Зображення сторінки

MARCH 25, 1881.

Boat compressed air-motor for, 454, 501,
545, 570, 593; duplex, 523; model
screw, 407; motor for small, 374, 403;
sails, 20, 43

Bodies law of falling, 359; maximum
velocity of falling, 623

Bogie: carriage, long, 168; engines, 187,
259, 375

Boiled seaweed, 332

Boiler: 218, 240, 334, 429, 526, 597, 598,
617; capacity, 333, 404, 619; cement for,
264; coil, 170; copper, 265, 406; Cor-
nish, strength of, 169; explosion, Maid-
stone, 411; explosions, boilers and, 205,
565;-kitchen, 497, 519;-Trade-union
congress and, 173; gauge-glass, 333;
incrustation and anti-incrustators, 200;
lamp for model, 456, 550; model loco..
18, 41; model marine, 286, 405; one-
man engine and, 144, 166. 192; power,
597, 619; priming, 243, 263, 283, 311;
scale, 206; scurfing, 145, 167, 191, 243,
263; small, 382; the Duplex forced cir-
culation, 319; top, blacking for, 96, 120;
unused flued, 305, 358; upright, 526;
vertical. 190, 621

Boilers: 325, 427; and boiler explosions,
205; corrosion of, 329

Boiling: soap making without, 369; water
for 100 people, 310, 333, 356, 380, 405,

[blocks in formation]

Borers, diamond, 74

Botany, study of, 490

Botanical specimens, 168

Bottom of the sea, seeing the, 494, 503
Boudet's microphone, 599
Bourdon pedal pipes, 548, 571
Bowls, turning, 358

Brains, physiological signs of, 195
Brake: Achard electric, 146: Clark and
Webb's chain, 37, 67; Clayton's vacuum
on Midland, 591; power, 244; removal
of Smith's vacuum from Midland, 301,
449; Stroudley's regulator for Westing-
house, 118; trials on the L. and Y.R.,
68; vacuum, 523; Westinghouse, 308,


Brake-power, 571

Brakes: continuous, 37, 67, 258, 280, 375,
472, 565, 591, 616;-in France, 401, 565;
Midland trains and, 522

Bramwell, Mr., on the patent laws and
technical education, 269
Brass: "and glass," 613; bronzing, 621;
plating type-metal with, 165; plating
with, 217, 441; rigidity of, 408; run-
ning, in name, 621; silvering, 94, 526,
516; taps, cleaning, 428
Brasswork: frosting, 122, 145, 167, 305,
351, 404; ornamenting, 94
Bread: reform, Dr. Gilbert on, 491; re-
form league, 149, 279, 379, 421; water in
crust and crumb of, 22
Bread-making in Spain, 82
Breaking of the voice, 145
reaking-weight of beams, 407
Breechloader, rust in, 286

Erewers: casks, cleaning, 285, 308; in-
struments, 242, 262, 306; licenses, 427
Brewing: 94, 310, 332, 355, 380, 427; water,
92, 242, 262
Brickmaking, 598
Bricks, 242, 309

Bridges, railway, lateral wind-pressure
and, 67

Fright machinery, 146, 168, 192, 216, 261
Bright's bells, 331

Brisbane, iron shipbuilding in, 592

Bristol expresses, Midland, 455

British Association, 4

Broken strings, 479, 502

Brompton, from Bloomsbury to, 9
Pronze: ancient use of iron and, 154;
casting, 167, 191, 354; French, 354
Bronzing brass ferrules, 621
Bubbles, soap, 431

Buckets, galvanised, 97

Building construction, 242; obstacle to,
594; society, 19

Bulloch's new biological microscope, 390
Bull's-eye lenses, 280, 308

Bunsen: battery, improvement of, 260;
cell, 575, 622

Burette, 90

Burner, Fletcher's gas-cooking, 3

Burners, Sugg's improvement in gas, 27
Bushmen, the crania of, 4

Buttermilk as food, drink, and medicine,


Buying out of the army, 479, 502
CAFFEINE, new process for extract-
ing, 324

Calculating machine, Babbage's, 70. 109
Calves, haust or worm in throat of, 121
Cameo oil-painting, 428

Camera: bellows body for, 18; obscura,
479, 502, 527, 574, 618; photographie,


Candelabra, cleaning, 167
Candle, the new pyrological, 52
Capacity, boiler, 333, 404
Capillarity, influence of in dyeing, 252
Carbines, rifled, 195

Carbon enlargements, 106; in iron, 540;
preparing battery, 550, 595
Carbonic acid in the air of ground, 369;
-making, 596, 618; anhydride, decom-
position of by magnesium, 181

[ocr errors]

Card-case, polishing, 311
Carferal, 285
Carriage: lamps, railway, 412; steam,
engine for light, 408; water, 221, 283,
307, 407

Carriages: long bogie, 168; new way of
working slip, 107

Cart: and wheel making, 366, 439, 485,
597, 606; wheels, heating tires for, 619
Cartes de visite in open, 285
Carving tools, 284
Case-hardened skates, 470
Casks, brewers', 285, 308
Cassegrain reflecting telescopes, 614
Casting: chilled roll, 231; great crucible
steel, 550

Castings: bronze, 167, 351; iron, 427;
spongy, 218; weight of, 454, 501, 522,
545, 593

Cast-steel, welding, 437, 465
Catalogue, Redhill, 539
Cats: as retrievers, 155; wounded, 335
Cavalry, volunteer, 262, 307, 380, 401
"Celestial objects," 11, 13, 207, 257. 298
Cells: bichromate, 92; Leclanché, 358
Cement for boiler, 264; for glass shade,
502; for oven-plate, 20; for terra-cotta,
287; for thermometer, 619; mixing lime
with, 18; oil-proof, 96, 120; Portland,
test for, 169

Centre of moon, 549, 572
Centrifugal pump, 308

[blocks in formation]

Daniell cells, experiment with, 430
Dark spots on Jupiter, 158, 258, 303;
sun-glass, 256; systems, 59;-of the
Algol type, 109

Dark-room lantern, 573, 596
De Locht's pantelephone, 56
Deadening silver, 194, 218
Deal sawing. 120

Death, heat in body after, 310, 332, 355
Debilissima of Epsilon Lyræ, 207
Debts and goodwill, 405

Decay of a science, 494

Deception, a medium of, 9
Deciinal system, 544

Declination, sun's, 298, 348

aestheticism, 615; relations of metals,
395; theories, 495, 518
Clour-blind, spectra of the, 509
Colour-discs in Smyth's "Sidereal Chrom- Decoration, pottery, 484
atics," 516
Deed of gift, 594

Colouring: photos, 94; tin, 143
Colours: photography in natural. 359, 382,
569; Prof. Tyndall on, 204, 332, 355;
spectrum, 380

Defective: binocular, 406; sewing-ma-
chine, 263

Denning's bright spot, 446
Dentist's electro-motor, 191
Dephosphorising process, American view
of the, 435

Comet: 1880-I.. 11; a missing, 590, 613;
Cooper's, 495, 590; Hartwig's, 131, 157;
Pechule's, 422; Swift's, 278
Comets, origin of, 95, 143
Companions: to Epsilon Lyræ, 13: to Designing injector, 623
Polaris, 13, 85; to Vega, 9, 13
Compass: 527; tangent, 380
Compensated watches, 15
Complaint, liver, 97, 121, 166
Composite screw yacht, specification for,

Deposits, feed-water, 355

Depth-gauge, Sir W. Thomson's, 442

[blocks in formation]

Constant battery, 265, 334
Constellations, study of the, 464
Continuous brakes: 37, 67, 258, 280, 375,
472, 565, 591, 616; in France, 401, 565;
in Scotland, 325
Cooking-stoves, gas, 406
Cooper's comet, 495, 590
Copper: boiler, 261, 406; coins, 119, 166;
in alloys, estimation of, 520; sulphate
of, 549, 572; tinning, 502

Copy of manuscript, 218, 261
Copying photograph, 598

Cornish boiler, strength of, 169

Coroner's inquest, 427

Correction collar, graduations on the, 467
Corrosion of boilers, 329

Cotton-seed hulls, use for, 552

Chuck: a grab, 78; eccentric, 91, 115, 139, Cotherstone cheese, 21

Cimbal, the, 374

Cinchona plantations, 155

Circular saw, power for, 597, 598, 620
Circulation, hot-water, 574, 618
Cistern, leaky water, 145, 167
Citric acid, synthesis of, 204
City and Guilds of London Institute, 108
Civil Service, Indian, 41
Clairvoyance: 18, 42, 70, 71, 93, 117, 188;
and transfer of thought, 115, 140; ex-
periments of Prof. Barrett, 145
Clams, 163

Clark and Webb's chain-brake, 37, 114
Clay, fungi and algae in London, 39
Clayton's vacuum brake on Midland, 591
Cleaning: charcoal filters, 332; engrav-
ings, 427; filagree, 284; old swords, 73,
119; scarlet uniform, 334; school desks,
46; white marble, 262, 263
Cleminson's flexible wheel-base carriages,


Clepsydræ for equatoreals, 207, 401, 422
Clerks, bank, 71
Clinometer, cheap, 447
Clip drum, 572
Clock church, striking hours on by elec-
tricity, 404; electric, 572, 595, 618; fluid
driving, 401, 422; gong, 595; noise in
264; pallets, 504; pendulum, 624;
pivots, 549 problem, 121, 167, 194; re-
gulator, solar, 9; sand, 207, 257, 265,
277, 300, 330, 355, 400, 422
Clockmaking, 261
Clock-motions, cheap equatorial, 182
Clockwork motion for boat, 383
Closet, fume, 330
Closet-traps. 242

Cloth, fastening on wood, 611
Cloth-reading, 475

Clond and fog producer, dust as, 411
Clutches, friction, transmission of power
by, 92

