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sion-and, above all, that decisive moment, present, they have been solely occupied in previously announced by yourself, when emulating the greatness of your exploits, by these frozen climes, having become somethe extent of their sacrifices and their devowhat more temperate, favoured your genius tion. We have henceforth the assurance, with the opportunity of completing the vic- that we shall gratify your majesty, by intertory, and compelling the vanquished to ac- mingling the hoinage which we owe you' cept terms of peace. It is not our province with the praises of that great and good peoto blazon forth such performances and mili-ple, as you have so justly denominated them, tary achievements. Whatever claim they-The hearts of all of us are warmed by the may have to our admiration, they have been proofs you have given us of your attachment purchased with tears, and they have inspired to the French. The benevolent expressions the conqueror himself with feelings of com- which you uttered from the throne, have almiseration, which gave him an additional ti- ready filled the poorest cottages with joy. tle to our affection and esteem.We direct In talking of you it will one day be said our views to much more cheering scenes. and it is the finest trait in so wonderful a We would rather follow you to the banks of history-it will be said, He occupied himthat river, where divested of the pomp of self with attending to the condition of the war, two boats received two Emperors, and poor, who dispensed the fate of so many with them the future destiny of the world. kings;' and that, on the termination of a A memorable day! A day to be celebrated long war, you diminished the public bur in all succeeding ages! The two armies thens, whilst your triumphant hand so glodrawn tip exactly opposite to each other, riously dealt forth crowns to those officers of along the respective banks of the Niemen, the first rank who fought by your side. contemplated with astonishment so interest- It is our first duty to bring to your recollecing a meeting, after so many destructive en- tion that magnanimous promise which will gagements; and, in one stent, 400,000 not have been made in vain. Whilst you soldiers composed of Italians and Dutchmen, are creating around you new dignities, and Scythians, Sarmatians, Germans and French. those intermediate ranks, which are the apmen, laid aside their arms, and the two pendages of monarchy, and serve to augment greatest sovereigns on earth, met each other its lustre, it shall be our care to draw closer on a raft in the middle of the river, to adjust our ties with that people, of whose sentipersonally the affairs of their states, and mú- ments we are the interpreters. In this we mally stretched forth their hands as a pledge shall find a species of greatness, which, of their reconcilement. Alexander and Na- though not so dazzling, is not less honourpoleon are united the war is at an end- able. We swear, Sire, that we will never and a hundred millions of people again taste belie the sentiments which have been stampthe blessings of peace. The interests of fu-ed with your approbation. We swear it in turity itself are possibly connected with this celebrated interview, which was so worthy of the youthful successor of the Czars. From one single individual he may have been furnished with more examples, and received more information respecting the art of goVeriment, than formerly could have been. obtained by Peter the Great, when, with the -view of self-instruction, he undertook a long journey, and visited all the courts of his royal conter poraries. The treaty of Tilsit has left behind no further pretence for a continental war. On that great day it was, that kingdoms and nations, the old and the new powers, took their fixed stations - it was then that every thing became solid and secure.The nation, Sire, may now flatter itself with the hope, that it will not henceforth be, for so long a period, deprived of your presence, and that its internal welfare and prosperity will continue to increase under your paternal superintendance. The nation has well merited your care and affection. At every epoch of your government, and particularly the

the presence of that throne which is established on the basis of so many trophies, and which governs all Europe. And how is it possible that you should not receive with a favourable ear expressions which are as remote from slavery as from anarchy-you, Sire, who have availed yourself of the right of conquest only to restore peace to the vanquished, and who have reinstated the inhabitants of the Banks of the Vistula in all their former privileges? The legislative body will zealously, and to the utmost of its power, promote the grand plans of improvement which occupy your mind -Under the eye of your genius we shall speedily see our civil and political institutions perfected. You will affis to them that stamp of greatness and stability which distinguish all the other creations of your superior understanding: and, to crown your glory, genuine freedom, which cannot exist but under a pure moħarchy, will become more and more secure, under the government of an unanipotent prince.

