Зображення сторінки

Claudet. Nouvelles Recherches sur la difference entre les Foyers Visuels et Photogeniques.
Svo. Paris, 1851

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0 50

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8 87


8. 00

Clegg (S.) Treatise on the Manufacture of Coal Gas. 4to. London
Codex. Pharmacopee Francaise, redigee par ordre du gouvernement, avec appendice
therapeutique, par Cazenave. Svo. Paris, 1837

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In half calf . Coloriste. Nouveau Manuel Complet du Coloriste, ou Instructions Simplifiees et elementaires pour l'enluminure, le lavis et la retouche des gravures. Nouvelle edition. 18mo., avec 3 planches. Paris, 1856

[ocr errors]

Colles. Nouveau Manuel de la Fabrication des Colles, comprenant la Fabrication des
Colles de Matieres Vegetales, par M. Malpeyre. 12mo. Paris, 1856 .
Cooley (A. J.) Cyclopedia of Practical Receipts, and collateral information in the Arts.
Manufactures, Professions, and Trades; including Medicine, Pharmacy, and Domestic
Economy; designed as a comprehensive supplement to the Pharmacopoeia, and general
book of reference for the Manufacturer, Tradesman, Amateur, and heads of Families.
3rd edition. Svo. London, 1856

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Cooper (C.) Identities of Light and Heat; of Caloric and Electricity. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1945

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Cotte. Observations Meteorologiques. 4to.

Coulomb. Methode de determiner l'Inclinaison d'une Aiguille Aimantee. 4to.
Crabb (G. A.) Technical Dictionary; or a Dictionary explaining the terms used in all
Arts and Sciences. 12mo. London, 1851


0 75

0 50


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Cumming, J. A Manual of Electro Dynamics. Svo. London, 1827 Cundal3 (5.) The Photographic Primer for the use of beginners in the Collodion process. Illustrated with a Photographic Picture. 2d edit. 12mo. London, 1856 Cuvier. Analyse de ses Travaux sur la Physique et la Chimie. 4to. Daguin (P. A.) Traite Elementaire de Physique Theorique et Experimentale, avec les Applications a la Meteorologie et aux Arts Industriels. Tome ler. Avec 300 gravures sur bois intercalees dans le texte. 8vo. Paris, 1856 Dalton (John), Life and Scientific Researches of. By W. C. Henry. 8vo. London, 1854 8 50 Chemical Philosophy. 2 vols., 8vo. London 9.50 Daniell (J. F.) An Introduction to the Study of Chemical Philosophy; being a prepa- 8 00 ratory view of the forces which concur to the production of Chemical Phenomena. End edition. London, 1843

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David (H.) Methode de Peinture appliquee uniquement a la Photographie de Portraits. 2nd edit., 8vo. Paris, 1856

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Delamotte (P.) The Practice of Photography: a Manual for Students and Amateurs.
With a Calotype Frontispiece. 3d edition revised. 12mo. London, 1856

The Oxymel Process in Photography. 12mo. London, 1856
De la Rive (A.) A Treatise on Electricity in Theory and Practice. 2 vols., 8vo.
London, 1858-6

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(A.-A.) Traite d'Electricite Theorique et applique. 2 vol., 8vo., avec 260 pl. intercalees dans le texte. Pari, 1853-1856 Les nombreuses applications de l'electricite aux sciences et aux arts, les liens qui l'unissent a toutes les autres parties des sciences physiques, ont rendu son etude indispensable au chimiste aussi bien qu'au physicien, au geologue autant qu'au physiologiste, l'ingenieur comme au medecin; tous sont appeles a rencontrer l'electricite sur leur route, tous ont besoin de se familiariser avec son etude. Personne mieux que M. de la Rive, dont le nom se rattache aux progres de cette belle science, ne pouvait presenter l'exposition des connaissances acquises en electricite et de ses nombreuses applications aux sciences et aux arts.

