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because they do not like them. Little ened by mental discipline, would raise her

will we accomplish in a world like this, if we neglect every thing which at first does not seem congenial to our tastes,

far above the butterfly life for which too many seem to be educated.

Woman's quick perception of the right Music may be very well in its place; course, seems peculiarly to fit her for an yet there are those whose ears do not vi- adriser and counselor in the affairs of life. brate to musical sounds--whose voices How many noble brothers might have would make sad discords in the otherwise been saved from degradation and ruin, harmonious strains which fall so sooth-had their sisters been so educated that ingly upon the listening ear. Still less is they could enter into their plans, sympathe number of those who have the time thize with, advise and encourage them. and ability to become good instrumental Their influence is gentle, yet powerful— musicians; and, even if all who desired, powerful in proportion as they possess the could become skillful performers, would knowledge which enables them to sugit not be better to commence with the gest, advise and counsel rightly. science of numbers? It is a fact, to Chemistry is a science with which evwhich our own music teacher adds her testimony, that a previous knowledge of Mathematics very much facilitates the acquirement of musical skill.

ery girl should be conversant, for it is intimately connected with the practical duties of life. Those very "Lords of creation," who are ready to cry "PEDANTRY" at the mention of one who does not think it out of her sphere to study the Natural Sciences, are still more disturbed if each article of food is not prepared in such a way as to render it the most tempting to their dainty palates.

In the dear home circle-that center from which emanates so powerful an influence for good or ill-how much more confidence would be placed in the opinion and advice of a woman possessing a well cultivated mind, than of one whose highest ambition was to be able to draw pretWe are told that ladies have accomty pictures, and write simple lays of po- plished much by writing poetry. This etry! One who devotes her time and at- may be true; yet Rhetoric says, that tention to these, may seem, to a superfi- "Extensive knowledge is the first requicial observer, more accomplished than site for a good writer." The frequency one who chooses the more unobtrusive with which flowers and birds are menpaths of deep study and quiet thought.—tioned by most poetical writers, convince Yet, which, think you, would prove the us that they are not strangers to Botany more intelligent and agreeable companion? and Zoology; while the quantity of odes which would be the better fitted for use- to "The fair silvery moon," oft tempt us fulness? For, we believe, that even to wish that they would study Astronogirls, if rightly educated, might become my long enough to learn that the moon, useful members of society.

"Judge not of woman's heart in hours
That strew her path with summer flowers,
When joy's full cup is mantling high,
When flattery's blandishments are nigh;
Judge her not then! within her breast
Are energies unseen that rest."

though APPARENTLY the largest, was not the only celestial body worthy of notice. Yet vain would be the attempt to form any idea of the number, distances and di- | mensions of those "spacious orbs" without a previous knowledge of Mathematics. Nowhere perhaps does the gentle naEnergies which, if lead out and strength-ture of woman appear more lovely than

in caring for the sick and helpless ones of They are yet in favor of doing the work earth. Think you that a sculptor's name at some future time. Let the friends of was ever as fondly or as proudly cherish- education then hasten it on, and they ed as is that of Florence Nightingale? | will be amply rewarded for their efforts. She is one of the noblest examples of the The school at Hudson is under the true woman which the world has ever charge of Miss Bennett, formerly Princiseen: may her name long be cherished as pal of the primary department of one of a bright ornament to her sex, and her the New York Public Schools. Here, self-denying deeds of kindness be imitated judging from what I saw, "order reigns." by hundreds of worthy sisters. Yet even Each scholar appeared to wish to do just here a knowledge of the science of Pa- right. Miss Bennett and her Assistant thology and other departments of Physi- are undoubtedly doing a good work.-ology, will be invaluable. The Hudsonians may well be proud of

begun, they will deserve to be stricken from the roll of Wisconsin's future cities!

Then let girls study Physiology, Che-their Union School thus favorably commistry, Botany, Astronomy and all those menced. May they never "back-slide." sciences which lead them to look through Should they even halt in the work thus Nature up to Nature's God. They can, they do purify and ennoble the heart, and would fit them better to perform their duties in whatever sphere they move, and as a foundation upon which to build, let them study Mathematics. Platteville Academy, 1856.

