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Gray appears to have ftudied our

Thou tamer of the human breast.

English poets with great care, and trea

The grounds of this fimile,



Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,

fured up their occafional felicities of Than he; great tamer of all human art. thought and expreffion for future use. Of thefe adoptions into his poetry he has given a fhort lift himself, and feveral more have been fince pointed out by Mr. Wakefield and others. They may borrow that can adorn; and, indeed, had he not applied them with fuch uncommon tafte, or had they been the infertions of an inferior hand, they would have been deemed a kind of

plagiarisms, and no compliment to his Genius and Invention. And as it may add to the amusement of this article, I thall here point out a few more of thefe apparent Imitations, which probably have not yet been noticed.

Quench'd in dark clouds of lumber lie,

And wafte its fweetnefs in the defart air ;

referring to the human abilities that are often loft to notice for want of culture; may be traced very far back. Thomson has it in two lines of his Seafons, which I cannot at prefent recollect; and thus the elegant and pious Bishop Hall wrote long before, in his Breathings of a Devout Soul.

"What goodly plants haft thou (O God!) brought forth of the earth, in wild unknown regions, which no man ever beheld! What great wits haft thou shut up in a willing obfcu

The terrour of bis beak, and lightning of bis rity, which the world never takes no.



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tice of." And Locke, in his Reasonablenefs of Chriflianity, has afterwards remarked, that "Many a good poetic vein is buried under a fhade, and never produces any thing for want of improvement."

I fhall yet add to the fe literary traces, that there are a few paffages in the beginning of the fixty-fecond number of the Guardian, whofe complexion and turn of thought is fo like that which predominates in the above Ode, that the Effay might eafily be fuppofed to have given rife to the Poem. W. C.


THIS fpirited and refpectable Officer, who has of late acquired fo much deferved celebrity, was born in May 1757, and is the fecond fon of the late Right Hon. John Hely Hutchinfon, Principal Secretary of State in Ireland, and Provost of the University of Dublin; a man who, in point of talent and eloquence, was certainly one of the first of his day. The family was ennobled in the perfon of his Lordship's mother : fhe was, in October 1783, created Baronefs Donoghmore, of Knocklofty. On the demise of this Lady, the eldest fon, Richard, lately created Earl of Donoghmore, fucceeded to the Peer

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claffical erudition at thofe excellent feminaries, Eton College and the Univerfity of Dublin, commenced his profeffional career, while very young, as a Subaltern in a regiment of light dragoons on the Irish establishment; from which he was foon promoted to a Company in the 67th foot. In this corps he retained his commiffion for fome years, and, towards the close of the American war, after paffing through the intervening rank, was appointed to the Lieute nant-Colonelcy of the 77th, a Scots regiment.

In the interval of peace, his Lordship turned his attention to the attainment of a thorough knowledge of the laws, conftitution, and interefts, of his country at large, and particularly of the local

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concerns of Ireland; at the fame time, he miffed no opportunity of improving himself, not only in the theoretic, but the practical, knowledge of his profeffion; in the latter view, as well as fpurning a life of inglorious inactivity, he determined to enter as a Volunteer into the Imperial fervice, that Power being then at war with the Turks, and had actually proceeded a confiderable way on his route to Belgrade, recently the principal fcene of action, when a pacification between the Court of Vienna and the Porte neceffarily fuperfeded his defign. This anecdote of Lord Hutchinfon's profeffional cha racter is far from being generally known. To this should be added the relation of another circumstance, which equally evinced his Lordship's magnanimity, and quick fenfe of honour. On the occafion of the General Election in Ireland, in 1783, the reprefentation of the City of Cork was warmly contested: his Lordship's father was one of the candidates, and, in the event, returned elder Member. In the courfe of the election, fome language held by the late Sir John Conway Colthurft, Bart. with respect to his Lordship's father, induced him, whofe filial affection was equal to his fpirit, to call the Baronet to a perfonal account. On hearing that the latter expreffed his determination to engage him with fwords, on their firit meeting, the Noble Lord, then Colonel Hutchinfon, caufed his adverfary to be acquainted, that he was better skilled in the science of defence than, probably, he imagined (Colonel H. being efteemed one of the beft fwordfmen in the kingdom), and recommended the ordinary mode of fighting with piftols. A meeting after wards took place, but which, on account of the interference of the friends of both parties, was not attended with ferious confequences.

