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which we should aspire. It would mean that we may pay our taxes by simply casting a hook into the water and finding in the mouth of the waiting fish the necessary coin; that when in need of a glass of wine we may have it by the transformation of a glass of water; that we may feed ourselves and our guests by drawing the food direct from the all-containing ether. I very much doubt whether you would subscribe to this in its literal sense, but would prefer to regard this class of miracles as symbolic rather than literal examples to be followed by mankind. In truth, is it not an impertinence to associate the need of wine or material food with so exalted a spiritual attainment as is implied in the ability to thus demonstrate over materiality?

But, aside from this phase of the question, let us assume, that, in the resurrection of his body, Jesus set us an example which we are all of us potentially able to follow. I note that one of your correspondents expresses the determination to send you a paid-up subscription to UNITY for five hundred years. It is evident, therefore, that he expects to demonstrate his ability to remain on earth for at least another half millennium. This exemplifies in an unqualified and practical manner what I infer to be the hope of yourself and your followers: that by spiritualizing the body as Jesus did, you will be enabled to remain on earth for an indefinite period.

How long did Jesus remain on earth after the spiritualization of his body? Not over forty days. Has this fact no significance? Are we not arrogating to ourselves much wisdom when we declare that we will follow the example of Jesus in the matter of the resurrection of the body, but will make a different use of the result? Those who perceive in the resurrected, spiritualized body nothing higher than a means to enjoy a longer and more capable life on earth. have assuredly missed the true meaning of the miracle. They are not followers of Christ. They are merely juggling with the Christ power for the attainment of selfish aspirations. In his spiritualized body Jesus did not remain on earth. As the winged insect of the air has no place in the stagnant pond from which it developed, so the spiritualized body has no place on the earth. It must of necessity seek another and different realm of existence. As well conceive of the butterfly remaining in its cocoon, or the

eagle hiding forever in its nest, as to picture spiritualized man clinging to this mundane speck of dust. Believe me, with kind regards,

Very sincerely yours,


Yes, it is good logic to reason that what one member of a given species has attained all may attain. That Jesus was very wise all admit, and he said, "Ye shall do these things and greater." He told his disciples and followers to go forth in his name and do things which to this day are called miraculous, yet he considered them part of the natural development of the spiritually minded man.

The law of mental suggestion is becoming universally accepted, and wherever intelligence is in evidence there mind is active, and suggestion possible. On the bottom of the ocean must be untold millions of coins, and it would require no great stretching of the imagination to conceive the possibility of suggesting to the fishes that they bring these coins and drop them at the shore line. Also the change of water to wine should be no miracle to one who understands the Power of the Word. That all food is contained in the universal ether is admitted by physical science, and we are informed that German chemists are now making certain products used in domestic economy direct from the atmosphere. Everything in the world rests upon thought, and an understanding of ideas and words, and their relation to the One Great Mind will give man power to make transformations in every visible thing.

Jesus did resurrect his body and he is right in our midst to day. "Lo, I am with you alway." He "stood by" Paul at night and told him to go to Rome. He also spoke to the Great Apostle out of the omnipresence near Damascus. Thousands have testified to seeing, hearing and talking to Jesus. So we are safe in claiming that he is still here in fulfillment of his promise.

That we cannot see Jesus in his purified body proves just what we have been proclaiming for twenty years in these pages, that the material sense of earth, and all the conditions that have been built up by man in the sense state, are not true nor enduring, because the Divine Ideals have not been carried out. When men conceive that the Divine Idea of Substance is pure and incorruptible, unchanging and undying, and that man's true body is a perfect idea existing eternally in this incorruptible substance, they will be one with Jesus and see him and the Kingdom in which he rules.

Spiritualists assert that the spirit world which their mediums tell about is this spiritual Kingdom where Jesus is, but this is untrue. Those who have let disease and death destroy their bodies have not overcome as Jesus did and they are not in his Kingdom. To be where Jesus is requires not only goodness but power and understanding of the laws of mind.

We are getting closer and closer to our appreciation of the great truth that man dropped away from the Garden of Eden and submerged himself in the darkness of earth. That he died first in mind and next in body, and that he must regain that lost estate by restoring the former mental supremacy and through it overcoming disease and death. The last enemy to be overcome is death.

This spiritualization of the body idea raises the atomic vibration until the slow eyes of sense mind cannot discern it. This is the ascension of Jesus. But there is no disappearance or going away of the man nor his body, and the only death is the transformation of the mortal idea of life to the immortal.

When this understanding becomes universal men will no longer die, and the necessity of being born in infantile bodies will cease. Then will be fulfilled the prayer of Jesus, "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done. on earth as it is in heaven."


This department is in fulfillment of the promise of Jesus Christ, "These signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover."-Mark 16:17-18.



Teaching by parables is an effective method, as proved by Jesus. An illustration gives the mind something to lay hold of, and when it works out conclusions for itself, as it is compelled to do in applying the parable, those conclusions are not only definite and clear, but they have an abiding quality. If a teacher can say that the truth he presents may be "likened unto" this or that he has given his lesson.

Absent healing has been more or less of a mystery to many; there has seemed nothing to which it might be likened. It has been known, believed in and practiced for ages; for, although men might not know just how it was done, they knew it could be done, and their faith has answered, in a measure, for understanding.

"He sent his word and healed them" wrote the Psalmist. The Centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant, expressed his faith in absent healing when he said, "Speak the Word only and my servant shall be healed." In these days thousands are being healed by the sent Word. If they can gain an undertanding of how it is done their faith will have a surer foundation.

Now that wireless telegraphy has come to be an established fact and part of our work-a-day world, we

find in it a good illustration of absent healing. The following newspaper clipping gives a simple, clear explanation of the way in which the wireless works.

"How were the messages sent that saved hundreds of lives at sea last Saturday? How does wireless telegraphy act? The questions were put to H. M. Page, Director of Physics of Manual Training high school yesterday.

"The simplest analogy is that of waves on a pond," he said. "If you are on one shore and drop stones in the water one by one, I can tell on the other side by the waves that come across how many stones you drop. Every electric spark is like a stone dropped in the surrounding sea of ether. The waves spread out in all directions at the same velocity as light, 186,000 miles a second, that is several thousand times quicker than an ordinary telegraphic current.

"The electric spark used in such instruments as those with which the Republic was fitted is from a half inch to one inch long and produces waves from 200 feet to 300 feet long. These are comparatively short waves, by the way; lightning flashes send out ether waves many miles long. The ordinary telegraph code is used, a single spark for a dot and a series for a dash.

"This instrument is quite simple. Several boys at the school have rigged up wireless plants of their own and communicate with each other right across the city. The transmitter consists of an electric battery and coil operated by an ordinary telegraph key. The current is inducted in another coil in which there is a break, producing the spark. This would be sufficient, but to help the ether waves to spread the wire is carried from the ground into the air in several branches, or antennae. The waves pass easily up these and out into the ether.

"When the wave strikes anything it can be felt, if that thing is sensitive enough. This is obtained by attaching to similar antennae a coil in which the current is too weak to pass unassisted through a wire less than 1-1,000-inch in diameter and 1-100-inch long that dips in an acid bath. When an ether wave strikes the antennae it presses the current through this wire and makes a click in the telephone receiver worn by the operator.

"Wireless telegraphy has reached a high stage of

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