The Address of M. Fabre, President of the Tribunate, was to the following effect:

Sire, Whilst your Majesty was conducting your armies to new triumphs, and overthrowing, creating, and erecting thrones, your faithful subjects, ever animated with confidence in the genius and fortune of your Majesty, calmly applied themselves to their respective occupations, accelerating the periods of the departure of their children for the raies, and feeling no other regret than that of not being able to share in their dangers and glory, and breathing no other wish than for the preservation and happy return of your sacred person.-Grand and astonishing spectacle, which has displayed to the view of the world all your energies, and all our affections!-You have, Sire, seen that extatic affection beam forth, in those unanimous rejoicings, those heartfelt ejaculations, which Deither fear nor Aattery can ever dissemble. Ah! what monarch ever had a greater, a better, claim upon the feelings of his people? In the midst of camps, nay, even in the field of battle, the minutest particulars of internal government were present to the mind of the conqueror of Eylau and Friedland. Already, though the maritime war still continues, owing to the blind obstinacy of our eternal enemy, the prosperous state of our finances his permitted your Majesty to diminish considerably the public burthens; and at the same time, to give that relief to the landholders, and to bestow those embellishments on our cities, which no other sovereign, before you, has been able to accomplish. Thus shall the promise of the most beloved of your predecessors, Henry IV. be performed, nay, exceeded; the wish of his heart is enhanced by the grand conceptions of your mind. Your Majesty has created imperial titles, both with a view of decorating the throne, and of for ever destroying all hopes of the restoration of a feudal government. Those institutions, connected with that of the legion of honour, so fruitful in beneficial results, will complete a grand system of enSo much proscouragements and rewards. perity and so much glory, so many acts of beneficence, renewed in perpetual succession, are duly and strongly felt; but how can that gratitude which they call forth, ever express itself in adequate language? May you, Sire, in the long career which you have to run, establish, on a firm foundation,' the institutions which your creative genius has conceived, for pronioting the glory and hap. piness of your states! May they, on the other hand, daily give your Majesty new and splendid proofs of their confidence, attachment, and devotion!

Both these Deputations were most gra ciously received by the Emperor, and were conducted with the same solemnities with which they were introduced.

The Minister of the Interior, M. Cretet, having been introduced to the Legislative Body, accompanied by the Counsellors of State, Jaubert and Bigot Promeneau, presented a REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE EMPIRE; the principal passages of which are as follows:

Fifteen months have elapsed since the deputies separated, in order to return to their homes. At that period, the Emperor seem ed to have approximated the moment when he was to taste the fruits of his glorious labours-The German princes were, for the most part, in alliance with France; Prussia was in the number of her friends; the differences with Russia were terminated by a treaty of peace; our tranquillity seemed to be equally secured abroad as at home, and nus merous deputations flocked from all quarters of the empire, to bring the Emperor the ho mage of their admiration and gratitude; the heroes of the army had already arrived, to attend the festivals to be given at Paris, in celebration of our victories; the Emperor directed all his attention to the internal affairs of government, when England, accustomed to seck her own safety in the misfortunes of other nations, induced Russia to depart from her pacific inclinations, so lately confirmed by a treaty, and precipitated Prussia into a war, without reason or object, contrary to the judgraent of the ministers, and very possibly against the wishes of the king. An army of 130,000 men, eager for the combat, commanded by the king and his veteran generals, and formed in the school of the Great Frederick, was almost annihilated in the first battle, and the remains were melted down in the ranks of the Russian army. France, calin and tranquil, while the tempest burst, over the distant regions where it was formed, saw the career of internal improvement, commenced during a period of peace, maintained and advanced. conscription-law was carried into effect with more zeal than ever; the taxes were punctually paid; the National Guards gave proof of their ardour; the public spirit retained all its purity; the Government was, in the highest degree, satisfied with the conduct of the Mayors.-The gifts and donations to the various charitable foundations, in the year 1806, formed a capital of 2,300,000 francs, and have been further augmented, by a fresh act of bounty on the part of his Majesty, with a sum of 15,600,000 francs. The sufferers by the maritime war have been in