Coal: anthracite. 5; evaporative power of,
450, 501; peculiar, 8; working shallow,


Coal-gas: alcohol from, 549, 572; testing,
429, 475

Coal-mines: blasting in, 262, 283, 330, 104,
450, 474; explosions in, 125, 199, 220,
259, 333, 542, 591; fires in, 576
Coating laboratory tools, 281; for wooden
battery, 549, 595

Cock and foot holes, 574

Coil: induction, 42, 121, 333, 477, 478, 618;
intensity, 596; medical, 22, 39, 118
Coils, small, 50

Designs, selenite, 333, 356
Desks, cleaning, 46

Deviation of magnetic needle, 131
Devon safety bicycle, 472, 518, 543
Dew cap, 19

Dewing of the flat, 351, 398
D. H. G. to M. A., 212
Diabetes, 17, 71, 117

Diagrams, indicator, 41, 42, 70. 116, 118,
119, 141, 143, 165, 167, 190, 219, 238, 260,
261, 328, 351, 356, 376, 380, 519, 514, 573,

Dials, resilvering brass clock, 526
Dialysis, 74, 94

Dialyte telescope, 382
Diamond borers, 74
Diaphragm, Mayall's spiral, 558
Diaphragms, iris, 415
Dic-stock, improved, 153
Dies, tapping split, 264, 284, 307
Diet, 455, 476, 502

Difference engine, Babbage's, 157
Diffraction halo, 451

Digestion and temperature, 125
Dimensions of the stars, 109
Dining-table, bad-smelling, 331
Dipper, big, 278

Disc: Reese fusing, 153, 208, 235, 253,
257, 401, 424; rotating for live-cells, 278
Discovery of new planetary nebula, 256
Discs, glass, 422

Disease: germination of, 343; new, 552
Disengaging hooks, 286

Dishes, photographic, 242, 262
Disinfectants in scarlet fever, 624
Dissecting microscopes, 420
Dissolving view apparatus, Hughes's, 272
Distance: of a planet determined by its
transit over sun, 298; transmission of
power to a, 531

Distances, measurement of, by angles, 9,
21, 44

Distemper, an improved, 79

Dissolving views, electric light for, 621

Coupling automatic, 503, 524, 570; rods, Distilled water, 96, 120, 143

[blocks in formation]

Crab, steam, 405

Cradle, electric, 22
Crania of bushmen, 4
Crape veil, 278, 421

Crater: double, N.W. of Fra Mauro, 157,
182; Marius, 494, 540, 563
Craters, lunar, 447, 494
Craze, metric, 423, 444

Creosote for furnace, 427
Cretaceous fossils, from S. of France, 59
Crewe, accident at, 590
Cribbage, 310, 332

Crookes's radiometer, 548, 595
Crosses, Queen Eleanor, 309
Crucible steel casting, a great, 550
Crystallisation of tin, 482

Crystals: natural, 94, 143; nitre, 329; py-
ramidal nitre, 120; snow, under micro-
scope, 208, 310, 331
Cube roots, 425
Cultivation, beetroot, 46, 94
Cupelling, 261

Cupola: 453, 521, 599, 619; foundry, 621
Curaçoa, 527

Curiosities of the voice, 129
Curious problem, a, 588, 597
Current measurement, 147
Curves: for an object-glass, 352; lamp-
shade, 598; railway wheels on, 220, 262,


Cutlery, table, 382

Cut-off in steam engines, most economical,


Cutter-bar and back-rest, 356
Cutters, section, 420

Cutting change-wheels, 623; screws, 22,
195, 219, 241, 597, 619; section, 95
Cycle, the "Ideal," 584, 616
Cycloids, aniline, 370
Cygni: Beta, faint stars near, 234, 277;
Delta, 11, 35, 303;-comes of, 256, 265
Cylinder, noise in, 218, 261, 281
Cylinders: lime, 23, 94; portable engine,
24, 380; removing grease from steam,

DAMAGE by fowls, 17
Damask, weaving, 286
Damp walls, 309

Damper and lever hinges of piano, 218
Dan Quarle, 455

Dogs, how do they find their way? 284
Dolls, 501

Dome of Vienna observatory, 251
Domestic: animals, homeopathic treat-
ment of, 95; labour-saving machine
116; motors, 25;-Ericsson's, 129
Donkey-man, 453, 475, 522

Doors, draught-stopping for, 238
Double crater, N.W. of Fra Mauro, 157;
star near Jupiter, 131; stars, 12;-hand-
book of, addendum to the, 396, 446
Double-edged tools, 13, 66, 160
Down-draught in large hall, 356
Draught, 263

Draught-stopping for doors, 238
Drawing: centres for use with compasses,
146, 168, 192, 217; groups of stars, 50,
94; mechanical, 241, 282, 354; of caturn,
421, 444; pen, Sprenger's patent, 9; with
the microscope, 420

Dressing: skins, 334; tarpaulins, 527
Dried plants, 19

Drill, 194, 219

Drilling apparatus, 479, 550, 622
Drills: mounting in lathe, 236; twist,
423, 427

Drinks, intoxicating, 479, 502
Driving belts, 193, 240, 281, 305;-crossed,
359; clocks, fluid, 401, 422; clocks, sand,
207, 257, 265, 277, 300, 330, 355, 400, 422
Drowning, apparent, 283, 330
Drum, clip, 572

Du Motay's last invention, 50
Duplex boat, 523; express engine, 375;
forced circulation boiler, 319
Dust as cloud and fog producer, 411
Duties, executors, 218

Duty, United States. 451, 521
Dye, new vegetable, 253

Dyeing and curling ostrich feathers, 210;
influence of capillarity in, 252; plumes,
261; silk, 558; straw, 220
Dynamo, Edison's new, 509
Dynamo-machines, small, 352
Dynamometer: Colladon's, 2580;
transmission, 607
Dyspepsia, 20, 43, 72, 142, 190


EARTH, sun's distance from the, 502
Ebonised and gold furniture, 165, 168, 192
Ebonising wickerwork furniture, 168
Ebonite: 42; plates, 18; polishing, 165

[ocr errors]


Eccentric: 431: chuck, 91, 115, 139, 181
Eclipse: 207, 261; solar, 422
Economy: feed water, 623; of working
steam expansively, 621
Edison's: anesthetic, 79;-and the Lancet,
180; electric lamp, 154;-pen, 312, 356;
electric railway economically considered,
343; new dynamo, 509
Education: agricultural, 5; Mr. Bram-
well on technical, 269; Prof. Huxley on
scientific, 104

Effects of lightning, remarkable, 107
Eighty miles an hour, loco. to run, 329
Eleanor, Queen, crosses, 309
Electric: adhesion of metal contacts, 275;
apparatus, medical, 478, 548; arc, 308;
bell, faulty, 265, 285;-indicator for, 428,
452: bells, 596; brake, Achard, 146;
clock, 572, 595, 618; conductibility of
liquids, 310, 331; cradle, 22; discharge,
in insulating liquids, 584;-in rarefied
gases, 57; expansion, 31; gas-lighting,
261; lamp, Edison's, 154;-Swan's, 3;-
Werdermann's, 311, 383, 451, 474; lamp-
lighter. 194, 219; lighting, 155, 179;
machine, plate, 309, 431, 620; motor,
the new, 387, 424;-Trouvé's, 415, 479.
302; pen, Edison's, 312, 356; railway,
Edison's, economically considered, 343;
telegraph, 17

Electric light: 191, 455; at Glasgow, 248;
battery for, 574; for City of London,
269; for dissolving views, 621; for gig-
lamps, 18; in navy, 423; industrial uses
of the, 77

engine, 305; lamplighter,
194, 219; machine, 191, 219, 240;-plate,
431, 620;-Winter ring to, 216; specific
inductive capacity, 311
Electricity: 357, 431; as power, light, and
heat, 491; firing shots by, 194; heating
by, Dr. Siemens on, 555; influence of,
on vegetation. 244; medical, 21, 121,
137, 144, 185; Paris exhibition of, 372;
striking hours on church clock by, 404
Electro-brass plating, 441

Electro-dynamic paradox, 74
Electro-generator, 193

Electrolytic determination of silver, 103
Electro-magnetic: machine, 191; units,

194, 261

Electro-magnetising, 527, 547
Electro-magnets, 19, 42, 311
Electro-metallurgy, 558

Electro-motor: 423, 478, 527, 546; den-
tist's, 191; improved, Wiesendanger's,
; Trouvé's, 415

Electro-motors, their principles and con-
struction, 520, 527
Electrophone, Maiche's, 276

Electro-plate, finishing, 121, 146, 167
Electro-silvering, 558

Elementary mathematical optics, 212, 402,
498, 616

Elevating mandril, 326

Elliptic turning, 306
Embroidery patterns, 501
Enamelled glass, white, 593

Endowment: of research, 348, 587, 613; re-
search for, 494, 539; Royal Astronomical
Society and, 590

Energy of yeast, potential, 540
Enfaced paper, Indian, 144
Engine: agricultural, 430; and boiler,
one-man, 144, 166, 192; Babbage's cal-
culating, 109-difference, 157; conden-
sing, 594; double cylinder, 518; elec-
trical, 305; expansive working of, 96;
express. Duplex, 375; for canoe, 311;
for light steam-carriage, 408; gas, 168,
266, 30, 355, 407, 471, 614; gunpowder,
328; hauling, 620; horizontal, 220; hot-
air, 264; jerky, 308; lamp for, 456;
launch, 266, 308, 330; limitations of the
team, 2; marine, model, 405, 504, 599;
Midland express, No. 97, 165; model,
287, 550; one-horse, 287; Perkins' in
United States, 344; portable, cylinders
of, 284, 380; power of, 430, 451; pump-
ing, 620; query, 241, 355, 359, 383, 429,
517, 593; simple single-acting, 393;
slide-valve of horizontal, 455, 522. 594;
small half-horse, 265; traction, 287, 309
Engine-drivers v. engine-spoilers, 565
Engine-driving life, 364

