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name-for no particular reason; they simply want to do something, and they don't know what to do. Let us have a name that suits the majority of what we are composed of Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen.

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Bro. Sullivan, I am with you on the 'deadbeat "' question, and let us hasten the day when the member who skips out and will not pay his honest debts, shall be forever barred from our ranks. Our Order will prosper a great deal more without them, and as soon as they find out that the Brotherhood will not tolerate such actions, they will come up and pay them just the same as any other true Brotherhood man.

I am for "self-government," and also agree with Bro. Filburn's letter on "Eyesight Disability." Let us instruct our delegates to the Des Moines Convention to change our Constitution so that when a brother loses an eye, whether it is taken out of the socket or not, he shall receive his beneficiary claim. SAM SPARKMAN. Moberly, Mo.

Brotherhood Policies.

'N THE last few issues of the MAGAZINE quite a lot of space has been devoted to the questions, of the change of name of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, and the returns of ballot on resolution from the Toronto convention.


The first named discussion is, in humble opinion absurd and uncalled for. To think that after twenty-seven years of uphill struggle by firemen to make the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen what it is today, and to then take from them even their Order's name, is a shame, and one which I think the majority would never submit to.

Men who are running an engine and are eligible to membership in the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and are not members, are, in the opinion of any thinking man, as unfair as a man who fires an engine for years and will not join the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, Yet they are, as a rule, the ones who complain most against the fireman who is out of the Firemen's Brotherhood, claiming that he, the non-union fireman is "daily reaping the benefits for which others are working and paying," and that they are "drones," etc.

see it. It is hoped and believed that the membership at large and members in convention assembled, have at least that sense of justice, which will declare that this organization shall remain the same grand monument and bear the inscripition of the men who founded and made it what it is today.

But now comes a question which should receive the honest and earnest consideration of every member of the Brotherhood, who has the remotest idea that he has enough "common sense" to know right from wrong. Why should we honor the flag of our country and claim that as American citizens, we are each and every one a "sovereign," when we sit idly by and see the prerogatives of the entire membership placed in the hands of a few individuals, and monarchy reign supreme. It should bring a blush of shame to our cheeks as red as the fires of Troy. There was no provision either in the resolution or our constitution, as to what percentage of membership shall vote on this question, but that a majority vote should decide. Then why or who has the power to set this election aside? I think it is a direct reflection tion, and I claim, without fear of successful on every member who voted on the quescontradiction, that it is today a law of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, and a part of our constitution, and that delegates to the next convention cannot hold seats forth in the resolution. unless they come under the provisions set San Antonio, Texas.



Brotherhood Policies

HARITY Lodge No. 5 has not been heard of for some time. Well, we are alive and that is about all, for we have been very busy this winter. We had a call from Bro. Wilson, but he did not get much of a meeting, as the brothers could not afford to lose the sleep to attend lodge.

Now, brothers, I do not see any reason why we cannot have a Vice Grand Master appointed in Canada to attend to the Canadian lodges and those in the border towns and cities. We have got a large number of lodges in Canada, scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and there is no reason why we could not have one of the offices in the Grand Lodge occupied by a doubtedly a distinction without a difference, Canadian. I hope at the next convention at least if there is any difference, I fail to that our brothers across the border will

This is un

consider the matter and give us one of the grand officers.

I notice in last month's MAGAZINE that some brothers suggest that the noble and honorable name of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen be changed. Now, brothers, what is the use of changing the name of our Order? I think it is the only name for the firemen's order to have. This brother said that we have engineers and hostlers belonging to our Order as well as firemen. We have the same in Charity Lodge No. 5. There have been engineers who got in trouble, also hostlers, and we have got them reinstated. Could we do any more if our Order had a new name? Not only that, but think of the expense it would bring not only to the Grand Lodge but to all other lodges in the country. Brothers, let the noble name of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen stand as it is, and let us hold our heads up and be able to say proudly "I am a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen."

We have about thirty applications for May and expect to reach the two hundred mark before the year closes. Our Ladies' Society

is doing wonderful work, and we find them a
great help. They intend holding their first
anniversary on the 17th of May, and I tell
you we won't do a thing with the good
things they will prepare. We will have a
good time
we always do.
St. Thomas, Ont.


Brotherhood Policies.

I also believe as Bro. Gray, of Sarnia, Ont., that at conventions the Grand Lodge should not give out to delegates the minutes of the previous day, as we pay our delegates to attend the meetings of the Convention and make a report on their arrival at home. Several of the Brothers are more inclined to pleasure than business, and the issuing of minutes gives them a chance to leave after roll-call.

I am also in favor of having a Fourth Vice Grand Master, as the Firemen's Order needs that official. Our Brotherhood is getting so large that it is getting quite impossible for our three Vice Grand Masters to visit the different lodges regularly.

I believe that those who are ashamed of our name should drop out and not always be arguing in favor of a change in name. There are too many other important changes to be made than changing our name. Ft. Smith, Ark.



Brotherhood Policies.

