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be our main care that these gracious designs of God may be gained upon us by all his chastisements? In proportion as these effects are produced, a sweet and placid serenity overspreads the soul; it recurs to God himself as its chief happiness, and finds rest in him as its portion and satisfying good. How blessed in such a case is the man whom the Lord chasteneth!

When our minds are overcome with an affecting loss, we are apt to forget our remaining mercies. But are there not always great grounds for thankfulness, amidst all our sorrow? Has God taken from us one dear child, and has he not left us another? Nay, has he not left us a husband or wife, the affectionate partners of our joys and griefs? And though he had bereft us of all at once, does not he himself stand instead of all relations? and is he not infinitely better than sons or daughters? We ought, therefore, to reflect upon the grounds of gratitude and thankfulness he affords us, amidst all our afflictions.

You have reason, dear Madam, to believe that your child is happy. The scripture gives us a favourable view of the state of all infants dying in infancy. Our Lord says, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God." A great part of mankind die in infancy

| be judged according to the deeds done in the body, nor fall under the sentence of the second death, which is pronounced only upon personal wicked deeds; but being redeemed by the blood of Christ, and written in the Lamb's book of life, they shall be raised up from the first death, which came by Adam, to the enjoyment of eternal life, in the heavenly kingdom. This consideration should dry up your tears. Your child is now with God, infinitely more happy than you could have made her on earth; infinitely more happy than you can conceive; and, if you are a follower of them, who, by faith and patience, inherit the promises, and of Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of faith, you shall one day meet with her amidst the redeemed company, where you shall never more part; and, where "there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Rev. xxi. 4. That this may be the happy issue of all our present afflictions, is the sincere prayer of,

Your sincere and sympathizing


before they have done any good or TO DR. WILLIAM BROWN,

evil; and our Lord declares, that of such little children the kingdom of God is made up; and, as a token of this, he took the little children that were brought him, up in his arms, and blessed them, Mark, x. They die, by virtue of their connection with Adam, in his first transgression; but, having done neither good nor evil, in their own persons, they will not


To the Editors of the Baptist Magazine.

I AM indebted to a friend for pointing me to an article in the last Number of your Magazine, entitled, "Vindication of Dr. Robert Walker," signed WM. BROWN, and dated, Edinburgh, 46, Hanover-street, 20th May, 1818.

2 x

It is very true that I received three letters, at different times, from Doctor Brown, intimating a complaint of something which he had found prejudicial to the character of Dr. Walker, in my Memoir of the late Mr. M'Lean, to whom Dr. Walker for some time stood in the relation of colleague in the pastoral office. But the only thing that Dr. Brown condescends to specify, as the ground of complaint, is the following line: "The production of his opponent shrunk into contempt under his hand." Memoir, p. lvii.

"his talents were very respectable, and his literary and professional acquirements very considerable."

Against the character of Dr. Walker I can have no personal animosity. I know him only by his writings, and the report of others; but if Dr. Brown be really the conservator of his reputation, I must beg leave to tell him, that he is acting very indiscreetly in provoking discussions on that topic, on such flimsy pretexts. What Dr. Walker's literary and professional acquirements were, may be partly learned from the review of his greatest work, viz. a Treatise on the Small-pox, in the MONTHLY REVIEW, Vol. IV. New Series, 1791. p. 273283* And should you, or any of your readers, be disposed to think that I have exceeded the

Theological production, and will take the trouble to read it with Mr. M'Lean's review of it, I am quite content to submit the question to that impartial tribunal, and to abide its decision. I appeal, therefore, from the incompetent judgment of Dr. Brown, to a higher tribunal, and dismiss the subject for the present with saying, Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Of Dr. Brown I know nothing, except from the three communications with which he has favoured me, and which have been entirely confined to this single ground of complaint. It seems marvellous to him, that I should return no reply to any of his let-truth in what I have said of his ters, especially, I suppose, as he had been so particular in giving me to understand, that he is a Doctor, but whether in divinity or medicine, he omitted to inform me, and I am, to this moment, ignorant! But really, I found nothing in any of his letters to answer. He may, for aught I know, possess a prescriptive right to defend the reputation of Dr. Walker, which he thinks I have assailed; but I think your readers must be aware, that if such be his object, he proceeds very awkwardly about his work. He is pleased to say, that, because I have said, Dr. Walker's defence of the doctrine of Eternal generation "shrunk into contempt under the hand of his opponent," my readers must look on that gentleman as a very weak man, and a very uncandid man; whereas he affirms, that he was neither the one nor the other,-for, that

I am,

Yours respectfully,

London, July 20, 1818.

"We cannot applaud the fallacious reasoning, and the unfounded assertions, which fill so large a portion of this book; and by which the author has plunged us into theories that we hoped were forgotten; and has obscured the science which he professed to elucidate"!!!

See Monthly Review, ut supra, p. 283.

