Зображення сторінки

Replying to a member of Grand Junction, Colo., would like to state that the United Brotherhood of Locomotive Enginemen would not cover all, as above stated. If I understand his article in the April issue thoroughly, he wishes to form an amalgamation between the engineers and the firemen. Why can't the engineers take as good care of their brothers as the firemen, and if they need any assistance, who is it they will call upon? Is it not the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen? And you will always find them ready to lend a helping hand. A resolution adopted by the Twelfth Annual Convention, found on page 162, says: Resolved, That it is the sense of this body that

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we do all in our power to crate and maintain a harmonious feeling between the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen."

Have you any reason to be ashamed of the protection furnished by the Firemen's order? I believe it is just for every runner, as well as one aspiring for that goal, to have all the protection that is guaranteed him, and I believe the Firemen is ever ready to give its loyal support to any brother having a grievance, providing it is a just one.

I sincerely trust this discussion will come to an end and never come up again, and let the name of the Organization stand as it is, and always has, and from prospective views it is to be elevated higher-The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, Salida, Colo.


Change of Name.

who belong to the Firemen who think if they go among strange people they might think he was still firing. But to a common fireman it would be an honor and he would be proud to wear his Brotherhood pin, any place. Now don't misunderstand me and think I mean all young runners, beause I

don't. I simply mean the "swell-head" class. I hope and pray that our delegates at our next convention will fight to still retain our old name. BURT D. THOMPSON. Garrett, Ind.

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HAVE been watching with interest the let

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ters from different brothers on the subject Change of Name." I would ask these brothers, do you stop to think what it would cost the Organization to have such a change made?" It looks to me as foolishness. If a man gets so far above the firemen when he once gets to pulling the throttle, that the name Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen" is too common for him, let him step down and out. have not been for the past two years, and I am not railroading and never expect to, but I am proud to say I am a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. I can't attend lodge, but I hear from there every few day and know that 381 is in first class running order.

I notice, also, that the kickers on the exrailroad members being elected as delegates to conventions have not noticed that the extra 75 cents every quarter only benefits the actual railroad man, but we all pay it. I think it is unjust to bar us from any office that we are capable of filling, and our

T HAS come to my notice in the May brothers see fit to elect us to, because we IT

have been fortunate, or unfortunate enough
to lose our position on the railroad.
Scalp Level, Pa.


Railroad Woe.

number of our MAGAZINE that a few brothers want our name changed to Locomotive Enginemen. I would suggest the same thing as Bro. Smith, of Big Springs, Tex., viz.: If the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen isn't good enough let them withdraw and start something themselves and name it what they please. We have always THERE are things we can't account for, been prosperous and successful since our organization as the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, some twenty-seven years, and we have the honor of being one of the strongest railroad labor orders that exists. And now after having gained the good reputation and respect of others under our old name some want to change it.

Of course, there are some young runners

there are things we can't explain, but here's a tale of railroad woe that's come to us again.

The company thought they'd money save by lengthening the division, and wealth was all they thought about, and gold their bright

est vision.

They did not stop to think about the homes they were to ruin, nor did they ever

give a thought to the trouble that was brewing.

But, yes, the changes had to come, and with it lots of grief; they board us at a beanery, where we get roast pork and beef. Our divisions, near two hundred miles, seem lengthened out to space, as the fireman shovels Illinois rock till he's black yes, black in the face.

The engines are well, you might knowone hundred tons or more, and you never see the tail end or conductor any more.

There's not a house to live in here, can't hardly get a room, but the company says we're going to stay, and the town will take a boom.

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From L. S.123.-(MRS. FANNIE M. HALL, St. Albans, Vt.) Sisters of No. 123 gave their first social ball April 24th, which was a grand success,every one enjoying themselves greatly. The Sisters wish to tender their sincere thanks to all the Brothers of No. 352 for the assistance that they gave us in making our first attempt a success. We intend to give them another social entertainment in the near future.

From 294.-(FRANK F. SCOTT, Russell, Ky.) Ohio River Lodge No. 294 is all right and prospering. At our last meeting we initiated three candidates, viz.: A. Conway, D. G. Smith and O. F. Sutton, all good fellows and now wear the B. of L. F. pin. We have about all of our material worked up, but by fall will have plenty to take in, for they are all falling in line as fast as they get "old" enough. Business on C. & O. is good and boys are making fairly good time,

and all seem satisfied.

