Зображення сторінки

For the past eighteen months the Wautoma Union School has been under the faithful supervision of J. M. FRY, Esq., who has also been the instructor in the young gentlemen's department. For the winter term, Miss JANE A. THOMPSON, & graduate of the New Haven Female Seminary, Conn., has had charge of the young ladies department. Mrs. C. M. AVERY, has presided over the primary department during the same term. On the last day of the term there was a public examination in the various departments that was very well sustained, exhibiting faithfulness in the teachers, and progress on the part of the pupils. In the evening of the same day the Court-House was densely crowded to witness and enjoy the exhibition in the reading of original compositions, and the speaking of orations and colloquies, original and select, as well as singing, to the great gratifica. tion of the intelligent audience.

I might have mentioned, also, that at the close of the public exhibition an affecting scene was witnessed, in the presentation, to each of the teachers in the higher departments, by their pupils, of elegant copies of the Holy Scriptures, and their parting interviews. The "great awakening" to the concerns of religion, all over our land, has reached this place, and teachers and pupils have participated in it here. The song of adieu, at the close, was sung amid such emotions on the part of teachers, pupils, and spectators, it was with difficulty, and with many tears' performed.

Mr. Fry, with many other excellences, has the happy faculty of winning the confidence and affection of his pupils, which is the great secret of success in a teacher. The Wautoma Union School is somewhat in arrears in these "hard times, and all the departments may not be opened for the summer term, and the term may be shortened. There is a good degree of harmony among the patrons of the school, and if the past is a presage of the future, this school will continue to be one of the great ornaments of this county, on the borders of the Indian land. Yours, A. C. LATHROP, WAUTOMA, 1858.

Pastor of Cong'l Church.

We learn from the Watertown Democrat, that the Board of Education of that city have adopted the following resolution:

"Resolved that the reading of the Bible, and all forms of prayer, be discontinued in the pablic schools of this city, and that a copy of this resolution be furnished to each of the teachers forthwith."

Soon after the passage of said resolution, the teachers laid before the Board a plain and temperate statement of their position, which, in their view of the matter, rendered the action of the Board unnecessary and uncalled for, and closed with a request that the Board recede from their action.

From this statement we learn that the exercises ordered to be discontinued, were held before the regular opening of the schools in the morning, and that no children whose parents had objections to such exercise, were compelled to participate in them, or even be present during their performance.

With this view of the case we think the action of the Board hasty end ill-advised, and trust that wiser counsels will prevail. The Democrat, in a well-written leader, takes decided ground against the action of the Board, and sustains the teachers in disregarding the order

We trust the day is far distant when public opinion will sustain a school board, in any city in this State, in forbidding a teacher to read the Bible or pray with his pupils.

The following, from the Democrat of May 27th, speaks for itself:


To the Editor of the Watertown Democrat:

At a metting of the teachers of the public schools of this city, the following resolution was passed by an unanimous vote. By publishing the same you will confer a favor upon those who adopted it. W. C. SANFORD.

Resolved, That we tender C. B. SKINNER, Esq., late Superintendent of Schools for this city, our sincere thanks for the kind and courteous treatment which characterized his intercourse with us as teachers, and also for the warm support he always accorded to every measure tending to elevate and improve the schools under our charge.

From what we know of Mr. Skinner, we judge that the noble tribute paid him by the teachers of Watertown is well deserved.

The following communication was handed us by the State Superintendent, to whom it was originally addressed. We trust to hear from some of our correspondents in regard to the mat. ter. While we have often regreted the want of attention to the matter of pronounciation on the part of many otherwise excellent teachers, we have always supposed that in the spelling. book referred to, the sounds of the words were marked according to Webster,

"In my connection with schools and teachers, I find a very general failing in pronunciation, and have taken considerable pains to correct the fault. The spelling-books we use (Sanders), have but few of the sounds of letters in words marked, comparatively speaking. We have nearly all of us contracted habits which Dr. Webster gives no authority for. Now what we want for our teachers and pupils, is to have them give the sound of every letter according to its mark, and then place spelling-books before them as well marked as Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, and we shall have a better show for improvement in the matter. If you think my objections to our present spelling-book are well founded, and that the interests of our common schools depend in a measure upon an improvement in spelling-books, will not you, or some one (higher in estimation and authority than a humble town superintendent) agitate the subject, recommend something better or try to have the present defect remedied."


The Iowa County Teachers' Association held its semi-annual meeting at Mineral Point, on May 4, 5, 6, 7, and from the report of the proceedings in the Tribune, we conclude that the session was both interesting and profitable. The report is too long for insertion, and we can only give the following resolutions, adopted by the Association:

"Resolved, That this Association recommend a better attention to the study of History and Natural Philosophy in the common chools of this county.

