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[Translated from the German.]

5th. As soon as you have thoroughly HOW CAN THE TEACHER BEST MAKE mastered the text-book or manual you HIS OCCUPATION CONDUCE TO HIS have adopted as a guide, study other OWN PROGRESS IN SELF-IMPROVE manuals and works which treat of the MENT? same subject.

6th. Endeavor to arrange a course of In answer to this question we give the study which shall exactly correspond to following brief rules: the wants of your particular pupils.

1st. Study the subject you are to teach thoroughly, in all its parts and in all its bearings.

2d. Take as a guide in your teaching some good printed manual, but use it only in proper time and proper manner, and never while you are giving instruc


3d. Accustom yourself to a thorough and exhaustive preparation for every single exercise and every single lesson you give.

4th. Enter in a book all the experiences, reflections, and noteworthy observations you have occasion to make during your lessons.

7th. Study constantly such general works on the subject of education as you can command, pedagogic, didactic, on methods logical and psychological, by means of which your mind can ripen into clearer views, and discover better methods of practising your profession.

These rules all spring from the idea that the success of the teacher in his

school results mainly from his intimate knowledge of the subjects he is to teach, and from the gradual and never-ceasing development of that knowledge, and all its accompanying relations in his mind. It is for this reason we require of him from the beginning the most intimate ac* We suppose this to refer to a class of books quaintance with every subject he is to very common in Germany, but little known teach. In the next place we have counhere, which combine a general treatise on the subject of education, with minute directions for selled him to take printed manuals for his instruction in particular departments. Of these guides, because time, if nothing else, is there is a great variety, often constructed upon usually wanting to most beginners for the very different principles, and laying out very different courses of study. elaboration and publication of his own

guide.* Moreover, it is to be presumed ed which shall admit of no change and no that many guides already printed have a improvement? Therefore no book whatgreater value than the unripe products of ever can take the place of the teacher's a beginner. To lay out a practical course own reason and understanding, and every of instruction of very moderate limits, is writer on education must demand of his in no department a very easy work.-reader that he use his work with thoughtOnly the maturest and wisest teachers ful freedom, and make all changes, are truly competent for it. I am there- whether of omission, addition, or alterafore by no means of opinion that a young tion, necessary to adapt it to the particuteacher is best able to lay out his own lar case.

courses of instruction; though I would And gradually to qualify the teacher not have him all his life-long slavishly for the performance of this duty, I rebind himself to a guide. Only let him quire of him a conscientious preparation choose and follow one in the beginning. of every single lesson, attentive observaThe eclecticism which strives to choose tion during its continuance, and a careful the best parts of all that are known, com- registering of his observations aftermonly destroys all unity, and hinders all wards. In such a way the teacher can steady progress. It is far better to fol- attain to such maturity, that he can low steadily even a one-sided plan, than either dispense with his guide altogether, to have none at all, and only be guided or make one for himself more closely by the supposed temporary wants of one's adapted to his own wants and circumscholars, or even by one's temporary stances. But that he may, during the whims and caprices. I have known lesson, apply his whole attention freely to young teachers who thought they select- his pupils, I require that he make no ed the best parts of many plans, but ge- use of guide or text-book during his renerally nothing came of it. citations. Teachers should instruct, not

I therefore lay great stress upon choos-out of books, but from their own heads. ing out and following some good guide to The true manual for the scholar is the a course of study. Yet the best guide teacher's own thoughtful brain, which, that can be taken seldom suits in every with independent mastery of the subject, particular the special case and particular gives to each pupil just what that pupil school in which it is to be used. Such a needs, milk to one and meat to another. universally applicable course of instruc- The teacher must, if we may be allowed tion has never been made out, and never the comparison, understand the art of can be. Every writer starts from certain cookery. The material from which the given premises, and certain given rela- food is prepared is every where the same; tions of the schools and teachers for but the preparation of it to suit the which he writes, and belongs himself to varying appetite and digestive powers of Time, which never stands still, and is in his charge is his duty, and no one else eternal development. Every individual can do it for him. A good guide points too has his peculiarities, and how can it the way to it, or at best fits the relations be expected that a guide can be compos- and circumstances of most common occurrence, but can never take the place of This is curiously illustrative of the fact that in Germany, a nation of writers, almost the teacher's own judgment and reflecevery schoolmaster of any note makes and tion. In the better Normal Schools, prints school books and guides of his own. therefore, teachers are accustomed from

