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men? Different opinions were expressed the other into all that is soft and amiable. by the members; but, in my view the My firm conviction, as the fruit of much most judicious opinion was, that, both in opportunity to observe their progress from capacity and disposition, the children or childhood to full maturity is, that men are, the same family are exceedingly unlike by in fact, far less what they were by nature nature; that parental example and mutual than what they are by education and by affection make them approximate toward grace. each other as they grow up; and that a DR. DWIGHT AS A TEACHER.-Of the judicious education may, by the grace of many instructors of youth with whom it God, bring them all finally to the same has been my happiness to be intimately high standard of excellence. The greatest acquainted, several have presented high prospect which either parents or teachers models of the gift of teaching; but in runhave of accomplishing so desirable a re- ning along the illustrious line, my eye sult, begins with a clear understanding of fastens upon President Dwight, as the one the peculiar powers and propensities of who exhibited this gift in its highest deeach child. One requires the spur and an-gree of perfection. He combined in one other the rein. Is the child selfish and all those elements which have been enustingy? teach him the pleasures of be- merated as composing that extraordinary nevolence, by leading him, unconsciously gift: the benevolence which earnestly to himself, to perform acts of disinterest- longs for the good of the pupils and never edness and generosity. If there were in the tires-the kindness which wins affection same family two boys, of whom one was the authority which secures obedience excessively selfish and the other lavishly-the dignity which insures respect-the generous, we should probably see in the accuracy which inspires confidence-the one the type of the sordid and penurious zeal which awakens enthusiasm—and the man, and in the other of the noble and learning which compels admiration. The generous citizen. But when they grew contemplation of President Dwight, as a to manhood, we might find the first giving model instructor of youth, proves that no largely from principle what careful and splendor of genius or intellect, and no eleeconomical habits of life had enabled him vation of moral attributes, are unapproprito save, and we might find the other either ate to the accomplished teacher. Since it poor, with nothing to give, or scattering is an acknowledged fact, as already menhis gifts profusely and indiscriminately. tioned that men of brilliant powers of mind Parents are apt to be pleased with even an and great learning are sometimes deficient excess of generosity in the young child, in the gift of teaching, while the same facand it appears, indeed, to be an amiable ulty is possessed in a good degree by othtrait of character; but it sometimes turns ers of less distinguished talents, some have out badly. The same indifference which hastily concluded that great talents, and the child manifested to what was his own, especially brilliant genius, are of no use, makes him equally insensible to what be- and quite out of place in the character of longs to others; and along with a profuse the teacher. But in the case of President generosity grows up a want of conscious-Dwight, every one of his great powers, ness of the sacredness of property, and a both moral and intellectual, was in daily corresponding want of strict integrity. exercise, and each contributed its share; I knew a physician who would sometimes a powerful intellect in developing and exmake the most exorbitant charges, es- pounding truth-genius and taste in clothpecially if his patient happened to be rich, ing it with interest and beauty-the elonot because he was eager for money, but quent tongue to persuade the flashing because, in fact, he attached no value to eye to enkindle-the ardent zeal to awakit, and felt it to be of little consequence en enthusiasm-the spirit of love to win whether it was in his patient's pocket or affection-the faith of the Christian takhis own. In the degree of native sensi- ing hold on eternity--stores of learning bility, too, children differ exceedingly; so ample and available, to elucidate every one is the sensitive plant, that shrinks at point in discussion, that each subject that the least touch; another is as impenetra- successively came up seemed to have been ble as iron. Yet a proper education may that upon which the attention of the arm the former for the strife, and mould teacher had been specially employed; and,