"Believing, as we do, that our common schools are the true basis of popular education, and the principal agents to preserve society from ignorance and vice; and, moreover, believing that teachers' associations and institutes are calculated to give a high and healthy tone to our public schools, by promoting the best system of teaching—therefore,

"Resolved, That we confidently recommend teachers' associations and institutes as the very best means to secure a correct and uni'orm system of instruction in common schools; and as such deserving the encouragement of all teachers and friends of education.

"Resolved, That we bear most willing attestation to the able manner with which Messrs, B. C. Rogers, W. L. Griffith, of Beloit, and Mr. Pickard, of Platteville, have discharged the duties of instructors, and we gratefully tender them our thanks for having so largely and freely contributed to make the time pass pleasantly and profitably to all present.

"Resolved, that we tender our thanks to the citizens of Mineral Point generally, for the lively interest they have manifested, in the proceedings of the Association while in session.

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The annual meeting of the Association is to be held in Mineral Point on the first Tuesday in October next.

We have the following cheering news from Ripon:

The schools of our city are in a flourishing condition. The school in the first ward is under the management of Miss MARTIN, without any assistant. The school in the second ward is under the supervision of Mr. Srowe, principal, and Miss S. W. Abbott, assistant,

Most of the schools in this part of the country have commenced the summer term, and, as a general thing, I think that the average qualification of teachers is better than heretofore.

Α. Μ. ΜΑΤ.


MESSRS. EDITORS:-As you invite communications from superintendents, in relation to the condition of schools under their charge, I take the liberty to communicate such information as I have been able to collect, since my election to the office of superintendent.

The Town of Harrison, Calumet Co., is rather a new town, but is already quite thickly settled with permanent settlers, most of them having large families. The number of children entitled to school money, returned last fall from five districts, was 177, which would average a fraction over 85 scholars to each district. There are three new districts organized recently, and they are making arrangements for summer schools. The returns of children this fall will add to the above number at least from 50 to 75. The number of schools kept last winter in our town was only three. This was owing to some bad management, that we hope may never occur again.

School number three, the smallest in town, was decidedly the banner school of not only this town, but of many others around. The teacher, Mr. BALLOU, is a very ardent and enthusiastic lover of his business; children from other districts, destitute of schools, flocked to the "Brick School-house" in Clifton, and made common cause in the general strife to excel.

School number six (all German children), under the management of Mrs. NEWMAN, an old and experienced teacher has made remarkable progress in the English language, the strife to obtain precedence in the several classes among these children, was very amusing. The spelling would do honor to many an advanced English school; their recitations in geography (studied only the past winter), for accuracy and promptness, excelled most of the like exercises in the more advanced schools. You will observe a very commendable degree of decorum and persevering industry manifested in the schools composed of German children. They seem to realize the importance of educating themselves in our language.

School number one, I am sorry to say, did not present so flattering a prospect. The teacher was quite a young man, and might have done well with a little encouragement and advice from the right source; hence the importance of having competent and efficient superintendents. Too little attention is paid to this, the most important department of public affairs. When will this great evil be remedied? But some say that many of the towns are destitute of men of sufficient qualifications. To such towns I would say, look around and see if you have not s "Bill Bunker" among you, who, I venture to say, would make a better superintendent than many of those who profess to have drank deep at the "Piorian Spring." HARRISON, 1858.



MR. EDITOR:-As you express the belief that it will interest the readers of the Journal to learn the condition of the schools in the various parts of the State, I will contribute my mite. For the last five years I have acted for the town in my present capacity. When I first entered upon the duties of my office, I found a miserable state of affairs; poor school houses, poor teachers, and poorer books. No system, no interest. Annual meetings were only attended to keep down the taxes. Any body was competent to keep school. Now, for the most part we have better houses, better interest, a uniformity of books, and are trying to get a uniformity

of teachers, by meeting weekly and discussing questions calculated to improve the mind, and to enable teachers to act in concert. More anon, if acceptable.



This body held their semi-annual Institute at Horicon, commencing on Monday, April 19th. A. Pickett, vice-President, presided. The attendance was small, owing to the severity of the weather, but despite these unfavorable circumstances, much interest was elicited, and the determination formed not to "give up the ship," but to perpetuate the Association, and hold another Institute at Horicon in September next. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, A. Pickett, of Horicon; vice-Presidents, N. G. Harvey, of Beaver Dam, and Chapman, of Mayville; Secretary, James O. Pierce, of Horicon; Treasurer, H. M. Parmalee, of Oak Grove. A. PICKETT, President.

J. O. PIERCE, Secretary.

[S. H. Carpenter, Assistant State Superintendent, was present, and lectured twice during the Institute.-ED.]

BEAVERDA M, May 11th, 1858.

Your pardon for trespassing npon your patience so often, but the deep interest I feel in our common schools is my only excuse.

