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SHEBOYGAN FALLS, Oct. 15th, 1857.

The association met at 10 a. m., agreeably to notice. Few members being present, in consequence of the inclemency of the weather, the exercises were not conducted according to programme.

On motion of Mr. D. J. Holmes, J. B. Pradt was appointed President, and E. L. Bissell, Secretary pro tem.

On motion, Mr. McMynn, of Racine, was invited to take charge of a drill exercise in Arithmetic; after which the association adjourned to half-past 1, p. m.

HALF-PAST ONE O'CLOCK, P. M. Association met, and the Executive Committee reported the programme of business, which, on motion, was laid on the table, pro tem.

On motion, the association resolved itself into a Teachers' Meeting for the afternoon, under charge of Mr. McMynn. Exercises were conducted in Spelling, Reading, Mental Arithmetic and Grammar; connected with which were discussions upon the methods of teaching those branches.

The weather continuing very inclement, it was, on motion, and after some discussion, voted to hold no evening session; whereupon the association adjourned to 9 o'clock the next day.

Association met at 9 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Pradt.
Minutes of the Secretary were read and approved.


Executive Committee reported a programme for the morning.

W. O. Butler, acting Treasurer, reported the association 25 cents in his debt. Report accepted.

The Librarian being absent, Mr. Pradt reported for him; when, on motion, it was voted to re-distribute the books among the members.

On motion, the association proceeded to ballot for Vice-President, that office being vacant.

N. C. Farnsworth, President, appeared and took the chair.

On motion, the bailoting for Vice-President was suspended till the constitution was read and new members were enrolled; when, the balloting being resumed, W. O. Butler was, on the second ballot, declared elected.

The chair proceeded to appoint the following committees :

On Unfinished Business-Messrs. Holmes and Barrows, and Miss Gerrels. On Resolutions-Messrs. Pradt and C. B. Briggs, and Miss Bissell.

On Criticisms-Mr. Pradt and Misses Ross and Wheeler.

To obtain Members-Messrs. Butler and S. H. Briggs, and Miss Breed. W. O. Butler read an Essay on "The Conditions affecting Intellectual Progress."

Association then discussed the late act of the Legislature, making provision for normal instruction in academies and colleges. Remarks were made by Messrs. Pradt, Butler and Holmes, when, on motion, the discussion was suspended, to be resumed at the call of the Executive Committee.

An Essay was then read by Miss Emily Gerrels; subject, "Does Study injure the Health?”

An exercise was then conducted in Mental Arithmetic by Mr. Holmes (in place of Mr. W. E. Cady, who had been appointed, but was absent); after which, the methods of teaching long division were discussed.

On request of the chairman of those committees, Rev. Mr. Canfield was added to the Committee on Resolutions, and Mrs. H. N. Smith to the Committee on Criticism.

The Committee on Criticism made a report, which gave rise to some pleasant discussion.

Committee on Resolutions reported the following:

Resolved, That more attention should be paid to the character and regulations of amusements in our schools.

On motion, the Chair called upon the members to speak five minutes each, whereupon Messrs. Holmes, Pradt and Butler, and Miss Bissell, made remarks; when the resolution was adopted.

Executive Committee reported a programme for the afternoon.

The Committee on Criticism again reported, and the association adjourned to 1 o'clock, p. m.


Association met, and an Essay was read by Miss E. L. Bissell; subject, "Why we need Female Schools." Brief remarks were made upon the subject of the Essay by Rev. Mr. Canfield and others.

An Essay was then read by Miss E. Lundegreen.

Mr. C. H. Briggs conducted an exercise in Geography, and Map-Drawing and other methods of teaching Geography were then discussed.

The subject of Physiology being next in order, suggestive remarks were made, at the call of the Chair, by various members, particularly upon the proper ventilation of school-rooms and the effect of continuous reading and study upon the eyes and brains of young pupils.

D. J. Holmes read an Essay; subject, "Higher Branches.”

The association then took up the subject of instruction in Natural History in public schools. Remarks were made by various members upon the moral and intellectual benefits of the study; and some suggestions were offered by Miss Palmer and others in regard to the collection and preservation of insects, birds, &c.

On motion, Mrs. H. N. Smith was requested to make suggestions in regard to laying out grass-plots in school-house enclosures, and the transplanting of trees, shrubs, &c.

Committee on Criticism again reported, when the association adjourned to 7 p. m.

Association met according to adjournment.


The Committee on Resolutions reported the following:

Resolved, That the late act of the Legislature, providing for normal instruction in colleges and academies, is insufficient to meet the wants of the schools.

After some remarks by Geo. S. Graves, Esq., and others, the resolution was adopted.

The following resolution was then presented:

Resolved, That the Legislature should provide for the establishment of a system of Normal Schools.

The resolution was discussed by Messrs. Pradt, Graves, Holmes, Farnsworth and Canfield; when Mr. Graves offered the following amendment:

Resolved, That the Legislature ought to devote the whole income of the School Fund to the support of teachers for our common schools.

Both the amendment and the resolution were lost; whereupon the following resolution was offered and adopted:

Resolved, That Teachers Institutes' should be encouraged by legislative aid.
Adjourned to 9 o'clock, next day.