demnified by his Majesty.-The Government has begun to direct its attention to the means of repressing mendicity. The Abbies of Contevrault and the Ursulines of Montpelier, are already prepared for the reception of the mendicants belonging to the Departments; and that of Villars Cotteret, which is nearly completed, will be sufficient for those of the capital and the environs.-Thirteen thousand four hundred miles of road have been repaired and improved These labours have been bestowed on 6127 highways, leading from the capital to all the frontiers of the empire.-The navigation of eight principal rivers or streams, among these the Loire and Charent, have been improved.-Four bridges have been finished during the last recess, or will shortly be finished. The building of ten others is actively going forward; among which are those of Bouanne and Tours.--Ten canals, almost all of them commenced under the present Government, are worked at without intermission. Of that of the Ourq, about three fourths are completed. The two cuts froin that of Saint Quintin, which unite the Seine with the Scheid, and Paris with Holland, are completed, and will be navigable in eighteen months.-The sea-ports are also restored. Antwerp recovers its ancient celebrity, and will form the centre of the marine service. For the first time, that part of the Scheldt has seen upon its stream vessels of 74 and 80 guns. Fourteen ships are on the stocks at Antwerp.-Flushing, having been enlarged, is now capable of containing a squadron. At Dunkirk, the Western Jetty has been rebuilt. At Cherburgh, the two moles have been raised; and the battery, Napoleon, placed in the sea, defends the barbour, both against the waves and the foe. At Rochefort, a scientific apparatus has been erected, by which vessels of all rates may be taken in or out at any time of tide.Agriculture has also constantly occupied the attention of Government. The national sheep-folds preserve their breeds in the highest purity. The shepherds will be instructed in the art of managing their flocks. The restoration of the breed of horses is in forwardness. Twelve depots of stallions are already formed, consisting of 900 of the finest animals. The breeding of black cattle is placed under regulation in a great number of the departments, and the veterinary schools are in a flourishing state.-A commercial code is digesting, with the view of combining what is good in the regulations of the old ordonnances with existing customs, of protecting credit, and preventing the disgrace

of bankruptcy.-Our cotton-spinning establishments have, within the last 20 months, recovered from their inactivity; and the decree of the 22d of February having reanimated them, they now furnish our inanufactories with those materials which we procured from abroad.-It is the desire of the Emperor, that the capital, become the metropolis of the world, should correspond with its destination. The bridge of Austerlitz is completed; that of Jena is begun. In the Place de Vendome will be erected the Column of the Grand Army; in the Place des Victoires, the Monument of Dessaix; and the Statue of Haultpolt will decorate the Place des Vosges. The Palace of the Legislative Body will be adorned with a collonade; opposite will be erected the Temple of Victory; and in the mid-way will be reared the Sovereign's Palace; so that the Throne will occupy a central posi tion between Justice and Glory. works at Saint Genevieve are going forward; those of St. Dennis are nearly finished.The tomb of Dessaix is erected on the Alps, between France and Italy, where it demonstrates to the two countries the honour conferred by their common deliverer on his comrade and friend, who died amidst those victories which determined the fate of both nations.-The French School is occupied in representing, in marble or on canvas, the most renowned events of the present reign.



The war has retarded the institution of General School: bu; the Emperor will still ́ accomplish the project.-Several colleges have been established in the course of the year, to the number of 35. They contain 18,000 scholars. Of these, 3700 owe their education, in whole or in part, to the national bounty. Twelve schools of jurispru dence are opened, and 12,000 students occupy them at present. The labours of the meridian circle of Barcelona and of Baleares are renewed, and will be continued this winter. The Observatory of the Pantheon is restored, and that of Turin is again devoted to Astronomy-The Emperor desires that the sciences may have a part in the amazing improvements which have been communicated, like an electric shock, to every thing great and interesting. He desires that the French language, now become that of Europe, shall continue to support that noble privilege, by its beauty, its purity, and the interest of its productions. He desires that the public sentiments shall encourage the developement of talents, and preserve the latter against calumny and malignity; and that in future there shall be no sects among the learned; that there shall be no longer


any political parties in the state; that learning and morality, and good taste, shall be in unison, and that these only shall form the basis of their prosperity and improvement. He wishes that criticism should maintain a respect for decency, in order to be useful; and that men who are called to the sublime office of enlightening and improving the community, should depise idle. flattery. The Government cannot but be contented with the members of the church in general. The same purity of morals, toleration, and disinterestedness and zeal, distinguish all ranks, and evince the devotion of all-The Jews, who now bear the name of Frenchmen, in consequence of the gracious dispositions of his Majesty in their favour, have become worthy of that name.-Such is the exposition of the improvements, which have been brought to perfection in the interior, since the last sitting.