Engineer and volunteer corps, 283
Engineering exhibitions, 275
Engines: air-pump for, 41; bogie, 187,
250, 375; express on L. and S. W., 401;
Glas tow and S. W., 301; G. W. R., 211;
hauling, size of, 406, 451, 620; horizontal,
242; leading wheels of, 13; L. and N. W.
73, 145, 169, 238, 243, 263, 285, 311, 333,
555; L. and S.W., 523; L. and Y. Bogie
express, 259; L. C. and D., 263; new
Midland express, 595; S. E., 594; speeds
of, 504; winding, 406, 451
English French, and Prussians, alleged
physical differences of, 550; tin-workers
in America, 69; watches, rates of, 138;
-V. American, 91
Engraving, cleaning, 427
Enlargements, carbon, 106
Entomology: 95, 220; Sir J. Lubbock on,


Eozoon Canadense, organic nature of, 31
Ephemerides, 17th century, 539
Equation of equal altitudes, 298, 569
Equatore: adjusting, 207, 219, 241: al-
tazimuth, 36, 59, 110, 157, 182, 207, 256
Equatoreals, sand driving-clocks and
Clepsydre for, 207, 330, 355
Equatorial: circles, 299; clock-motions,

cheap. 182; stand, new, 296
Equinox, vernal, 298, 333

Equulei: Beta, 356, 451; Herschel I., 62,


Erasure of Prussian blue, chemical, 599
Ericine, new vegetable dye, 253
Ericsson's domestic motor, 129
Escapement, planting the, 565
Estates in Chancery, 41, 190
Estimation of copper in alloys, 521; of
soda, 139, 167

Etching: glass tubes, 22; on glass, 408, 429
Etho-oxygen limelight, 609
Evaporation, 406

Evaporative power of coal, 450, 501
Evolution: 187; of satellites, 445, 515,
568; Prof. Huxley on, 393
Examinations: 73; physics, 18; physio-
logical, 571, 572; questions for, 619;
science, 72

Executor's duties, 18, 218
Exhibition engineering, 275; Richmond
Industrial and Fine Art, 592; Turner's,


[blocks in formation]

Express: engine, Duplex, 375; engines
on L. and S.W., 401; locomotive, new
American, 557; trains, 114, 139, 187,

Expresses: American, 237; Midland Bris-
tol, 455
Eye, work on the, 539, 548, 571
Eyepiece astro, 311; for refractor, 298;
Prof. Abbé's stereoscopic, 300, 323
Eyepieces: 257, 278; achiomatism of, 468,
566, 592, 613; astronomical, 9, 72, 157,
298; Huyghenian and other, 398; peri-
scopic, 495, 516; refractor, 310, 331;
telescope, 9, 44, 60, 109; terrestrial, 595;
testing, 216
Eyes, the, 191
Eyesight, 146, 168

[blocks in formation]
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Ferrules, bronzing brass, 621
Ferry-boat, the largest, 614
Fiddler: on soundboards, 85, 304; on
vibrations, 38, 86
Field-glass, 19, 42
Fifteen puzzle, guide to the, 129
Figure-skating, 527, 547
Filagree, cleaning, 284
Filters, cleaning charcoal, 332
Fining malt liquors, 217, 261
Finishing electro-plate, 121, 145, 167
Fire, hayricks taking, 71
Fireball, brilliant, 324
Fire-bars, straightening, 145, 216
Fire-damp indicator, Ansell's, 304, 377
Fires in coal-mines, 574
First-class objectives, 420
Fishermen, helps for rambling, 303
Fishery Acts, the, 216

Fishes and the lime in water, 129
Fixed stars, southing of, 298
Flames, coloured spirit, 243
Flat: dewing of the, 351, 398; for New-
tonian, size of, 824, 373, 422, 417, 517;
roof, 431
Fleas, 380

Fletcher's gas cooking-burner, 3
Flexible sandstone, 140, 157, 212
Flight: aerial, 61, 88, 112, 134, 160, 556;

and flying, 185; mechanics of bird,
394; of birds, 14, 38, 66, 68, 86, 111, 112,
134, 158, 159, 186, 213, 279
Flint and its formation, 194, 207, 218
Floor, hall, 549
Flour-bin, protecting, 264
Flour-mill hoists, 286
Flower trick, Singalese, 92
Flower-pots, 594

Flue, greenhouse, 220, 242

Fog: and smoke, and Siemens' stove, 247;
area, London, 311, 356; cloud and dust
as producers of, 411

Fogs, London, and smoke prevention, 339
Food, work and, 179
Footpaths, tar, 117
Foot-valve, 549

Foraminifera, collecting living, 128
Force: electromotive, 20; is inertia a?
170, 193: of projectile, 479, 523, 570,
594; retarding, 550
Formations, lunar, 398
Formic acid, 546

Formula for achromatic o.g., 444
Fossils: cretaceous, from the S. of France,
59; preparing, 82, 396
Foundry cupola, 599, 621
Fowls, damage by, 17

Fra Mauro, double crater, N.W. of, 157,


Frames: arithmetical, 550; gilt, 479, 502
France, continuous brakes in, 401, 565
Free reeds in organs, 334
Freezing-points of watered alcohol, 252
French bronze, 354; polishing, 41, 45,
72, 175, 227;-in lathe, 406; royalty in
Westminster Abbey, 310
Fret-cutting and scroll-sawing, 603
Fretwork, 73

Friction: clutches, transmission of power
by, 93; train, 182, 219; water-pressure
and, 478
Frost, protecting pipes from, 146, 264
Frosting brasswork, 122, 145, 106, 305, 354,


Frosty weather, plants and, 575
Frozen reservoirs, 573
Fruit salt, 97, 121, 166
Fuel, consolidated, 101, 163
Fume closet, 330
Fumes, sulphur, 522
Fungi and algae in the London clay, 39
Furnace, gas, 407, 477, 502, 5.3
Furniture: ebonised and gold, 165, 168,
192; ebonising wickerwork, 168
Fusing disc, Reese, 153, 208, 238, 253,
257, 401, 424; metal, 310


Good-bye to medal funds at R.M.S., 467
Goods waggons, carrying capacity of, 370
Good will, debts and, 405

Gout: 287; in the hands, 21, 144
Governor gas, 96, 120; Napier's, 103
Gower telephone, the new, 509
Gower-Bell telephone, 476
Grab chuck, a, 78

Graduations on the correction collar, 437
Grants made by council of B.A., 6
Grass, leaching, 355

Grate, the Wonderful, 586
Gravestone in Africa, 219, 479, 502, 522
Gravitation, alteration of, 545
Gravity: specific, 406, 470, 515;—of silver,


Grease in horse, 502; removing from
steam cylinders, 526

Great Eastern locomotives, 520, 549, 505
Great Western engines. 211
Greenhouse: flue, 220, 242; portable, 191
Gregorian reflector, 165, 429, 451
Gresham lectures, 244, 610
Grinding: circular saws, 45; lens, 69, 127
Grindstone: holding tools to, 137, 212,
mounting, 37

Grindstones, dangers of, 433
Grisoumeter, the Phanaro, 21
Ground: carbonic acid in the air of, 369;
hail and configuration of, 578; shaking
of, 548, 595

Growth: of plant stems, daily periodicity
in the, 7; plant, 20, 43, 72, 91, 142, 165,


Gundlach's objectives, 612
Gunpowder engine, 328
Gunsmith's tools, 593

Guttapercha: industries, indiarubber and,
30. 54, 80; lining acid-bath with, 220,

HAIL and the configuration of ground,


Hailstones, conformation of, 378
Hall: floor, 549; seating of, 620

Halo: diffraction, 451; moon's ring or,
147, 217; or defective eyesight, 384
Halstead's incubator, 141

of Prof. Handbook of double stars, addendum to
the, 396, 446
Hand-pump, 357

Emerson Reynolds, the, 203
Galvanised buckets, 97
Gas: alcohol from coal, 572; and cold
weather, 525, 544, 571; and coke stove,
Siemens's. 291; benzoline, 401, 449, 469,
497, 513, 548, 563, 622; burner, street,
334, 356;-Siemens' regenerative, 532;
burners, 281;- removing, 310;-Sugg's
improvements in, 27; by a cold process,
481; cooking burner, Fletcher's, 3;
cooking stoves, 406; furnace, 407, 477,
523; governor, 96, 120; heating by, 177,
549; new, 504; new water, 154; pres-
sure of, 121, 144; pressure, volume, and
temperature, 356; purification, chemis-
try of, 170, 192; soldering iron, 220;
vessels for compressed, 454
Gas-bags, lantern, 623

Hands, gout in the, 21, 144
Handy blowpipe arrangement, 353
Hardening: steel saws, 167; steel tools,
547, 548; vice-jaws, 334
Harmonium: 429; percussion action, 561;
reeds, 45, 118, 142, 165
Harmonograph, 359, 382, 405
Hartnack's objectives, 612
Hartwig's comet, 131, 157
Harvard College Observatory, report of
the, 588

Hat, cleaning felt, 355

Hauling engines, size of, 406, 451, 620
Haust or worm in throat of calves, 121
Hayricks taking fire, 71
Head of pressure, 454

Gas-engine, 168, 266, 308, 331, 355, 407, Health, clothing in its relation to, 319