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Desains (P.) Leçons de Physique, a l'Usage des Aspirants aux Baccalaureats et aux
Ecoles du Gouvernement. 2 vols. 12mo. Figures intercalees dans le texte
Deschamps. Art (1') de Formuler, contenant: les Principes Elementaires de Phar-
macie, etc. 1 vol., 18mo., avec 19 figures intercalees dans le texte. Paris
Descloizeaux. Memoire sur la Cristallisation et la Structure Interieure du Quartz.
Svo., plus 4 pl. Paris, 1856

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1 23

0 75

Desonge. Traite de Photographie sur Toile, dernier Perfectionnement. 8vo. Paris, 1855 Disderi, Manuel Operatoire de photographie sur collodion instantane. 8vo. Paris, 1854 0 75 Renseignements Photographiques Indispensables a tous. Svo., de 8 feuilles. Paris, 1855 125 Dodd (G.) The Curiosities of Industry and the Applied Sciences. 8vo. London, 1854. 1 00 Borure. Nouveau Manuel Complet de dorure et d'argenture par la methode electrochimique et par simple immersion par M. M. Selmi, de Valecourt, Malpeyre, etc. Nouv. edit, tres augmentee, ornee de figures. 12mo. Paris, 1856

H. Bailliere, 290 Broadway, N. Y.

Dove (H. W.) The Distribution of Heat over the Surface of the Globe, illustrated by
Isothermal, Thermic Isabnormal, and other Curves of Temperature. 4to., with map.
London, 1853

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Du Bois-Reymond on Animal Electricity, by Bence Jones. 8vo. London, 1852
Duhamel de Monceau. Traite de la Fabrique des Manoeuvres pour les Vaisseaux
ou l'art de la Corderie perfectionne. 4to. Paris, 1747
Dubrunfaut. Art of Distillation and Rectification. 12mo. London. (Very Scarce).
Lumas and Boussingault. The Chemical and Physiological Balance of Organic
Nature: an Essay. 12mo.

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Bu Moncel (Th.) Projection des Principaux Phenomenes de l'Optique a l'aide des ap-
pareils de M. Duboscq. Svo. Paris, 1855
Expose des Applications de l'Electricite. Tome 1er. Notions Technologiques 2me
edit., 8vo., avec 8 pl. Paris, 1856. (Cette edition aura deux vols peut-etre meme trois)
Dumas (J.) Essai de Statique Chimique des Etres Organises. 2me edit. Paris, 1842
Memoires de Chimie. Avec 7 Planches. 8vo. Paris, 1843

5 00

1 75

8 00

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Traite de Chimie appliquee aux Arts. 8 vols. and 4to atlas. 8vo. Paris, 1828-46. Very scarce

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Dunn (M.) History of the Steam Jet as applicable to the Ventilation of Coal Mines.
Duplais (P.) Traite des Liqueurs et de la Distillation des Alcools, ou le Liquoriste et le
Distillateur Modernes, contenant, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Versailles, 1856.
Durand (Faug.) Nouvelle Theorie Physique ou Etudes Analytiques sur la Physique
et sur les actions Chimique fondamentales. 8vo. Paris, 1854
Encres. Nouveau Manuel complet de la Fabrication des Encres, telles que Encres a
Ecrire, Chine, de Couleur a Marquer le Linge &c. 18mo. Paris, 1855
Etoffes mprimees. Nouveau Manuel Complet du fabricant d'Etoffes Imprimees et
du Fabricant des papiers peints, par L. S. le Normand. 18mo. Paris, 1856
Exhibition of 1851 (Lectures on the Results of the Great,) delivered before the
Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (Dr. Whewell, Professor Ansted, and
others). 2 vols., post 8vo., each
Faraday (.) Chemical Manipulations, being Instructions to Students in Chemistry.
8vo. London, 1827. (Very Scarce.)