M. E. T.

The people of Hudson, of La Cross and of all our fast growing towns, will find that they need to be constantly watching and doing, or their demands will outgrow their school privileges. In every place the people talk well, and are right; but AUGUST 5th, 1856. frequently lack the man to urge them JOURNAL OF EDUCATION:-At La Crosse onward. Some disinterested person is I found a two-story Union School House, needed to visit all our growing towns having one room on the first floor and one over the whole State, to present facts that above, with uninclosed school grounds, may stimulate the people to work.presenting not a very inviting appearance Where is the man? Can the State Ason account of the nightly herding of sociation send one?

cattle in front of the house. When this If, from the above, you find an item for nuisance is removed by inclosing the the Journal, I shall have attained my grounds and the additional work of plant-object in writing.

ing shade trees is done, La Crosse will have taken one more important step in the right direction.

Respectfully, yours,

PROFOUND IGNORANCE makes a man dogmatic. He who knows nothing, thinks

The house affords but half room enough for the scholars who ought to attend the school. The people feel the importance of doing something more, and talk of he can teach others what he has just now building during the present season. learned himself; while he who knows a

The people of Prescott were to build great deal, can scarce imagine any one a house for their Public School this sum-cannot be acquainted with what he says, mer, but owing to some mistake or mis- and speaks for this reason with more diffiunderstanding the work is postponed.dence.

[For the Journal of Education.]

The condition in after life of two individuals educated in the same school in childhood, may be very different, one inay

CONSIDERED THEORETICALLY AND PRACTICALLY. be a humble laborer, an artizan, the other

NO. 4.

may be President of the United States, but neither of them will ever forget the lessons learned in youth, or if elated and Referring to the definition that "edu- rendered dizzy by his elevation the Precation is the proper development of the sident should forget them, the artizan faculties and powers of the individual will not, and the remembrance of the with reference to the relations he sus- past will tend to cherish in him an honest tains," we shall find the Common School independence and elevate his manhood admirably adapted to train the child as a above the "accidents" of his position. future citizen of the republic. Founded The importance of this influence in a as our institutions are on the national system of education will be acknowledgpolitical equality of the race, what place ed by every one who loves and desires is better fitted than the school room to to perpetuate republican institutions.— develope and cherish in the youth of Again, in the school room the child learns our land those sentiments and principles obedience to lawfully conscituted authowhich, growing with their growth, be-rity. In times past we have been noted come a part of their character and make as an order loving, law abiding people; the problem of self government so easy of how long this shall continue to be a rasolution. Gathered from different States,onal characteristic depends upon the and often from nearly every part of Eueducation received by the children of the rope, the children of the rich and the! people. Events occurring in different poor, the cultivated and the ignorant, the parts of the country during the past few polished and the rude sit down to learn! years, seem to indicate a growing di rethe same lessons, listen to the instrucward of obligation in this respect, while tions of the same Teacher and be subthe laxity of family government and the ject to the same discipline in the school! If the Teacher has a well regulat-strike us as dangerous symptoms when precocious development of young America ed mind, if he understands his busincs.) we consider what constitutes the strength how carefully will he use the power of our government, and how inefficient which his station gives him to mould and and powerless it must be when the peoinfluence aright the minds committed to his charge. Judiciously trained they will obedience to law. iple have lost the habit of self-control and learn not merely "book lessons,' lessons of forbearance, of generosity an 102 Trachens--If self control, they will learn to despise mind is a product-if man, in an educameanness, to repress selfishness, to abhortional sense, are the results of the teachdeceit, to love candor and speak the ing procera-then the teacher's work is truth. And more clearly than any thing one of amazing interest and power. And else, if the Teacher be impartial and al- if this is so, further, the less than a milways just, will they learn the radical lion children in the schools of the State equality of all men, notwithstanding dif- of New York are raw material-unsculpference in talent, position, wealth or birth. tured marble, upon which the shape and



fashion of a manly spirit is to be sketched, and the citizen to be formed by the teacher.

If this consideration does not overwhelm the teachers of our schools with a sense of their responsibility, the fact does not arise from any uninspiring interest in the reflection. Do they feel, as they approach the shrine of fifty young adoring spirits, day after day, that they, more than the preacher or politician, or even the parent, in many cases, are building the morals or manners of a future society of the State? If they do not, they have no business with the children.

They should, with solemn and breathless haste, hurry from the school-room, and go to delve in the field, or deal with gross matter in some form, and leave untouched the subtleties of responsive mind-the potent element of States and Empires.-W., in Westfield (Chau. Co.,) Transcript.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
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How brief is life! how passing brief!
How brief its joys and cares;
It seems to be in league with Time,'
And leaves us unawares;
But ever in its pathway mixed
Bright spots and dark abound,
And of each kind I had a bit
When I went "boarding round."