The fubfequent remarkable occurrences in the Memoirs of Lord Hutchinfon are certainly of more public interest; they are, however, more generally known, and many of the circumftances of too recent date, and too fully before our readers, to require touching upon in detail; a general notice of fome of thefe will fuffice. A few years after the period last alluded to, he was brought into the Irish Parliament, on the fucceffion of his elder brother to the Peerage, as Reprefentative for a Borough (Taghmon, in the


county of Wexford), in which the family were fuppofed to pollefs the neceffary degree of influence. At the General Election in 1790, the Right Hon. John Hely Hutchinfon refigned his pretenfions for Cork, which City he reprefented more than twenty years, in favour of his fon, till Colonel Hutchinfon, whom he strongly recommended to the Electors, in an eloquent and affecting addrefs, as a most eligible and unexceptionable perfon to fucceed him of courfe, he had the whole of his father's influence in his favour, which then included nearly the whole of the Corporation of Cork, and a refpectable thare of the Government interest. This election was rather a contested one; the candidates being, befides Colonel Hutchinfon, Mr. Longfield (now Lord Viscount Longueville) and Mr. Bousfield, the author of fome political productions, particularly one in answer to Mr. Burke's celebrated "Reflections on the French Revolu tion." The refult of this election was, that Mr. Longfield and Colonel Hut. chinfon were returned by a confider able majority; and from that period his Lordship was a frequent, as well as a very able and eloquent speaker, on the important questions which were agitated in the Irith Parliament.

Soon after the late eventful war had commenced on the Continent, and before Great Britain was forced to become a party, his Lordship repaired to the fcene of action, in order to improve himself farther in the practical part of his profeffion. It is faid, he visited the French camp, while the once popular and fortunate La Fayette commanded on the frontiers; and he certainly was foon after prefent at fome of the most important movements and operations of the Pruflian and Auftrian forces, under the command of that juftly celebrated General, the Duke of Brunfwick.

In a very short time after Great Britain became a party in the war, his Lordship, eager to fignalize himself in the fervice of his country, accompanied his friend, the gallant and much. lamented Abercromby, as a Volunteer, in the first expedition to Holland, or, more properly fpeaking, to Belgium. On this occafion he difplayed an uncommon degree of refolution and intrepidity; and it is faid, he was one of the first to enter the trenches at the fiege of Valenciennes. His Lordship

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was foon after raised to command, and, progreffively, to the rank of MajorGeneral, in which capacity he ferved during the late unhappy rebellion in Ireland; and near Castlebar, a detachment under his command was oppofed to a much fuperior force, chiefly compofed of French veteran troops, led on by General Humbert: in this affair, the enemy had neceffarily the advan. tage; but General Hutchinfon evinced equal bravery and kill in his opera tions, and, not long after, he affiited in the final discomfiture of the French invaders, when they furrendered to the British troops, by capitulation.

In the fecond expedition to Holland, the General was engaged in fervices the most perilous and active, and on every occafion diftinguifhed himfelf in the most honourable manner. In the last general action which took place in the peninfula of North Holland, he fignalized himself with the greatest eclat, when he led on Lord Cavan's brigade, in confequence of that Officer's being difabled in the early part of the action; on this occafion General Hutchinson received a fevere wound in the thigh throughout the various difpatches from the Chief Commanders on that expedition, his name and fervices were mentioned in the most honourable manner, particularly in that from the Royal Duke, defcriptive of the important action just alluded to.


In a few months after this, his Lordfhip had occafion to distinguish himself in a way very different from his recent profeffional exertions, but in an inftance where, perhaps, his talents fhone with a fuperior lustre, and in a fervice of much more importance to his country -we allude to the difcuffion of the great national queftion of the UNION in the Irish Houfe of Commons: on this occafion General Hutchinton really diftinguished himself, and on the 17th of February 1800 delivered one of the moft argumentative, as well as eloquent and impresiive, fpeeches, perhaps, ever

pronounced in a Legislative Affembly. One part, particularly, contains fuch a comprehenfive and irrefragable demon-· ftration of the fuperior policy of Union, that we cannot refrain from extracting it.

