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keeps his Tartar visage and superstitions. | vacious eyes, set off with well-defined and He despises dogs, and holds the stork in beautifully-arched eye-brows, small lips, great reverence. His children are bap- and white teeth, when they are not distized at seven years of age. The Jews colored or spoiled by too frequent use of are either Spanish or Polanders; the for- the pipe or confectionery. Those of the mer are generally handsome, well-formed, class who reside in the cities are marked and easily refined under the influence by quite a Greek physiognomy, while those of European civilization, particularly in of the country preserve the Roman feaWallachia, where many of them are dis- tures accompanied with an air of languor, tinguished by their intelligence in the best perhaps produced not less by their society. Those who crowd together in insufficient nourishment and miserable Jassi, forming a third of the population, dwellings, than by the political yoke which have something of the Tartar in their ap- has weighed so heavily on them for more pearance, and they always recall to my than one hundred and fifty years. The memory those Avars who embraced Ju- Wallachians are gayer, more intelligent, daism in the ninth century. The Scin- and more hospitable than the Moldavians; dromes, or Romans, descendants of Tra- but they are equally brave, sober, agile, jan's colonies, are called Tziganes, and adroit, and have as much military spirit. form an entirely separate class; they are The upper classes of both provinces were generally tall, well-made, and robust. formerly frank, ardent, proud, enterprising, They have oval faces, black hair, vi- and even reckless in their daring: but the

influences of late times have rendered them, in prosperity, vain, dishonest, suspicious, avaricious though with large professions of generosity, cowardly, proud, and insolent; in poverty or misfortune, they are sullen and indolent. They assume the responsibilities of men at fifteen, become diplomatists at eighteen, lose all their individuality of character and purpose at twenty-one, and are old at twentyfive. I may be thought severe in my estimate of their character; but I have found them incredulous, insincere, destitute of attachment to their friends or their country, and ungrateful for the greatest benefits. No sentiment of union binds them together unless it is an absurd pride in the native nobility, though there are scarcely a hundred who can claim a place in its ranks either by money, talent, or descent. Not more than a tenth of these can date further back than the middle of

the sixteenth century. Besides the feathe Roman women are distinguished by tures which are common to both sexes, their long eye-lashes, full throats, plump hands and feet, with a skin of extraordiamiable and spirituelle, less passionate nary softness and whiteness. They are than the Spanish, less romantic than the German, less cold than the English, and gifted besides with such correct good taste that nothing but a better education is necessary to make them most charming creatures.

They have better abilities themselves capable of more attachment than their husbands, and certainly show and greater devotion. They formerly appeared to best advantage in their orientadapted to set off their beautiful forms; al costume, which was considered finely have almost entirely displaced it. but French modes and French manners

No traveler who visits these beautiful

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provinces, can fail to be struck with the sparseness of their inhabitants, and with the misery which meets him at every turn, notwithstanding the smiling landscapes and universal luxuriance of nature. This splendid land should be the happiest and most densely populated country in the world, and the only reason why it is not, must be found in the social and political condition of the people. The deplorable aspects everywhere visible, are only to be explained by a knowledge of the history of the Principalities, through their successive developments to their origin. The past alone can explain the present,

and point out the future; without it their actual condition is a dead letter, more obscure than the hieroglyphics of Egypt. As impending events are attracting the eyes of the world to them, you will not demur to a few historical glances over their checkered history-only glances, however, for I insist on retaining my desultory style of observation.

Wallachia and Moldavia are dismemberments of ancient Dacia, which included also the countries now known under the names of Banat, Auraria, Lower Hungary, Transylvania, Buseovine, and Bessarabia. Under the reign of Domitian,

this warlike people invaded the Roman possessions, and compelled the conquered emperor to pay tribute to them. Trajan, on his accession, resolving to avenge this affront, invaded Dacia with such success, that its chief was forced to sue for peace, which however was soon broken by a new revolt. The emperor, indignant at this want of faith, determined upon a conquest which should be final, and consumed a year in preparations; the most remarkable of these were the bridge constructed over the Danube by his order, and the wall, still so well known, bearing his name. Nothing could resist this attack. The Dacian chief, seeing his cause utterly lost, poisoned himself that he might not fall into the hands of his conqueror alive. The inhabitants either took to flight or were exterminated, and Dacia was declared a Roman province.

