Зображення сторінки

Henry III. summons a parliament consisting entirely of Jews; 374;-
his object in so doing, and the Jews' great disappointment; 375.-The
king quarrels with his barons, and retires to the Tower of London; 375;
--bloody conduct of the barons on that occasion; ibid.-Battle at
Lewes, and defeat and capture of Henry and his family by the victo-
rious barons; 376.-Particulars of the reign of Edward I. and his treat-
ment of his Jewish subjects; 377.-The Jews clip and adulterate the
current coin of the kingdom; 378;-dreadful massacre of them in con-
sequence; ibid.-Edward banishes the great body of that people from
England; 379.

Ethelburga, St. the history of the parish church of; 428.

Exchange Royal, see Royal Exchange.

Exchange Alley, description of it; 120.

Excise Office, description of that building; 445.-Power and duty of the
commissioners of excise, with the produce of that branch of the reve-
nue in 1805; ibid.

Exports and imports, account of; 13.


Farriers, company of, their origin and incorporation; 456,

Flanders, account of its trade with England; 13.

Farringdon ward within, its origin, extent, and government; 97.

without, its boundaries, situation, and number of pre-

cincts; 98.
Fish, low price of, in the reign of Edward I. 286.-Observations on the
frauds practised in the fish trade; 287;--and the acts of parliament to
counteract them; 289.


Fisher, John, bishop of Rochester, A. D. 1535, brief memoirs of him,
and of his upright conduct and consequent condemnation; 253;-
affecting letter written by him, while in confinement, to the secretary
of state, praying for the common necessaries of life; ibid.
Flax, the great emolument derivable from it; 4, n.

Fletchers, (or Arrow-makers), account of that ancient company; 457.
France, account of its trade with England; 13.

Frederick, prince of Wales, (father of his present majesty), anecdote of
him; 243, n.

Fellowship Porters' Hall, use of this building, and number of companies
into which the porters are divided, with their particular occupations;
297. Remarkable custoin in use among the porters; ibid,


Gayer, sir John, lord mayor of London in 1643, remarkable interposition
of Divine providence in his favour; 177.

George, Saint, history of; 300;-description of the tortures he suffered
for his faith, and the miracles he performed; 301;-his martyrdom,
and the great respect paid to his remains; 302.

---, Botolph-lane, history of, and description of its principal monu-
ments; 303.

Germany, account of its trade with England; 13.

Globe Fire-office, nature and principles of its establishment; 119.
Glovers, company of, their incorporation; 458.

Gondamar, count, (ambassador from Spain to James I.) his great magni-
ficence; 386;-situation of his mansion in London; 387.
Goodman's Fields, their origin; 188.

Grand Junction canal, history of its navigation, with the number and
names of the towns it communicates with; 78.


Gresham College, history of that building and its princely owner; 437 ;—
Isir Thomas builds the Royal Exchange (which see), "and converts his
own mansion into a seat for the Muses; ibid.-Extract from his will,
establishing the same: 439.-List of the professors of Gresham college
from its foundation; 441.-Other particulars respecting it; 444.
Griffydd ap Rhys, brief memoirs of that illustrious person; 333, n.
Guernsey and Jersey, number of ships employed in the trade of those
islands, their aggregate amount, and the value of their imports and ex-
ports; 15.

Guinea, coast of, its trade with Great Britain; 14,

Guild, account of an ancient one, dedicated to "Our Lady de Salve
Regina," and of the curious certificate presented to Edward III. re-
specting it; 309.


Helen, St. church of, description of that ancient structure; 419.-Brief
history of the saint to whom it is dedicated; 420.-Account of the prin
cipal monuments, and their curious inscriptions; 421.-Singular con-
struction of the tomb and coffin of Mr. Bancroft, a person notorious and
execrable for his usury, &c. &c.; 427.

Henry VIII. anecdote of him, and the important remunerations he made
to a lady for presenting him with some fine puddings! 172.-Another,
illustrative of the protection he afforded to Hans Holbein; 176, n.--
Particulars of several of the illustrious persons put to death by this
tyrant; 253.

Hill, sir Rowland, lord mayor of London, A.D. 1550, his great charac-
ter, and description of the pillar erected by him, in Ilawkestone park,
Shropshire; 24.

Hog-lane, origin of its name, and comparison between its former and pre-
sent state; 386.

Holland, account of its trade with Great Britain; 14.

Hotham, captain John, (governor of Hull in the reign of Charles I.)
anecdote of him; 220.

Houses, and lands, comparison between their former and present value;
5.-Guthrie's estimate of the number of houses in London; 84.
Houndsditch, origin of the name; 3089.


Imperial Fire-office, its liberal and firm establishment; 141.

Imports and exports of England, statement of; 13;-and their amount; 15.
India, East, description of its trade with Great Britain; 14.
India House, see East India House.

