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for a falsehood, yet the inspired writers themselves declare as much. Paul asserts that he is the god of this world, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience, and the Dragon of Rev. xii. 3, who sought to devour the man-child, is declared in verse 9, to be that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. Now if this scarlet coloured Beast, this last form of Antichrist, this "man of sin," that makes desolate the harlot, and slays the two witnesses, be one entirely animated with the spirit, and full of the malice of the Devil, then we understand why he is said to ascend out of the bottomless pit. In the vision which John had, he appeared to him as Satan coming out of his own place.

And we ask, whether there are not many evidences that a new form of Antichrist is now arising in the very territory over which Rome Pagan formerly, and Rome Papal now, holds the sway? Are there not indications that Europe is in a state of transition from nominal Christianity to Infidelity. The neologism of Germany, the rationalism of Geneva, the socialism of England, the Infidelity of France, the libertinism and free thinking of all the nations, even those formerly most bigotedly devoted to the Roman hierarchy, as Spain and Portugal, gave evidence that the principles of Christianity, whether Protestant or Papal, are fast losing their hold upon the public mind. In fact, the Pope dare not trust himself in the hands of his own subjects, but has to rely on Austrian bayonets to maintain his civil supremacy in the states of the church.

Every popular outbreak, in which the people demand an increase of civil privileges, diminishes the authority of the Romish Priesthood. The progress of liberal principles works death to Romanism. Could this progress advance in a silent and peaceable manner, no fearful consequences would ensue; but being met at every step with opposition from the Romish church, it is not surprising that there is a growing hostility to that church, which, like a stream confined within narrow limits, by dams and embankments, presently arises in its fulness above all obstructions, and sweeps away the


barriers which were reared to fix its bounds. Let us not forget the horrible scenes that the French Revolution presented at the close of the last century, when the Beast about to arise, first shewed his head and grinning teeth, and gave to Popery a specimen of what he would do when his full form was perfected. The influences which led to those horrible excesses, have not ceased to exist in Europe, but have, we fear, ever since been silently extending and gaining strength, so that were a demagogue soon to arise, proclaiming liberty throughout Europe, and inviting the multitude groaning under both civil and ecclesiastic despotism, to arise and shake off these yokes and assert their freedom from all control, the scenes of Paris, it is to be feared, would be reacted throughout all the cities of the continent. We are fully aware that our religious journals often present an entirely different picture of the prospects of christianity in Europe, and are fond of expressing the hope that the Evangelical efforts employed in the different countries are preparing the way for a purer state of the church. Would to God there were ground for such a hope, and that counter influences more numerous and powerful were not at work leading to a very different result. It is always pleasant to contemplate the future through such a medium as will present a bright prospect, but the opinions expressed under such circumstances are apt to proceed rather from our wishes than our convictions. But let us not shut our eyes to the real state of Europe, to its religious and moral condition. The principles of Infidelity are so openly advocated in many leading journals, both literary and political, as to lead many judicious observers to express their fears that ere long the question will be, Shall christianity, under any form, be longer tolerated? and its decision will be referred to the sword.

Finally, it is worthy of our serious enquiry, whether the repose which the church at present enjoys, be not that deceitful calm which sometimes precedes a violent tempest, and which overtakes men generally in an unexpected and unprepared moment. The word of God declares that when the church begins to indulge in

the pleasing prospects of ease and tranqility, or to cry "peace and safety," then sudden destruction cometh upon her as "travail upon a woman with child, and she shall not escape." Is it not the duty, therefore, of the Watchman of Zion, to give increasing study to the prophetic word of God, and observe more diligently the signs of the times. And when they learn from the former, that the Lord has a controversy with all the nations of the earth, that this controversy began with his own chosen people, 1 Peter, iv. 17, and that when they shall have drank at his hand the cup of his fury, it shall be given to the Gentiles, who shall be made to drink it (vide Isa. li. 17-23. Jer. xxv. 15—30,) and from the latter, that the day of the Jews' calamities seems to be drawing to a close, inasmuch as they are obtaining deliverance from the oppressions under which they have groaned in different parts of the earth, and the way is opening for their restoration to their own land, will they not conclude, that as God has been faithful in executing to the utmost his threatened judgments upon the seed of his Ancient Friend, so he will not fail to inflict on all their opprossors and all his enemies everywhere, all the wrath which they have treasured up for themselves against the day of his wrath. We invite particular attention to the last references in Isaiah and Jeremiah, above, as expressing this solemn truth in the clearest and most unequivocal manner; and conclude by expressing the hope that the reader will, like the noble Bereans, "search the Scriptures to see whether these things are so."


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