At sixteen, with valiant heart,
The task I did commence,

"To teach young ideas how to shoot"

germs of common sense;

Ah, yes! a mighty task was that,

But very soon I found

That it was not a simple one

To go "boarding round."

The times were diff'rent then than now,
The folks were diff'rent too;
The "master's" path with honor bright
Quite thickly they did strew;

And questions grave, and problems deep,

That did their brains confound,
They always would be sure to keep,
Till he came "boarding round."
Fathers did talk of politics,
Or church affairs propose,

And if my views were not like theirs,
A warm dispute arose.

And some old "prosers" sly and wise,
Did often times propound
Questions that sorely puzzled me,
When I went "boarding round."
The mothers talked of rude young girls,
Of sermons, books and boys,
But always tried their best to add
Unto my earthly joys;

For did I catch the slightest cold,
Or hoarse my voice should sound,
I got a dose of catnip tea (!)
When I was "boarding round."

The girls did talk of everything-
Of parties, rides, and calls;
Of presents and the holidays,
Of beaux and Christmas balls;
Some grave, some gay and mischievous,
(These last I wish were drowned
For sticking pins into my bed),
When I came "boarding round."
Long winter evenings then were passed
With laughing, jesting joy;
Nor did good apples, cider, nuts,
The least that fun destroy;
Or if a singing school was near,
We'd go, and I'll be bound
I've often sung till I was hoarse,
When I was "boarding round."
The dinner basket, every noon,
My willing hand did greet,
And scarcely ever failed to bring
Me something good to eat;
Mince pies were full of raisins then,
Dough nuts were large and round;
Alas! such cakes I have not had
Since I quit "boarding round.
But now those pleasant days are gone,
Life's sunny spring time's past;
The boys I taught have, one by one,
Into the world been cast;

My locks are growing thin and gray,
I'll soon be under ground,
Then I'll forget, and not till then,
About the "boarding round."

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

5. Number of Acres sold, to whom, is
showed by the Schedule herewith
Loans from School and University


Tthe Department, have been held in the Fund on hand May 1st,

These Conventions, under the call of 7. Amount of School and University


Funds received from sale of School

and University Lands,

Interest on Loans,

3. Penalties on Forfeitures,


counties of Walworth, Rock, Greene, La-
fayette, Iowa, Grant, Crawford, La Crosse, 1.
Sauk, Columbia, Dodge, Jefferson, Wau-,
kesha and Milwaukee. By appointment 2.
I was present at these several Conven- .
tions, with the exception of the one held
in Milwaukee. In general they have
been of an interesting character, and have
contributed to awaken wider and deeper
interest in behalf of the cause of educa- 6.
tion. During the coming fall and winter
I hope to visit the most, if not all, the re- 'S.
maining counties, for the purpose of can-
vasing, conferring and advising with the
friends of Common Schools.

A list of appointments will be issued in the succeeding number of the Journal. A. CONSTANTINE BARRY.



School and University Lands sold,

282 95-100 acres.

To whom gold--James Hone 15
$3.100 acres in Columbia co.,
Edward Pratt 237 12-100 acres
in Oata amie county.
Amount Logrod,

School and University Fund on

Income on hand,

9. Certifientesrecalled--Nos. 617,618,
619 and 620, Chippewa county,
issued to L. D. Conery, Feb.
26th, 1856; Nos. 321. 322, 327
and 328, Columbia county, issu-
ed to Henry Merrill, Oct. 1st,


1. Funds received from sale of State
and University Lands,

2. Interest on Loans.

3. Penalties on Foricitares,

4. Fines,


Madison, May 5th, 1956.) To the Sup't of Pub. Instruction-Sir :— In pursuance with the provisions of Chapter 40 of the General Laws of 1856, we herewith make the following Report 7. for April, 1856:

1. Rec'd from sale of School and University Land,

2. Rec'd from Interest on Loans,

$9,237 53

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

684 99
149 94

3,970 00

18,152 76


[blocks in formation]

S. Income on hand,




9,470 50

11,529 58 12,155 52

$13 88 478 41

510 65

8.0 0.00

5,809 20 11,665 00

$7.04 124 83 216 47

132 65

8,200 00

4,047 61 11,092 09



Madison, Aug. 20th, 1956.}

Will the correspondents of this Department be particular in giving the name 16,256 87 of the county, as well as that of the town, in which they reside? This would save much trouble and time in this office, $973 18 and many mistakes as to the matter

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