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But, oh! of all delightful sounds
Of evening or of morn,

The sweetest is the voice of love
That welcomes his return.

Stanza 1. 2. He scarce drags his limbs along with tired foot.3. If any stream murmurs, &c.-4. His inmost heart feels, &c. Stanza II. 3, 4. The tinkling thrills his ears with sweet music, where the flock afar wakes melodies with brazen-bell (æs).

Stanza III. 1, 2. But though, as the light of day comes, or as it departs, many things delight his journey with their music (canor);-3, 4. Transpose the greater part of the two lines.—A superlative is often strengthened by unus. Cf. Virg. Æn. ii. 426, “Justissimus unus Qui fuit.”—Cf. Cic. Phil. ii. 3, 5. Shakespeare, Henry VIII. Act ii. S. 4, Reckoned one the wisest."-" the voice of love." When he fond hears the voice (pl.) of his fond wife.



Eliza was a bonnie lass, an' O she lo'ed me weel, Such love as never tongue can tell, but only hearts can feel :

But I was poor, her father dour,-he wadna' look

on me:

O Poverty! O Poverty! that Love should bow to thee!

I went unto her mither, an' I argued an' I fleech'd; I spak o' love an' honesty, an' mair an' mair beseech'd:

But she was deaf to a' my prayers, she wadna' look on me ;

O Poverty! O Poverty! that Love should bow to thee!

Stanza I. 2. [Love] which the inmost heart knows, the tongue utters not (sileo).-4. That (ut, expressing indignation)

Love should be thus subdued and be thy slave (famulor)!— With this use of "ut," Cf. Cic. Catil. i. 9, "Te ut ulla res frangat!"

Stanza II. 1. "Fleech," i. e. coax, importune.-2. Lovehonesty,-" pietas," "fides."-3. (Two lines.) She is deaf; and a humble son-in-law displeased the wealthy mother-inlaw.-Italicized words to be expanded. Omit line 4.

EXERCISE XXXV. (same continued).

I went unto her brother, an' I told him o' my pain, An' he was wae, he tried to say; but it was a' in vain:

Though he was weel in love himself, no feeling he'd for me:

O Poverty! O Poverty: that Love should bow to thee!

O Wealth, it makes a fool a sage, a knave an honest man!

An' canker'd gray looks young again, gin he hae gear and lan'.

To Age maun Duty ope her arms, though wi' a tearful ee:

O Poverty! O Poverty! that Love should bow to thee!

Stanza I. 3. " Though he was weel in love,"―make the Pentameter of this." Though he himself a lover knew what love was." Line 4 may be omitted.

Stanza II. 1, 2. By money ignorance becomes wise, knavery honest (pius): the grey head-provided only there be money, -is golden as before.-3. Make two lines of this, inverting the clauses.-Omit line 4.


EXERCISE XXXVI. (same continued).

But wait a wee! O Love is slee, an' winna be said Nay;

It breaks a' chains except its ain, but it maun hae its way.

Auld Age was blind, the priest was kind; an' happy as can be,

O Poverty! O Poverty! we're wed in spite o' thee!

1. Wait a wee! "nil desperandum."-" and winna," &c., refuses to be conquered.-3. Kind, 66 non durâ mente," abl. quality.-4. Thou wast powerless (nil poteras) against us, Poverty.-5, 6. Thou wast powerless against us (Poet. Orn. (1), whom one couch holds happy-as-kings (regum sorte potitos), in spite of thee (te renuente).

Come, worthy Greeke, Ulysses, come,
Possesse these shores with me:
The winds and waves are troublesome,

But here we may be free.

Here may we sit and view their toyle,

That travaile in the deepe :

Enjoy the day in mirth the while,

And spend the night in sleepe.



2. Cf. Part II. Exercise XLV. 8.-3. The English may broken up.-4. Here we may spend (fas agitare) our days without care (adj.).—5, 6. Here from the land we may view the efforts of mariners, whose (queis. Aids v.) vessel is in distress (laboro), &c., &c.

EXERCISE XXXVIII. (same continued).
Faire nymph, if fame or honour were
To be attain❜d with ease,

Then would I come and rest with thee,
And leave such toyles as these:

But here it dwells, and here must I
With danger seek it forth :—
To spend the time luxuriously

Becomes not men of worth.


1, 2. Fair nymph (nympha, decus nostrum), if fame lay open to the easy-going (lentus): if honour were within-the-grasp-of (corripiendus) the sluggard:-5, 6. But I must seek fame through the midst of toils. The path of honour leads but through dangers.-7. Spend luxuriously, "luxu foveo."-8. That sloth becomes not men of-worth (egregius).

EXERCISE XXXIX. (Longfellow).

The day is cold and dark and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary :
The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall:

And the day is dark and dreary.

My life is cold and dark and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary ;
My thoughts still cling to the mouldering past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,
And my days are dark and dreary.

Be still, sad heart, and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the Sun still shining:
Thy fate is the common fate of all;

Into each life some rain must fall,

Some days must be dark and dreary.

Stanza 1. 1. Dreary cold (pl.) saddens, &c.-2. Never weary, "irrequietus."-3, 4. These two lines make the Hexameter, and part of the Pentameter, which is completed by line 5.—Is dark and dreary, "flet sine sole."

Stanza II. 3. Thoughts cling, "hæret amor." Omit "mouldering."

Stanza III. 1. Cease repining, "mitte querelas."-3, 4. (One

line.) Thy lot is the common one of the world: each has (see Part I, Exercise XXIV. 3, note) his own stormy-weather.

EXERCISE XL. (Barry Cornwall).

Lady, sing no more!

Science all is vain,

Till the heart be touch'd, lady,
And give forth its pain.

'Tis a living lyre

Fed by air and sun,

O'er whose witching wire, lady,

Faery fingers run.

Pity comes in tears

From her home above,

Hope, and sometimes Fear, lady,
And the wizard-Love.

Each doth search the heart
To its inmost springs;
And when they depart, lady,

Then the Spirit sings.

N.B. In this Exercise every two lines of English are to make one line in Latin.

Stanza I. 2. Science, "ars canendi."-3, 4. Unless the heart be touched-and-give-forth (mens mota resolvat) its anxious burden.

Stanza II. 2. Fed by, "alumna.”—A living lyre, “animata chelys."-3, 4. It sings when touched by fairy fingers (divino pollice).

Stanza III. 2. Home above, "cælum."-Pity, "pietas."—4. And the wizard Love adds himself as a companion.

Stanza IV. 1, 4. They each in its own turn search the heart (præcordia) thoroughly: nor does the soul sing at-liberty (resolutus), except when they fly away.

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