Зображення сторінки

Estos álamos crecen á vista de ojo.These poplars grow perceptibly. Lo mismo tengo aquí que en Roma. I am a mere sojourner in this place. Pusiéron los ladrones á la sombra The thieves were secured immediinmediatamente. ately.

Sepa vmd. amigo mio, que tengo de-Know, friend, that I have both teeth dos en las manos. and nails. Esta señorita tiene talento de so- This young lady is very witty indeed, or is full of wit even to her fingers' ends.


Ha hecho mal en despedirle; ese He did wrong to dismiss him; that hombre le valia un caudal. man was worth his weight in gold to him.

Vmd. debe hacerlo sin que sea ne-You should do it with a better grace. cesario rogarle tanto.

be deaf to that.

Este ymd. cierto que no entenderá Make yourself certain that he will ese idioma. Por mas que abra los oidos nada It is vain for me to listen with the entiendo. strictest attention, I hear nothing.

Está entrampado hasta las orejas.
Los oidos me duelen de oir ese


He is over head and ears in debt.
I am weary of hearing that story.

No se ha descuidado de hacer su He did not fail to feather his nest, or negocio en ese destino or empleo. to well line his jacket, in that employment.

Si no me causó lástima el dolor de
aquel afligido padre, á lo ménos
mostré que me la daba.
Espero que tú no te dexarás enga-I

ñar ni coechar de él.

If I was not much moved at the
sorrow of this unhappy father,
at least I pretended to be so.
hope thou wilt not suffer thyself
to be corrupted by him.
feel myself disposed to serve you

Naturalmente me siento apasiona-I
do por las cosas de vmd.
Me sofocó á finezas y á caricias.
No volvió á hablar en la materia.
Llenéme de horror al oir tal proposi-I

Pues qué! tendréis vos valor para
quitar la vida á quien os dió la


Todo mi eloqüencia fué al ayre.

He loaded me with caresses.
He said no more of the matter.

was struck with horror at the

What! are you capable of murdering the author of your own being?

All my eloquence was ineffectual. El cielo echó la bendicion à mis Heaven blessed my efforts. esfuerzos.

Es posible que esteis tan dexado Is it possible that you should be so de la mano de Dios, que hayais

podido dar lugar á una proposicion tan abominable?

Contéle de pe á pa con la mayor I sinceridad todo lo sucedido en este particular.

abandoned by heaven, as to form this abominable resolution?

then made a sincere confession of all that had passed on that subject.

Quanto mejor hubiera sido ahogar-Thou hadst better been stifled in the

te al tiempo que naciste que dexarte vivir para ser un parricida. Bien sabia yo que no tardaria en I

ahorcar el hábito.

Ha vendido sus diamantes por un
pedazo de pan.

Por esa mentira merece vmd. que
le pongan á pan y agua.
Es par y compañero con él.

birth than allowed to live and become a parricide.

knew very well that he would soon relinquish his profession. He sold his diamonds for an old song.

You deserve to be put on bread and water for your lie.

He goes cheek by jowl with him.

No le corresponde ir de par y com-It is not fit for him to be hail-felpañero con semejante gente.

low-well-met with such people.

Su mérito y su caudal le ponen de His fortune and merit put him on par con su hija de vmd. a level with your daughter. Me cansó tanto, que últimamente He tired me so much, that at last le envié á pasear. I sent him about his business. Es ciertamente un maniroto (or el His money burns in his pockets. dinero le hace peso).

Todo va perfectamente; ha caido Every thing goes as well as can be; de cabeza en la trampa. he has fallen headlong into the


No crea vmd. eso; or no se fie Trust not to that; or depend not

vmd. en eso.

La miseria es tanta, que la mayor parte de los criados se hallan sin ocupacion.

upon that.

Times are so hard, that most servants are out of place.

Vmd. le ha pagado en la misma You gave him a Rowland for his


Hubiera hecho bien de volverle la pareja.

Es mas que probable que ha sido

robado, como lo hubiera podido serlo en un camino real. Por último, ha encontrado quien le haga frente.

Vamos, veo que es vmd. hombre de palabra.

Me ví precisado á mandarle callar, para poner fin á sus necedades.

Oliver, or you paid him in his own coin.

You would have served him right

to have given him tit for tat. It is a thousand to one that he has

been robbed, as if he had been in the middle of a wood. After all, he has met with his


Come, I see that you are as good as your word,


Se enredaron de palabras, sin la
menor consideracion por los que
estaban presentes.
Digale vmd. de mi parte que eso
me es muy indiferente.
Sé de buen original que me ven-I
drá á ver hoy.

was obliged to cut him short, to put an end to his ridiculous dis


They began to abuse one another,

without regard to the company.

Tell him from me, that it is all one

to me.

have it from good authority that he is to come and see me to-day.

Caballeros les dixe, mejor será Gentlemen, said I to them, it is partir la diferencia. better to split the difference. No son cumplimientos, sino ex-They are not compliments, but presiones que nacen del corazon. praises that flow from the heart. Es un partido excelente para vmd.; It is an excellent match for you; vaya sin demora á mandar ex- go and have the articles drawn tender el contrato. up immediately.

will see how he extricates himself; he has to deal with his match.

Verémos como se desempeña; We
está tratando con quien lo entien-

Doblemos el paso, que va á llover.
No he hecho mal en volver atras.

Let us go faster, for it will rain. It was not badly done in me to go back again.