'HE discussion about changing the name of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen seems to be only with the younger men, as most of the older ones have withstood two great storms, and some three, and as yet, with all of the trials and tribulations which they have encountered during their long term of service with the Brotherhood, I believe they know whereof they speak and bitterly oppose to have that " grand" name changed, which sounds so dear to them since '94, at that time nothing but prejudice

RELATIVE to articles in the MAGAZINE staring them in their faces.

lately in regard to the disability claims,

I believe that if a Brother should lose one eye that he should be paid his policy. There are very few roads that would hire a oneeyed fireman or engineer. I would suggest that every delegate to the Convention should be instructed to vote for a law that would pay the full face value of the policy to a Brother that had lost the sight of one eye.

I am of the same opinion of Bro. Moss, of Caldwell, Kas., in regard to Bro. F. W. Mosby's case. I also think that we are too strict in some particulars. I think that we should have a home for our aged and disabled members, located in some good healthy place. I think it could be made self-supporting in a little while by good manage


The Brotherhood should feel proud because all the men who were called in for promotion were B. of L. F. men but one, and all passing but the non-Brotherhood


I shall again point to what I wrote last February, concerning a home for the sick and disabled, and making note of partly disabled members who can no longer be employed in railroad service. I suggested at that time a large tract of land to be purchased and equipped outright, and placed under a management which would be selfsustaining under such a board as the convention or Grand Lodge would see fit. I have spoken to most of the men of different lodges here, and they all seem to be in favor of same. I believe if the plan was only


brought before our members and thoroughly motive Fireman, and give us the name of

explained, they would nearly all be in favor
of the same.

Just think of a young man of twenty-two to
twenty-five years, firing two years and los-
ing one of his eyes- what is in store for
him? Another belongs to the Order for
twenty years, losing one of his eyes. Per-
haps he has no friends, where shall he turn
for protection? Your answer will be, per-
haps he shall have money enough, so he
does not need help, he has always worked
and saved his money. He may have in-
vested it and lost all, so frequent these days.
Where shall he turn to? Only to the love
of humanity, his fellow (B. of F. L.) men.
There are many now, but for honesty and
pride will not ask. If we had a home how
different. No one can realize the joy which
would come to such a man's heart. Think
of this, brethren; it may be you. Think of

the Brotherhood of Locomotive Enginemen. or the United Brotherhood of Locomotive Enginemen. This will cover the firemen, engineers and hostlers.

In appointing officers for the lodge and committee work, and the Board of Adjustment, we should appoint one engineer and two firemen, and they should work in unity. If any committeemen refuses to act on any grievance they should be removed from the committee and a new committeeman appointed. If any of the committee refuse to take and work on a brother's case and that member of the committee gets into trouble, they should not work on his case. and every brother should have a fair and impartial hearing. MEMBER.

Brotherhood Policies


yourself and then 33,000 more like you, and A FEW words in regard to changing the

I think such a large undertaking will not
trouble us much. Do you not think it would
be an excellent step for the Grand Lodge to
propose to buy a home, at the next conven-

Milwaukee, Wis.

Brotherhood Policies.

As Bro. Bain, in the May number,
the name of our grand and noble Or-

says, we have fought under the name of
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen for
twenty-seven years," and it suits our voca-
tion or a majority of our members. We have
prospered and become one of the grandest
labor organizations in existence today. I
say the name is just what it should be-

WHILE reading in the March and April Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen.

MAGAZINE, with great interest, the dif-
ferent articles contributed by the members, I
congratulate the authors of them for the in-
terest they are taking in the advancement of
the Order. There ought to be more of a
union feeling and work among the brothers.
One brother, as long as he is a brother of
good character, should have his welfare
looked after with as much interest as another,
and if such brother, not being of a good
character, why do you take him into the

It is time now to begin to look around and
see which of your brothers will make the
best officers, who will fill the office with
credit to himself and honor to the Order and
our cause. Each and every lodge should try
and be as perfect as possible.
The day
has come when we are not altogether a
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, as
brothers have been promoted to engineers
and remain with us. We are now composed
of firemen, locomotive engineers, stationary
engineers and hostlers. I propose that at
our next convention we strike out the Loco-

give our attention to at present than the We have things of more importance to changing of our name. We should be revising our Constitution and making laws that will benefit our members more materially. I would like to see a $1,500 life policy in addition to $1,500 total disability, making $3,000 for life, and the disability as it now is. It would cost us a little more, we wouldn't have to go out of our Order for insurance, unless one wished to carry more than $3,000 J. A. C. Sedalia, Mo.


'Brotherhood Policies. WOULD wish to call attention to a serious

matter confronting our members who are out of employment, at least to the conditions here, and by what I can understand are in force elsewhere, in regards to the "reference" question.

An inexperienced man obtains employment, goes out and makes a trip or two and is marked up-time consumed, from five

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Cannot we form some arrangement between the companies and different organizations to provide reference without so much waste of time? With the pleasant relations now established between the various companies and our Order, we could furnish from one lodge to another the reference. Our constitution would only allow this- such as were what they are represented to be. Not that I wish to debar new men, but to help experienced men out of difficulties.

