have failed altogether. We would here presume to give a word of advice to patrons and committees of Infant Schools; viz., not to admit more than fifty or sixty children the first week, and leave the Teacher entirely to himself for that time; even if visiters are kept away the first two or three weeks, it will greatly tend to lessen the labours of the Teacher, and

ensure success.

4. The next thing is to class the children according to their capacity and age. Select a monitor to each class of seven or eight; whose duty shall be to encourage his little charge to diligence and attention to the general instructions of the Teacher, and to instruct them when reading at their drafts (semicircles chalked on the floor). He will be required to receive from the Teacher the lesson-board, from which he is to teach his class, suspend it on the nail in the wall at the centre of the semicircle, and return it to the Teacher in an orderly manner when done with. It may be well to observe here, that this plan of having nails for the lesson-boards, entirely supersedes the heavy expence of what are termed lesson-posts; having been found to answer every purpose equally as well, and afford no obstruction to the Teacher, or trouble in moving from one place to another.

Having now carried this important part of the Teacher's duty, it is thought, to a sufficient length, we proceed next

to state


IT is with regret that we are sometimes constrained to hear of the failure of these important and highly useful institutions, and with very few exceptions, they have been traced, or may be ascribed to, some one or more of the following causes ;

1. Want of care in the selection of the Teachers; such as a desire to reward an old servant, or assist a friend in reduced circumstances, without considering for one moment whether such persons possess even one of the many necessary qualifications so essential in Teachers of Infant Schools.

2. Selecting a person, because he is what the world calls an accomplished man and a good scholar; not considering that the chief requisites are, decided piety, and an aptness to teach.

3. Employing a person to organize the school and instruct Teachers in the system at the same time. This plan is decidedly bad; and although there are individuals who through self-interest applaud and practice it, we unhesitatingly affirm, that, committees who adopt this plan will find that they pay dear at a time when, probably, they can least afford it; and the Teacher himself acquires but a very imperfect knowledge of the system, and that only of its mechanical part. We would recommend, that when suitable persons are found, they be sent to some well-conducted school for a month or six weeks; let them see the system in all its bearings on the infant mind; take a practical part in the school; make their own observations; and then open and organize their own school.

4. Aiming at things too high, and neglecting first principles in the education of the little ones-burdening the memory with unmeaning sounds—and neglecting the Scriptures and the moral culture of the heart. These create dissatisfaction in the minds of the subscribers, and consequently the school suffers more or less thereby.

5. Looking for and expecting impossibilities—or, in other words, employing a Mistress where a Master and Mistress are needed. We are sorry to see to what an extent this error has spread; and to convince the advocates of such a system of their mistake, we would only respectfully urge such to take the charge of 120 children, and do their duty diligently in the school for one month, and we have little doubt but that in less than half that time, they will acknowledge that they erred through ignorance of the trying and laborious duties of the conscientious Infant Teacher. We are bold to affirm that few females, if any, are competent to the charge and instruction of more than sixty or eighty children. Above that number will require a Master and Mistress. 6. Combining the Infant and National Systems; and thus spoiling both. Infants and elder children cannot with

advantage work together; as each will require a different mode of treatment.

7. Making the school free. This may appear to some, at first sight, a weak and simple argument; and cause them to exclaim-how could this lead to the falling off of a school? Simple as it may appear, experience has confirmed it as a fact. Parents have felt some degree of degradation in sending their children to a free-school-their pride has been touched, and the school neglected if not despised. But on a change of this system, and a small weekly charge of twopence being introduced, these same parents have willingly sent their children, and the school has prospered.

8. An expensive outfit of lessons and apparatus; perhaps to the amount of £20 or £30, when one-third of that amount would have sufficed. At the cemmencement of a school, the Teacher does not require so large an assortment; the children are not ready for them, unless to destroy them and the committee are burdened with an expence which probably may occasion some after discouragement.

9. The interference of committees and appointed visitors in the internal management of the school. This is too frequently the case where the list of visitors is large. One wishes the reading to be particularly attended to; a second thinks it of little consequence at present; a third is desirous of introducing a particular catechism; a fourth desires strict order; a fifth, a little more recreation. Thus, the Teacher is perplexed, discouraged, and finally dissatisfied. How widely different would be the result, if such persons knew the importance of aiding, instead of discouraging their Teacher-who has quite enough with the children to try his patience, and abundant exercise for every Christian grace. Visitors would be found of unspeakable advantage by strengthening his hands in his arduous work; by supporting his authority; by lending him works on education; relating any striking anecdote occurrent in the neighbourhood; and by visiting and comforting him or his family in the hour of affliction.

10. Neglecting to teach the children to read. This may also appear strange to many but it is a fact, that some Teachers have acted on the idea, that the Infant School is not the proper place in which to give instruction in reading-but that it is quite time enough when they enter the National or other schools. In this opinion we cannot coincide; nor is the world, we believe, prepared to

receive it: the parent's constant cry is, (and we think justly so too) the book—the book.

In conclusion, the compilers beg to state that it was their intention to have added a few pages, explanatory of their mode of preparing for and using "the book;" but having exceeded already the number of pages they contemplated for their little volume, they are compelled, however reluctantly, to relinquish the idea : at the same time they consider, that so great is the necessity for something of this kind at the present period, that they may be prevailed upon, ere this work reaches its fourth edition, to publish a small treatise on this important part of their labours.


1. Read much-especially the Holy Scripures, with prayer.

2. Understand well your subject; and then simplify it to the capacity of the children.

3. Imagine not your work done when school is over; but read, think, and prepare for the next day.

4. Bring every lesson before the children in as many new forms as possible; for children are fond of novelty.

5. Make the children understand what you teach them ; and they will lodge it in their storehouses or memories themselves.

6. Study well the character and disposition of each child; and then act accordingly.

7. "A man is known by the company he keeps.”Watch, therefore, and be careful to set your children a good example.

8. Be not high-minded-nor live above your income; for poverty is no disgrace.

9. Study to live in peace with all men; especially with the patrons and supporters of your school.

10. Be a man of few words; but let your school speak much in your praise.


11. Daily seek that wisdom which cometh from above;" and labour to bring souls to God.

12. Let your motto be-better to wear out than to rust out, for there remaineth a rest.


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