471, 614

Gaseous satellite of Jupiter, 207
Gases: action of, on reflecting surfaces,
441; electric discharge in rarefied, 57;
radiant heat and, Prof. Tyndall on, 579;
velocity of sound in, 129
Gaslights, white, 312, 356, 478
Gas-lighting, electric, 264
Gas-liquor test, 94, 119
Gauge: depth, Sir W. Thomson's new,
442; joints of water, 453: new way of
lighting water, on L. and N W. engines,
301; Waltham watch, 304, 353
Gauge-glass for model boiler, 333
Gear, reversing, 358
Gelatine: and chrome-alum, 56; positive
transparencies for lantern, 359
Geneva barrel, mainspring in, 243, 263
Geographical position of Orgères, 517;
societies, 530

Geological: 46, 109, 243, 283; and minera-
logical, 207; and mining books, 617;
survey, 70
Geology: 473; experimental,
Wiltshire, 499
German beer, 593

Germination of disease, 343
Germs, ague, 358
Gift, deed of, 594
Gilbert, Dr., on bread reform, 491
Gilding, 195

316; of

Gilt frames, 479, 502, 523
Glacier-ice, optical structure of, 556
Glasgow and S.W. express engines, 301;
-steam reversing gear, 382; electric
light trials at, 248
Glass: artificial horizon, black, 256; bend-
ing, 121; "brass and," 613; coating
steel with, 281; discs, 422; effect of
heat upon, 321; et hing, 22, 408, 429;
properties of, 353, 378; roofing, Rendle's
acme" system of, 103; shade, cement
for, 502; silvering, 516; sweating of,
221; tank, 407, 428; vignette, 574, 596;
white enamelled, 593
Glasses, concave, 549, 572, 595

Fluid, resistance to plane moving in a, Globes, varnishing, 95, 120

[blocks in formation]

Healthiness of a house, 598
Heart, and truss for hernia, 121
Heat: 18, 121, 167; and gases, radiant,
Prof. Tyndall on, 579; and motion. 157,
169, 192, 217; effect of upon glass, 321;
electricity as power, light, and, 491; in
body after death, 310, 332, 355; me-
chanical theory of, high speeds and the,
508; protecting pearls from, 96; regu-
lator for high temperatures, 494; undu-
latory theory of light and, 455, 477
Heathorn's steering gear, 332
Heating: by electricity, Dr. Siemens on,
555; by gas, 177, 549; by steam, 306;
chapel, 220, 242, 281, 329, 354, 379;
churches, 192, 217; oven, 220; tires for
cart-wheels, 597, 619; water, 96, 120,


Helps for rambling fishermen, 303
Hercules, nebula in field of great cluster
in, 11

Herculis, Zeta, 59, 85, 109, 233, 256, 278
Hermetically sealed tins, 17, 238
Herschel I. 62 Equulei, 568
Herz telephone, 584

High and low pressure, 335, 593; powers,
focussing with, 420; speeds and mechani-
cal theory of heat, 505; temperatures,
ice at, 204

Hints on mounting, 320
Hire of sewing machine, 190
History of the steam-engine, 507
Hoddesdon organ, 22, 45
Hodograph, the, 374
Hoist, 406

Hoists, flour-mill, 286
Holes, cock and foot, 574
Hollow: shafts, strength of, 93; wall, 623
Holman's new compressorium and moist
chamber, 57

Holtz machines, 137
Holtzapffel's" Mechanical Manipulation,"

Homogeneous immersion: 1-12th, Powell
and Lealand's new, 183; object-glasses,


Honeysuckle, cultivation of 191
Hook, disengaging, 286
Horizon, black glass artificial, 256, 265,

Horizontal engine: 220; slide-valve of,
455, 502, 522, 570, 594
Horse, grease in, 502
Horse-power: 430, 451, 452, 503; man-
power and, 599, 621
Hot-air engine, 264

Hot-water: circulation, 574, 618; pipes,
paint for, 450, 455

[blocks in formation]

ICE: at high temperatures, 704; craters,
lunar, 494; in winding shaft, 407, 593;
making. Du Motay's process of, 50; op-
tical structure of glacier, 556; ranges,
circular, 417

"Ideal" cycle, the, 584, 616
Ideas, bicycle, 17
Idiot legatee, 221
Illuminated sky, 37
Illumination: and objectives, microscopic,
368; lantern, 17; oblique by swinging
substage, 183; of opaque objects, 84
Illuminator: for opaque objects, Tolles's
interior, 295; Woodward's oblique, 233
"Illustrated" astronomy for the mil-
lion, 348

Image, correction of curvature of slit, 566
Imagery, ment 1, 6

Immersion lenses: 300; Powell and Lea-
laud's new 1-12 oil, 84

Impulsion, attrac ion and, 449, 615

Lamp: 218; electric, Edison's, 154;-
Swan's, 8, 334;-Werdermann's, 311, 383,


Lamplighter, electric, 194
Lamps: microscope, 420; railway carriage
roof, 412

Lancashire and Yorkshire railway bogie
express, 259; brake trials on, 68
Lancet, Mr. Edison and the, 180
Land: property in, 20; surveying, prac-
tical, 598, 621

Language, use and abuse of, 252
Lantern: condenser, 547; dark-room, 578,
596; gas-bags, 623; gelatine films for,
598;-positive transparencies for, 359;
glasses, 568; illumination, 17, 549; ka-
leidoscope, 453; lens, 359, 620; optics
with the, 201, 238, 249, 293, 340, 856, 391,
431, 438, 486, 533, 566, 582; photo-lens
in, 121, 191; slide on curtain, 382; slide
transters, 573, 596; transparencies, 498,


Lapidary's work, 380
Larvae, preserving, 478

Impurities in muriate of zinc, &c., 431, Laryngoscope, 241

Inaccessible object, distance of, 44
Inclines, 80, 572

Incrustations, boiler, 200

Incubator, Halstead's, 141

Indentures, apprentices', 624

Indian Civil Service, 41; enfaced paper,
144; Government paper, 22
Indiarubber: and guttapercha industries,
30, 54, 80; solution, 121
Indicator: Ansell's fire-damp, 304, 377;
diagrams, 41, 42, 70, 116, 118, 119, 141,
143, 165, 167, 190, 190, 219, 238, 260, 261,
281, 328, 354, 356, 376, 519, 544, 590; for
electric bell, 428, 452; Stromeyer's
strain, 177

Indicators, speed, 570
Indigo, synthesis of, 537
Induction: coil, 42, 333, 477, 618;--core,
478; machines, 3-3, 423
Industrial uses of the electric light, 77
Inertia: is it a force, 157, 170, 193;
moment of, 263, 284

Infection in the air, organic matter and,

Infinities, books on, 588, 595, 618
Inhaling oxygen, effects of, 74
Injector, 407, 455, 525; designing, 623
Ink: aniline, 279, 286; chromograph, 527;
pads for rubber stamps, 575
Inkstand, Warman's improved cone, 394
Inland revenue office, 96, 120
Insulating liquids, the electric discharge
in, 584

[blocks in formation]

Lassell, the late Mr. W., 157
Lathe: 73, 309, 357, 614; bar, 170; bed,
455; cheap, 504, 524; chucks, fast, 622;
driver, 570; fly-wheel and treadle, 13;
mandril, 624; matters, 326, 333; mount-
ing drills in, 236; polishing in, French,
406; screw-cutting, 21, 45; speed, and
treadle, 169

Laths, painting, 524

Launch engine, 308, 330; screw, 334,
380; steam, 310, 329, 356, 546, 573
Law: books, 45, 190; coroner's, 427;
Kepler's third, 157; of falling bodies,
348, 359

Lawyer's bill, heavy, 18
Lax, Norwegian, 74
Leading wheels in engine. 13
League, the bread reform, 149, 279, 379, 424
Leaky water cistern, 145
Leather: new system of tanning, 57;
sticky American, 168
Leaves, skeletons, 194
Leclanché: battery, 221, 243, 261, 306,
358, 549, 572; cheap, 548, 595
Lectures, popular scientific, 460
Leeds accident, the, 449, 497, 519, 541
Legacy duty and adoption, 405
Legal: 190, 217, 243, 265, 283, 285, 331,
404, 427, 428, 594, 596; proof of birth,
121, 166, 216
Legatee, idiot, 221
Legible shorthand, 614
Lens: Barlow, 22, 78; focal length of,
358, 381, 621; for telescope, 573, 595;
grinding, 69, 94, 137, 138; portrait, 359
Lenses: extra front to Powell and Lea-
land's new 1-12th, 233; photographic,

[blocks in formation]

lodide: of nitrogen, 139; of starch. 218; Leyden jars, 170, 217

[blocks in formation]

Joke, an effective practical, 578
Joulad unit, the, 503

Joy's (so-called) valve-gear, 70
Jupiter: 11, 35, 37, 84, 110, 131, 183, 234,
253, 304, 421, 446, 468, 563; approach of
to fixed star, 276; Barnard's spot, 421;
belts of, 157; black spots on, 210, 234,
258, 30, 421; double star near, 131;
gaseous satellite of, 207; great spot,
59; light of Saturn and, 59;
new spots on, 11; observations of, 373;
el sp ton, 131, 27, 324, 398, 444, 468;
satellites of, 145, 157, 348; spot on, 39;
the markings on, 131, 132, 276, 302, 324,
348, 407; Venus, and Saturn, 540, 563,
588, 589; white spot on, 277, 302, 324,
350, 370, 421, 422, 468

Line, telegraph, 97
Links for model valve-gear, 116
Liquefied ozone, 140

Liquid substances, how to use the po-
lariscope in, 366; two solids making a,


Liquids, electric conductibility of, 310,


Liquors, fining for malt, 217
Livadia, the, 129
Live-cell: a new, 542; rotating disc for,


Liver complaint, 97, 121, 144, 166, 191,


Load on beam, 573, 595
Local boards, 73, 190
Locomotive: a queer, 83; boiler, model,
18, 41, 573; G.E.R., 20, 549; model,
147, 217, 308, 331, 355, 525, 623; - speed
of, 220; new American express, 557; to
run 80 miles an hour, 329; wheels,
slipping of, 70, 92, 166
Locomotives: American, new, 223;