The position I have taken in regard to communications in school-rooms is, in my experience and opinion, correct, and they can be stopped by any live teacher. I have just commenced a summer term of school, and have, as yet, had but an average of about 55 scholars, and for a few terms past it has been a great school (?) it has the name of being a "hard school," but I am going to undertake to stop communications among them, and perhaps, if you wish, and I should succeed, will write you how I get along, also how I do it, and some suggestions in teaching from real experience, also on government of schools, etc. Yours, etc., A. H. EDWARDS.

[Send us, by all means, your method of hindering communications, and your experience in regard to any other matter connected with schools or education generally.-ED.]

Our Advertisers.

We have always been so cramped for room that we have postponed from time to time calling particular attention to our advertising department. We trust that our readers, especially District Boards, whose duty it is to decide what text-books shall be used in our schools, have not been as negligent in the matter of reading as we have in the matter of noticing the advertisements of books appearing from month to month in our pages. In the closing Number of the volume, it seems particularly appropriate that we should publicly recognize those who have borne us company through the year now past.

The firm advertising most largely in our columns (W. B. SMITH & Co., of Cincinnati) are well known in the West as the publishers of the Eclectic series of school books, embracing M'Guffey's Speller and Readers, Ray's Arithmetics and Algebras, and Pinneo's Grammars. Prompt and energetic business men, their books seem to partake of similar characteristics, being systematic, clear, and well arranged, adapted to those for whom they are designed, and graded in such a natural manner as to lead the learner gradually, step by step, up the hill of science. In a preceding Number of this Journal we gave our opinion in regard to the Readers (the revised series), and from actual experience in the school-room, we can conscientiously recommend Dr. Ray's Arithmetics and Algebras as complete works of their kind, and valuable assistants to the teacher.

The Grammars we have never used, and consequently can not speak so definitely in regard

to them, but they seem to be carefully elaborated and well arranged, and are, no doubt, a great improvement upon the older style of grammar.

The estimation in which M'Guffey's Readers are held by the teachers of Iowa County, is shown by the following resolution adopted at the late meeting of their association at Minera! Point:

"In as much as we have observed, in the schools in this county, the general want of a more perfect graded system of Readers-Therefore, on examination, this Association do recommend the adoption of M'Guffey's 'New Series of Readers.'"

The National Series, published by A. S. BARNES & Co., is extensively used in the schools of the State, and needs no commendation from us. Most of the books advertised by A. S. B. & Co., were recommended to be used in our schools by Hon. A. C. Barry, late State Superinten. dent. Prof. Davies' Mathematical Work, taken as a whole, are not excelled by any mathemati cal works published. Clark's Grammar is a valuable work, and is making friends wherever it is used. Parker's Philosophy is acknowledged, on all hands to be the best school book of the kind in the West, and Porter's Chemistry is, in many respects, equal to the Philosophy. Parker & Watson's Readers are not so well known as some older series, but they are worthy of s careful examination by every district officer and teacher who wishes to be up with the times in the matter of reading. Monteith & M'Nally's Geographies are valuable treatises, and are adopted in many of the best schools of the State.

The books published by SHELDON, BLAKEMAN, & Co., are not so well known in this State ss some of the others mentioned, but they are none the less good and useful books.

Prof. Loomis' Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene, is not excelled by any work of its size devoted to those important and interesting branches of study. The Exhibition Speaker and Gymnastic Book, should be found in every school-room, and Prof. Stoddard's Arithmetics are models of precision and philosophical analysis. The mental arithmetic is perhaps the best work of the kind in use. We speak from experience gained in the school-room. Webb's Readers we have never used, but a hasty examination of a part of the series satisfied us that they are well adapted to aid in securing that rare thing in this country-good readers.

The Botanies and Globes advertised by Messrs. MOORE & NIMS (formerly Merriam, Moore, & Co.) have had no rivals hitherto in our State, and need fear none, as their reputation is now so firmly established, that it would be very difficult for any new candidate for public favor to succeed in displacing them.

We earnestly recommend parents and teachers to introduce the study of botany into the summer schools, and no district should let another annual meeting pass by without providing the means to purchase a pair of ten or twelve inch globes. Geography or Astronomy can not be properly taught without globes to illustrate the lessons, and as a means of awakening in the mind of the scholars an interest in those studies, they are invaluable.

Ross' School Furniture is just the thing for the new school-houses in process of erection all over the State, and it would "more than pay the cost to remove the old seats and desks from many of our school-rooms, and supply their places with the neat and substantial ones, exact representations of which may be found on the fouth page of the cover of the Journal.

BLISS, EBERHARD, & FESTNER, booksellers of this city, have a well-selected stock of school and miscellaneous books, and keep all the best papers and popular magazines, which may be obtained of them in advance of the mail. They are enterprising, go-ahead men, keep gentle. manly and accommodating clerks, and are worthy of the patronage of all who do business in


Goodrich's Geography and History, published by GEO. W. ELLIOTT, we have not seen, but if

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