Voy allá al instante, y cuente vmd. I am going there this instant, and

que se le traeré.

Si vmd. me saca de este paso le
deberé mas que la vida.
Poco me faltó para pasarle con mi

you may depend upon it that I shall bring him.

If you get me out of this hobble, I

shall owe you more than my life. Little was wanting to have made me run him through with my sword.

Por mi parte, no lo alcanzo; déxc- As for me, I cannot reconcile it ; me vmd. tratar el asunto con él.

Le encontré que corria como un gamo.

let me enter into the subject with him.

I met him running as fast as he could.

Seria necesario que me volviera I must have been a madman to

loco para casarme con ella. Es tiempo perdido cortejarla.

Vaya! que ha dado vmd. un madrugon.

La peste se lleve al insolente.

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Tengo mucha gana de hacer á vmd. I am half inclined to make you anresponsable de ello. swerable.

El comercio está muy parado aho-Trade is very dull now.


Me muero de hambre y de sed. I am extremely hungry and thirsty. Le he estorbado de hacer á vmd. I prevented him from playing a una pegadura. trick upon you.

Ahora está acomodado, or tiene con He is now well off or afloat.

que pasarlo.

Lo principal está hecho, lo demas The most difficult part of the busi

[blocks in formation]

ness is done; the remainder will naturally follow. He was neatly dressed from head to foot.

Si vmd. hace eso, todos lo lleva- If you do it, every body will con

[blocks in formation]

Piqué mi caballo de ámbos lados, I clapped spurs to my horse, who

que no estando acostumbrado á ello, salió como un rayo.

being not used to this discipline,
set forward with the greatest

Yo venia á aplacarle, siempre que I was coming to sooth you, had I found you reasonably offended. vmd. se hubiese ofendido con


Los siguiéron á la pista hasta la They traced their flight to the enentrada del bosque.

Vmd. hará de ello lo que guste.

Verdaderamente me parece que vmd. hace el chocarrero.

Vmd. se reprochará á sí mismo de haber sido la causa de su muerte.

trance of the forest.

You may do just as you like about

I believe, i'faith, that your jests are

You will reproach yourself as the
cause of his death.

De qué se queja vmd.? le he es-What do you complain of? I made choice of you to be the speaker. cogido para que abra el discur


Mediante á que he cometido la As I have danced, I ought to pay culpa, debo sufrir la pena.

the fiddler.

Vmd. les da un precio exorbitante. You value them certainly above

Para qué tantos rodeos?

Vmd. descubrirá el ajo si continua á hablar.

En quanto à él, es mas tonto que un pavo.

Se muerde las manos de haber he

cho semejante trato. Perdia siempre mucho mas de lo que tal qual vez ganaba. Poco á poco me iba aficionando á jugar.

El pasó adelante con su historia. Imaginéme que fácilmente podria derribar su virtud batiéndola con presentes capaces de hacerla bambolear.

Se apoderó de toda mi alma unos rabiosos zelos.

their worth.

Why do you beat the devil about

the stump so much? or stand shilly-shally so long?

If you speak any more, you will end

by letting the cat out of the bag. As for him, he is as stupid as a post.

He is ready to eat his nails for hav-
ing made such a bargain.
lost much oftener than I won.


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conceived insensibly an inclination
for play.

He pursued his history.
imagined I should easily triumph
over her virtue, by presents ca-
pable of shaking her.

jealous fury took possession of
my soul.

So saying I attacked the person who was talking with her.

fled as fast as my legs would car

Sin mas ni mas tiré una estocada al que estaba hablando con ella. Me puse en salvo á carrera ten-1 dida. Sin mas equipage que lo que tenia Having no other baggage than the

á cuestas.

ry me.

clothes on my back.

Vinome la gana de ir á la ciudad The opportunity of travelling to the aprovechando esta ocasion. city inspired me with an inclination to go thither.

Túvele por buen christiano y de I looked upon him as a man of hobuen entendimiento.

El me respondió medio riéndose,
que no gustaba de guisotes.
Poco a poco fuí gastando todo mi

nesty and discretion.

He answered with a smile, that he did not love ragouts.

I gradually spent all my money.

Llegué con el tiempo á ser sus pies I became his factotum.

y sus manos.

Fuera de eso era un furiosísimo co-He was also a great commentator. mentador.


El mismo ilustraba mi entendi-He took care to cultivate my capamiento sin descuidarse en arre- city without neglecting my moglar mis costumbres. Ella se pagó mucho de mi buen hu-She was pleased with my easy and mor y de mi desembarazo. gay disposition. Le tenia por infiel; es muy per-I believed you false; that mistake donable aquel yerro mio. ought to screen me from your reproaches.

Mientras yo estaba representando While I acted this part.

mi papel.

Encargóme algunas comisiones de. She gave me commissions which licadas que pedian actividad y required some address.


A otro perro con ese hueso, replicó Not you indeed, she replied.


sion as a shift, and was offended at it.

Pareciéndola que mi sincera confe-She looked upon my sincere confession era un embusterísimo pretexto, se dió por ofendida. Mudó de estilo conmigo.

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She changed her behaviour towards


She was delivered, and brought into


the world a very handsome girl. But alas! our rejoicings were not of long duration.

will see that every thing be done to every body's satisfaction. In spending our time abroad, we know nothing of what is doing at home.

That is truly admirable! it exceeds all that was ever seen.

was told you had now a fine prospect before you.

Let it be sp for this time, but that is rather too much.

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