indeed-so constantly had the purpose of such an aptitude would enable its pos-
filling to the utmosthis profession of teach-sessor to reach a higher mark; but with-
er, been the grand object of his life-every out the most assiduous and long-continued
important fact he met with in his daily effort to develop and perfect the gift of na-
reading, and every new truth at which he ture, he may see himself greatly surpassed
arrived in his hours of meditation, was by a rival who had not one spark of orig-
carefully stored away, for the benefit of inal genius. And if we look at the ele-
his pupils. It was, moreover, so method-ments of the gift of teaching-benevo-
ically arranged, and so intimately in his lence, authority, the power of forming
memory with the lesson when it was to instinctively, a just appreciation of the
be called out in proof or elucidation of character and genius of the pupil-we see
some truth, that it never failed to present that the life of each consists in action.---
itself when the occasion required its ap- What is benevolence, as an abstraction?
plication. Forty years and more have Is it anything separate from the actual ex-
now elapsed since I sat at the feet of this ercise of the spirit of love? What is au-
great teacher; yet hardly a single day thority, except when used to command?
passes but brings to my recollection some And of what use is such a power of dis-
useful saying of his, so fully did his rich criminating the genius of the pupil, ex-
and varied instructions reach forward to cept when exalted by careful observation?
all the exigencies of the future lives of his We can not indeed promise, that by any
art the purely selfish can ever make good
I imagine that the late Dr. Arnold, the teachers. We would certainly recom-
renowned Master of the Rugby School in mend them to follow some other calling,
England, afforded a similar proof that the than that of training the minds and form-
profoundest and most varied powers of ing the hearts of childhood; but grant us
mind, and the richest stores of intellectual benevolence, and on it we may, by assid-
wealth, are all appropriate to the accom-uous culture and due experience, become
plished teacher, and are all available in the adepts in the art of teaching.
exalted art of training and storing the, But, now, if we would portray the model
opening mind of man for the highest in- teacher, whether gifted by nature, or tri-
tellectual efforts, and for molding the heart umphing by voluntary efforts over all the
to the noblest deeds of virtue; for such is antipathies of nature, we must dip our
the lofty idea that properly attaches to pencil in the purest colors and make the
the exalted profession of teacher.
dimensions of the canvas exceedingly am-
3. THE GIFT OF TEACHING ACQUIRED,- ple. It is required of the instructors of
It remains to inquire, in the third place, children and youth, that they themselves
how far the gift of teaching may be culti-be examples, as far as lies in their power,
vated and improved, where it exists as a of all the excellence which they desire
natural faculty, or how far the same power or expect from their pupils. If, brother
may be acquired, where it was not given and sister teachers, we would make accu-
by nature herself. So far is the gift of rate scholars, we must ourselves be accu-
teaching, considered as a natural faculty, rate scholars. Nothing but entire and
from being sufficient without due cultiva- uniform accuracy on the part of the pre-
tion and improvement, that without these ceptor, either can or ought to command
it is nothing, like genius to the sluggard, the confidence of the learner, who justly
or wealth to the miser; and so far may looks to his teacher for a standard of truth.
skill in teaching be acquired by those who If we would witness, in the young aspir-
are not thus gifted by nature, that no one ant, delight in the acquisition of knowl-
need despair of becoming, by his own vol-edge, we must evince by all our conduct
untary efforts, if rightly directed, a useful the high appreciation in which we held so
and even an eminent teacher. Is it not so great a treasure. If we expect him to
in other arts and sciences? In music, or ply the oar with all his might and main,
poetry, or sculpture, or painting-in math-we must set the example of the highest
ematics, or mechanics, or astronomy, did industry and be most frugal of time. If
any one ever become great by the mere we would aid him to gain the mastery over
possession of genius for that particular art stormy passions, or groveling apetites, we
or science? With the proper cultivation must make it plain that we have gained


the same victory over ourselves. If we would have him acquire refinement of manners, and true politeness, we must regulate our intercourse with all persons, from the child to the man of gray hairs, by the principles of the true Christian gentleman. If we expect that he will heed our advice, to seek above all to become a Christian, we must exhibit in our lives and conversation the beauty of holiness.




THEY may talk as they list, but the Dream
Is the loveliest land of all,
For the beautiful flowers,
Of its perfumed bowers,
On the senses never pall!


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IMPROVEMENT OF TEACHERS. If our schools are to be kept in a good condition and to progress from year to year, they must have good teachers. And these teachers must every year become more and more skillful, as well as more learned. There can be no such thing as standing still, on the part of our schools. If they do not partake, with all branches of business and science around them, of the common impulse and law, and move on, at a pace commensurate with the progress of all else that is good, they must, very soon, fall behind the wants and demands of the community, and be discarded.— But in spite of the increasing attention paid to schools by the legislation of a State; in spite of the increased interest felt by parents and guardians, in the welfare of the schools at which the children of our population attend; in spite of all the labor and study, expended in writing, printing and speaking on this popular topic-education; if the teacher cannot be made to feel the need of constant progression on his part, and of higher and nobler attainments each year in his proLand!fession, the schools cannot long maintain their hold on the affections of the people. "As is the teacher, so will be the school," is a maxim as true now as when Pestolozzi first said it.