the beginning to teach from their own therefore, the zeal of a young teacher heads, and not from text-books; the con-proceeds chiefly from the satisfaction he trary is not and ought not to be permitted. finds in completing his knowledge of a It is a slavish dependence in a teacher, subject not yet wholly mastered, and not when he everywhere needs a book. He from love of teaching itself, it may with cannot then give his undivided attention certainty be expected that this zeal will to his pupils; and cramped in the strait- gradually cool. The true zeal which will waistcoat of a manual, free mental acti- not disappear must spring from love of vity becomes impossible. Away, then, teaching itself, from interest in the dewith books from the hands of teachers in velopment of youthful minds. And then recitation time. At home let them study it will be a matter of comparative indifthem carefully, but before their scholars ference to the teacher what it is that is let them labor with free and independent given him to teach. But yet, that he spirit. Of course the rule cannot apply may retain a fresh interest in material to all recitations, but let it be enforced which he has always before him,-for wherever possible, and for all lessons, what earnest man does not feel the need without exception, let there be required of enlarging his views and refreshing his of the teacher a complete mastery of the spirit amidst the constant recurrence of whole subject-matter. It is to accomplish the same objects, and a life-long occupathis, that we give the rule that after hav-tion with the same particulars? let him ing mastered the particular manual he study constantly the writings of other has chosen, he should consult other men upon the subjects which he teaches. works which treat of the same subject, If refreshment is not to be found in noand that he should seek constantly to at-velty of material, then let him seek it in tain to a higher degree of theoretical in- multiplicity of views and variety of treatsight and of practical skill, by the study ment. It is just this that characterizes of the best books which treat of his prothe accomplished teacher, that he underfession. If the teacher by constant re- stands how to treat the same subject in petition of his manual has made it the greatest variety of ways; and herein tirely his own, he will no longer need a lies an advantage of public schools over special preparation in it for every lesson; all private teaching, that it teaches how but the need of extending his views and to consider the same subject from differrefreshing his spirit never ceases. The ent points of view, and after the peculiar manner of a great variety of differing last necessity rather increases with years, and from the difficulty of satisfying the minds,


want, we must explain the frequent fact Finally, the teacher must constantly that so many teachers gradually lose strive for an increase of his didactic intheir early zeal, and finally, perhaps, sink sight and capability. The essence of culinto a dull routine. It lies in the nature ture lies far more in generality and of earnest spirits to teach with extraor- breadth of view, than in the mass of dinary zeal those subjects which they knowledge.* Therefore let every one have not yet fully mastered. But as soon We would not be understood to mean that as they have succeeded in this, their in- the essence of culture lies in a knowledge of clination ceases and their zeal grows cold. general laws and abstract rules without also a knowledge of concrete particulars; for the first The charm of novelty disappears, and rest upon the second, and are hollow and their spirit of inquiry is satisfied. If, empty without them. First and foremost must

study, besides the writings upon single safe, good place in the country, costs departments, works also which are occu- about fifteen dollars. Fact the Second: pied with the investigation and develop-To arrest a boy for a criminal offence, ment of the general subject of education. keep him in the Tombs, try him, confine Of special influence in the culture of the him a year in the House of Refuge, and teacher is an intimate acquaintance with apprentice him afterward, costs about psychology and logic. For psychology, two hundred dollars! Is it not true, that or rather anthropology, is the fundamen- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound tal science of pedagogy, without which of cure? Bear in mind, also, that conthe latter can find no permanent founda- finement in the House of Refuge is a distion. But logic discloses the organiza- grace; the boy may do well in after life, tion of the knowing faculty, whose de- but he has a secret lodged in his heart velopment is the chief business of the which he carries with him in fear to his teacher. We do not mean by logic the grave.-N. II. Phenix.