other branches of the Government have been advanced, and are now in a situation the most advantageous. France, among all the States of Europe, is the only one without paper-money. Its commerce, interrupted by unavoidable circumstances, preserves the hope of renovation in the seed that; remains. The arms of France have been carried to the farthest extremities of Europe; its influence extended beyond the Bosphorus, and into the centre of the Continent of Asia: the most complete order prevails in our interior, England alone re maining overwhelmed with the burden of the war, and the hatred of nations: these are the effects of one year, and the encouraging prospect of that which is to follow."

M. Fontanes answered: "That the statement which was laid before the Legislative Body was made up from the exploits of a prince who was a lover of peace; that if the Emperor, 500 miles from his capital, had effected so much in favour of his people, and the glory of the arts, what would he not have performed in the bosom of peace, and in the midst of his capital? The improvements that have been introduced into the various branches of the internal Government, prove that the irresistible power which overturus empires and establishes thrones, is still far inferior to that wisdom which has esta blished morality upon the immoveable basis of the law.":

The Legislative Body ordered the Expoition of the State of the Empire to be printed, together with the speech of the President, and that six copies of them be distributed to each Member.

DOMESTIC OFFICIAL PAPERS. BUENOS AYRES:- -From the London Gazetle Extraordinary, dated Downing street, September 12, 1807.0

Lieut. Col. Bourke, deputy quartermaster-general to his majesty's troops serving in South America, arrived this morning at the office of the viscount Castlereagh, one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state, from the Riode la Plata, with a dispatch from · Lieut. Gen. Whitclocke, 'addressed to the Right Hon. W. Windham, of which the following is a copy:


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Buenos Ayres, July 10, 18077 have the honour to acquaint you, for the information of his Majesty, that upon being joined at Monte Video on the 15th of June, by the corps under Brig. Gen. Craufurd, not one moment was lost by Rear Admiral Murray and myself in making every necessary arrangement for the attack of Bues. nos Ayres. After many delays, occasioned by foul winds, a landing was effected, with out opposition, on the 28th of the same month, at the Entinada de Barragon, a small bay about 30 miles to the eastward of the town. The corps employed on this expedie tion were 3 brigades of light artillery, under Capt. Fraser; the 5th, 38th, and 87th regi ments of foot, under Brig. Gen. Sir S. Ach⚫ muty; the 17th lt. drag, 36th and §8th regiments, under Brig. Gen. the Hon. Wm. Lumley; 8 companies of the 95th regt., and 9 light infantry companies, under Brig. Gen Craufurd; 4. troeps of the 6th drag, guards, the 9th light drag. 40th and 45th regiments of foot, under Col, the Hon. T. Malion all the dragoons being dismounted, except 4 troops of the 17th, under Lieut Col. Lloyd. After some fatiguing marches through a country much intersected by swamps and deep muddy rivulets, the army reached Reduction, a village about 9 miles distant from the bridge over the Rio Chuelo; on the oper posite bank of which the enemy had constructed batteries, and established a formida ble line of defence. I resolved, therefore, to turn this position, by marching in two columus from my left, and crossing the river higher up, where it was represented fordable, to unite my force in the suburbs of Buenos Ayres. I sent directions at the same time to Col. Mahon, who was bringing up the greater part of the artillery under the protection of the 17th It. drag. and 40th regt. to wait for further orders at Reduction.-Maj. Gen. Leveson Gower having the command of the right column, crossed the river at a pass called the Passo Chico, and falling in with a corps of the enemy's, gallantly attacked and defeat