Oh! the radient lights of the Dream Land!
How they dance and flicker and flow,

Till their glorions gleams,

And their rainbow beams

Make bright the world below!

Oh the sweet voice of the Dream Land!
How their echoes float along!

Thrilling the ear

With music clear

Of some old remembered song!

Oh! the sunny smiles of the Dream
With the loving words and tones,
Float softly o'er

To that golden shore,
Where the heart's pure gems lie strewn.
Thank GOD for the blessed Dream Land!
Where the loved ones come and go,

Like angels bright

In the holy night

To the slumbering here below.



On a clover blow,

At the twilight darkling,
Sat a fire-fly low,

Innocently sparkling;
Him a toadling base,
Fix'd his deadly eyes on,
And upon his rays

Pour'd his clammy poison.*
"Toad! what have I done?
What designest thou?"
Said the envious one,

"Wherefore shinest thou ?"

To keep the teachers, therefore, on the road of progressive improvement, in their own personal character and habits, they must, like any other profession, be able to have frequent meetings, for discussing among themselves the great principles that lie at the foundation of success in their work. They must often, or at least sometimes, be brought in contact with the leading minds engaged in the same holy calling, and drink in their spirit. They must, in some way or other, be enabled to see new methods tried, and to hear new theories, if such there be, propounded and examined. They must not always read, and study, and experiment in solitude ;— but must come into personal contact with others, and learn how they have studied, what they have read, and how their experiments have succeeded or failed. All these things are absolutely necessary to

It was an old superstition that the toad keep a teacher's heart and soul alive, and could spit forth a deadly poison.

nterested in the work to which he is de

voting his energies, and to which he ought him, and find him more self-possessed and to contribute something of improvement. fluent than is usual with young candiMEETINGS OF TEACHERS.-In order to dates, and he receives the coveted certifido this, teachers must have opportunities cate, which makes him a schoolmaster.of frequent and elevating intercourse with He now enters upon his school without each other. And paid, as they are, so in- any specific preparation for the daily rousufficient wages, and laboring so entirely, tine of the school-room, and is but a poor as they do, for the advantage of the State, substitute for a master or teacher. Learnit is but just and proper that the State ing and communicating knowledge are alshould meet a large share of the expense most as much opposites as the two poles of their gatherings. This has been the of a galvanic battery; and something more spirit which has governed this Legislature is needed than a thorough and accurate it making the annual appropriation for acquaintance with scientific truth, in orthe Teachers' Institutes, and no one ques-der to enable a man to instruct, to govern, tions, but that even a larger sum, ex- and to elevate in virtue the youth compended for this same purpose, would be mitted to his charge. Truth must be still more profitable. mastered. But, in addition, the teacher

It seems highly proper to suggest that should know much of his own nature, and the State by its Legislature, or the sev- of the nature of the human mind; and eseral town committees ought, in some way, pecially should he know how to apply to grant privileges to those teachers, who motives to stimulate inquiry, and how to give up their time for a week, and cheer- arrange methods for gaining and for refully pay their expenses to and from these taining what this inquiry may bring home. gatherings, in order that they may be- Thus the teacher needs much study and come more useful in the school-rooms practice in the methods of communicating where they shall hereafter labor. This truth, in disciplining minds, and in govconsideration might be given in time, as erning and controlling the actions of those is proposed in the State of New York, for whose conduct he is in some good where a week spent at an Institute, and sense now made responsible. To acquire certified to by a County Inspector, shall all this, demands time and opportunity. entitle the teacher to draw the wages of He ought to have been in some seminary an extra week, from the treasury of the especially designed to train him for his district where he shall be employed; or it vocation. might be in the form of a higher certifi- The Teachers' Institute is designed, in cate, which would carry with it assuran- some good degree, to supply the want of ces of greater zeal and enthusiasm, if not such opportunities; and it has done a vast of greater literary and moral qualifica- amount of good. Circulating from place tions. to place annually, it has-while instructQUALIFICATIONS OF TEACHERS.-A tho't ing and inspiriting teachers, and inciting closely connected with this, has reference them to know, to prize and sympathize to the qualifications of teachers. Much with each other, and to love and honor annoyance is caused to school commit- their own profession-accomplished for tees by a lack of proper moral and literary the people of each place, a vast amount of qualifications. The half-educated, and good, by stimulating them to renewed often thoughtless, young man, or woman, zeal in the cause of education, and by urgoffers himself as a candidate for the re-ing them to greater exertions in maintainsponsible post of teacher, with little re- ing all the accessories of a good school.flection, and less preparation, for his mul- Robt. Allyn, Com. Schools, R. I. tiplied duties. He has been over the round of school studies, and has found himself more fluent than his companions; and hence concludes that he is fitted to instruct those younger and less experiINGRATITUDE is the arid desert in the enced than himself. He presents himself region of the human heart, warmed by before a trustee and proposes to teach a the sun and watered by the rains, yet school for a small compensation, and is continuing as bare and unproductive as hired. The school committee examine before. It exhibits the sluggard's garden