"Irish independence, if it could be obtained without guile, it would be the height of folly and madness to aim at. Suppofe for a moment, that there was no honelt prejudice in favour of Great Britain-no common links of attachment-no ties of blood-no fimilarity of manners, laws, and language; yet ftill I fay, that connection and union with Great Britain ought to be the counsel and found policy of Ireland. Surely it is better for you to be a component part of a great and free Empire, than a weak and petty State, alone, and refting on the forbearance of France, a treacherous and despotic Ally!"

His Lordship's fervices in Egypt are too well known, of too recent a date, and too fully before our Readers, through various mediums, to require expofition in the prefent inftance. It is of perfect notoriety, that after the death of his illuftrious and ever-to-belamented precurfor in command, Sir Ralph Abercromby, the rescuing the whole of that valuable country from our late adverfaries is chiefly to be attributed to the gallantry, skill, and profeffional exertions of his Lordship; and of this the Sovereign feemed fo fenfible, that he was honoured with the Red Ribbon of the Order of the Bath worn by his friend and predeceffor; and at the clofe of the Egyptian warfare, which was terminated by General Hutchinfon in a way fo highly honourable to himself, and serviceable to his country, he was honoured by a ftill higher mark of the Royal favour, in being elevated to a Peerage of the United Kingdom by the title of Lord Hutchinton, Baron of Alexandria, and of Knocklofty, in the county of Tipperary.

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the remark made by others, of more acute penetration, may be juft-that all ages will, if accurately examined, be found equal in their virtues and their crimes; and that the world is neither better nor worse now than it was three or four thousand years ago.

It may, however, I think, be with much truth declared, that every age, though on the whole neither more virtuous nor more vicious than the preceding has its characteristic faults and excellencies; which flourish and decay, and gradually give place to others of a newer fathion. It has been said, that the fashionable virtue of the prefent age is Charity; and which I fincerely with may be true, fince there are certainly a multitude of fins among us which require to be covered by her extenfive mantle. Were I to venture to point out the prevailing vice (and which alone even Charity herself can fcarcely be hoped to hide entirely), I fhould name that most heinous one, CONJUGAL INFIDELITY.

My propofition will perhaps be allowed to be juft, when I ate, that under this term of Infidelity I mean to include every breach, the leaft as well as the greatest, of that folemn vow and promife which is made, before the altar of God, by both parties who enter into this important (let not my readers fimile when I fay) this holy ftate of life; and that I confider the fmalleft breach of the love and duty reciprocally due from the husband and the wife to each other, as almost undoubtedly introductive of the greatest crimes that either of them can be guilty of against God and mankind.

with fenfe enough to counterfeit for awhile the most engaging mildness of manners and tenderness of difpofition, after marriage throws off the mafk; and valuing herfelf on preferving her virtue, thinks herfelf at liberty to dif regard every other tie of love and duty. Such a woman perhaps fports with the mifery the creates, and glories in it as a mark of her power over a man whom all her unkindness fails to alienate; and who may ftill continue true to his part of the engagement, from motives the moft pure and praife-worthy.

Nor is the companion to this portrait lefs deferving our compaffion, or (to the difgrace of the men be it spoken) lefs frequent. Here we fhall fee a mild and timorous female, unufed to reproof, unhackneyed in the ways of the world, fubject to the brutal ferocity, the unfeeling haughtiness, of fome tyrannic Lord and Mafter; who, far from confidering her as his equal, his dearest and beft half, the confidential friend of his bofom, and the facred repofitory of his neareit concerns, looks on her only as a flave, destined to obey his will and tremble at his nod; or perhaps as the mere vehicle by which his name and family are to be continued-the subject of his fenfual pleasure and his capricious endearments, at thofe hours when he is tired of gaming, drinking, or other vicious, though fashionable, amuse'ments.

If this be, as unhappily it is, the fituation of many in the married state, it may be worth while enquiring from whence thefe evils fpring; which, indeed, threaten to put an end to the inftitution itself, or at least to deftroy all hopes of happiness in it in the eyes of every reafoning perfon of either fex.