G.E.R., 595: new, 574, 596
Logarithmic slide, the, 559, 592
London: and N.W. engines, 73, 145, 167,
238, 243, 263, 283, 285, 309, 311, 331, 355;
and 8.W. new express engines, 401, 523;
Chatham and Dover engines, 263; clay,
fungi and algo in, 39; electric light and
the city of, 269; fog area, 311, 356; fogs
and smoke prevention, 339; university,
B.Sc. Exam., 623
Loom pickers, 451
Lubbock, Sir John, on entomology, 491
Luminous sensibility in the retina, varia-
tions of, 417

Lunar: crater Marius, 494, 563; craters,
447, 494; formations, 398; micrometer,
Neison's, 539; theory, the, 256, 286,


Lyra, comites to epsilon, 13; debilissima
of epsilon, 207

MACHINE: Babbage's calculating,
70; electrical, 191, 219, 240; electro-
magnetic, 191; induction, 423; magneto-
electric, 310, 325, 470; new domestic
labour-saving. 116; new telegraph, 151;
plate, electrical, 287, 308, 431, 620
Machine-made watches, 236, 325
Machinery: bleachworks, 455; bootmaking
by, 152: bright, 146, 168, 192, 216, 261;
watchmaking by, 69, 114, 225
Machines: Holtz, 137; induction, 383;
milking, 41; mowing and reaping, 236;
printing, 17, 71; small dynamo, 382
Magic mirrors, on, 511
Magic-lantern: 549, 568, 598, 620; con-
densers, 374; gelatine for, 598, 620;
lenses, 381; photos for, 454; simple,
535: slides, 375
Magic-lanterns: 39, 220, 242, 359; scien-
tific slides for, 253
Magnesia, lime and, 598, 620
Magnesium: decomposition of carbonic
auhydride by, 181; in the sun, 296
Magnetic: 423; attraction in iron ships,
9, 17; needle, deviation of the, 131;
plumbago, 597

Magnetism: connection between sunspots
and terrestrial, 348; medical uses of,

Magneto-electric machine, 310
Magneto-machines: best form of magnet
for, 32; for medical purposes, 325, 470
Magnets: best form of for magneto-ma-
chines, 32; electro, 19, 42; permanent,
504, 527

Magnifications in America, prodigious,


Magnitudes, star, graduation of, 9
Mahogany, polishing, 73
Maiche's electrophone, 276
Maidstone boiler explosion, 411
Mainspring in Geneva barrel, 244, 263
Malt: extract, 334; liquors, fining of,


Man power, horse and, 599, 621
Library: a, 265; national circulating, 37, Mandril: angle of lathe, 623; elevating,
136; Ronald's, 433
Licenses, brewer's, 427

326; traversing, 264, 285
Manipulation, microscopical, 233

Mechanical: drawing, 241, 282, 354; mani-
pulation, Holtzapffel's, 588, 598; singing
bird, 39, 92. 136, 211, 280, 331; stage,
Watson's, 605; theory of heat, high
speeds and the, 5'8

Mechanics' almanac, Calvert's, 370
Mechanics of bird flight, 894

Medal endowments at the Royal Micro-
scopical Society: 212; good-bye to, 467
Medical: coil, 22, 89, 118; electrical appa-
ratus, 478, 548; electricity, 21, 121, 137,
144, 185; microscope, Parke's, 343; mie-
sionaries, 169; purposes, magneto-m-
chines for, 825, 470; uses of magnetism,

Meerschaum, colouring, 356
Melting, 95, 143, 165

Mental: imagery, 6; powers of the lower
animals, 228

Mercury, sulphate of, battery, 406, 423
Meridian line, 623
Metal: contacts, electric adhesion of, 275;
fusing, 310; plate, sounding, 167;
speculum, 122: turning tools for, 356
Metalloids, spectra of, 32

Metals: colour relations of, 395; malle-
ability and ductility of, 18
Meteor: briliant, 110; large, 256, 277; of
Oct. 1. 158; of Nov. 2, 277, 298
Meteor-shower, January, 398
Meteors, 350

Metric: craze, 423, 444; system, 996. 423,
448;-Mr. Coleman Sellers on the, 340
Micrometer: Neison's lunar, 539; what
sort of a, 588

Micrometers: 353; and equatorial circles,


Microphone: Boudet's, 601; Strangway's,


Microscope: binocular, 504; binocular,
full aperture prism for the, 278; Bul-
loch's new biological, 390; compound,
194, 308; diaphragm, 524; drawing with
the, 420; eyepieces, 503, 546; in writing,
55; lamps, 420; lenses, 240, 243, 264,
281, 286; medical, Parke's, 343; rota-
ting dise for live-cell of, 278; snow
crystals under the, 298; swinging sub-
stage for the, 582; Wale's, 323; Wat-
son's improved, 487;-new mechanical
and rotating stage, 605
Microscopes: dissecting, 420; monocular
and binocular, 421; students' and cheap
optical work, 323

Microscopic; 84; mounting, 591; objects.
illumination, and objectives, 368; tec-
tions, 286, 335
Microscopical: 115, 210, 429, 448, 452, 468,
495, 501, 517, 541, 563, 591, 612;
amplification, 574, 618; examina-
tion of blood, 503;-of a plant, 607;
manipulation, 233; measurements, 241;
Society, medal endowments at, 211, 467;-
Prof. Abbé's stereoscopic eyepiece at, 300
Microscopists, recipes for, 441
Microscopy, American, 562
Midland and G. W. trains, 161; Bristol
expresses, 455, 477; express engine, 165,
595; railway, 22, 118, 190;-and brakes,
522;-Clayton's vacuum brake on, 591;
trains, removal of Smith's vacuum brake
from, 301, 449

Mildew on ferns in case, 167, 191
Mildewed tobacco, 193
Milk analysis, 279; condensed, improved
manufacture of, 296; goats', 379; test-
ing for water, 189
Milking machines, 41
Million: "illustrated" astronomy for the,
348; years, a, 417
Millstone, fly-wheel and, 617
Mineral water: iron in, 139; qualitative
analysis of a, 65, 215, 281
Mineralogical, geological and, 207
Mines, explosions in, 199, 259
Mining: 74, 142; books, geological and, 617
Minute objects, on the visibility of in
various media, 32

Mines: blasting in coal, 283, 450, 474; ex-
plosion in coal, preventing, 542, 591; fires
in coal, 576

Mirror, mounting 12in., 471
Mirrors, magic, 511
Missing comet, 590, 613

Life and death of a world, 6; problem Manure: artificial, 573; seaweed for, 91; Missionaries, medical, 169
of, 81

Lift, experiment with a, 482
Lifting power, 475, 478
Light: artificial actinic, 335; artificial,
fatigue experienced in reading by, 212;
chemical and photo. action of, 274;
electric, 455;-for city of London, 269;
-for gig-lamps, 18; for colonial travel-
lers, 217; monochromatic, 562; of Jupi-
ter and Saturn, 59, 95; preducing sound
by, 49; speed of, 333; trials of electric,
at Glasgow, 248; undulatory theory of,
455, 477; velocity of, ascertaining and
recording the, 33, 59, 348; zodiacal, 351
Lighting: electric, 155;-progress of,
179; gas, electric, 264; shop-window,
334, 356, 380; water-gauge on L. and
N.W. engines, 301
Lightning. ascending, 37; increase of
risk from, 578; remarkable effects of,

Lightning-conductors: on the necessity
for a regular inspection of, 7; testing,


Lille, accident at, 13, 38, 89, 139
Lime: bisulphite of, 377, 381; cylinders,
23, 94; in water fishes and the, 129;
magnesia and, 598, 620; testing for,
334; with cement, mixing, 18
Limelight: 146, 169, 216, 217; the
oxygen, 609

valuation of, 170, 188
Manuscript, copy of, 218, 261
Maps and atlases on false projections, 566,


Marble: cleaning white, 262, 263; monu-
mental, 261; turning, 408

Marine boiler, model, 286, 311, 405, 504,


Mnemonics, 503, 571, 617
Model: address, 207; boat, clockwork for,
383; boiler, lamp for, 456; marine,
286, 311, 405; engine, 287; gauge-glass,
333; launch, 546; link gear, 116; loco.
boiler, 18, 41, 147, 308; locomotive, 219,
220, 331, 355, 623; one-man engine and
boiler, 144, 166, 192; ship, 74; steamboat
243, 284, 307

[blocks in formation]

Marius, lunar crater, 494, 540, 563
Markings on Jupiter, 132, 211, 276, 302, Molineux action, substituting a, 264
824, 348
Married women's property, 405
Mars, occultation of, 588
Masts of model yacht, 244, 263, 284, 307
Mathematical: bees, 69; optics, elemen-
tary, 212, 402, 498, 616
Matter, "Aletheus
on, 89
Matters, lathe, 826
Mayall's spiral diaphragm for oblique
illumination, 558
M'Culloch, thanks from Mr. 39
Meal powder, 382, 406, 428
Mean free path of atoms, 17
Meanings, word, 95, 143
Measure, tables for square, 333
Measurement: current, 147; of distances
by angles, 9, 21; of minute thicknesses,
183, 300; of ship's bottom, 404; thermal,

Moon: 515; ring or halo, 217; transit of
centre derived from that of limb, 539,
549, 588

etho-Measurements: in watches, 236; micro-
scopical, 241

Limitations of the steam engine, 2, 237

Meat, tough, 431, 453, 475, 545

Mortar: analysis of, 450; black, 281
Motay's, du, last invention, 50
Motion: heat and, 157, 163, 192, 217; of
trains, 257, 301, 353; wanted, 517
Motive power for amateurs, 3, 126, 2R,
292, 414, 532
Motor: Ericsson's domestic, 129; for
small boats, 374, 403, 476, 501, 545, 570,
593, 617; improved electro, 29; new
electric, 887, 421; Trouvé's electric, 415,
479, 502; water, 220
Motors: domestic, 25; electric, 527; small,

