Зображення сторінки





Principal divisions of demography - Demography both old and
new History of statistics - Celebrated demographers
tion of Vital Statistics - The statistical method - Need of the
statistical method Why statistics are thought to be dry - Can
you prove anything by statistics? - National bookkeeping-Sta-
tistics necessary for health officer National vital statistics
Statistical induction Choice of statistical data...

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Use of graphic methods - Types of diagrams - The appeal to

the eye

Graphical deceptions - Essential features of a diagram

-One-scale diagrams Diagrams with rectangular coördinates
Use of the horizontal scale - Plotting figures by groups -


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Estimation of population

· Arithmetical increase Adjust-

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ment of population to mid-year Geometrical increase

mula for geometrical increase - Rate of increase

rate of growth - Difference between estimate and fact. Revised

estimates - Estimation of population from accessions and losses

- Estimation of future population — Immigration Graphi-

cal method of estimating population — Accuracy of state cen-
· Urban and rural population — Density. of population
Population of United States cities - Metropolitan districts
Classification of population - Color, race, nativity, parentage
Sex distribution - Dwellings and families Age distribution
Census meaning of age — Errors in ages of children - Errors






groups - Persons of unknown age — Redistribution of population
Redistribution for non-censal years Progressive character of


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death-rates in places of different size Errors in published

death-rates- Rates for short periods — Birth-rates — Relation

between birth-rates and death-rates - Fecundity

rates ·Divorce-rates Natural rate of increase

of general rates Marriage-rates, birth-rates and death-rates in

Sweden Downward trend in birth-rates and death-rates

Variations due to population estimates — Birth-rates and death-
rates in Massachusetts — Monthly death-rates in Massachu-
setts - Marriage-rates in Massachusetts Divorce-rates. in
Massachusetts-Limited use of gross death-rates- - The ideal


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Ages of Man - The vision of
Mirza - Computation of specific death-rates-Specific death-
rates by ages and sex Specific death-rates as affected by mari-
tal condition Specific death-rates and nationality - Influence
of age composition of population on death-rate - Influence of
racial composition on death-rates - Chronological changes in
specific death-rates - Fallacy of concealed classification Use of
specific death-rates Death-rates adjusted to a standard popu-


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