Toros; and after a most vigorous and spirited attack, in which these regiments, suffered much from grape shot and musketry, their gallant commander, Brig. Gen, Sir S. Achmuty, possessed himself of the post, taking. 32 pieces of cannon, au immense quantity of ammunition, and 600 prisoners. The 5th. regt. meeting with but little opposition, proceeded to the river, and took possession of the church and convent of St, Catalina. The 36th and 88th regiments, under Brig. Gen. Lumley, moving in the appointed order, were soon opposed by a heavy and continued fire of musketry from the tops and windows of the houses; the doors of which were barricadoed in so strong a manner, as to render, them almost impossible to force. The streets were intersected by deep ditches, in the in-. side of which were planted cannon, pouring showers of grape on the advancing columns. In defiance, however, of this opposition, the 36th regt. headed by the gallant general,

ed it, for the particulars of which action, I beg to refer you to the annexed Report. Owing to the ignorance of my guide, it was not until the next day that I joined with the main body of the army, when I formed my line by placing Brig. Gen. Sir S. Achmuty's brigade upon the left, extending it towards the Convent of the Recoleta, from which it was distant 2 miles. The 36th and 38th regiments being on its right; Brig. Gen.Craufart's brigade occupying the central and principal avenues of the town, being distaut about 3 miles from the great square and fort; and the 6th drag. guards, yth light drag. and 45th regt. being upon his right, and extending towards the Residencia. The town was thus nearly invested, and this disposition of the army, and the circumstances of the town and suburbs being divided into squares of 340 yards each side, together with the knowledge that the enemy meant to occupy the flat roofs of the houses, gave rise to the following plan of attack. Brig. Gen. Sir S. Ach-reached its final destination; but the 88th,

muty was directed to detach the 38th regt. to possess itself of the Plaza de Toros, and the adjacent strong ground, and there take post: the 97th, 5th, 36th, and 38th regiments were each divided into wings; and each wing ordered to penetrate into the street directly in its front. The light battalion divided into wings, and each followed by a wing of the 95th regt. and a 3 pounder, was ordered to proceed down the two streets on the right of the central one, and the 45th regt. down the two adjoining; and after clearing the streets of the enemy, this latter regt. was to take post at the Residencia. Two 6 pounders were ordered along the central street, covered by the carabineers and 3 troops of the 9th It drag., the remainder of which was posted as a reserve in the centre. Each division was ordered to proceed along the streef directly in its front, till it arrived at the last square of houses next the River Plata; of which it was to possess itself, forming on the flat roofs, and there wait for further orders. The 95th regt. was to occupy two of the most commanding situations, from which it could annoy the enemy. Two corporals with tools were ordered to march at the head of each column for the purpose of breaking open the doors; the whole were unloaded, and no firing was to be permitted until the columns had reached their final points and formed; a cannonade in the central streets was the signal for the whole to come forward In conformity to this arrangement, at past 6 o'clock of the morning of the 5th inst the 38th regt, moving towards its left, and the 87th straight to its front, approached the strong post of the Retiro and Plaza de

being nearer to the fort and principal defen ces of the enemy, were so weakened by his fire as to be totally overpowered and taken. The flank of the 36th being thus exposed, this regiment, together with the 5th, retired upon Sir S. Auchmuty's post at the Plaza de Toros; not, however, before, Lieut. Col. Burne, and the grenadier company of the 36th regt. had an opportunity of distinguishing themselves, by charging about 800 of the enemy, and taking and spiking two guns. The 2 6 pounders moving up the central streets meeting with a very superior fire, the 4 troops of the carabineers, led on by Lieut. Col. Kingston, advanced to take the battery opposed to them, but this gallant officer be ing unfortunately wounded, as well as Capt. Burrell, next in command, and the fire both from the battery, and houses proving very de structive, they retreated to a short distance, but continued to occupy a position in front of the enemy's principal, defences, and considerably in advance of that which they had taken in the morning. The left division of Brig. Gen. Craufurd's brigade, under Lieut. Col. Pack passed on nearly to the river, and turning to the left, approached the Great Square with the intention of possessing itself of the Jesuits. College, a situation which commanded the enemy's principal line of defence. But from the very destructive nature of his fire, this was found impracticable, and after sustaining a heavy loss, one part of the division throwing itself into a house which was afterwards not found tenable, was shortly obliged to surrender, whilst the remaining part, after enduring a dreadful fire with the greatest intrepidity, Lient. Col. Pack its

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