Зображення сторінки


Exordium. Propositio Partitio.

2. Credo ego vos, judices, mirari, quid sit, quod, cum tot summi oratores hominesque nobilissimi sedeant, ego potissimum surrexerim, qui neque aetate, neque ingenio, neque auctoritate, sim cum iis, qui sedeant, comparandus.

5 His de rebus, tantis tamque atrocibus, neque satis me commode dicere, neque satis graviter conqueri, neque satis libere vociferari posse intelligo. Nam commoditati ingenium, gravitati aetas, libertati tempora sunt impedimento. Huc accedit summus timor, quem mihi natura pudorque Jo meus attribuit, et vestra dignitas, et vis adversariorum, et Sex. Roscii pericula. Quapropter, vos oro atque obsecro, judices, ut attente bonaque cum venia verba mea audiatis. Fide sapientiaque vestra fretus, plus oneris sustuli, quam ferre me posse intelligo. Hoc onus si vos aliqua ex parte 15 allevabitis, feram, ut potero, studio et industria, judices. Sin a vobis (id, quod non spero) deserar; tamen animo non deficiam; et id, quod suscepi, quoad potero, perferam. Quod si perferre non potero; opprimi me onere officii malo, quam id, quod mihi cum fide semel impositum est, aut prop20 ter perfidiam abjicere, aut propter infirmitatem animi deponere. CIC. pro S. Rosc.

3. Animadverti, iudices, omnem accusatoris orationem in duas divisam esse partes: quarum altera mihi niti et magno opere confidere videbatur invidia iam inveterata iudicii Iuniani: altera tantummodo consuetudinis causa timide et 5 diffidenter attingere rationem veneficii criminum; qua de re lege est haec quaestio constituta. Itaque mihi certum est, hanc eandem distributionem invidiae et criminum sic in defensione servare, ut omnes intellegant, nihil me nec sub terfugere voluisse reticendo, nec obscurare dicendo.. 10 Corrupisse dicitur A. Cluentius iudicium pecunia, quo inimicum innocentem, Statium Albium, condemnaret. Ostendam, iudices, primum, (quoniam caput illius atrocitatis atque invidiae fuit, innocentem pecunia circumventum,) neminem unquam maioribus criminibus, gravioribus testibus 15 esse in iudicium vocatum; deinde ea de eo praeiudicia esse facta ab ipsis iudicibus, a quibus condemnatus est, ut non modo ab iisdem, sed ne ab aliis quidem ullis, absolvi ullo modo posset. Quum haec docuero, tum illud ostendam, quod maxime requiri intellego, iudicium illud pecunia esse 20 tentatum, non a Cluentio, sed contra Cluentium faciamque, ut intelligatis, in tota illa causa quid res ipsa tulerit, quid error affinxerit, quid invidia conflarit. CIC. p. Clu.

Exordium. Propositio Partitio.


and I am not entirely without reliance upon myself. I do 15 not speak in the language of vain-glorious self-complacency when I say this. I know that I am surrounded by men infinitely superior to me in every forensic, and in almost every intellectual qualification. My confidence is derived, not from any over-weening estimate of my own faculties, 20 but from a thorough conviction of the innocence of my client. I know,—and I appear in some sort not only as an advocate but a witness before you-I know-I am as sure as that I am a living man—that from the sanguinary misdeeds imputed to him he shrinks with abhorrence. It is 25 this persuasion-profound, impassioned and I trust that it will prove contagious-which will sustain me in the midst of the exhaustion incidental to this lengthened trial; will enable me to overcome the illness under which I am at this moment labouring; will raise me to the height of this great 35 argument, and lift me to a level with the lofty topics which I shall have occasion to treat in resisting a prosecution, to which in the annals of criminal jurisprudence in this country no parallel can be found. SHEIL.


(3.) And now I will state briefly the mode of proceeding which the managers on the part of the Commons purpose to adopt. I mean, first, to bring before your lordships the crimes, as they are classed, as they arise out of one another, and are of the same species of guilt. I shall first shew your lordships, that the crimes of Mr Hastings had their foundation in that which is the root of all evil, I mean avarice that avarice and rapacity were the ground-work and foundation of all his other propensities; that he shewed it in putting up to sale the native government of India, in 10 putting up to sale the whole landed interest, in setting up a British governor in the person of his own servant. I shall shew how he has plundered, or attempted to plunder, every one. I shall shew what was his conduct to the Begums of Oude-what to the landed interest of Oude, 15 first by residents, next by spies, next by British officers; and, lastly, I shall shew you, that he found out one miserable chief, whose only crime was the prosperity of his country, and that him he endeavoured to torture in a manner, the recital of which is revolting to humanity.


4. Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra ? quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia? Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palatii, nihil urbis vigiliae, nihil timor populi, 5 nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? Patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam iam horum omnium scientia teneri coniurationem tuam non vides? Quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos 10 convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris? O tempora! o mores! senatus haec intellegit, consul videt: hic tamen vivit. Vivit immo vero etiam in

senatum venit, fit publici consilii particeps, notat et designat oculis ad caedem unum quemque nostrum, Nos autem, 15 fortes viri, satis facere rei publicae videmur, si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te, Catilina, duci iussu consulis iam pridem oportebat, in te conferri pestem, quam tu in nos iam diu machinaris. An vero vir amplissimus, P. Scipio, pontifex maximus, Ti. Gracchum, mediocriter 20 labefactantem statum rei publicae, privatus interfecit: Catilinam, orbem terrae caede atque incendiis vastare cupientem, nos consules perferemus? CIC. in Cat. I.