mere mastery of the abstract formulas of dry compendiums, but a living compre

EDUCATE THE WHOLE MAN.-Everyhension of the forms of the thinking body should have his head, heart and spirit, and a living intuition of the func-hand educated. By the proper educations of the intellect in all the phenome- tion of his hand, he will be enabled to na of its activity. If the teacher com- supply his wants, to add to his comfort, bine in this way the thorough mastery of and to assist those around him. The single departments with the study of the highest object is of great value-everygeneral subject, he will attain at last to thing that hinders us is comparatively that ripeness of culture which will make worthless. When wisdom reigns in the him a master of his profession.-Mass. head, and love in the heart, the man is Teacher. ever ready to do good; order and peace THE "OUNCE OF PREVENTION."-Two reign around him, and sin and sorrow are facts, stated by Mr. C. L. Brace, at the almost unknown. late anniversary of the Children's Aid Society, claim universal notice at the hands

DECISION AND TRUTH.-Whatever you of the press. Fact the first:-To take a think proper to grant a child, let it be little beggar boy out of the streets, keep granted at the first word, without enhim a year at an industrial school, sup- treaty or prayer; and above all without plying him with a dinner daily, and making any conditions. Grant with clothes occasionally, and then get him a pleasure, but let your refusal be irrevocable; let no importunity shake your come the knowledge of individual facts, but we must not rest satisfied with them, but strive to resolution, let the positive "no," when rise to a knowledge of the general laws that once pronounced, be a wall of brass, underlie them. "The more minute he is, the better he will succeed," says an experienced which a child, after he has tried his French pedagogue of the elementary teacher; strength against it once, shall never more and it is true of all teachers. The abstract endeavor to shake. University method is the ruin of teachers who pass from college halls into the schoolroom.They try to teach from above downward, instead of developing from below upward and outward. By general views, therefore, we un

INDOLENCE leaves the door of the soul

derstand anything rather than empty abstrac- unlocked, and thieves and robbers go in

tions and artificial systems.

and spoil it of its treasures.


"I tell you, my dear, it is utterly impossible! Save three hundred dollars a year out of my salary? You don't understand it," said Charles Converse to his young wife.

"Perhaps I do not," replied Mrs. Converse, "but my opinion is very decided." "Women don't understand these things. You think my salary of eight hundred dollars a year a fortune."

"No such thing, Charles." "But eight hundred dollars, let me tell you, wont buy all the world."

"I had no idea that it would; yet, if you only had the habit of saving what you spend for things that you can get along without, you would be able to build a house in a few years." "Build a house ?"

"Yes, build a house, Charles."
"Well, that's a good one!"

The young man laughed heartily at the idea-too chimerical, too absurd, to be harbored for a moment.

"My tailor's bill was sixty-five dol


"I have it here."
"Hats, Boots, and

"I have them all,"
"You have indeed!"

"When you had any new thing, you know I always asked you what you gave for it."

"I know you did, but I will bet five dollars I can name a dozen things that you have not got down."

"Done!" said the lady, with a laugh, as she took from her drawer a five-dollar bill, and placed it on the table.

Charles Converse covered the money. "Capital idea for you to bet against me with my money!" said he good-humoredly.

"If I lose, I will do without that new barege I am to have."

"Nay, my dear, I don't want you to do that."

"But go on."

"Pew-rent, six dollars," said the husband promptly.

"Here it is," answered she, pointing to

"How much do you suppose it cost us the entry in the book.

to live last year?"

"Why, eight hundred dollars, of course. It took all my salary; there is none of it left."

The young wife smiled mischievously

Try again."

"Season ticket on the railroad, twenty." "I have it."

Sawing the wood." "Entered."

Charles reflected a moment; the case

as she took from her work-table drawer a began to look desperate.

small account book.

"You did not know that I kept account of all these things, did you?"

"No, but how much is it?" And Charles was a little disturbed by the cool way in which his wife proceeded to argue the question.

"Four hundred and ninety-two dollars," answered Mrs. Converse.

"New linings for the cooking-stove." "Here-two dollars."

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Cleaning the clock."

"One dollar-here it is."

Mr. Converse began to look hopeless. "My taxes."

"Well, I have not got that."

But that was the only thing he could mention of these necessary expenses that

"Oh, but, my dear, you have not got was not found to be regularly entered on half of it down."

"Yes, I have everything."

his wife's book. Still, Mr. Converse was not satisfied.

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