Inhabitants of London, their opulence and honorable character; 54, 55,
Inland navigation, the advantages attending it; 71.-Projected plan of
the citizens of London to make two canals near the metropolis; 75;-
their liberal and disinterested conduct on that occasion; 76;-submit
their plan to parliament, which is violently opposed and rejected; ibid.
-After much trouble, assiduity, and expence, the city completes a
towing-path on the banks of the Thames from Putney to Staines; ibid.
-Various other plans of the above nature for the improvement and
aggrandisement of the metropolis, and estimates of the probable ex-
pence of carrying them into effect; 77.-History of the Grand Junc-
tion and Paddington canals, with the number and names of the towns
and places with which they communicate; 78.-History of the Basing-
stoke canal; 79;--and of that at Croydon; 80;--nature of the different
clays, loams, &c. which form the bed of the latter; 81.-Particular
advantages attending the formation of canals; 85.


Ireland, number of ships employed in its trade in 1798, their aggregate
tonnage, and the value of their imports and exports; 15.-Singular
exemption of the Irish from the plague, in the 14th century, when it
cut off the English residents in that country; 192, n.

Iron ore, the great profit to be derived from it; 4, n.
Italy, account of its trade with England; 13.

Ironmongers' Hall, description of that edifice; 347.-Account of the
principal benefactors to this company whose portraits adorn the inte-
rior; 348.-Particulars of the incorporation and government of the
company; 351.-Statement of its revenue and expenditure; 352.
James's church, St. Duke's place,description of that edifice; 365;-verses
written to the memory of sir Edward Barkham, who was buried there;


Jeffries, lord chancellor of England (the cruel instrument of despotism
under James II.) insult offered to him in his adversity; 259.
Jewel-office, Tower, description of the imperial crown and all the em-
blems of royalty; 233.

Jews, history of them from their introduction into England to the present
time; 365.-Anecdote of William Rufus and the Jews; 365, 366, n.—
Instance of the arrogance of one of that body, and the direful conse-
quence of it; 367.-Inconsiderate conduct of this people, and the per-
secution resulting from it; 368.—Anecdote of a Jew and a Christian;
369, n.—Bloody conduct of the citizens of London towards the Jews in
the beginning of the reign of Richard I.; 370.-Dreadful tragedy acted
by that persecuted people at York, when assailed by the populace;
371-they are plundered by Richard on his return from the crusades;
372; but are protected in the commencement of the reign of king John;
ibid.-he withdraws his protection, and puts them to great torture for
the discovery of their riches; ibid.—dreadful instance of the sufferings
of a Jew on that account; ibid. n.-Henry III. summons a parliament
consisting entirely of Jews; 374;-the purpose for which he convened
them, and their great disappointment; 375.-Great slaughter of the
Jews in 1262, and slight pretext for such bloody and inhuman conduct;
ibid-Gross insult offered by a Jew to the Christian religion; 376;—his
punishment; 377.-Observations on the sufferings of this people in
England; ibid. The Jews, in the reign of Edward I. compelled to
wear a badge; ibid.-They clip and adulterate the current coin of the
kingdom: 378;-bloody massacre of them in consequence; ibid.-In
1290, Edward seizes on the estates of the Jews, and banishes the great
body of that people from England; 379. -They are again introduced
into the kingdom in the reign of Charles I. and suffered to remain un-
molested to the present time; ibid.-Description of the Jews' syna-
gogue in Bevis Marks; 380;-Form of prayer made use of by that
people for the king and royal family; ibid.-Description of the syna-
gogue in Duke's place; 381.- Some account of the Jewish marriage
ceremony; ibid.


Kings of England, description of their figures in the Horse Armoury in the
Tower, their real armour, apparel, accoutrements, &c. &c.; 246.
King's Head Tavern (Fenchurch-street), origin of the annual meeting there
of certain people to eat pork and pease; 346.

Merchant, origin of that title; 100, n.

Weigh-house, its laudable institution and object; 326.
Kinsale, lord, origin of the honor derived by him from his ancestors, of
wearing his hat in the presence of the king; 245.

Knighten Guild, its origin and singular institution; 196.

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Langbourn ward, particulars of its situation and government; 90.
Leadenhall market, description thereof; 146,

street, distressing circumstances attending the fire in that street
in 1782; 135, n.-affecting inscription engraved on the monument of
those who lost their lives on that melancholy occasion; 136.-Origin
of the name, and description of the hall; 141 ;-memorial concerning
this fabric, shewing the ancient and accustomed uses to which it was
applied; 143.

Lime-street ward, its origin, situation, and government; 89.

Lloyd's Coffee-house, account of, and the important nature of its busi-
ness; 114.

Lombard-street, history of the merchants who formerly inhabited and
gave name to it; 452.

