Зображення сторінки
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Lloyd collection is particularly rich in material on trade unions, co-operation, socialism, municipal ownership and monopolies. It includes also thousands of books, pamphlets, papers, manuscript letters and boxes of special clippings dealing with allied topics, and will strengthen materially the historical and university libraries in economics, political science and history, which are recognized as the best in the country for the study of public utilities and the labor movement.

Few characters in American history have added more to the sane discussion of social reform than did Henry D. Lloyd. During the last twenty years of his life he journeyed up and down this country and around the world, to Europe, to Australia, and to the distant islands of the sea, and everywhere he sought signs of better ways to do and to live. Because his purpose was to teach these new lessons to his fellow Americans, he brought back with him the evidences of new growth. His pockets and trunks were filled with discriptions and documents. In 1890 he published "A Strike of Millionaires Against Miners," a little book in which he describes the plot of wealthy mine owners against the starving miners of Spring Valley. From New Zealand he brought back the original materials which served as the basis for "A Country without Strikes," and "Newest England." He spent months in Switzerland, England and Ireland, before writing "Labor Co-partnership," and "A Sovereign People."


THE WORK THAT COUNTS-Real socialism, the socialism that counts, the socialism of the socialists, the socialism that is impregnable in its convictions, uncompromising in its methods, unswervable in its determination, unquenchable in its long, ardent, enduring enthusiasm-this sort of socialism is not produced by sensational campaigns, by the hypnotism of magnetic oratory, by

the personalities of its spokesmen, No, this sort of socialism-genuine, durable, understanding, dependable socialism-is produced only by educational methods; by a laborious propaganda directed towards the end of making workingmen and their sympathizers understand the struggle of opposing classes throughout the social body-a struggle sometimes conscious, more often unconscious, but always present even in the remotest ramifications of life; by making them understand the class character of existing society and all its institutions, the mean, subtle, ignoble class character of government, law, politics, religion, existing educational systems-and the nobler, revolutionary working class character of the socialist movement, the completely revolutionary spirit of the movement; and by making them understand the underlying causes of social evolution, arousing their consciousness of the historic mission of the modern working class, inspiring their whole souls with the new moral ideal of proletarian class-conscious

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MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA-We are getting splendid reports from the comrades in Melbourne, Australia, of the debating ability of Comrade W. H. Emmett. Comrade Emmett stands upon a firm Marxian footing and we understand that the fiercest onslaughts of the reform advocates have only served to strengthen his position. Portions of one of his speeches have been sent us by one of his friends, and if this is a sample of the goods he delivers, we want to congratulate the local of which he is a member. The only man who can make


The cause of Sounless you know WHY you are one. cialism has been tremendously injured and retarded by the ignorance of those who talk and write about it without a proper understanding of its principles. The foolish notion of "dividing up" and the story of the "Irishman's two pigs" come from this source. The capitalist writer and the speakers deliberately misrepresent our principles, but if every comrade thoroughly understands Socialism, it will hasten the coming of liberty for all.

"The Library of

Original Sources"

IN THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS-Translated sweeps away the bigotry and superstition that has accumulated around Religion, Government, Law, Social Science, etc.-brings to light the naked truth and shows why Socialism is coming. "The documents" cover as well the ENTIRE FIELD of thought.

Prominent Socialists Say:

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Active locals of the APPEAL TO REASON: Socialist party could not make a better investment than a set of these books."

A. M. SIMONS: "Will be read when novels are forgotten-Easy to grow enthusiastic over; difficult to find fault with.'

VICTOR L. BERGER: "Of great value to Socialist students-a treasure mine of information."

ERNEST UNTERMANN, Lecturer on Socialism: "Your kindness is most appreciated and I enclose check. The documents will be my most valued companions this winter."

TOM CLIFFORD, Socialist Lecturer: "That which I have longingly desired for years and which I must confess I despaired of ever enjoying-The Library of Original Sources a service to civilization."

A. R. LIVINGSTON (Sec. Local, Hackberry, Kan.): I owe you my thanks-greatest addition I ever made to my library."

ARTHUR MORROW LEWIS (Lecturer on Socialism): "I regard it as the most valuable part of my library." WALTER LOHRENTZ (Sec. Longshoreman's Union, Seattle, Wash.): "A boon to the working class who have neither time nor money to secure a university education."

SEYMOUR STEDMAN: "It stands iike a pyramid in a desert."

A work not for "Scholars," but for THINKERS, the toilers, who are beginning to think for themselves.

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a good debater upon subjects of socialism is the one who studies scientific socialism of which Marx and Engels are still the best exponents. We wish that space permitted the reprinting of his lecture. It is the kind that makes permanent socialists.

INTERCOLLEGIATE SOCIALIST SOCIETY-George A. Kirkpatrick has assumed the work of organizer for the Intercollegiate Socialist Society. He desires to secure names and addresses of students in all parts of the country who are socialists or political liberals or who are taking their first course in economics, also, names of comrades-collegians or otherwise-in college towns who are willing to distribute some of our leaflets among the students. Branches of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society are requested to send in their names and addresses of organization headquarters to Comrade Kirkpatrick, care Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 112 East 19th street, New York, N. Y.

Note-We will send free the first portion of Joseph E. Cohen's course-Socialism for Students, to any member of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society upon request.