Association met at 9, a. m., Rev. Mr. Canfield in the chair, who opened the exercises with prayer.

Minutes were read and approved.

On motion, the number of teachers present was ascertained, and reported to be twenty-seven.

On motion of Mr. Holmes,

Resolved, That some member of the association visit each district in the county, and obtain information and statistics in regard to the schools, and that the Secretary furnish forms for the purpose, and receive the returns and report the same at the next meeting.

Whereupon various members volunteered to serve in the foregoing capa


Committee on Unfinished Business presented the following resolution, which had been laid over for future discussion at the meeting in February last:

Resolved, That this association is in favor of the creation of the office of County Superintendent of Schools.

After remarks by Messrs. Pradt, W. E. Cady, Holmes, Butler, Gerrels, J. H. Cady, and Canfield, the resolution was adopted.

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Mr. Gerrels then conducted an exercise in Written Arithmetic.

On motion, the Executive Committee were requested to call the next meeting of the association at Greenbush.

On motion, the 5th article of the constitution was so altered as to require

the Executive Committee to "arrange business for all meetings," instead of the "annual meeting" merely.

Mr. Pradt resigned as member of the Executive Committee, and Mr. M. M. Flint was appointed to fill his place.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $3.25 in his hands. Report accepted. The Committee on Resolutions reported the following, which were adopted:

Resolved, That every teacher is recommended to give moral instruction every day in school.

Resolved, That the State Superintendent be desired to request District Clerks to allow teachers to attend County Institutes, without requiring them to make up for lost time.

Resolved, That this association tender their thanks to Mr. J. G. McMynn, for assistance during part of the session.

The thanks of the association were tendered to Capt. D. A. Reed, for the presentation of a copy of Colton's Gazetteer of the World; and to Mr. Pradt, for a volume containing reports of the State Superintendent and County Superintendents in Pennsylvania, for 1856.

On motion, by Mr. Holmes, Messrs. Pradt, Holmes and Butler were ap pointed a committee to draft resolutions, on occasion of the decease of Sumner L. Pearce, late member of this association.

On motion, voted to extend to the citizens of Sheboygan Falls thanks for their cordial hospitality to the members of the association during the session.

On motion, the Secretary pro tem, was requested to revise and prepare the minutes for publication in the "Sheboygan Journal," the "Evergreen City Times," and the "Wisconsin Journal of Education."

On motion, the President was invited to address the association.

After prayer by Rev. Mr. Pradt, and the singing of the doxology, the association adjourned sine die.

E. L. BISSEL, Sec. pro tem.


BOSTON SCHOOLS.-The Boston public schools have 23,749 pupils, whose average cost of tuition for the last five years was $14.41. For the preceeding five years, (from 1845 to 1850,) the average cost was $15.45. The net expenditures of the city during the year, for carrying on the public schools, including the repairs of the buildings, salaries, furniture, fuel, and all incidental expenses of the same, amounted to $291,406.28. The whole expenditure on account of schools amounted to $441,139.08. The appropriations for the schools for the financial year 185C-7 are as follows: Salaries of instructors, $228,000; incidental expenses, $67,000; repairs, alterations, and improvement of the school-houses, $40,000. Total appropriation, $335,000.

From the Ohio Journal of Education.




In the July number of the Journal, we inconsiderately promised to present an outline of a Course of Composition, adapted, in our judgment, to Classified or Graded Schools. With some diffidence, we now proceed to do so.

It has been remarked that there is danger of empiricism in education. This is too true. There is also equal danger of speculatism, if I may be pardoned the barbarism. All educational methods need to be subjected to

the actual test of the school-room before their absolute correctness can be predicated. In general arrangement they may be correct; in detail, very faulty. The inventer of a mower, or reaper, is obliged to submit his work to trial. What seemed to him an undoubted success, often proves a comparative failure. Difficulties, hitherto unseen, are now detected and obviated; improvement after improvement is added, until finally his efforts are crowned with success. So in education. All true methods must be the joint results of theory and practice. For the truth is, there are very many "lodged spots," hidden hummocks, bogs and stones, in the educational field. The following is, therefore, presented for trial:

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Letter-Making, by the use of slates and blackboard.

Instruction and copies upon board; first in print, and then in script characters. Short and diversified exercises.


Word-Making. This exercise might include-1. The copying of Special Lessons on slates. The writing of the names of familiar objects in the school-room; the names of the different kinds of food, of trees, of flowers, of birds, of insects, &c. (See "Object Lessons," Cin. Schools, page 157 of Journal. 3. The writing of the names of brothers and sisters, of playmates; then the names of persons, with the common titles of Miss, Mr., Mrs., Esq., Dr., Rev., Hon., M. C., M. A., B. A., D. D., LL. D., etc.

Special attention should be given to the correct use of capitals, and, also, the use of the period after abbreviated names. 4. The copying of paragraphs or verses, important maxims, the Ten Commandments, etc.


Sentence-Making.-This exercise may include-1. The writing of short sentences, expressing the use, quality, etc., of the familiar objects, whose names were written in the First Step. (See "Object Lessons.") 2. The writing of sentences, including certain words, previously selected by Teach

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