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4 THEODORUS Beza, in Confeffione Chri ftiana fidei, cap. 5. §. 1. hath this Title: (1) That there always was and will be a Church, out of which there is no Salvation. And, §. 2. (2) That there is only One true Church. Since there is only One God, One Faith, One Mediator of God and Men Jefus Chrift, &c.

BUCANUS, loco. 41. §. 23. (1) Out of it, there is no Salvation. But this is to be underStood of the Catholick Church.

LUCAS Trelcatius, lib. 2. Inftitutionum de Ecclefia. Parte 2. §. 10. (4) It is a Thing of Abfolute Neceffity, if we will be Saved, to embrace the Communion of the Catholick Church, out of which there is no Salvation.

ADAMUS Francifci, loco xi, pag. 123. () 'Tis Abfolutely Neceffary, for all that are to be Saved, to be foin'd with the true Church in Faith, Profeffion, Prayer, and a Will of retaining Communion with the Church.

CALVIN, lib. 4. Inftit. cap. 1. §. 4, fpeaking of the Visible Church, fays, (6) Moreover out of her Communion, neither Forgiveness of Sins,

(1) Semper fuiffe, & fore aliquam Ecclefiam, extra quam non fit Salus. (2) Unam duntaxat effe veram Ecclefiam. Quum Unus fit Deus, Una Fides, Unus Dei & Hominum Mediator Jefus Chriftus, &c. (3) Extra eam non eft Salus. Sed hoc de Ecclefiâ Catholicâ intelligendum eft. () Neceffitas eft abfoluta, fi falvi effe volumus, ut nos adjungamus Ecclefiæ Catholicæ, extra quam nulla eft Salus. (*) Prorfus neceffe eft, fingulos falvandos junctos effe cum verâ Ecclefiâ, fide, confeffione, invocatione Dei, & voluntate fervandæ Ecclefiæ, feu Conjunctionis in Ecclefiâ. (6) Adde, quod extra ejus Gremium, nulla eft fperanda peccatorum remiffio, nec ulla falus, tefte Ifaiâ, & Joel; quibus fubfcribit Ezechiel-Ut femper Exitialis fit ab Ecclefiâ difceffio.

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nor Salvation is to be hoped for; mitnefs Ifaiah, Foel, and Ezekiel.

THE Huguenot's Catechifm, on the x Article of the Creed. () M. Why is this Article, of Forgiveness of Sins, next to that of the Church? A. Because no one obtains Pardon of his Sins, but he that is firft Incorporated with the People of God, and perfeveres in Unity and Communion with the Body of Chrift, that is, with the Church. M. So there is nothing, out of the Church, but Death and ·Damnation? A. 'Tis Certain. The contrary Opinion, Luther attributes to the Impudence of the Zuinglians, in Caput 47 Genefeos, Tom. 6., fol. 633. col. 2, I know many were of Opinion fif teen Years fince, that every One might be Saved in his own Perfwafion. And what is this, but to make one Church out of all the Enemies of Chrift? From whence it would also follow, that there was no need of Chrift and his Gofpel; and there will be no Difference betwixt Turks, Papifts, Jews, and Us who have the Gospel. Strange then is the Boldness and Impudence of the Zuinglians, who dare Advance fuch Doctrine, and cover it with my Authority and Example. ita igitur Audacia & Impudentia Zuinglianozum, qui talia docere, & mea Authoritate atque Exemplo abuti audent.

() Pourquoy met on cet Article aprés l'Eglife? E. Pource que nul n'obtient pardon de fes pechez, que premierement il ne foit incorporé au peuple de Dieu, & perfevere en Unité & Communion avec le Corps de Chrift, & ainfi qu'il foit membre de l'Eglife.

M. Ainfi, hors de l'Eglife il n'y a que Damnation & Mort? E. Il eft certain. Car Tous Ceux qui fe feparent de la Communauté de Fideles pour faire fecte apart, ne doivent efperer Salut, cependant qu'ils font en Divifion.

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Mr. L's Idea of the Holy Scripture, and Pri vate Judgment, Confider'd.

§. I.