Great rejoicings followed this victory, not only at Rome but in the camp; the soldiers celebrated the glory of the emperor in military songs called ballettea, accompanied by dancing. From this military term the Italian ballare is derived, and from this amusement of the old Roman soldiers comes our ballet.

The bridge over which the Roman legions crossed the Danube for the conquest of Dacia, was one of the chef-d'œuvres of the celebrated Damascus architect, Apollodorus, who some years after immortalized himself by the Trajan column-one of the wonders of Rome. It was built of immense bricks, and the famous Roman cement which gave such solidity to all their constructions. This bridge must have been a bold undertaking, and modern times have few structures comparable with it. An examination of its situation confirms the fame of the architect's genius, showing that the course of the river must have been carefully studied before the selection of the site. It is said to have been supported by twenty-one arches; but the whole structure was afterward destroyed by Adrian, through fear, it is supposed, of the barbarians.

the bridge are the remains of some buildings, which, to any one who has seen Italy, are readily recognized as the remains of a Roman city.

may see, between Skela, Gladova and The tourist, who descends the Danube, these arches proudly standing near the Widdin, on the Wallachian side, one of majestic monuments which the Romans Seneria tower-the latter one of those planted in deserts as well as in cities, among the mightiest nations and amid the most obscure tribes.

the character of the conquered people than Perhaps nothing is more significant of the memorials which perpetuate the victory over them. The emperor, Septimius Severus, erected this tower in rememhave also been found at Rome, representbrance of their submission; bas-reliefs worn by their descendants in the mounting the Dacians in the very costume still ainous regions where they dwell. These trophies of the glory of the conquerors immortalize no less the valor of the conquered. The victory must have been hardly won, which was deemed of so much importance by the triumphant Romans.

legions into the country to repeople it, After the conquest, Trajan sent his and the present inhabitants, who are designated under the name of Romans, are their descendants. Their language, which was evidently derived from the Latin, is sentiments, habits, and expressions, are ina convincing proof; while many of their contestable evidences. The lapse of centuries has not dimmed the remembrance of their origin. They have never forgotten that they are the sons of Trajan and children of Rome; and though they have yielded, stances, and are still ready to suffer anyunder the irresistible pressure of circumthing, they look forward to a future which shall restore to them the glorious days of Stephen and Michael, when they may again prove themselves worthy of their illustrious origin. They have not forgotten the immortal names which are their proudest national boast. Galerius Ar

throne of the emperors; Dara, his nephew;
Constantine the Great; his wife, Faus-
tina; Licinius, who, though born a peas-
ant, led forth the Roman armies as a

In 1834, the river being very low, sev-mentarius, the herdsman, who sat on the
eral of the piers were discovered, which
had been concealed by the water. At the
same time many military relics were also
found in the bed of the river-breast-
plates, swords, and pieces of money-general; and Justinian, as famous as Ro-
proofs of the life and activity which once

peopled these now deserted shores. Near these provinces.
man law-all of them were natives of


Their own valor was displayed in many hard-fought battles in their earlier history; in their defeat of Alexis Commenes, and the steady repulse of the Tartars in their attempted passage toward Western Europe. Their brave resistance to the Turkish encroachments in later times, claims our admiration to their unconquerable bravery alone they owe their existence; for the division of their territory was several times arranged by Poland and Hungary. The process by which they have been robbed of all their political rights, and loaded with oppressions till they have at last sunk under the weight, must now be dismissed with a hasty glance, though centuries have been ex

hausted in these successive attempts to degrade them.

The colonies thus planted by the mistress of the world were under the dominion of Roman governors, until two hundred and seventy-four years after Christ. During one of the barbarian invasions of the country, the inhabitants crossed the mountains and settled in Transylvania, where they established two important colonies. After several years of exile, two of their chiefs, assisted by the Hungarians, drove out the Tartar possessors of their country, and established themselves under the title of Vaivodes, which is still preserved by their successors. It was at this time the division of the provinces was


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