in our soul, bearing disgraceful testimony which has poisoned the happiness of both against its owner and itself. It is many homes. Dear friends, be kind to like the barren fig tree in our profession, children. which after years of watching and of cultivating, brings forth no fruit. The dark

[For the Journal of Education.



mine yields ore, and the hard rock gives COURSE OF INSTRUCTION FOR OUR gold; from the worthless shell we gain a pearl, and from a poor worm we are supplied with silk; but from ingratitude we get no return. It is darker than the mine, and harder than the rock; it is more N ancient manuscript, in speaking of worthless than the shell, more mean and Mary Beatrice of Modena, who afungenerous than the worm. Some sins terwards became wife of James II, says: have a specious appearance in the eyes of "For her acquirements she read and the world, whereby men's minds are oft beguiled to call them virtues; but ingrat-wrote Latin and French, possessed some itude possesses not a single redeeming taste in painting and was a proficient in quality. It has no specious appearance, music; but of those royal sciences Geogno fair colour, no bright side whatsoever. It is unmixed evil-essential ever-"only raphy and History, which ought to form evil and that continually." Historians the most important part of the education have not recorded it in any single instance of princes, she knew so little, that when with approbation. Moralists have made her mother announced to her that she was no exceptional case in its favor to admit it sought in marriage by the Duke of York, among the virtues. Poets have not been heard to sing its praises in any nation or she asked with great simplicity who the language under heaven. Philosophers may Duke of York was.' Her mother told have pandered to almost every vice, but her that he was the brother of the King none have pandered to ingratitude. Mer- of England and heir presumptive to the chants have made gains of innumerable

sins, but no man has turned ingratitude realm. But the princess was not a whit to account. It is an unstamped coin of the wiser. She had been so innocently the kingdom of darkness. None acknowl- bred," observes James in his journal, edge it in earth or hell. It is a vice so "that she did not know of such a place as base, that even the vilest of men will burn with indignation when denominated in- England, nor of such a person as the Duke grates. Ingratitude is robbery, for it de- of York." This innocent education seems prives the benefactor of the acknowledg- most barbarous for a princess to say the ment that is his due. Ingratitude is least. In our land all are princes and rebellion, for the King of heaven has com

manded us in every thing to give thanks. princesses. These "royal sciences" are Ingratitude is cruel, how many a heart important to all. To become a good citihas it not broken? Ingratitude is a mon- zen, a sovereign citizen and to be able to ster which, whenever it appears, obtains exercise the rights of sovereignty wisely, universal execration, standing unrivaled in its own peculiar turpitude, alike unex- one must possess a good knowledge of cused and unexcusable. History and Geography. A knowledge How revolting, therefore, how " ex-of the physical features and resources of ceeding sinful" is ingratitude towards God. the globe, an acquaintance with the posiIt deepens the guilt of all our other sins against him, and imparts to each of them tion of different commercial marts, their its own hateful character. ease of access and the sources of their prosperity, a general idea of the form and structure of the earth, its motions and

BE KIND TO CHILDREN.-People seem to forget the keen anguish which an unjust word brings to a child. It rankles deep, their effect upon the climate-a pracand in after years leaves a bitter fruit tical knowledge of the position, shape and

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