Of Scripture,

O deny the Church, the Apostles, and the Scriptures to be Infallible, is a thing fo unbecoming an Advocate of the Church of England; that it fhakes, in a great Measure, the Foundations of Chriftianity; and reduces it to a State of Uncertainty, and Enthufiafm. As for the Catholick Church, which we believe in the Creed, Mr. L. tells us, pag. 26, that Infallibility cannot be amongst Men, who are all Fallible. And this Cuts off the Apostles, as well as the Church; which may well be content to lose her Charter, if the Apostles be not fecure of theirs. And they, as he fays pag. 32, were no more InIn fome fallible, than impeccable. S. Paul, 1 Cor. 7. ver. Parts of 5, 6, 7. exhorts married People to abstain from this Chap the Ufe of Marriage, by mutual Confent for a is not In- time, that they may give themfelves to Fafting and fallible ac- Prayer: and then come together again, tho' he does cording to notcommand this,defiring rather that Men fhould Mr. L. pag. live fingle, like himself. ver. 8, Ifay therefore, to

ter, S.Paul

32, 33.

the Un-married and Widows, it is good for them, if they abide un-married, even as I. If the Husband or Wife be a Chriftian, and the Confort an Infi


del, he lets them know, they are not tied to Cohabitation, but perfwades them to live toge-, ther, ver. 12, 13, 15, 16. He tells us, Virginity is not Commanded, ver. 25. But exhorts us to it, as to a State more fuitable with Prayer, and a Spiritual Life. ver. 27, Art thou loofed from a Wife? Seek not a Wife. ver. 32, I would have you be without Carefulness. He that is un-married, careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord: ver. 33, But he that is married, careth for the things that are of the World, how he may please his Wife: ver. 34, So the unmarried Woman, careth for the things of the Lord, that fhe may be Holy, both in Body and in Spirit: But he that is married, eareth for the things of the World, how fhe may pleafe her Husband. But this he fays for their own Profit, and that they may attend upon the Lord, without Diftraction; not to caft a Snare upon them, ver. 35, nor that Marriage is a Sin. ver. 38, Sa then, he that giveth his Daughter in Marriage, does well: but he that gives her not in Marriage, does better. He adds ver. 39, 40, that a Wife, when her Husband is dead, is at Liberty to be married to whom fhe will, only in the Lord. But he is happier, if fhe fo abide, after my Judgment and I think alfo, that I have the Spirit of God. Thus St.Paul. Who, in writing this, either had the Spirit of God, or he had it not. If he had it; whatever he writ here, is Infallibly true, in the Senfe it was written; for God cannot be Mistaken. If he bad it not; this Part of Scripture, in the Senfe it was writ, is Doubtful; it is not Infpired; the Scripture, in fome Parts, is not Infallible; nay, 'tis even falfe, as Proteftants read it. For we find in their Bible, that all Scripture is given by the Infpiration of God, 2 Tim. 3. ver. 16. G 4


2. THUS Mr. L, by weakening St. Paul's Authority, in Commendation of a Virginal and unmarried State, has unadvisedly fall'n fo far, as not only to ftrip both the Apostles,and the Scripture it felf of Infallibility; but to make the Apofles mistaken, and the Scripture falfe, 2 Tim. 3. verf. 16.

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1.THE Authority of the Catholick Church, which we believe in the Creed, and the Apostles unmorit Tradition, (which S. Paul recommends, 2 Theff. 2. ver. 15.) are the Means, by which we acknowledge Scripture Convey'd to us. But Mr. L. takes other Methods and it is well, if they tend not (against his Will) to overthrow the Credit of thofe Sacred Books.

2. FIRST we receiv'd, fays he, pag. 52, The Mr. L's. Canon of the Old Testament, from the Church of the Method for fews. Jews. Why not from the Apostles, and the CaConveying the Old Te. tholick Church? Was the Church of the Jews more Rament. Infallible? pag. 45, There was no more Promise of Infallibility to the one State of the Church, than to the other. And pag. 27, We have now long fince feen, that Church of the fews quite thrown off. How then do we know, but the Jeps in their Canon, may have given us fome Apocryphal Books; or omitted fome that were really Canonical, and writ by the Infpiration of God? If General Councils may be mistaken, concerning fuch Books; why not the Jewish Sanedrim?

3. NEXT, in the Proteftant Bible, there are feveral Parts of the New Teftament, of which both

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