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1 00

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2 25

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Experimental Researches in Electricity. 8 vols., 8vo. London, 1849-55. The Subject-matter of a Course of Six Lectures on the Non-metallic Elements. 12mo., cloth. London, 1853, Fau (J.) Douze lecons de Photographie. Description de procedes simples et faciles, au moyen desquels on obtient, presque infailliblement, des epreuves sur verre et papier. 18mo.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Fau et Chevalier. Manuel du Physicien preparateur, ou description d'un cabinet de
Physique. 2 vols., 18mo., with an atlas of SS plates. Paris, 1853
Faucher (L.) Remarks on the Production of the Precious Metals, and on the Demoniti-
sation of Gold in Several Countries of Europe. 8vo. London, 1853,
Faure (J. J.) Analyse Chimique des Eaux du departement de la Gironde. 8vo. Bor-
deaux, 1853

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Figuier (L) L'Alchimie et les Alchimistes ou Essai Historique et Critique sur la Philosop.de Hermetique. 2d edit. 12mo. Paris, 1856

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Francœur (L. B.) Elements de Technologie ou Description des procedes des Arts. 8vo. Francis (G. W.) The Dictionary of Practical Receipts; containing the Arcana of Trade aud Manufacture, Domestic Economy, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Preparations, &c. 8vo. London, 1856

Fresenius (Dr.) Instruction in Chemical Analysis. Quantitative. 2d edit. 8vo., cloth.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Instructions in Chemical Analysis. Qualitative. 4th edit. 8vo., cloth. Fresenius et Sacc. Precis d'Analyse Chimique quantitative. 18mo. Paris, 1845. (Epuise.)

Precis d'Analyse Chimique qualitative. 1 vol., 12mo., fig. Paris, 1847. (Epuise.) Fyfe (A.) Elements of Chemistry. Svo. London

Manual of Chemistry. 12mo. London

Galloway (R.) The First Step in Chemistry: a New Method for Teaching the Elements of the Science. 2d edit. 12mo. London, 1855

Manual of Qualitative Analysis. 12mo., cloth

Chemical Diagrams, on four large sheets

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Galvanoplastie. Nouveau Manuel complet de Galvanoplastie, ou Elements d'Electrometallurgie; contenant l'Art de reduire les metaux a l'aide du fluide galvanique, etc., par Smee. Augmente d'apres MM. Jacoby, Spencer. Elsner, etc. Ouvrage publie par E. de Valicourt. 2 vols., 18mo. .572 20

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Ganót (A.) Traite Elementaire de Physique Experimentale et Appliquee, et de Meteorologie, avec un recueil nombreux de problemes, illustre de 500 gravures sur bois intercalees dans le texte. 6e edition, augmentee de 582 gravures nouvelles. 18mo. Paris, 1856.

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Gas. Knapp's Chemical Technology, or Chemistry applied to the Arts: Fuel and its
Application. 1 vol. In 2 Parts. Svo. London, 1856

This is the most recent and complete work on the manufacture of Gas, &c.
Gas Lighting (Journal of). Published in London on the 10th of every month.
Price per year.

5 Vols. are published.

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Gaudin (M. A.) Traite Pratique de Photographie, expose complet des procedes relatifs au Daguerreotype. 8vo., hf. bd. cf. Paris, 1844

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Gavarret (J.) De la Chaleur produite par les Etres Vivants. 12mo., avec 41 figures dans le texte. Paris, 1855

1 50

Gauss (C. F.) Intensitas vis magnetica terrestris ad mensuram absolutum revocata. 4to. Gottinga, 1883


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Gerhardt. Introduction a l'Etude de la Chimie par le Systeme Unitaire. 12mo. Paris, 1848.

Precis de Chimie Organique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844

In half calf.

Traite de Chimie Organique. 4 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1855-6

Ce Traite est une suite a Berzelius. Ce celebre chimiste etant mort avant d'avoir pu terminer son ouvrage, M. Gerhardt, ancien professeur de chimie a Montpellier, s'est charge de terminer son travail et de le mettre au courant de la science actuelle.