London, its trade, commerce, and manufactures; 3;-great advantages
derived therefrom; 4; and weekly sum produced by the customs;
ibid.;-is the centre of the East India and Greenland trade, and also
of the Italian silk trade; 5.--Account of the government of the metro-
polis, its magistracy, police, &c.; 17;-resemblance between the legis
lative government of the empire and the civil government of the city;
ibid.-List of the aldermen who have served the office of lord mayor,
from the year 1283 to the present time, inclusive; 20 to 32;-enume-
ration of their patriotic and virtuous actions, and the various charitable
and religious institutions founded and endowed by them; ibid.-De-
scription of the city officers, and the nature of their different employ-
ments; 33 to 42.-The city representatives in parliament at certain
times take precedence of all the other members; 42.-Peculiar privi-
leges enjoyed solely by the metropolis in the presentation of petitions
to parliament; ibid.-Description of the court of Husting, and the
court of Common Council; 43.-Description of all the other courts
held in and about London, the nature and extent of their jurisdiction,
&c.; 44 to 54.-Humane character of the citizens of London; 54.-
Description of the different classes of inhabitants in the metropolis; 55;
-honorable character of its merchants and traders; ibid;-instance of
their opulence; 56.-Comparison between London and other metropo-
litan cities, to the advantage of the former; 57.-Great improvement
in London since the year 1748; 57, 58.-Account of its ecclesiastical
government; 58;-number of churches in and about London and
Westminster; 59.-Privileges and jurisdiction of the city of London
over the navigation and fisheries of the rivers Thames and Medway;
66.-London bridge asserted to be a disgrace to the city and an impe-
diment to the river navigation, and its water-works an incumbrance;
72 to 74.-Projected plan for the making of two canals near the metro-
polis; 75;-disinterested and generous conduct of the citizens on the
Occasion; 76;-the proposition made to parliament, but violently op-
posed and rejected; ibid.-Various other plans of a similar nature for
the improvement and aggrandizement of the metropolis; 77.-Guth-
rie's estimate of the number of dwelling-houses in London, and of the
annual consumption of provisions; 84.-History of the topography of
the metropolis; 87;-the number and names of its wards, with their
origin, situation, extent, and government; 87 to 99.-Exclamation of
marshal La Condamine, on viewing the pavement of the metropolis; 99.
-The merchants of London, in the year 1531, transact their com-
mercial affairs in the open air, exposed to all the inclemencies of the
weather; 100;-to remedy the inconvenience, sir Richard Gresham,
(styled the King's Merchant) addresses the king and his government


on the subject, praying assistance to erect a bourse or exchange, but
without effect; 103.-Sir Thomas Gresham (son of the preceding) pro-
posed to the corporation of London, to build an exchange at his own
expence, provided they give him a space of ground on which to erect
it; 103.-Number of houses cleared away for the purpose, and the
expence attending the same; ibid.-The foundation laid, and the
building completed in 1567; 104;-plan of the structure, and the visit
paid to it by queen Elizabeth, who names it the Royal Exchange;
ibid. Expence of its erection, profits arising therefrom, with their dis-
posal and settlement by the will of the founder; 105.-Destruction of
the building in the great fire of London, and re-edification by sir
Christopher Wren; 106;-expence thereof, and particulars of its
erection; ibid.-Charles II. visits the building, in the beginning of the
year 1667, and is magnificently entertained on the spot; ibid.;-and
again in the latter end of the same year; 107.-Description of the
building, and its curious clock; 109.-Enumeration and names of the
statues which adorn the Exchange; 110;-sketch of the building, and
of the walks appropriated to the transaction of business with the differ-
ent nations of the universe; 111.-Singular punishments formerly in-
flicted by the citizens of London on adulteresses, procuresses, Scolds,
and other offenders; 121, 122.-Dreadful ravages of the plague in the
metropolis in the beginning of the fourteenth century; 191, n.—
History of the Tower of London, the various purposes to which it is
applied, and an account of some of the great and illustrious personages.
who ended their lives in it, with a description of the different instru-
ments of war contained therein, the jewels of the crown, royal mena-
gerie, &c. &c.; 224 to 260.-History of the Custom-house, its sales,
commerce, and government; 261 to 265.-List of aldermen who have
filled the civic chair from the years 1735 to 1806, inclusive, and the
price of bread during their mayoralties; 269.-Low price of fish in the.
metropolis in the reign of Edward I.; 286;-acts of the legislature
against the forestallers and regraters of this article; 289.-History of
London Bridge from its original construction to the present time; 311;
-with an accurate description of its water-works; 317.-Description
of the Monument, erected to commemorate the great fire of London
in 1666; 320;-translation of the different Latin inscriptions engraved
thercon; 321;-explanation of the figures which decorate its bar;
323. Account of the bloody conduct of the citizens of London towards
the Jews in the commencement of the reign of Richard; 370;-their
subsequent inhuman and brutal conduct to that persecuted people in
the reign of king John, obliges that monarch to threaten the mayor and
magistrates of the city; 373.-Great massacre of the Jews in London in
the year 1262; 375.

London Assurance company, nature and extent of its establishment; 125.
Bridge, strictures on its erection, and great expence attending
its repair; 72, 73.-Sum of money laid out on the last alteration of it;
ibid. n.-asserted to be a nuisance, and an impediment to the river
navigation, and its water-works an incumbrance; 74.-Scheme for
taking down the whole structure, and for supplying the city with water
from other sources; ibid.-History of this bridge, from its original con-
struction to the present time; 311 to 317.--Accurate description of its
.water-works; 317.

Lyckpeny, an ancient ballad, its singular form and ludicrous
contents; 124.

Tavern, account of it; 417.

Workhouse, history of that structure, its government and sup-

port; 397.


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