[ocr errors]

Mouldings, picture-frame, 166
Mounting: grindstone, 37; hints in regard
to, 320; microscopic, 591; reflector, 161,
4 8, 430; small telescope, 131, 157; tele-
scope, 352; twelve-inch mirror, 471
Mowing and reaping machines, 236
Muscles around pit of stomach, weakness
of, 523

Music stave, ruling, 218

NAME: change of, 21, 72, 190; wanted,


Naphthalase, 377

Napier's governor, 103

Nasty, cheap and, 348

National circulating library, 37, 136

Natural crystals, 94, 143

Organ: 261, 328, 548, 571, 596; a compre-
hensive treatise on its manufacture,
procural and lodgment, 53, 248, 392,
604; American, matters, 454, 455, 476,
501, 527, 574; and how to make it, 28,
127, 201, 317, 413, 462, 489, 509; at Hod-
desdon, 22, 45; at Walsall, 377; bellows,
408, 427; chamber, 405, 451, 474, 501,
521; grooving, .526, 597; query,
455, 549, 571, 597; reed, 429, 452,
475; soundboards, 525; specification,
194, 219, 240; two manual American,
428, 451, 474, 501, 521, 545, 569, 593, 617
Organic matter and infection in the air,
173; nature of Eozoon Canadense, 32
Organs of plants, assimilative, 416
Orgères, geographical position of, 517
Origin of comets, 95, 143

Naturally-coloured photographs, 344, 359, Orionis, Lambda, 348, 381, 396

Orion, photographing the nebula in, 557


[blocks in formation]

New chemistry, the, 450
New River water, 287, 331
New York, sunrise at, 157, 281
New Zealand: railways, Fairlie engines
on, 352;-narrow gauge, 472, 496; state
of trade in, 572
Newtonian: reflector, 170, 193, 240, 335,
367, 381; silver-on-glass flat, 495, 517;
size of flat for, 324, 373, 422, 447
Nickel plating, 33;-improvements in,
103; volumetric estimation for, 353
Nine, number, 60, 114

Nine Elms, accident at, 590
Nitrates, 279, 283

Nitre crystals, pyramidal, 97, 120, 329
Nitro-benzol, 97

Nitrogen, iodide of, 139, 166
Noise in cylinder, 218, 261, 281
Nominal power, 619
Non-constant battery, 143

Noon by shadow-line, true, 157, 169
North and south, 478, 494, 546, 588
Norwegian lax, 74

Note of hand or promissory note, 621
Notes: astronomical, 78, 174, 270, 358,
488, 581; on lenses for photo and lan-

tern purposes, 176; on petroleum spirit
and analogous liquids, 32; pyrological,

52, 127, 271, 293, 423
Nuisance, dog, 190

Number nine, the, 60, 114

OBJECT-GLASS: a reflecting re-
fracting, 36, 85; achromatic, 494; ad-
justing, 357; aperture and separating
power of, 494; curves for an, 352; foi-
mula for achromatic, 444, 478; telescope,
519; the achromatic, 182
Object-glasses: dew deposit on, 300; ho-
mogeneous immersion, 300
Objectives: choice of, 562; first-class,
420; Hartnacks, 612; separating, 278;
test-objects and, 541
Objects: microscopic, 268; on the visi-
Liity of minute, mounted in various
media, 32; opaque, illumination of, 84
Oblique illumination: by swinging sub-
stage, 183; Mayall's spiral diaphragm
for, 558

Oblique illuminator, Woodward's, 233
Oboe, 144

Ornamental turning, 97, 121, 144, 157
Ornamenting brasswork, 94
Oscillating slide-valve, 523, 546, 594, 617
Orpiment, 220
Ostrich feathers, dyeing and curling, 240
Otto's table of sulphuric acid, 263
Outgrowing shoulders, 241, 262
Oven: coke, 544; heating, 220
Oven-plate, cracked, 20


Plane moving in fluid, resistance experi-
enced by a, 304, 353

Planet, distance of, determined by its time
of transit, 298, 333, 348
Planetary nebulae, discovery of new, 256
Planetoidal and satellite rings, 445
Plant, how to examine a, microscopically,


Plant-growth, 20, 43, 72, 94, 142, 165, 215
Planting the lever escapement, 556
Plant-stems, daily perodicity in growth
of, 7

Plants alcoholic fermentation in, 231;
assimilative organs of, 416; dried, 19
Plastics, 45

Plate machine, 287, 309, 431, 620
Plates, wet, keeping, 574

Plating electro-brass, 441; nickel, 33;
silver, 558; skate blades, 383, 406, 451,
474, 521; type-metal with brass, 169
Platinotype paper, 95, 427, 596
Platinum wire, welding, 96
Plato, spots on, 85, 110, 209
Pleiades, 302

Plumbago magnetic, 574, 597
Plumes, dyeing, 261

Pneumatic bells, 218

Query: boiler, 526, 619; engine, 241, 593;
lathe, 574, 622; slide-valve, 455
Question of title, 404
Questions, examination, 619
Quicksands, 502, 524, 594
Quinine manufacture, 346
Quoted on the Stock Exchange, 95

RABONE and Son's rules, 544
Radiant: and other matter, 63; heat and
gases, Prof. Tyndall on, 579
Radiometer, Crookes's, 548, 595
Railway accidents, 67, 114; and public
rights, 427; bridges, wind-pressure and.
67; carriage roof lamps, 412; curves,
rules for, 284; Edison's electric, 343;
Midland, 22, 118, 190;-Clayton's va-
cuum brake on the, 591; train lost, a,
35; volunteer corps, 283; wheels on
curves, 220, 262, 283

Railways, New Zealand, 352, 496
Rainbow, the, 317
Rain-water, 74, 143

Raising water from well, 241, 262
Ram, hydraul c, 169

Rambling fishermen, helps for, 303

Pocket: blowpipe apparatus, 273; rates Rate of water-carriage, 407
of watches, 236

Oxygen: effects of inhaling, 74; making, Poets, Venus and the, 569

[blocks in formation]

Parabolic test, 619
Paper-machine, suction-box for, 284, 307

Parallel ray, 431
Paradox, an electro-dynamic, 74

Parallels, axiom of, 543
Paraplegia, 45, 73

Paris: B.L. and B.Sc., 333; popularisa-
tion of science in, 228
Parke's medical microscope, 343
Patent laws: Mr Bramwell on, 269; re-
form of the, 603

Patents, specifications of, 352
Pattern-making, 116
Patterns, embroidery, 501
Peaches, keeping, 117

Pearls from heat, protecting, 96
Pebbles, polishing, 241
Pedal pipes, bourdon, 571
Pechule's comet, 422
Pen, Edison's electric, 312, 356
Pedometer, 216

Poisonous nature in arsenic, chemical
cause of, 124

Polaris, comes to, 13, 85, 147, 158, 278, 284
Polariscope: 122, 194; detection of sugar,
355; how to use in examining liquid
substances, 367

Pole, the South, 44, 94, 215
Polishing card-case, 311; French, 45, 72,
175, 227, 406; mahogany, 73; pallets,
168; pebbles, 241; slate, 454, 476, 501;
syenite, 286; watch-wheels, 46; wood-
work, 382, 406

Popular scientific lectures, 460
Popularisation of science in Paris, 228
Portable: engine cylinders, 284; music
stand, 168

Portland cement, testing, 169
Portrait lens, 359, 381

Potash, pure, by alcohol, 624
Potatoes from seed, 19, 42, 93, 117, 143
Potential energy of yeast, 540
Pottery decoration, 484
Powder: meal, 406, 428; silvering, 284
Powell and Lealand's: condensers, Web-
ster's and, 323; new 1-12th oil immer-
sion, 84; new homog. immersion 1-12th,
183;-extra front lenses to, 233
Power: brake, 571; circular saw, 597,
619; for a 2in. telescope, highest, 59, 73;
horse and man, 599, 621; lighting. 478;
nominal, 619; of boiler, 597; of water-
wheel, 501; small circular saw, 620;
transmission of, to a distance, 531
Powers: neglected, 567; of reflectors used
terrestrially, 277, 373
Prazmowski, of Paris, 612

Pendulum: 588, 597; clock, 624; regu- Pre-glacial effects in north-west of Eng-

lating arc described by, 239
Penilee accident, 280

Percussion action, harmonium, 501
Periscopic eyepieces, 495
Perkins engine in the U.S., 344
Permanent magnets, 504, 527
Perpendicular, 588, 598, 620
Petroleum: 335, 377; pipes for. 597;
pump, 622; spirit and analogous liquids,
notes on, 32; wasted, 297
Pewter pots, soldering, 284
Phanaro Grisoumeter, 24
Phonography, what is, 615
Phosphorescence and fluorescence, 169
Photo-chromoscope, how to make a, 513
Photograph, copying, 598
Photographic: 220, 335, 503; action of
light, chemical and, 274; background,
166, 191; bath, 407, 428; camera, 454;
dishes, 242, 262; lens in lantern, 191;
lenses, 96, 176, 191, 265; rolling press,
503; van, 503
Photographing in natural colours, 359,
545, 569
Photographs, naturally coloured, 344, 382
Photography: 43, 169, 217, 358, 381; aerial,
82; astronomical, 422; micro., 498; sun,

Observatory: attic, 318; rings, making,
308; Romsey, 194, 383; Vienna, dome
of, 251
Obstacle to building, 594
Ocultation: observation of an, 351, 396; Photo-lens in lantern, 121
of Mars, 588