THE SOCIALIST PARTY OF CANADA now owns the Western Clarion, published at Vancouver, B. C. The party is to be congratulated for the Western Clarion is one of the clearest exponents of socialism in America. We hope that Comrade E. T. Kinsley and the old contributors will continue to write for the paper.

-The article by Albert E. Averill in the
BLACKHEAD REMOVER. December Review contains food for

This little device is a most wonderful thing for taking them
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thought. The important question, to my mind, is, shall the proletariat organize on the economic field, as per the I. W.

W., and also on the political field, or shall it concentrate all its strength upon the one industrial form of organization, on the economic field? I have been an active member of the Socialist party for five years, but I can see that the party is rapidly getting into the bogs and quagmires of opportunism. This I attribute in large degree to the party's failure to endorse the industrial form of unionism as against the craft form of "pure and simple" trade unions. The recent election emphasizes the fact that the A. F. of L. does not promote unity at the ballot box, for wherever the A. F. of L. was the best organized, there the Socialist vote was less than it was four years ago. The A. F. of L., instead of uniting the workers where they are employed, divided them into crafts, thereby promoting trade jealousies and war. As long as the workers are divided on the industrial field, just so long will they be divided on the political field.

The proletariat must achieve its own emancipation, but I hold that the ballot is not an all-sufficient means to that end. I further hold that while political action is useful and necessary to Socialism, the ballot alone is inadequate to accomplish the social revolution. For this I believe that the class-conscious and industrially organized economic union is absolutely essential. I look upon the union as a permanent institution, which should embody the framework of the Socialist republic. The proletariat must be organized correctly where employed, so that production can be carried on when the present system collapses.

Yours for industrial freedom,

Granite, Oklahoma.

AFTER THE BATTLE "And behold the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind rent the mountain and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but

Out of the Dump

A Story by Mary E. Marcy

Illustrated with Eight Original Wash Drawings by R.H. Chaplin CLOTH, FIFTY CENTS, PREPAID

"Out of the Dump" is the truest and most vivid description of the real life of the American city worker ever written.

The keenness of the analysis of the working of "Organized Charity" makes it a really valuable contribution to Sociology.

If you have a middle class friend interested in Settlement work or charity work of any kind, this is the book to give him or her.-Robert Rives La Monte.

I want to compliment you, first of all, for deciding to put "Out of the Dump" into book form. This delineation of working class life is SO vastly different from the rubbish that even some socialists have been addicted to imposing upon a long suffering reading public. "Out of the Dump" is not fiction, it is REAL. -Jos. E. Cohen.

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Ten Dollars will pay for a share in our $50,000 Socialist Publishing House. We now publish practically all the Socialist books in the English language that are worth reading, and all but stockholders must pay our retail prices, which are very low considering the quality of the books.

Stockholders buy all our books at half price if they pay expressage, or at a discount of forty per cent if we send books by mail or express prepaid. This applies to all our books, cloth and paper alike, except that on our five-cent books we make stockholders the special price of $1.00 a hundred postpaid; 80c a hundred or $7.00 a thousand if the stockholder pays expressage.

No special rates to stockholders on the International Socialist Review, nor on books of other publishers.

We pay no dividends; if you don't buy books one of our shares is useless to you; if you buy many books it will save you its price over and over. You can pay at the rate of a dollar a month, and can buy books at cost as soon as you have made your first payment.

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Mr. Fitch wrote the first edition of this book without previous knowledge of our socialist literature, and as the result of a thorough study of the generally recognized writers on physical science, he arrived at practically the position held by Marxian socialists. In revising the book he has referred to the works of Engels, Dietzgen, Labriola and other socialist writers, and in its new form his own work will help many Socialists to a better understanding of the scientific foundations of socialism.

Cloth, 1.00 postpaid. Charles H. Kerr & Company 153 East Kinzie Street, Chicago.

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the Lord was not in the wind, and after the wind, an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice, and it was So. Yea, I have left me seven thousand in Israel. All the knees have not bowed unto Baal and every mouth hath not kissed him." XIX Chapter, I Kings. Probably there is not a thoughtful Socialist in the land who has not felt a shade of disappointment at the result of the last ballot, but since the dust has brushed away we realize that there are at least 500,000 who have not bowed the knee to the Capitalist Baal. Wendell Phillips said that 50,000 earnest men, with but one thought, could do what they willed with America. Within a decade slavery was driven from America. Ten times 50,000 is 500,000 and who is not brave enough to say that 500,000 earnest men, conscious of class antagonisms, may destroy wage-slavery within ten years. We are not going to do it with wind, earthquake nor fire, but through the still small voice born of knowledge of our class power which shall crown our efforts with victory. We have had too much effort to create a political earthquake, to set the country on fire. Campaign illuminations do not bear conviction. Our recruits must come from the sober, overburdened, whose very attitude is a cry for deliverance. Multitudes of these-numbered like Benhadad's Army, by the sands of the seaare repelled, not attracted, by displays of fourth of July fireworks in a Socialist Party campaign of education. Look soberly, comrades, at the BryanTaft chariot race in the closing days of the campaign in New York and Ohio. Does it not remind you of the gladiatorial contests of Ancient Rome in its decline? What part have we, that we should imitate our enemies?-C. B. Stone, Grace Park Farm, Avon, Colo.

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