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posed National Museum in connexion with the Smithsonian legacy. Whereupon, it was

Resolved, That the Academy of Natural Sciences be respectfully informed that their communication has been carefully considered by the American Philosophical Society, and that the Society has to regret that in view of the indirect and unofficial manner in which the wishes of one of the members of the Government at Washington has been conveyed to them, respecting the disposition of the Smithsonian legacy, the Society does not feel at liberty, at the present time, to take action upon this subject.

A communication from the foreign Secretary of the Royal Society of London, in relation to magnetic observations, was referred to the astronomical committee.

Dr. Dunglison described the appearances which he had witnessed, in company with Professor Silliman, after the tornado of the 31st ultimo, at New Haven. The evidences appeared to him to favour the idea of a gyratory motion. The direction of the storm was from south-west to north-east.

Mr. Justice described a similar tornado which had occurred on the same day, fifteen miles north of Philadelphia, showing evidence, in his opinion, of a similar movement of gyration.


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