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Photophone, the, 128, 179, 229, 315, 408,


Photos: colouring, 94; in magic-lantern,

Phototype process, new, 204
Physical: differences between Prussians,
French, and English, 550; hypotheses,
40, 63, 70, 86, 89, 116, 135; theories, 40,
89, 469, 588
Physics examination, 18
Physiological exam., 571, 572; signs of
brains, 195
Piano centres, sticking of piano, 264;
converting to musical table, 428; damper
and lever hinges, 218; shifting key-
board, 527; smallwork, 120; sound-
boards, 27, 128, 243, 437; springs, 97,
120; sticker binges, 363; strings, 334,
358, 405; tuning, 263, 571
Pickers, loom, 452
Picture frame mouldings, 166
Pillars, turning twisted, 306
Pipe clay, 431

Pipes: paint for hot-water, 450, 455; pro-
tecting from frost, 146
Piston, 478
Piston-heads, 408
Pitch of propeller, 144
Pittacal, 63

Pivot, strain on, 74, 95
Pivots, watch, 244

land, 4

Preserving: anatomical specimens, 502;
larvæ, 479

Pressure: boiler, 408; high and low, 335,
405, 547, 593; steam, 572; temperature,
and volume of gases, 333; water, in
London, 454

Pressures, air, 18, 42, 72

Rates of English watches, 138, 236
Ray, parallel, 431

Reading: by artificial light, fatigue ex-
perienced in, 212; thought, 568
Receipt stamps, 216
Recipes for microscopists,
Recording aneroid, 191
Ped: ochre, 240; spots, transits of Jupiter,
258, 276, 444, 446


Redhill catalogue, 539
Reed organ, 429, 452, 475
Reeds, harmonium, 45, 118, 142, 165
Reese fusing disc, 153, 208, 238, 253, 401,


Reflection, total, 549
Reflecting refracting object-glass, 36, 85;
surfaces, action of gases on, 441; tele-
scope, 539, 548

Reflector mounting, 408;

170, 193, 240, 324, 335, 357, 351, 422; tal-
nishing of, 265

Reflectors: 110: Gregorian, 165; how to
mount, 161; lamp, 477; powers of, used
terrestrially, 277, 300, 373, 422
Reform of patent laws, 603
Refraction: astronomical, 417; at a
spherical surface, 616; by a prism, 402
Refractor: eyepiece for, 298, 310, 331;
mounting 6in., 430

Regenerative gas-burner, Siemens's, 532
Regulating are described by pendulum,


Regulator: air, 469; gas pressure, 330:
heat, for high temperatures, 490; solar
clock, 9

Remarkable vacuum, 444
Removing gas-burners, 355
Rendle's acme system of glass roofing,


Rent: 404; commuting house, 283
Repairing: bicycle, 572; the watch, 50,
365, 462; zinc roof, 95, 119
Repairs: 20; to zine roof, 95, 119
Report of Harvard College Observatory,
Research: endowment of, 343, 587, 590,
603; for endowment, 539

Prestbury accident, 325, 353, 375, 423, 449, Reservoir, frozen, 573
497, 519

Priming, boiler, 213, 283, 311
Primrose Hill accident, the, 37
Printing machine, 17, 71

Residues, silver, 65

Re-silvering clock-dials, 526

Restoring oil-paintings, 168, 216
Retarding force, 550

Resistance: 20, 618; experienced by a
plane moving in a fluid, 304, 353
Prism: 287; for binocular micro., full Resolving power of a low-angled †, 233
aperture, 275, 323, 352
Probe-platte, Müller's, 467
Problem: clock, 121, 167; curious, 588, Retina, luminous, 417
597; of life, the, 81
Progress of electric lighting, 179
Projectile, force of, 479, 523, 570, 594
Promissory note, note of hand or, 621
Pronunciation, Italian, 42, 72
Proof spirits, 427

Propeller 19; pitch of, 144
Properties of glass, 353, 378
Property: land, 20; married women's,

Providence of bees, 180

Prussian blue, chemical erasure of, 599
Public rights, railways and, 427
Pulley on shaft, keying, 617
Pulleys, 454

Pumice, composition, 527
Pump: 220; air, 18, 117, 121, 191, 243, 263,
283, 311, 408, 428, 501; centrifugal, 308;
hand, 357; petroleum, 622: pipes, prov-
ing, 569; special, 383; Sprengel, 539;
valves, 479

Pumping: 74; by steam, 244, 263; engine,

Pumps, 242, 307, 503
Punch, weak, and a weakly daily, 444
Punching, 324, 374
Purity of water, 335, 357, 377
Pyramidal nitre crystals, 97, 120, 329
Pyrochemical apparatus, ten guineas prize
for the best, 378
Pyrogallol, preparing, 417

Pyrological notes, 52, 127, 271, 293, 423,

[blocks in formation]



Our Kitchen Garden, by T. Jerrold,


Plant Life, 580

Pocknell's Legible Shorthand, 580
Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects,
by H. Helmholtz, 460

Pottery Decoration, by M. L. M'Laugh-
lin, 484

Practical Plane Geometry, by H. Angell,


Rawson's Band Primo, 103

Report of the Explosives Committee, by
J. H. Collins, 102

Report to the Trustees of the "James
Lick Trust," by S. W. Burnham, 101
Stationary Engine-driving, by M. Rey-
nolds, 221

Steam and the Steam-engine, by H.
Evers, 292

The Boiler-maker's Assistant, by J.
Courtney and D. K. Clark, 27

The Brain as an Organ of Mind, by H.
Charlton Bastian, 436

The Elements of Mechanism, by T. M.
Goodeve, 292

The Handy Star Map, by W. Peck, 291
The Laws of Health, by W. H. Corfield,


The Moulder's and Founder's Pocket
Guide, by F. Overman, 27

The New Truth and the Old Faith,

The Power of Movement in Plants, by
C. Darwin and F. Darwin, 435
The Rudiments of Civil Engineering, by
H. Law, 580

The Slide-valve Practically Explained,
by J. Rose, 27

The Smithsonian Report for 1878, 102
The Steam-eugine and its Inventors, by
R. L. Galloway, 507
Undulation of the Sun's Magnetic
Nucleus, by J. Jones, 26

Vox Populi, by C. Lunn, 103
Revivification of gold, 188

[blocks in formation]

Ross, Col., and pyrology, 541, 592
Rotating disc for live-cells, 278; stage,
Watson's, 605

Royal Astronomical Society, 539, 588;
Society, the, 348

Rubber: old, 117: stamps, ink pads for,
575; substitute for, 256

Rugby, New, 320

Rule wanted: for calculating content of
stones, 430, 453, 501; for setting out
curves, 243

Rules: for square roots, 64, 91, 115;

bone and Son's, 514
Ruling music paper, 218

Running down train of lever watch, 521
Rust in breechloader, 286
Rutherglen accident, 161

[blocks in formation]

Screen: portable, for lanterns, 272; spec-
trum on, 97, 191

Screw and lever, 95, 120; Society's,
standard gauges of the, 372; yacht,
specification for a composite, 399
Screw-cutting: 22, 195, 219, 597; lathe,
21, 45, 241, 619

Scroll-sawing and fret-cutting, 603
Scurfing, boiler, 145, 167, 191, 243
Sea, seeing bottom of, 494, 503
Sealskins, imitation, 358

Seasoning wood, 450, 593
Seating of hall, 620

Seaweed: boiled, 310, 332; for manure, 91
Section cutting, 95, 420

Sections: microscopic, 286; rock, 355
Seed, potatoes from, 19, 42, 93, 117, 142
Selenite designs, 333, 56
Self-registering thermometers, 620
Sellers, Mr. Coleman, on the metric sys-
tem, 340
Sensibility in the retina, variations of
luminous, 417
Settlements, 593
Sewing-machine: defective, 263, 311; hire
of, 190

Shade, curves for striking out lamp, 598
Shadow line, true noon by, 157, 169
Shaft: ice in winding, 407; keying pulley

on, 617

Shafts, strength of hollow, 93
Shaking of ground, 548, 595
Shallow coal, plan of working, 407
Sharpening skates, 311, 527
Shipbuilding in Brisbane, 592
Ship's bottom, measuring, 404

Ships, magnetic attraction of iron, 9, 17
Shoemaker's bench, 20

Shop-window, lighting, 334, 356, 380
Short-sight, 157

Shorthand: 524, 620; legible, 615
Shots, tiring, by electricity, 194, 218
shoulders, outgrowing, 241, 262
Shunts, 21, 72

Siemens, Dr., on heating by electricity,


Siemens' stove, fog and smoke and, 247,


Sight, short, 157
Signalling by sound, 363

Signal-locking system, Sykes's, 188
Signs of brains, physiological, 195
Silicate of soda, 504, 525, 546
Silent gas-engine, 407, 471
Silk-dyeing, 558

Silver: deadening, 194, 218: electrolytic
determination of, 106; plating, 558;
precipitated, 70; residues, 46, 65, 91;
soldering, 19; specitic gravity of, 65
Ka-Silvering: brass plate, 94, 546; front of

glass, 516; plate glass, 17; powder, 281
Silver-on-glass: flat, Newtonian, 495;
telescope, dewing of, 351
Singalese flower-trick, 93
Singing; bird, mechanical, 39, 92, 136, 2.1,
280, 331; of tea-kettle, 407, 452, 475
Single-acting steam-engine, simple, 393
Single-needle instrument,74

SAFETY-VALVE: 96, 143, 166, 479, Sinking: 573; a well, 310

524, 526, 546; the, 426

Sails, boat, 20, 43

Salt, fruit, 97, 121, 166

Salts, uninflammable, 279

Sand driving-clocks, 182, 207, 257, 265, 277,
300, 330, 355, 400, 422

Sandstone, flexible, 140, 157, 212
Sarsaparilla, iodised, 121

Satellite: gaseous, of Jupiter, 207; rings,
planetoidal and, 445

Satellites: evolution of, 445, 515, 568; of
Jupiter, 145, 157, 348; of Saturn, 11, 85,
115, 157, 208, 396, 539