Am sorry to see so much apparent bitter feeling as to the name and government of our Order. Cannot we find matters of far more importance and higher motives than the haggling over a name which has fought itself to such a high pinnacle, and respect from all laboring men? Has not our MAGAZINE the name of being one of the most progressive journals in labor matters? Shall we take from them the well-earned laurels fought for for twenty-seven years? When you want to see our Order in riot and confusion, then, and only then, abolish our Grand Lodge.

I am in favor of establishing a district for the exclusive work in the South, as much necessary work could be done and good material to work in, not that the North can take care of itself, for where there is no head to affairs there is no discipline. Kenova, W. Va.




Brotherhood Policies. YOULD like to ask "Browney" if he was always a railroad man? speaks of our master mechanics and superintendents taking men from the farm and putting them on engines, and then when they have become eligible, they are admitted to the Order, while hundreds of our members are looking for work. I venture to say that the correspondent is from the farm himself, and I will also add, that some of the best members we have come from the farm. If his policy was adopted our Order would stop

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than in the city lad. While it is our duty to do all we can to secure employment for our idle brothers, yet, if we fail to prevail on the company to employ experienced men, then it is our duty to do the next best thing and that is, when they make firemen of farmers we should make Brotherhood men of the "plow boys"-because the Farmers' Alliance does not furnish us much protection in railroad service, although I don't think the railroad officials care what the name of the Order is that we belong to, but they do want the man on a grievance committee to be in the same line of service as the man aggrieved.

If you will only take the second thought you will see that the name of the Order does not buy any protection, and if it did, the word "Fireman" would buy it "at a ratio of 16 to 1" of any other name we could adopt.


I believe if the B. of L. F. would establish 'Correspondence School" for its members and give them a course of training, such as is given by the Scranton and Chicago .schools, it would completely solve the problem of the upbuilding and the retaining of our membership. It could be done for much less than half the cost in either of the above schools, and then when our members are seeking employment they will have something to recommend them, and possibly would be prefered rather than "farmers." Brothers, remember such important subjects as the above when instructing your delegates to the next convention. Remember it is only a few days until the election of officers takes place. Remember your voice is in your ballot, and if you fail to vote you will

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be counted on the side of the minority in B. of L. F. elections. Remember that there will be many subjects at the next convention to vote on. Know that he has the right kind of ideas before sending him. Remember that the handsome" man or the "jolly good fellow" does not always make the best lodge officers. Remember you are directly or indirectly responsible for weak or unjust laws. Tell your delegate to remember that we are a free people, that we want freedom of press, freedom of speech, and self government. J. S. BOYD.


Springfield, Mo.

Change of Name.

AM sorry to see that some of the brothers want to change the name of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fireman. Why not, when we have a good name, leave a good thing alone. I have been a member of the Order for eleven years, and could mention where by being a Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen I have received advance in in wages. of the firemen's order, for we were all firemen once, and I say keep the name so when you meet a firemen you can tell who he is.

I am an engineer, but am proud

[blocks in formation]

would be gained by changing the name. We aim to do the greatest good to the greatest number, and I am satisfied the greatest number are not in favor of changing the name. If the members would agitate the question of raising the insurance to $3,000, and pay their dues promptly, and have less talk about things that would not benefit them if it did become a law, I think this Brotherhood would have no cause to change the name. We should try and pass laws that would be of some interest to all, so, in case of disability, we would be well provided for, or, in case of death, those depending on us would be free from want.

Delegates should not go to the Convenvention with the idea of having a good time and talk nonsense in the Convention hall, thereby wasting their time and the Brothers' hard-earned money. E. J. BOLIAN. New Orleans, La.

Change of Name.

BEING a careful reader of the FIREMEN'S

MAGAZINE, I've noticed in the March, April and May issues a great deal of discussion in regard to changing the name of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. Why change the name? The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen is, and always will be, a protective organization for enginemen, and therefore I have to agree with the several brothers of different lodges who see no reason why the name should be changed.

Of what is the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen composed? Engineers, firemen, and hostlers, not saying anything about the conductors, brakemen and members who follow some other occupations. If we wish

WE HAVE discussed the question, to protect all, I would like some brother who


Change of Name," and

have is in favor of changing the name to suggest do. one that would include engineers, firemen, hostlers and members who follow other professions. If they wish to change the name, let the name include all, and I hardly think they can do it.

to the conclusion that we not see why the members want to agitate such a question. This organization has been known as the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen since its birth, and it should remain So. I agree with the Brother from Fond Du Lac, and would say if the Brothers that are not satisfied are ashamed to wear the Badge of Shovel and Pick because he is an engineer, why. let them go and join the Engineers. By the time the next convention meets I suppose he will be eligible; he can then purchase a badge as big as a tomato can and show himself. I do not see what

I would like to suggest a remedy. If they are dissatisfied with the name of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, let them join some other protective organization and let the Brotherhood alone, and then they can see where they are benefited; or, as a brother member of Fond du Lac, Wis., says, "Better join the A. R. U. and get the same as 10,000 or more got."

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