5. Nunc, quoniam ad omnia, quae abs te dicta sunt, T. Atti, de Oppianici damnatione respondi; confiteare necesse est, te opinionem multum fefellisse, quod existimaris, me causam A. Cluentii non facto eius, sed lege defensurum. 5 Nam hoc persaepe dixisti, tibi sic renuntiari, me habere in animo causam hanc praesidio legis defendere. Itane est ? ab amicis videlicet imprudentes prodimur? et est nescio quis de iis, quos amicos nobis arbitramur, qui nostra consilia ad adversarios deferat? Quisnam tibi hoc renuntiavit? To quis tam improbus fuit? Cui ego autem narravi ? Nemo,

ut opinor, in culpa est: sed nimirum tibi istuc lex ipsa renuntiavit. Sed num tibi ita defendisse videor, ut tota in causa mentionem ullam fecerim legis? Quid ergo est? quaeret fortasse quispiam, displiceatne mihi, legum prae15 sidio capitis periculum propulsare? Mihi vero, iudices, non displicet sed utor instituto meo. : In hominis honesti prudentisque iudicio, non solum meo consilio uti consuevi, sed multum etiam eius, quem defendo, et consilio et voluntati obtempero. Nam, ut haec ad me causa delata est, qui

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(4.) How comes this JUNIUS to have broke through the cobwebs of the law, and to range uncontrolled, unpunished through the land? The myrmidons of the Court have been long, and are still, pursuing him in vain. They will not spend their time upon me, or you. No; they dis- 5 dain such vermin, when the mighty boar of the forest, that has broken through all their toils, is before them. But what will all their efforts avail? No sooner has he wounded one than he lays another dead at his feet. For my part, when I saw his attack upon the King, I own my 10 blood ran cold. I thought that he had ventured too far, and there was an end of his triumphs. But while I expected in this daring flight his final ruin and fall, behold him rising still higher, and coming down souse upon both houses of Parliament. Yes, he did make you his 15 quarry, and you still bleed from the wounds of his talons. You crouched, and still crouch, beneath his rage. Kings, Lords, and Commons are but the sport of his fury. Were he a member of this House, what might not be expected. from his knowledge, his firmness, and integrity? Nothing 20 would escape his vigilance and activity. Bad ministers could conceal nothing from his sagacity; nor could promises nor threats induce him to conceal any thing from the public. BURKE.

(5.) Gentlemen of the Jury,-My learned friend, having at considerable length offered to you various conjectures as to the line of defence which he supposed I should pursue upon this occasion; having nearly exhausted every topic which I was not very likely to urge, and elaborately traced, 5 with much fancy, all the ground on which I could hardly be expected to tread--perhaps it may be as well that I should now, in my turn, take the liberty of stating to you what really is the defendant's case, and that you should know from myself what I do intend to lay before you. As my 10 learned friend has indulged in so many remarks upon what I shall not say, I may take leave to offer a single observation on what he has said; and I think I may appeal to any one of you who ever served upon a jury or witnessed a trial, and ask if you ever before this day saw a public 15 prosecutor who stated his case with so much art and

20 leges eas, ad quas adhibemur, et in quibus versamur, nosse deberem dixi Habito statim, de eo, QUI COISSET, QUO QUIS CONDEMNARETUR, illum esse liberum : teneri autem nostrum ordinem. Atque ille me orare et obsecrare coepit, ne sese lege defenderem. Quum ego, quae mihi viderentur, dice25 rem; traduxit me ad suam sententiam. Affirmabat enim lacrymans, non se cupidiorem esse civitatis retinendae, quum existimationis. Morem homini gessi. Videbam, in hac defensione, qua iam sum usus, plus dignitatis: in illa, qua me hic uti noluit, minus laboris futurum. CIC. p. Cluent.


6. Novum crimen, Gai Caesar, et ante hunc diem non auditum propinquus meus ad te Q. Tubero detulit, Q. Ligarium in Africa fuisse, idque C. Pansa, praestanti vir ingenio, fretus fortasse familiaritate ea, quae est ei tecum, ausus est confiteri. Itaque quo me vertam nescio. Paratus enim veneram, cum tu id neque per te scires neque audire aliunde potuisses, ut ignoratione tua ad hominis miseri salutem abuterer. Sed quoniam diligentia inimici investigatum est quod latebat, confitendum est, ut opinor, praesertim cum 10 meus necessarius C. Pansa fecerit, ut id integrum iam non esset, omissaque controversia omnis oratio ad misericordiam tuam conferenda est, qua plurimi sunt conservati, cum a te non liberationem culpae, sed errati veniam impetravissent. Habes igitur, Tubero, quod est accusatori maxime 15 optandum, confitentem reum, sed tamen hoc confitentem, se in ea parte fuisse, qua te, qua virum omni laude dignum, patrem tuum. Itaque prius de vestro delicto confiteamini necesse est, quam Ligarii ullam culpam reprehendatis. . . . . Sed hoc quaero: 'quis putat esse crimen fuisse in Africa?' 20 Nempe is, qui et ipse in eadem Africa esse voluit et prohibitum se a Ligario queritur et certe contra ipsum Caesarem est congressus armatus. Quid enim, Tubero, tuus ille destrictus in acie Pharsalica gladius agebat? cuius latus ille mucro petebat? quis sensus erat armorum tuorum? quae 25 tua mens oculi? manus? ardor animi? quid cupiebas? quid optabas? Nimis urgueo, commoveri videtur adulescens ad me revertar: isdem in armis fui. Quid autem aliud egimus, Tubero, nisi ut, quod hic potest, nos possemus? Quorum igitur impunitas, Caesar, tuae clementiae 30 laus est, eorum ipsorum ad crudelitatem te acuet oratio? CICERO pro Lig.

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