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interest and co-operation, but no-thus far they have the same anxiety for place, prestige and control, the same ideals and ambitions, the same habits, recreations and dissipations as the rich whom they curse and they will so remain until they have experienced the drill and practice of living socially-co-operatively.

One pleasant thing about Marxian Socialism is that its adherents do not need to assume a superior virtue. We recognize that we of the working class have as many failings as the capitalists, perhaps a few extra ones on account of our less favorable environment. It is no doubt true that collectivism, if arrived at through social evolution, would in turn develop more agreeable traits of character. But history shows that if it comes it will come not through agreeable traits, but through the overthrow of the capitalist class.

The talk stage of socialism requires no sacrifice, no submergence of the ego, no higher social conscience. The Christian church has talked charity, generosity, brotherhood, for two thousand years and yet we are a race of grafters-hypocrites, proving the utter failure of the talk method.

Not so bad, but the real moral is that we had better get together and take the things which the capitalists have and we want.

People do not do as told when they are talked to. They do not even live right when they talk right.

Very, very true. So instead of giving moral advice let's "take keer of the stummicks," as our friend Mrs. Nome suggests. If we all could be sure of enough to eat, would it not be easier to "live right"-whatever that may mean?

Local Portland's Proposed Referendum. Local Portland (Oregon) has proposed an amendment to the constitution of the Socialist Party, to be adopted by referendum, and as we go to press it is awaiting the necessary number of seconds before being put to vote. The gist of the motion is that the National Executive Committee, which now consists of seven members, who serve without pay, except $3.00 a day and expenses when actually attending meetings, be changed by making the National Secretary a member of the committee with six others, he to receive $1,500 a year, as at present, and the others to receive $90 a month. It also provides that these seven carry on the work of the office, with such additional help as may be required. Only one member is to be eligible from any one state. Some of the minor details of the amendment are open to criticism. It still makes possible the election of the committee by a smal majority of the membership, which was one of the worst faults of the old constitution. No one not nominated by at least ten locals in at least three different states has much chance of election, and if the choice is to be by plurality, the names of those known only by their immediate neighbors. should be kept off the ballot. But the chief effect of the motion merits

further discussion. It is that if this proposition carries, no one can serve on the committee who is not willing to give up his previous occupation and work eight hours a day for $90 a month during his term of office. This would exclude all but proletarians, unless in the case of an enthusiast willing to serve on the same terms as proletarians. We believe the plan would work well, but every detail should be thoroughly considered before it is pressed to a vote.

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ENGLAND. Social Democrats and Laborites. An outsider should exercise a good deal of care in discussing the present situation in England. The reports of those on the ground are extremely contradictory. But one thing seems certain, and that is that members of all the socialistic parties are dissatisfied. For example, the local organization of the Independent Labor Party at Newcastleon-Tyne has come out for Social Democratic tactics. It is easy to see that thousands of union men have been disappointed by the slenderness of the results achieved by their parliamentary group. It has stuck too close to the Liberals, has exhibited a docility unworthy of its great constituency. It has not even dared to stand for universal suffrage.

On the other hand voices of protest are not lacking within the ranks of the Social Democratic Party. Of course it is generally recognized that the S. D. P. has done good service. It has helped popularize a long list of unpopular causes -eight-hour day, free schools, poor-relief, etc. More than this, it has now in the field an army of trained and devoted propagandists. Yet few seem to be satisfied with its position or prospects. With all its fruitfulness the party has not grown. This is how one correspondent of Justice puts the case: "Far too many branches have become crystallized into little groups of propa'gandists carrying on the usual number of meetings, weekly or monthly, with no thought beyond that, and little or no welcome for the newcomer who is not a budding orator or at least an aspirant to the chair."

There are two ways of escape from this situation. One is the oft suggested union with the Labor Party. This would expose socialism to dangers, but it would bring socialists into vital connection with the great body of the proletariat and so inspire them with the possibilities of new activity. The other plan is more conservative. It is proposed to escape from being a mere propaganda organization by being a better propaganda organization. Central organization, more intelligently managed meetings, etc., might give to the party the power and ambition necessary to its salvation. At any rate it is agreed on all hands that the present conditon of affairs is unsatisfactory.

The New Taff Vale Decision. Again English labor finds itself face to face with the courts. Though already much discussed it seems worth while to set down the outlines of the decision in the case of Osborne vs. The Amalgamated Union of Railway Servants. It is well known that the members of Parliament receive no salaries. So in order to make labor representation at all possible the unions have levied special taxes and so secured funds to support the members sent up to the House of Commons. Mr. Osborne is a prominent union official and at the same time a Conservative. He objected to the special tax, and when in 1904 he was put up for election he appealed to courts for protection. The case was decided against him, appealed, and finally, on the 31st of December, decided in his favor. The basis of the decision is a law of 1871 which outlines the functions of labor unions. It is stated

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judges held that this designation of functions is exhaustive, that the unions have no business to meddle with things not nominated in the bond. Hence they have no right to tax their members for the support of representatives in parliament. Just how the unions will meet the decision it is impossible to say. No doubt they will attempt to secure a modification of the law of 1871.

