Зображення сторінки

Para cortar de repente sus chocarre-In order to put an end to his witti-, rías, saqué mi bolsillo. cisms, I took out my purse. Este jóven echa votos como un car-This young man swears like a retero, or un excomulgado.


Vmd. pone siempre la silla ántes You always put the cart before the de la albarda.


Créame vmd. échese ese vaso de Believe me, this one glass of wine

vino al coleto.

Eso no hace ni mas ni ménos.

will not be amiss.

It is a mere chip in porridge, or it is no manner of consequence at


Esta señorita está siempre con los This young lady is always poring ojos pegados al libro.

over her books.

Ha vuelto con la cabeza hecha una He returned with his head shock

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Uno de los soldados me apuntó con One of the soldier levelled his carasu carabina.

bine at me.

El pueblo congregado pidió á gri-The people, assembled, demanded tos la muerte del asesino. vehemently the death of the murderer.

Pide su dinero de manos y de bo-He asks for his money with might



No le dixe á vmd. que vende con Had I not told you that he did not su cuenta y razon?

Se larga al otro mundo.

sell cheap?
He is going down in the world.

Se teme que se vea precisado á They fear he will be under the netener un duelo con él. cessity of fighting a duel with him.

Apuróme para que le dixese por He pressed me to tell him what

que razon estaba tan quejoso del bello sexô.

Nunca debe un hombre abatirse tanto que llegue á olvidarse de que es hombre.


were my reasons for complaining of the fair sex.

One should never let himself be so much dejected, as to forget that he is a man.

2 T

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• No conviene á una señorita correr It does not become a young lady to de acá por allá de esa manera. ramble about in this manner. Vmd. le ha hecho una buena pega-You have played him a scurvy dura (or un buen chasco), no es trick, have you not? verdad?

No creo que ese chiste sca de él.

Le he dicho en Castellano mi modo de pensar.

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told him my mind bluntly, or flat and plainly.

himself sober..

Es preciso darle tiempo para que You must allow him time to sleep

duerma la borrachera.

Este hombre me atormenta el espí-That man gives me the vapours, ritu, y necesito desembarazarme and I want to get rid of him.

de él.

Es un argumento tirado por los ca- It is an argument lugged in by the


Eso hace erizar los cabellos.

head and shoulders.

That makes one's hair stand on end.

A ese hombre nunca le faltan razo-This man is never at a loss; he nes, y para cada agujero tiene un remiendo.

finds a plaster for every sure.

Un color se me iba, otro se me ve-I grew pale, I blushed, and channia, y veinte veces mudé de sem- ged countenance twenty times at blante quando le ví. sight of him.

Qué vida arrastrada es la suya! no What a cursed life you lead! are tiene vmd. vergüenza? you not ashamed of it?

Como vmd. se queja de mí? no What do you complain of me? he hecho todo con acierto?

have I not done honourably by you?

Vmd. ha hecho un disparate en You have committed a blunder in

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Vmd. me ha dado un planton de You made me dance attendance for

mas de dos horas.

Es sin la menor duda el médico mas hábil de la ciudad. Aseguradia quanto úntes de que no os habeis mudado.

above two hours.

He is, without question, the most

skiilul physician in the city. Make haste, and assure her in per

son of your constancy. Soon after he let fall two streams of tears from his eyes.

De alli á poco dexó caer por sus ojos dos fuentes de lágrimas. Conocí que se habia turbado él all perceived him disordered at these

oir estas palabras.


Se habia casado con una doncella He was married to a young lady of

hermosísima en todo extremo, y de muy principales padres.

extreme beauty, and whose farents were of considerable quality.

pertinent, ask the lady's name?

Se podrá saber, sin pasar por curio-May one, without being thought imso, el nombre de esta dama? Ellos, en fin, son labradores, gente In a word, they are farmers, plain llana, sin mezcla de alguna raza mal sonante.

Por ventura me tencis por mas callado que lo son en este punto los de mi edad?

Y luego de corrida y sin parar, les contó las aventuras que le habian sucedido.

people, without mixture of bad blood.

Do you think I am more reserved than other men of my age?

And thereupon very glibly and without hesitation, he related to them the adventures that had befallen him.

Pasó los ojos por el billete, y cono-Casting his eyes over the billet, he ciendo la letra se quedó confuso. knew the hand, and was struck dumb with confusion.

