Зображення сторінки

January, 1900.

Canadian Trade with Great Britain. R. JEBB.

February, 1900.

French Women in Industry. ADA CONE.

Whereas men once had the monopoly of garment-making for both sexes in France, women have now the monopoly of garment-making for women, and also the making of a part of men's dress. "The industries in which women are in a majority are renowned."

The Fortnightly Review.
February, 1900.

The Ruskin Hall Movement. L. T. DODD and J. A. DALE.

A description ab intra of the institution noticed in the ECONOMIC JOURNAL, vol. ix, p. 144.

The National Review.

December, 1899.

Walter Bagehot. RIGHT HON. SIR M. GRANT DUFF, M.P.

A biography and criticism enlivened by touches of personal reminiscence.

February, 1900.

The London Housing Reform. H. PERCY HARRIS.

The writer, who is Deputy Chairman of the London County Council, recommends making trial of the powers contained in Part III. of the Housing Act, and testing the possibility of combining municipal and private enterprise.

The Quarterly Journal of Economics (Boston).
February, 1900.

The Iron Industry in the United States. I. F. W. TAUSSIG.

The growth of the industry during the last thirty years is traced in masterly detail to various causes: the use of anthracite coal, the Bessemer process, the collocation of ore and coal by cheap carriage, production on a large scale (including the organisation of subsidiary industries); in fine, the absence of strong trade unions in the iron. trade, the presence of cheap labour in the coal trade.

"The American iron and steel master has felt more free than his British rival to push on with new processes, to remodel his organisation, to readjust his labour force.

"The mere existence of a strong and all-inclusive union, not to be fought without heavy loss, has often a benumbing influence."

"The mining of coal is mainly pick-and-shovel work requiring little handicraft skill."

"The coal mines of the United States have drawn to themselves the lowest and poorest kinds of manual labour."

Ethnic Factors and the Movement of Population. JOHN CUMMINGS.

The "racial phrenology" of modern anthropologists is bound to go the same way as astrology.

"The term 'race, or ethnic, factor' employed in anthropo-sociological writing has not as yet received any definition which warrants its recognition as a scientific term."

The Preconceptions of Economic Science. III. T. VEBLEN.

Continuing to criticise the metaphysics of the Classical School, the author characterises J. S. Mill, Cairnes, Mr. Keynes, and Professor Marshall, in somewhat technical phraseology. E.g., Cairnes is said to show an advance from "animistic teleology to taxonomy."

The New York Canals. JOHN A. FAIRLIE.

The causes of past decline, the possibility of future revival, and the present financial position of the New York Canals are set forth.

Journal of Political Economy (Chicago).
December, 1899.

The Chicago Trust Conference. HY. RAND HATFIELD.

The Conference at Chicago of last September, summoned, like the Congress on Arbitration in 1894, by the Civic Federation, consisted of four hundred delegates, representing every variety of interest. Among well-known names may be noticed Prof. J. B. Clark, Mr. George Gunton, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Cochran. The debate is impartially summed up by Mr. Hatfield. The representatives of labour seem to have given the most disinterested judgments, after the professional economists, who were treated with singular deference.

Trusts from an Economic Standpoint. W. M. COLEMAN.

Surveying trusts from what he calls an economic standpoint, Mr. Coleman blesses them altogether.

Political Science Quarterly (New York).

December, 1899.

The Evolution of Modern Banking. C. A. CONANT. Need of InterOccanic Communication.


Situation in the Tropics. J. F. CROWELL.

The Sugar

Annals of the American Academy of Political Science


November 1899.

Franchises or Monopolies. H. E. TREMAIN. The Recent Production of Silver and its Probable Future. E. S. MEADE.

The Russian Journal of Financial Statistics (St. Petersburg). The specimen number' (in English) dated Dec. 30, 1899, has articles on Russian weights and measures, Russian monetary system, the production of gold, and the consumption of spirits in Russia, all adapted to what seems to be the main object of the publication-to correct English misapprehensions about things Russian.

Journal des Économistes (Paris).
December, 1899.

Le Critérium du Progrès. Y. GUYOT. Les Compagnies de Colonisation. L. VIGOUROUX. Qualités monétaires des Valeurs mobilières. G. LÉVY. Mouvement scientifique et industriel. D. BELLET. Revue de l'Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. J. LEFORT. La Situation économique et financière de la Suisse. D. B. L'Organisation de l'Inégalité. BOUËT. L'Emigration aux Etats-Unis. G. FRANÇOIS CORRES.

January, 1900.

1899. G. D. MOLINARI. Le Marché financier en 1899. A. RAFFALOVICH. La Loi de la Distribution. ROUXEL. Revue des principales Publications économiques de l'Etranger. M. BLOCK, Lettre des Etats-Unis. G. N. VRICOCHE. Les Universités. M. L. VIGOUROUX. Encore quelques Mots sur la Balance du Commerce. FRED. PASSY.