As to India. There are to be reforms in India. Hence there is new excitement. The new measures are the old story over again. Papers have been suppressed, patriots have been exiled, student agitators have been flogged. The Hindus do not take kindly to this sort of treatment; something must be done. So the Liberal government has devised a plan. A few Hindus-the most influential and dangerous ones are to be taken into the government service. Through their connivance Mr. Morley hopes to keep his policies going. Like most Liberal measures this one gets nobody's approval. Some favor the ironhand treatment, others advocate real concessions. The significant fact is that the natives themselves continue profoundly dissatisfied. One of their most peaceful leaders has recently said: "The mistake has been to suppose that all the educated Indians want is a few more posts under the government. Very soon it will be made manifest that the discontent lies much deeper, and that, sooner or later, the Indians in a body will be as irreconciliable as we Nationalists are said to be today. We are no party to the campaign of assassination, but we have a cause to further, and if England will not help us to attain our objects in a peaceful manner there will be no peace for England and India. The movement that has begun

will go on, and not all the regiments of England will suppress it."

Unemployment. Those Americans who cast longing eyes on English methods of poor-relief will find food for reflection in certain figures recently given out by John Burns. Between March 1st and December 11th, it appears, the number of "worthy" out-of-work registered at the London labor exchanges was 115,195; and the number of situations filled during the same period was 18,172. In thirteen provincial exchanges the number of persons registered was 28,403; the number of situations filled was 3,893. If these exchanges do not furnish work for the majority of the unemployed they at least furnish official proof of the breakdown of capitalism. The government formally acknowledges that society has made no provision for the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of its members.

AUSTRALIA. The First Labor Daily. On November 2nd Barrier Truth, Broken Hill, became Barrier Daily Truth. I told last month of the affiliation of the unions of Broken Hill. The new daily is owned and controlled directly by the combined unions. And a very respectable and useful daily it promises to be. In the first place it is a newspaper, an excellent newspaper, with an exceptionally good foreign service. In its editorial department it continues to stand squarely for socialism and industrial unionism.

The new daily came just in time to serve the miners in a crucial struggle. This occurred early in November. The men decided to strike for better wages and conditions. So well was their move managed by Tom Mann that they won without actually quitting work. At Port Pirie a strike finally took place involv ing several thousand men. At the time of the publication of the last papers which have arrived this was still in progress.

A Labor Cabinet. Rather unexpectedly Australia finds itself with a Labor cabi

net at the head of the government. Former Premier Deakin depended on the Laborites for his majority. But he proved so lukewarm in his support of labor measures-especially in his execution of the old-age pension law-that the Laborites deserted him and he fell. The representatives of labor were the only ones who could be asked to form a new government— though, strange to say, they have no majority to fall back upon. So Mr. Fisher became the head of the new cabinet. This is the second time the Laborites have been in power. But they have made such advances since their first period of supremacy that everyone is curious to see what they will do. The Melbourne Worker probably expresses the wish of the most advanced wing of the party when it hopes that the new ministry will be so actively anticapitalistic that its reign will be short.

GERMANY. Mine Legislation. For a long time there has been serious discontent among German miners. In 1907 there were 11,382 killed or wounded in mine accidents within the empire. There is only a farcical inspection, and conditions in general seem to resemble those with which we are familiar in this country. Recently a great disaster has called attention to the whole matter. What the men have long been contending for is control of mining constructionshafts, tunnels, etc.-by a joint commission of workingmen and operators. The latter are frankly opposed to this plan and, in fact, to any legislation on the subject. The men are very much wrought up just now. In fact the secretary of the Miners' unions prophesies that if no steps are taken 700,000 men will go on strike and so tie up the industry of the entire nation.

SPAIN. La Casa del Pueblo. About a year ago the Socialists of Madrid pur


chased the ancient seat of the dukes of Pajar. Since then they have rebuilt this historical structure to suit their needs. Thus remodeled it promises to serve admirably as a center of socialist activity. It is to contain co-operative stores and cafes, an assembly hall, and offices for party organizations and labor unions. The dedication took place with characteristic Spanish pomp and ceremony Nov. 28-30. A great procession marched from the old quarters to the new. Pablo Iglesias, the venerable leader of Spanish socialists, delivered a notable address. His review of the development of the national movement closed with the prophecy that within twenty years socialism would be represented by the largest party in Spanish politics. El Socialista, the official party organ, celebrated the occasion with a special edition containing a handsome cut of the building.

HUNGARY. Party Convention. On December 6 there met at Buda-Pest a special convention of the Social Democratic Party of Hungary. For years now Hungarian socialists have been fightng for a modern electoral system; and at one time they thought the battle was won. The King had promised them direct, secret and universal male suffrage. But now, under the influence of the same reactionary tendency which exhibits itself in his aggressive foreign policy, he has taken it all back. The law which he proposes for enactment provides for an indirect and public ballot. Against this the socialists throw themselves with all their force, and the special convention was called to formulate their opinion. A denunciatory reso'ution was adopted and the people everywhere were called upon to rise in protest. Incidentally the occasion was utilized to denounce the Austro-Hungarian policy toward Turkey.

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