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Aide-memoire pour l'Analyse Chimique. 12mo. Paris, 1852
Gerhardt et Chancel. Precis d'Analyse Chimique. 12mo., avec 48 gravures. Paris,


Glover (R. M.) A Manual of Elementary Chemistry: being a Class-book. Illustrated. 12mo. London, 1855

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Vol. 1 to 6, Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. 7 to 10, Organic Chemistry, each vol.. The work will be completed in 12 vols. (Cavendish Society Publications.) Goebe. Pharmaceutische Waarenkunde, mit Illuminirten Kupfern. 2 vols., 4to. Eisenach, 1850 Gore (G.) Theory and Practice of Electro-Deposition, including every known mode of depositing metals, etc. 8vo. London, 1856

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Gorham. Unfrequented Paths in Optics. Part 1. Light from a Pin-hole. Part 2. Light from a Fissure. 8vo. London, 1855

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Graham. Elements of Chemistry; including the application of the Science in the Arts.
By T. Graham, F.R.S. L. & E., Professor of Chemistry at University College, London.
2d edition. entirely revised and greatly enlarged, copiously illustrated with Woodcuts.
Vol. 1. 185

Vol. 2. London and New York, 1857

This work, which ranks among the first on the subject, is now compl. te.
Chemical Catechism. Svo. London

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Gregory (Wm.) Elementary Treatise on Chemistry. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1855
Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry. For the use of Students. 3d edition.

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Handbook of Organic Chemistry, for the use of Students. 4th edition, corrected
and much extended. 12mo. London, 1856

Griffin. Treatise on the Use of the Blowpipe. 18mo. London. (Scarce.)
Griffin (J. J.) Chemical Recreation. Div. 1, post 8vo.

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Griffith (T) Chemistry of the Four Seasons. 12mo. London, 1858

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Grove (W. R.) On the Correlation of Physical Forces. 3d edit. 8vo. London, 1855.
Gruyer (L. A.) Principes de Philosophie Physique pour servir de base a la Metaphy
sique de la Nature, et a la Physique Experimentale. 8vo. Paris, 1845
Guibourt, Histoire naturelle des drogues simples, ou Cours d'histoire naturelle professe
a l'Ecole de Pharmacie, quatrieme edition, augmentee. 4 vo. 8vo., avec 600 fig. inter-
calees dans le texte. Paris, 1849

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[Cet ouvrage, que tous les pharmaciens considerent comme un Vademecum de premiere necessite, parce que la grande exactitude apportee par l'auteur dans la description des drogues leur permet de distinguer les diverses especes et varietes qui se rencontrent dans le commerce, ainsi que les falsifications qu'on leur fait subir. Cette quatrieme edition a ete soumise a une revision generale, et les augmentations ont ete tellement importantes, qu'on peut la considerer comme un ouvrage entierement neuf. C'est un Cours complet d'histoire naturelle pharmaceutique et medicale, que les medecins consulteront toujours avec fruit.]

nitard. Histoire de l'Electricite. 12mo. Paris, 1856 rney. Lectures on Chemistry. 8vo. London

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Hardy (R. W. H.) Incidental Remarks on some principles of Light; being Part 3 of
an Essay on Vision. 8vo. London, 1856
Hardwich (T. ¥.) A Manual of Photographic Chemistry, including the Practice of
the Collodion Process. 2d edition. 12mo, cloth. London
Harris (Sir W. S.) Rudimentary Treatise on Galvanism, and the general principles
of Animal and Voltaic Electricity. 12mo., illustrated, cloth
Hussai (A. H.) Food and its Adulterations. With 159 illustrations. 8vo. London,

Heath. Photography. A New Treatise, theoretical and practical, of the Processes and
Manipulations on Paper and Glass. Svo. New York, 1855.

Redley (Joi n). Practical Treatise on the Working and Ventilation of Coal Mines;
with suggestions for Improvements in Mining. Svo., cloth.