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Les Contradictions du Socialisme. E. MARTINEAU. Un Projet de Banque Chrétienne" (Genève 1675). A. E. SAYOUS. Le Mouvement agricole. G. GRANDEAU. Revue des Publications économiques en Langue française. ROUXEL. Les Indications socialistes et l'Assurance obligatoire des Marins. D. BELLET. Un Siècle d'Evolution sans Précédent. Fecondité par E. Zola. FRED. PASSY.

Revue de l'Économie Politique.

December, 1899.

Le Liberalisme économique dans les Œuvres de Quesnay. H. TRUCHY. Les Trusts Americains. CH. FAVRE.

Compatriote de l'An. JAMES ARMOUR.

.. Un Contemporain et

January, 1900.

Les Associations coopératives de Production en France. CH. GIDE. [A
French version of the author's article in English in the Quarterly
Journal for Economics, November, 1899. See ECONOMIC JOURNAL,
Vol. ix.] Les Manufactures au Milieu du XVIIIe Siècle.
G. MARTIN. Travail intellectuel et Travail manuel.

L. L.

Among numerous valuable contributions to the Musée Social (Paris), we may notice Cooperative Bakeries in the Country Districts, (No. 12, December, 1899), the results of an inquiry conducted by Count Rocquigny. There are 612 such societies in France. societies have hitherto been little noticed. The Count gives the rules The rural and a description of the methods of the rural societies. They flourish in the Charentes, Poitou, la Vendée, also in Saône-et-Loire, Lot et Garonne, and Gironde-to the number of 400 or 500. There are three different types, which are well discussed, p. 588 seq.

Jahrb. f. National Oekonomie (Jena).

November, 1899.

Die verhältnisse der Kohlenbergbaues in den Vereinigten Staaten. J. E. GEORGE.


Die agrarische Entwickelung Englands. MAMROTH.

January, 1900.

Zur Geschichte der Grundeigentums. F. RACHFAHL.

The Miscellanies contain some comparative statistics of the revenue and expenditure of the leading European States by MAX VON HECKEL, and a note on the American Tea Tax of 1767-73 by E. V. MAACK.

Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Staatswissenchaft (Tübingen.)
Heft IV, 1899.

Beseitigung der kommunalen Grund und Gebaüdesteuer. F. PABST.
A preliminary survey of the German systems of local taxation.

Heft I, 1900.

Beseitigung der kommunalen Grund und Gebaüdesteuer. II. F. PABST.

The writer, himself a householder, advocates a tax on the unearned increment [konjuncturgewinn] in preference to the existing local taxation of land and buildings. Premising that konjuncturgewinn must not be confounded with interest or the return due to capital applied to improvements, he gives examples purporting to show how these elements may be separated from pure "gewinn.' besteuer, completes the programme. A tax on business, Gewer

Grundeigeinthum, Flachensteuer, Korinthennaturalsteuer und Korinthenbank in Griechenland.

A study in Greek finance and currants.

Giornale degli Economisti (Rome).

December, 1899.

La Terra Libera e la Generazione del Profitto. G. VALENTI. Utilità Limite e Costo di Riproduzione. D. BERARDI.

La Diffusione della Pellagra in Italia. P. SITTA.

Statistics discussed at the recent "pellagrological" congress in Padua show that while the total mortality in Italy has decreased from 280 to 243 per 10,000, the mortality from pellagra has decreased from 1.2 to 0.99 per 10,000. The statistics for different localities show a preponderance in the north, and suggest that the disease, while diminishing in intensity, is gaining in extension over new regions.

I Sindacati Professionali Operai in Francia. A. BERTOLINI.

January, 1900.

L'Origine del Baratto: A Proposito di un Nuovo Studio del Cognetti. M. PANTALEONI. Le Riserve Patrimoniali delle Banche. G. CRIVELLARI. A Proposito della Legge Sugli Zuccheri. R. CAVALIERI.

Intorno ad Alcune Opinioni del Bortkewitsch in Materia di Statistica Teoretica. A. LORIA.

Dr. Bortkewitsch's remarkable law that for very small probabilities, e.g., that of suicide, the dispersion of observed frequencies follows the simple rule applicable to games of chance is criticised.


La Posizione di Francesco Ferrara fra gli Economiste. E. SELLA. L'Origine del Baratto: A Proposito di un Nuovo Studio del Cognetti. M. PANTALEONI. Il Lavoro a Mano e il Lavoro a Macchina. A. BERTOLINI. Un Nuovo Studio sull'Economia Russa. C. DRAGONI.

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