Saturn: 11, 35, 60, 100, 208, 348, 378, 398,
451, 454; Ball's division in ring of, 494,
516, 539; drawing of, 421, 444; light of
Jupiter and, 59; ring of, 277, 287, 298,
421,444, 468; satellites of, 11, 85, 115,
157, 208, 396, 539; shadow on ting of,
85; Venus, and Jupiter, near approach
of, 510, 563, 588, 589

Savings banks bill, 217

Sawing, deal, 120

Siphon, 241

Sixe's self-registering thermometer, 525
Size of flats, 324, 573, 422, 447

Skate blades: hardening, 357; pla'ing,
3-3, 406, 451, 474
Skates: Acme club, 193; case-hardened,
470: sharpening, 311, 527
Skating, figure, 527, 547
Skeleton fern leaves,
Skew cylinder, 165
Skins, dressing, 334

Sky: illuminated, 37; nebulosity of the,
51; rockets, 334, 428, 524
Slate polishing, 454, 476, 501
Sleep, 285

Stide, logarithmic, 559

Slide-rule: 455, 477, 523; Dixon's, and
some recent queries, 154
Shide-valve: 167, 191, 261, 357, 477, 546 ; of
horizontal engine, 155, 522, 591; oscil-
lating, 523, 671, 617
Slides, magic-lantern, 375
Sliding tube, 574, 618

Saws: band, 44; circular, power for, 597, Slip carriages, new way of working, 107
619, 620, grinding circular, 45; harden-Shipping of loco, wheels, 70, 92, 116

[blocks in formation]

Snow, theatrical, 265

Steering gear, Capt. Heathorn's, 332

Snow-crystals under the microscope, 298, Stereochromny, 545
310, 331

Soap-bubbles, 431

Soap-making without boiling, 369
Soaps and oils, 240, 279
Soaring, 449

Society of Arts, 205; screw, standard
gauges of, 372; the Royal, 348
Societies, geographical, 530

Stereoscopic eyepiece, Prof. Abbe's, 300,


Sticker hinges, piano, 383
Sticky American leather, 168

Stock Exchange, quoted on, 95; im.
proved die, 153

Stove, Dr. Siemens's gas and coke, 291
Straightening firebars, 145, 216

Strain-indicator, Stromeyer's, 177
Strains on girders, 594
Strangways, Mr., microphone and tele-
phone, 22, 45
Straw, dyeing, 220

Soda: ash, 145; estimation of, 139, 167; Strain on pivot, 74, 95
silicate of, 504, 525, 546
Softening water, 19, 93, 96
Solar: clock regulator, 9; eclipse, 422;
prominence, a stupendous, 348; spots,
12; system, spectrum analysis applied
to the, 584
Street gas-burners, 334, 356
Soldering: cold, 261; iron, 408, 428; pew-Strings, piano: 334, 405; broken, 427, 472,
ter, 284; silver, 19
Soldering-iron, gas, 220

Solids and fluids, 162; making a liquid,
two, 91

Sound: producing, by light, 49; signalling
by, 363; transmission of, 265, 285; velo-
city of, in gases, 129
Soundboards: "Fiddler" on, 85, 304;
piano, 27, 128, 293, 437
Sounding a metal plate, 167
South: north and, 478, 546, 570, 588; Pole,
the. 44, 94, 142, 215
South-Eastern engines, 594
Southing of fixed stars, 298
Spain, breadmaking in, 89
Speaking condenser, 465
Special pump, 383

Specific gravity, 406, 470, 545
Specification: for composite screw yacht,
599; for steel screw yacht, 150, 165, 212,
259; of patents, 352
Specimens, botanical, 168
Spectacle frames, rusty, 454
Spectra of colour-blind persons, 509; of
metalloids, 32; ultra-violet, report on,


Spectroscope: 216, 264, 307; difficulty, 149
Spectrum: analysis as applied to the solar

system, 584; colours of the, 380; ocular,
281, 596, 515; on screen, 97, 191
Speculum: dewing of flat and, 398; metal,
122; working, 21
Speed: American views on high, 180;
indicators, 570; of light, 333; of model
locomotive, 220; of trains, 38, 541, 591
Speeds: high, and the mechanical theory
of heat, 50%; lathe, 622; of engines, 594
"Sperans," to, 216, 217, 218, 220, 243, 265,
253, 331, 404, 427, 428, 594
Spherical surface, refraction at a, 616
Spiral diaphragm, Mayall's, 558
Spirit flames, coloured, 243
Spirits: 121: proof, 427

Split dies, tapping, 264, 284, 307
Spot: Barnard's, 421, 446, 465; transits of
the red, 258, 276, 398; white, on Jupiter,
277, 302, 324, 350, 421, 422
Spots: on Jupiter, dark, 158, 210, 234, 258,
303, 468;-new, 11, 181; on Plato, 85,
110, 299; solar, 12; white on Jupiter,

Spotted telescope glass, 311
Sprained ankle, 18
Sprengel pump, 5-9
Spring: balance, 166, 239; plate, how to
weld a broken, 116; tides. 145, 157
Springs: gold and silver, 21, 95; piano,
120; winding, 19

Square: measure, tables for, 333; root,
rules for, new, 64, 91, 115
Stage, Watson's new mechanical and
rotating, 605


Stromeyer's strain indicator, 177
Stroudley's regulator for the Westing-
house brake, 118

Students' microscopes and "cheap" opti
cal work, 323

Study of botany, 490; of the constella-
tions, 464

Substage: oblique illumination by swing-
ing, 183; Swift's new double sector,
183; swinging, 582
Suction box for paper machine, 284, 307
Sugar, polariscope detection of, 355
Sugg's improvements in gas burners, 27
Sulphur fumes, 501, 522

Sulphuretted hydrogen, testing, 623
Sulphuric acid, manufacture of anhydrous,

Sun: altitude of, 256, 265, 298; distance
of a planet determined by its transit
over, 298; distance of earth from, 502;
magnesium in the, 296; photography,
94; size, &c., of, as seen from Mercury
and Venus, 348, 382
Sundries, 237

Sunglass, dark, 256
Sunrise at New York, 157, 281
Sunspots: 109, 122, 348; and terrestrial
maguetism, 348; Symons and, 444
Surgeons, navy, 574

Surgery and superstition in Neolithic
times, 4
Surrey Canal Junction accident, 565
Survey, geological, 70
Surveying, practical land, 598
Sussex, Roman ironworks in, 426
Swan's electric lamp, 3, 234
Swarming, bee, extraordinary, 255
Sweating of glass, 221
Swift's: comet, 278; new double sector
substage, 183

Swinging substage, 582
Swords, cleaning old, 119
Syenite, polishing, 286

Sykes' signal-locking system, 188
Symons and sunspots, 414
Sympiesometer : how to construct a cheap
and simple, 38; refilling, 356
Synthesis: of citric acid, 204; of indigo,

[blocks in formation]

Stars: dimensions of. 109; double, 12;-
addendum to Handbook of, 296, 446;
drawing groups of, 59; near Beta Cygni,
faint, 234, 277; occultation of, 157, 192;
southing of fixed, 298
States, tea-raising in the, 425
Steam: carriage, engine for light, 408;
consumption of, 501; crab, 405; cylin-
ders, removing grease from, 526; eco-
nomy of working expansively, 621;
expansion of, 464; for Rob Roy, 220,
212; heat of, 526; heating by, 206;
launch, 221. 310, 329; pressure and
volume of, 72; pumping by, 44, 263;
reversing gear on Glasgow and South-
western railway, 352; tricycle, 146, 163,
191, 194, 335, 383; yacht of steel, speci-
fication for a screw, 150, 165, 212, 259
Steamboat, model, 213, 281, 307
Steam-engine: 306, 453; dimensions, 307;
lunitations of the, 2, 237; most econo-
mical cut off in. 90; rules, 242, 306;
simple single-acting, 393; the history of

the, 507
Steel: a great crucible casting, 550; ball,
turning, 244, 264; cast, welding, 337,
465; coating, with glass, 251; composi-
tion and properties of, 536; hard sol-
dering, 256, 355; making in Cleveland,

313;-Sir H. Bessemer on, 321; ropes,
strength of, 452; saws, hardening, 167;
screw yacht, specification for a, 150, 165,
212, 259; softening, 244, 264; tools,
hardening, 547, 548


Teeth, artificial, 425, 567, 592
Telectroscope, the, 534
Telegraph: electric, 17; line, 97, 120;

machine, new, 154
Telegraphs, Australian, 383
Telephone: 478. 502; Bell's, 147, 191.217
Gower-Bell, 476, 522; Herz, 584; Ken-
nedy's, 160, 284; making, 382; new
Gower, 509
Telephones, 455
Telescope: 283, 407, 428; Cassegrain
reflecting, 614; construction of, 193
310; dialyte, 382; draws, 74; eyepicces,
9, 44, 109; glass, spotted, 333; Gregorian,
451: highest power of, 46, 59, 73, 94;
house, 209; lens for, 572, 595; mounting.
352; object-glass, 549; small, moueting,
131, 157; spotted glass in. 311; stand,
19, 42, 59; 3in. astro., adapting, 143
Telescopes, contracting the apertures of
large, 60
Telescopic: eyepieces, 60; matters, 299
Temperature: and rainfall in London, 5;
digestion and, 125; pressure, and volume
of gases, 333; sunspots and, 345
Temperatures: best regulator for high.
Tenant; absconded, 190, 191; trustees and,

[blocks in formation]
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