When a heart of true fenfibility and feeling, trained up in the love of religion, of decency, of private domeftic With refpect to the men, when we happiness, and of all thofe nameless fee how early boys are introduced into innocent pleasures which the virtuous public life, and fuffered to be witnesses only know how to value, and which of fcenes" which fhame the conscious they alone are capable of enjoying; cheek of truth"-when we reflect to when fuch a heart places its unadulte. what language they are daily and hourly rated affections on a mind feemingly permitted to liften-when we fee the fympathetic, what chaftened rapture ftate of Youth entirely blotted out from does it not hope to experience in the the book of fashionable life, and the obtaining that partner for life, without fchool-boy fuddenly start up into man whom Adam in Paradife was acknow--when vice is known before it can be ledged by his Creator to be deftitute of complete happiness!-But how cruel is the ting, how bitter the difappointment, when, in lieu of an affectionate companion, the foother of his diftreffes, the calmer of his pains, he finds him*felf united to an artful woman, who,

practifed-Are we any longer to won der at the exceffes into which they are carried headlong? And when the bloom of virtue is deftroyed, and debauchery has obtained complete pof feffion both of his mind and person, rendering them equally difguftful to


the eye and the heart of female delicacy, if at last, by the mediation and importunity of friends and relations, and by the hypocrify of a few weeks, he obtains the hand of a virtuous woman in marriage-what must be expected to be the refult but distaste and difguft? And this will be refented by the offender with all that malignity which the vicious ever bear towards thofe they have injured.

As to the female fex, I wish to deliver my fentiments in a gentler way; and yet there are furely faults on their fides which will not yield to gentle medicines. Among thefe ftand fore. moft, as the leaders of thofe bands most hoftile to connubial felicity, Pride and Affectation- A pride which induces them to confider themfelves as degraded by doing their duty-which looks on every conceffion made to their husbands as unbecoming a woman of Spirit; the most dangerous, and, let them forgive me when I add, the moft deteftable character, when carried to its full extent, ever aflumed by those who were "framed for the tender offices of love". a pride which blinds them to their own defects, and emblazens their excellencies beyond even the flatteries of a lover an affectation which prevents them from acknowledging what they feel, and introduces a caprice deftructive of their own and their hufband's peace. I will proceed no far ther in this unpleasant description.

In addition to thefe, failings, peculiar to each fex, ought to be mentioned the thoughtless indifference with which this molt awful engagement is entered into by the young, the old, and the middle-aged-the utter ignorance before-hand of what they are about to dothe inattention at the time as to what they are doing-and the forgetfulness, afterwards, of what they have done.

For BETTER for WORSE; for richer for


poorer; in fickness and in health; DEATH us do part! Do these words mean any thing? And how are they confiftent with feparate maintenance, feparate beds, feparate pleasures, and that great root of all evils, DiVORCES? If people come together with an intention, or even a confciousness of the poflibility (not to fay the probability), of violating every condition on which they are joined, except thofe contained in the marriage fettlement, the performance of which may be compelled by law, it would be better at once to omit trifling with what is by fome religions efteemed a facrament, and to depend wholly on the Indenture Tripartite.

I know it is often alledged, by both parties, that the tempers and difpofition of the other are fo bad, they can't be borne with; and that it is better to part than to live in perpetual quarrels and uneafinefs. But whence does this complaint arife? From hypocrify before marriage, and want of patience and tenderness afterwards. Let but every married perfon, husbands as well as wives, keep in mind one fingle maxim, and I will venture to infure an end to at least two-thirds of the quarrels which arife between them. This maxim, therefore, I shall give my fair readers as a charm-it confifts of three Greek words, which I will prefent to them in their original character, with the English pronunciation and tranflation; and which if they will repeat three times deliberately before they utter one intended hafty expreffion, they need not doubt of fecuring the love and tenderness of their huf bands; whom I enjoin reciprocally to practice it when it comes to their turn

Ανοχή και Απεχε.
An-ekou kai Ap-ekou.


GARNERIN, from Paris, has, at

M. tended by different Gentlemen,

made two Afcenfions with Balloons in the vicinity of London: the first on Monday, June 28, from Ranelagh; the fesond, from Lord's Cricket Ground, Mary bone, on Monday, July 5.


M. GARNERIN'S STATEMENT. THE morning of the 28th (the day of his afcent) appeared to promise weather fufficiently favourable for the afcent, though it was rainy. At eleven o'clock,


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