1 00


0 50

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8 50

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1. 00

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8 75

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0 80

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Heunah (f. 1.) The Collodion Process. 4th edition. 12mo. London, 1855
Jonry (W.) Elements of Experimental Chemistry. 2 vols., 8vo. London
Herling (A.) Traite de Photographie sur Collodion Sec. 2e edition. 12mo. Paris, 1856 0 50
Highton. Treatise on the Electric Telegraph. 12mo. London, 1852

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Kinds (Dr. W.) The Harmonies of Physical Science in relation to the Higher Senti-
ments, with Observations on the Study of the Medical Sciences, and the Moral and Scien-
tific Relations of Medical Life. Feap. 8vo. London, 1858 .
Hoefer (3.) Nomenclature et classification chimiques, suivies d'un lexique historique et
synonymique comprenant les noms anciens, les formules, les noms nouveaux, le nom et
la date de la decouverte des principaux produits de la chimie. 12mo., avec tableaux.
Paris, 1845

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Hoeter. Hist. de Chimie depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. 2 vols., 8vo.
Paris, 1842. (Very scarce.)

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Hood (C.) A Practical Treatise on Warming Buildings by Hot Water, on Ventilation, &c.
8d edition. 8vo. London, 1855
Hopkins (T.) On the Atmospheric Changes which produce Rain and Wind. 2d edit.

Hopkiuson (J.) The Working of the Steam Engine Explained by the Use of the Indi-
cator. 8vo. London, 1854

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3 25

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Horsley (X. A.) A Catechism of Chemical Philosophy; being a familiar exposition of
the Principles of Chemistry and Physics. 12mo. London, 1856
Houzeau. Physique du Globe et Meteorologie. 18mo., with plates. Brussels, 1854
Howard (Luke.) Seven Lectures on Meteorology. 12mo. London, 1848
Howiet: (R.) On the various methods of Printing Photographic Pictures upon paper,
with suggestions for their preservation. 12mo. Loudon, 1856
Hunt (Robert). Researches on Light. 8vo. London, 1844

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Photography: a Treatise on the Chemical Changes produced by Solar Radiation, and the production of Pictures from Nature. 12mo., clo. London Hur aux. Histoire des Falsifications des Substances Alimentaires et Medicamenteuses, precedee d'une Instruction Elementaire sur l'Analyse, et suivie des Essais et Analyses Qualitatives pour Reconnaitre Instautanement les produits Chimiques usites en Pharmacie, dans les Arts et dans l'Industrie. 1 vol., 8vo. Paris, 1855 Inorganic Chemist›y (First Outlines of). 12mo. London Isadore G‹ offroy Saint-Hilaire. Lettres sur les Substances Alimentaires et particulierement sur la Viande de Cheval. 18mo. Paris, 1856. Illustrated standard Scientific Works (Library of), beautifully printed and illustrated. Original London editions at the price of the Reprints:

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Muller Principles of Physics and Meteorology. With 580 woodcuts and 2 colored
engravings. Svo.
Weisbach's Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. Vols. 1 and 2, with 900
Technology: or, Chemistry applied to the Arts and to Manufactures. By Drs.
KNAPP, RONOLDS, & RICHARDSON. Splendidly illustrated. 8 vols., 8vo. .
Quekett's Practical Treatise on the use of the Microscope. With Steel and Wood
Engravings. 8vo. 3d edition, with additions
Graham's Elements of Chemistry, with its applications in the Arts, 24 edition,
with inumerable woodcuts. Vol. I

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Fau's Anatomy of the External Forms of Man. For Artists. Edited by R. Knox,
M.D. Svo., and an atlas of 28 plates 4to. Plain, 86 00. Colored,
Nichol's Architecture of the Heavens. 9th edition. Entirely revised. Steel
Plates and Woodcuts

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Mitchell (1.) Manual of Practical Assaying. 2d edition, much enlarged. 8vo.
London, 1855

Johnson (1. F. W.) Instructions for the Analysis of Soils, Limestones, and Manures.
3d edit. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1855

The Chemistry of Common Life. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1855

H. Bɛilliere, 230 Broadway, N. Y.

Johnson (J. F. W.) Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. 12mo. 6th edit. London, 1852

2. 00

Jourdain. Pharmacopee Universelle, ou Conspectus de toutes les Pharmacopees. 2 vols. in-8. 2 edit. Paris, 1840

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6 25

Joyce (Rev. J.) Scientific Dialogues intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people. 12mo. London, 1852

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0 75

2 75

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Dialogues on Chemistry. 2 vols. 12mo.