Me fué forzoso tener cuenta con I was forced to set a watch over my

mis lágrimas y con la compos

tura de mi rostro.

tears and the air of my counte


Todos sus indeliberados movimien-For some time she discovered by her

tos hacian patente lo que pasaba dentro de su corazon.

Pero viendo que duraba algun tanto el silencio, determináron de salir a buscar al músico.

Eso se llama sacar el caballo or salir

del atolladero con grande ayre. Válgame Dios, y qué de necedades

vas ensartando!

Qué va de lo que tratamos á los

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refranes que enhilas?

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God be my aid, what a parcel of impertinences are you stringing! What has the subject we are upon to do with the proverbs you are threading like beads?

Es preciso confesar que hay muge-We must allow that there are wo

res que saben hacer todos los papeles.

El cura, que era hombre bien hablado, se llegó á él, y le rogó que dexase aquella vida tan misera


Salí de mi casa, y me puse en ca

mino de la ciudad.

Santo Dios! dixe prontamente a

mi capote.

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Pude yo prevenir esta traycion? Could I prevent this treachery?

pude por ventura caer en imaginarla? No, por cierto.

could I so much as suspect it? No, certainly.

Mostréme muy empeñado en hacer
todo lo que me pedia.
Qué ofensa te hice? qué palabras te
dixe, ó qué consejos te dí, que no
fuesen todos encaminados á acre-
centar tu honra y tu provecho?

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pretended to engage willingly to do all that she desired. Wherein had I offended you? what word did I ever utter, or advice did I ever give, that were not all directed to the increase of your honour and your interest?

Me contaba por el mas ciegamente She thought me entirely in her inempeñado en promover sus inte



Aquella noche hablé con mi her-That night I spoke with my bromano, y le dixe lo que con nosotros quedaba concertado. Quedé mortificadísimo en ver que I mi zelo se habia vuelto contra mí.

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ther, and told him what had been agreed upon between ourselves. was very much mortified to see my zeal thus turned against myself.

He was carrying a letter to Mrs. B. with whom his master was up to the ears in love.

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or no.

My heart took the alarm at the sight

of her, and I felt my soul smitten
and transported.

But setting aside these reflections,
let us resume the broken thread
of my unhappy story.
He is the darling of the women.
He is already at a loss what shift to

He has a deep purse, therefore he

may easily bear that trifling loss. He cleared up his countenance, and

said, with a smiling air, &c. Though you should even remain the only one on your side, hold out to

the last.

thought that I perceived you ogling her frequently. Whatever he does, he always firetends to be in the right.

Ha caido de cabeza en la trampa. He has run headlong into that


Hemos pasado la noche muy ale-We-spent the whole evening very gres; nos ha dado una comedia. merrily; he was as good as a farce.

No pudo hacernos tragar las pildo-He could not impose upon us.


Esta conversacion me puso de mal This conversation put me out of hu humor, y me fuí al instante. mour; I went out immediately.

Si se atreve á ponerse en mi pre-If he dare appear before me, I prosencia le sentaré bien la mano. En semejante caso, el partido mas corto es darle carta blanca or poder completo.

mise to flog him soundly. The shortest way, in such a case, is to give him full powers.

may see you have, had a fine time of it.

Se conoce que vmd. ha logrado bue-One
nos tiempos.

Le he dicho que abra la puerta que I
da or mira á la calle,
Dexe vmd. á un lado ese ayre or
esas pretensiones que no puede


told her to open the street-door.

Give up those mighty airs you are unable to maintain.

Se ha hecho rico cuidando de la ha- He has made himself rich in macienda de los pobres. naging the affairs of the poor. Entónces me llenó de desvergüen-He began then to inveigh bitterly

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Who the devil have you a grudge against, then?

Todo eso es nada: no vale un quar-All that is good for nothing: it is


Este cocinero nos hizo un dianche

de guisado.

Esos son cuentos de viejas, que pa

ciencia tiene vmd. de escucharlos. Se tira una oreja y no se alcanza la otra eso es el diablo. Haria una bulla del diablo, si llegara á saberlo.

not worth a fig.

This cook made us a very wretched ragout.

They are old women's stories; you

are very good to listen to them. He is hard put to it for a liveli hood-there is the rub.

He would make a devil of a noise, should that come to his ears.

El diablo se lleve á este importuño! The deuce take the troublesome


Es necesario tener pacto con el di-One must be the devil himself, to blo, para salirse con la impresa. succeed in such a business.

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