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ther's Revolt) partly in Afia and Africa, partly in America, hath Recompenfed what the Church,for the Sins of the People, has loft in Europe. In Africa; the Converfions chiefly have been in Congo, Angola, Monomotapa, Canaries, St. Jago, St. Thomas, Bourbon, Madera, Tercera, and Ceuta. In Afia, in China, Decan, Siam, Manille, Mandora, Malabar, Coromandel, and Cranganor. In America; in Mexico, New Mexico, New France, Cuba, Hifpaniola, Porto-Rico, St. Martin, Guardalupe, Marigalante, Martinico, St. Croix, Trinidada, Terra-Firma, Peru, Chili, Paraguay, and Brazil. Of this last, Mr. Collier, in his Dictionary tells us, that the "Natives, who remain among the Portuguese, “ are almost all Chriftians. And that "the Miffionaries have made a great Progrefs there, and "Converted many of the Infidels. That "the Bicc Shop of Imperiali in Chili, has about Eighty Thoucr fand Indians under his Care. That, in China, "the Chriftian Religion is permitted, and one may

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fee in all the Churches, the King's Proclamation, "that approves and gives the Tartars, and Chi"nefes full Liberty to embrace it, if they pleafe. That "the Fefuits have a vaft Number of Orato"ries, and Miffions, throughout the feveral Pro

vinces of this Kingdom, with about Two Hundred Churches, and Privileg'd Refidences. That Decan has feveral Monafteries, befides the Churches. And that the Jefuits have five Houses in that City. That" in the Philippine Islands (which are above "1200) the Spaniards have One Arch-bishop, and "Three Bishops. And that feveral of the Inhabitants, have Embraced the Christian Religion. That "in the Cape of Good Hope, U 2

" the

the most Part of the Inhabitants are Catholicks. Mr. L. therefore, may as well pretend, that, before Conftantine's Time, there were no National Churches: or, that the Proteftants now have not any, excepting Sweden and Denmark, as that Catholicks have none out of Europe.

BUT the Zeal, with which, it has pleafed God to Infpire a great Number of our Miffionaries, in thefe Foreign Countries, is no lefs an Argument of the Truth, they have Preach'd,than of their Success it felf. Among thefe, St. Francis Xaverius, who Inherited both the Spirit and the Bleffing of the Apoftles, is highly Remarkable: having been the happy Inftrument to the Converfion of above a Hundred ThouLand Indians. We have his Life in English, Tranflated by Mr. Dryden and I think we may set it against all Mr. L's Unanswerables.

And, fince God has thus made Ufe of Catholicks alone, to carry the Gofpel fo far beyond the Bounds of Europe: and has given them a Share in the Apostles Bleffing, of whom it was faid, How Beautiful are the Feet of them, that Preach the Gofpel of Peace, and bring glad Tidings of good Things. And their Sound went into all the Earth, and their Words into the Ends of the World, without employing Proteftants in this great Work: may we not reafonably Conclude, that the Ancient Communion is fo far from being Guilty of Errours, and Superftition, that it both inherits the Promifes of the New Law, and fulfils the Prophecies of the Old? For, if Protestant Religion, be only a Reformation of real Disorders; Would it be Confistent with the Sanctity and Goodness of God, to have preferr'd a Fal'n and Corrupted Ministry, to ne that's Pure and Reform'd from Abufes and Super


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Stitions, in the Propagating of the Gofpel? And, is not the Want of this Zeal in our Adverfaries, a vifible Demonstration, that (tho' they cannot compare with the Extent of the Catholick-Church) yet, how Numerous foever, they are only large Branches, which cannot grow and are not of the Race of thofe Men, by whom Salvation was made in Ifrael?

Luther foon found, that in his Reformation (by removing Penance, Confeffion, and Fasting) Vice was not very much Check'd. () "The World, "fays he, grows every Day worse. Men are now "more Revengeful, more Covetous, more Unchari"table, and Disorderly, in a Word, more Wicked, "than while they were Papifts: Which was alfo (2) Erafinus's Argument, against the Reformation. And, as for the Converfion of Infidels; it was an old Obfervation of Tertullian, that That is not Hereticks Bufinefs. () What fhall I fay, Says he, of Adminiftring the Word? Since their Bufinefs is not to Convert Heathens, but to Subvert Christians. They Undermine us, to raise their Fabrick. Be pleased to Pardon the Digreffion, and to Believe me,

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Sir, &c.

Mar. 29. 1714.

() In Poftill. fuper Dom. 1. Adventus. (*) In Epift. ad Vulturium, anno 1529. (3) Lib. de Præfcript.


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Apoftacy charged upon the Church for above 800 Years P. 9.261 Apofties, according to Mr L. not infallible p. 78.86 Their Sin no Prejudice to the Church's Infallibility pag. 236 Armenians hold with Catholicks against Proteftants p. 259.261 Articles, in which Catholicks and Proteftants agree p. 2. Others, in which they are prefumed to agree pag. 9 The 39 Articles of the Church of England, are not all neceffarily to be believ'd by Proteftants pag. 21.39. The Infincerity and Inco berency of their fixth Article 92.

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P. 38, 39


reticks ufurping that Name 115. Of the Church being only in one Communion 156, 164, Of its perpetual Vifibility 171. Of its Authority in deciding Controverfies 208, 216, 229. Of Saluation in the Church alone Authority of the Church or Scripture, according to Mr. L, is not necefJary for Believing Articles of Faith 96 Authority of the Church reconmended by Scripture 201. By she Fathers. 228. Defcribed by Dr. Taylor 210. By Sr Edwyn Sandys 212. 'Tis the best Establish'd on Earth 397. 119. 266 Baptifm, whethervalidly given to Children, or by a wicked Minifter, is only known by Church Au. thority 227, 229 Bafil, the Council held there, 249

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ately condemn'd. Bulla Coenæ misconstrued by Mr.L. 52. Explicated by Bonacina 53

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S. Auguftin, was not in the Com-Catholicks, who truly fo 112, 114.

munion of all Chriftians. p. 164. His Reafons, for being a Catholick pag. 15. What be fays of Miracles P. 55, 56. Of the Jecond Commandment 62. Of the Name of Catholick 114. Of He

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› Variously nicknam'd by Hereticks 113. Mifreprefented and flander'd by Mr. L, 34, 35. 42, 43. 528 54, 57.60, 62, 66. And by hi Vindicator, Pref. 6, 7, 12


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