From 116. (W. N. B., Emporia, Kan.) April 12th marks an epoch in the history of this lodge. Our First Vice Grand Master, Bro. Hannahan; Bro. Thomas Burke, chairman of the Standing Protective Board, and Bro. C. M. Rodgers of the Joint Protective Board, met with us, and while we regret

that we were not all able to attend, we can assure the brothers that their kind words did not sound on idle ears, but that they will be repeated to our brothers who were so unfortunate as not to be present. When Bros. Hannahan and Burke cannot put enthusiasm in a meeting we are ready to adjourn. Bro. Rodgers came by surprise to us, and we are always pleased to have these surprises sprung on us, as he can always find something to help the good work along. These meetings are very beneficial to the Order, and we only wish it were so they could be held at points during slack business, so that a larger attendance could be had. Now, our next surprise, we hope, will be from Bro. Wilson, but 116's latch-string is always out for any of our Grand Officers or any of the rank and file for a meeting.

From 388.-(J. S. Lawres, Milwaukee, Wis.) We increased our lodge thirty-five members last year, and are not half done as yet. "Old Billy" is small, and seems a trifle fatigued at times from overwork, but kindly consents when called upon. A certain member goes around with the boys during the week and praises him for the effective way he carries the subs through. Then they pet him and give him some of his luxuries, consequently he will consent to carry some more on the following Sunday. He will have two next Sunday, so you see he will

not have a chance to get stale and out of condition. His hair is beginning to get long, and I think we will have to have our worthy Master, Harry Slaybaugh, shear him at the first off day he has, but we don't know when that will be, as it appears now some time in the next century.

wish him success.

From 215.-(MEMBER, Rensselaer, N.Y.) Bro. S. P. Faas, member of Lodge 215, has been promoted to be Engine Dispatcher of the B. & A. R. R. The brothers of 215 Bro. J. W. Hyde, our Master, has been quite a hustler after new members. On May 11th, Lodge 215 celebrates her sixteenth anniversary with a grand banquet. Bro. J. W. Hyde is the orator for the occasion. Our famous tin band, composed of Bro. Gibson, leader; and Bros. Wm. Reed, Josh Schilling. Snaps

Neuman and H. Meisner, will render the music. Lodge 215 will look for Second Vice Grand Master Wilson to help eat oysters and clamsters. A big time is expected. The Ladies' Auxiliary are going to celebrate their first anniversary on July 1. 1900. They have engaged our tin band.

From 482.-(F. E. P., Kalispell, Mont.) Stillwater Lodge has just had her fourth annual ball, and to say it was one of the grandest affairs of the kind ever witnessed in Kalispell is but voicing the sentiments of all. The hall had been profusely decorated with lamps of all colors, headlights, crossed scoops and picks, bunting and evergreens. Promptly at 9 o'clock the grand march started, led by Bro. T. Tenesch, with members of the Order first and visitors following. There was perhaps 125 couples participating. After the grand march, Bro. F. E. Packard was called upon to explain the chart, which was listened to with the utmost interest by all present, after which the program was followed out.

At 12 o'clock supper was announced, and there was a general rush for the banquet hall. And oh, such beautiful tables, groaning under the weight of tempting viands, to which all did ample justice, particularly Bros. Frittz, Tenesch, Soutar, and Bro. Fox, of 132, who finally had to be carried from the table, still delaring he had not yet had enough to eat. Some insinuated, though

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mean it was, that he had been shoveling "Sand Coolie" coal for a week. with nothing to eat, preparing for this supper. The Rebeccas served supper, and a grand spread it was.

The ball occasioned no little work, but with such men as Bros. Burch, Tesmer, Bodey, Senay and others, no obstacles are too great to be overcome. The lodge is under many obligations to our superintendent and master mechanic for the good will shown in the way of lending us material for use in the hall. They will please accept our thanks

for same.

From 406.-(MEMBER, Foxburg, Pa.) The members of 406 were pleased to see Bro. A. L. Butler's smiling face at lodge meeting on April 15th. He did exceedingly good work in helping to handle the goat at the initiation of Bro. F. H. Fry. We are sorry we can't have him always at our meetings. but on account of his run he lays in Kane on meeting day.