Julien. Quelques points de Science dans l'Antiquite. Physique, Metrique, Musique.
Svo. Paris, 1854

Kæmtz. A Complete Course of Meteorology. With additions by C. V. Walker. 1 vol.,
post Svo., pp. 624, with 15 plates., cloth boards. 1845

Kane (Sir Robert). Elements of Chemistry, theoretical and practical, including the
most recent discoveries and applications of the Science to Medecine and Pharmacy, to
Agriculture, and to Manufactures. Illustrated by 200 woodcuts. 8vo., cloth
Kemp (T. L.) The Phasis of Matter; being an Outline of the Discoveries and Applica-
tions of Modern Chemistry. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1855

Agricultural Physiology Animal and Vegetable. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1850

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For Practical Agriculturists. Kerr (T.) A Practical Treatise on the cultivation of the Sugar Cane, and the Manufacturing of Sugar. 12mo., cloth

Knapp, Konolds, and Richardson. Chemistry in its application to the Arts

and Manufactures:

Vol. I.-Fuel and its Applications-Coal, Gas, Oil, Spermaceti, &c., and their application to purposes of Illumination, Lighthouses, &c.-Resin, Wax, Peat, Wood, Stoves, &c., &c., in 2 Parts, Svo., with 438 Engravings and 4 Plates

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Vol. II.-Glass, Alum, Earthenware, Cements, &c., &c., manufacture. 8vo., with 214 Engravings and one Plate

Vol. III.-On those branches of Chemical Industry, including the Production of Food, and Related to Agriculture. (Bread, Milk, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, &c.) With 9 Engravings and 129 Woodcuts

Koboll. Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom. Post Svo. London, 1853

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9 01


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5 00

1 50



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Vol. III., embracing sugar, coffee, tea, &c., with 7 folio coloured plates, Knight. Dictionary of Arts, Commerce, and Manufactures. 8vo. London, Kyan (J. 1.) On the Elements of Light, and their identity with those of Matter, Radiant and Fixed. Svo. London, 1838 Laboulaye. Dictionnaire des Arts et Manufactures, de l'Agriculture, des Mines, etc. Ouvrage formant 2 tres forts volumes in 4to., et illustre de 3,000 gravures. Now complete. Lacambre. Fabrication de la Biere et Dist?lation des Alcools. Vol. 1 8vo. (For the 2 vols.)

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Lacan (E.) Esquisses Photographiques a propos de l'Exposition Universelle et de la
Guerre d'Orient. 12mo. Paris, 1856
Lambert. Sur la Meteorologie. 4to.

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Lame (G.) Cours de Physique de l'Ecole Polytechnique. 2 vols., en 3 Parties. 8vo.,
avec 17 planches. Paris, 1836-37. (Very Scarce.).
Lardner (D.) Handbook of Natural Philosophy. Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Heat.
12mo. London, 1855

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The Museum of Science and Art. 10 vols., 12mo. Illustrated by engravings on

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Handbook of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. Third Course-Meteorology; Astronomy. Svo., with 37 lithographic plates and upwards of 200 'ustrations on wood, cloth. London, 1853

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A Treatise on Heat. 12mo. London, 1856
Lassaigne. Dictionnaire des Reactifs Chimiques employes dans toutes le "xperiences.
Svo. fig. Paris, 1889

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Laurent (*.) Precis de Cristallographie suivi d'une Methode Simple d'Analyse au chalumeau. 12mo. Paris

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Laurent (Aug.) Methode de Chimie. Precedee d'un Avis au Lecteur, par M. Biot. 1
vol., Svo., avec figures dans le texte. Paris, 1854
Laurent (A.) Chemical Method, Notation, Cl ssification and Nomenclature. Trans-
lated by Odling. London, 1855.

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Le Gray. Nouveau Traite de Photographie sur papier et sur verre. Svo. Paris, 1851 Lehmann. Physiological Chemistry. With Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856,

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Chemical Physiology. Translated by J. C. Morris. Philadelphia, 1856.


Precis de Chimie Physiologique Animale. Traduction du Professeur Drion. Paris,

1 25

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