Members of 406 are going to try to have a resolution passed at the next convention to allow Bro. George Gray to bring his lady friend to lodge, as we know Bro. Gray will attend more regularly. If the said resolution is passed, Bro. Hopper won't be in such a hurry to adjourn, as he can catch the down train.

Bro. W. M. Shultz has disposed of his chin whiskers, and it is much easier to tell him from the goat now. Bro. McAvoy's hair is as red as ever.

From 156.-(O. C. HILLE, Palestine, Texas) It is with the saddest regret that I write this letter. Death has visited us, and once more. after a great while, our charter must be draped in mourning. God, who knows all things best, saw fit to take from our midst Bro. J. J. Lyons, who was killed in a wreck on the 9th inst. Bro. Lyons was ever ready and willing to do a Brother a kind act. To know Jack was to love him, and no one will ever be able to take his place among the tried and true.

His young wife has the heartfelt sympathy of the Brothers of Neches Lodge No. 156, their wives and many friends. We wish to thank Mr. Leroy Trice, our General Superintendent, for his kindness in furnishing

transportation to the visiting Brothers of Lone Star Lodge No. 70, who came to Palestine to attend the funeral. We also wish to thank Mr. F. Hufsmith, our Master Mechanic, and the Ladies' Auxiliary to the O. R. C. for the beautiful flowers they sent for the decoration of our Brother's grave. Our Foreman, Mr. E. G. Bryant, was very kind in giving his help and consented to have our engines draped in mourning.

Many thanks to the B. of L. E., O. R. C. and B. of R. T. for their kind attention to our departed Brother.

From 166.-(C. C. ROBERTSON, Huntington, Ind.) Lodge No. 166, of Huntington, Ind., is not dead, but on the contrary is flourishing. We have a membership of about 125 or 130, and during the last four months we have initiated about thirty new members. Bro. Willets we thought at one time was going to where all good men go, but he is coming out all right, and we are glad will soon be with us at the lodge room. We meet every Wednesday evening, and any Brothers

will be welcome.

From 78.-(J. A. C., Sedalia, Mo.) The boys of Golden Eagle Lodge No. 78 are wideawake members, and when it comes to initiating new members they are right at home. We had two last Thursday night and two more for next Thursday. We are doing all we can to swell the membership to 35,000 by July 1st. We will soon be out of material, so I think that speaks well for us. What we have will become members as soon as they are eligible to membership. Our business is very quiet on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas, on account of recent washouts in Texas.

From 159.—(J. K. L. MOODY, Alexandria, La.) During a recent trip to the Crescent City" it was my good fortune to meet several of the boys of Integrity No. 159, and

I wish to thank the boys for the hospitality extended to me. lodge with whom I have had occasion to Each member of this talk has proved himself up-to-date on the work. whose name I remember. but will always Bro. Burmaster is the only one remember the faces of the others with whom I talked. Should any of the boys of 159 chance to come my way they need have Burmaster introduced me to several O. R. C. no fear to call on me for a favor. Bro. and B. R. T. men, all of whom made my stay in the city as pleasant as could be desired. I was not even permitted to bear my own expenses, though I protested, but they would not have it that way.

and it is my earnest desire that these few Brothers, we have a grand Organization, lines will cause all who chance to read them to keep posted in the work, so they may be prepared to test a traveling brother, and if found worthy, be as willing to assist him as the boys of 159 were to assist me. Remember, the first and greatest importance (a duty you owe to yourself and family) is to always pay your dues promptly, which will entitle you to all the benefits that can be given by the fraternity.

From 72. The twenty-third anniversary of Welcome (MEMBER, Camden, N. J.) Lodge No. 72, was celebrated April 29th. An elaborate dinner was served at 1 o'clock to 130 members and visitors, and was followed by a musicale comprising choice vocal and instrumental numbers.

Bro. C. A. Wilson gave one of his oldtime talks which was listened to with great interest by all present. In the evening he gave his illustrated lecture, "Life on Roads." Another very interesting feature was the presentation of a beautiful gold badge to Bro. Willets for his fidelity to the lodge.

Bro. Potts, our Receiver, gave a very enof the lodge, which speaks well for its future couraging report of the financial condition welfare. Too much praise cannot be given to the committee for the successful manner in which the program was carried out.

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