Juvenile Department,"



farmer, I said, "Can you tell me where it was the mansion of Sir John Oldcastle formerly stood?" "This is the very place-this is Oldcastle Court!" I felt as if BEING a few months since in standing on consecrated ground. South Wales, and hearing that the "From this spot," said. I, "the place where the justly-famed an- light of truth emanated more than cient Briton, Sir John Oldcastle, 400 years since: that light which is formerly resided, was but eight now covering the whole earth." I miles from Abergavenny, I went, could easily account for the spirit accompanied by a friend, to the vil- which impelled superstitious persons lage, which is still known by the to undertake pilgrimages to places name of that distinguished servant considered sacred; and though not of the Lord Jesus Christ; who, conscious of any feeling of a supernearly one hundred years before the stitious kind, I was delighted to rise of Luther, risisted the encroach- have the privilege of being where ments, and exposed the unscriptural the Lord's hidden ones had been pretensions, of the Bishop of Rome. employed in carrying on the holy As we approached this sequester-war against the Prince of Darkness, ed village, situate under the Black by the sword of the Spirit, the word Mountain, and rendered very diffi- of God. cult of access by the lanes having become almost impassable, I felt an unusual gratification from the recollection of what had been there accomplished, for the furtherance of the cause of pure and undefiled religion, by the excellent men whom Sir John Oldcastle employed as transcribers of Wickliffe's Transla- | tions of the Bible, when almost all the world were wandering after the Beast, and were exclaiming, " Who is like unto the Beast?"

Looking around the adjacent country, called up to my recollection the circumstance of Sir John being secreted and secured for four years, by his tenantry, after he escaped from the 'Tower, in 1413. I felt indignant that any base wretches should, for the sake of money, enable Lord Powys, a bigotted Papist, to apprehend, and give up to the cruelty of his persecutors, a nobleman who had deserved so well from his country, and who was so useful in the church of Christ.

We at length entered the farmyard adjoining the parish church of Oldcastle. On the appearing of the


The mansion, I understood, had been taken down about forty years, but the site was still visible, and part of the moat, by which it was surrounded, still remaining. It is conjectured, too, by Mr. Griffiths, that the present farm-house is built upon part of the former walls. The church is very small, and the eastern wall, gone to decay, is falling down. The oldest inscription I could find, was not more than 200 years past; but every thing indicates that it stood long before the period of Sir John's death, and was doubtless used by him, his family, and domestics, for the worship of God. This is one of the sacred buildings where God was worshipped in spirit and in truth, when all others of our parish churches, (excepting those where Wickliffe's sentiments were professed,) were desecrated by abominable idolatries. Its present meanness is almost indescribable: it is scarcely decent. The seats would probably hold twenty persons, and the whole church may be able to contain one hundred; but it is not often there are enough present to

* We are disappointed in our regular Article for the Juvenile Department this month.

fill even the seats. I understood | is the same stream from which Sir


that this was by no means a solitary instance of the parish churches being forsaken the great bulk of the people, who publicly worship God in Wales, do so among the dissenters; and there are not wanting instances where the clergyman returns without performing duty, because there are none at church but himself and the clerk.

On entering the farmer's house, I was pleased to observe the patriarchal simplicity, and the old English hospitality, which prevailed. The venerable couple, with their children and grand-children, were a family of seventeen persons; and though, I suppose, but in humble circunstances, they pressed us to partake of whatever the house would afford, remarking, “There are none who call here, whether rich or poor, but what they have victuals and drink, if they will accept of it."

Finding that Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths were religious persons, I asked them, if they would object to my preaching in their house to their family and neighbours. They instantly signified their approbation; and the farmer, addressing one of his sons, said, "Go into the field, and tell them to leave off ploughing; and go round the village, and ask all you can find to come in, and hear a sermon." We soon had a congregation, and, after singing and prayer, I addressed them from John, i. 16, And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. The sentiment which John the Baptist applied to himself, and all the servants of God, who lived before the coming of Christ, I endeavoured to improve, in reference to Sir John Oldcastle, and the disciples of Wickliffe, who, four centuries before, had received abundance of grace from the fulness of Christ, to enable them to labour, to suffer, and to die in his cause; and that we, who were believers now, were receiving from the same fulness still.-I shall not soon forget how the good old people looked when I said, "That brook of water that is running through your grounds, and which supplies your family every day with the means of purity and refreshment,

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John drank, and his numerous family: but it is flowing still, and as plentifully as it did then. So the grace of Christ is a fulness of mercy still, and will continue to supply all his people, to give them strength to live by, and to die by. It was this grace that gave Sir John strength to die a martyr, by being hung and 1oasted at Tyburn; and that will be sufficient for all who trust in his righteousness, and hope in his mercy." I told the little children not to forget what I had said of the good nobleman who used to inhabit Oldcastle; and, after we had concluded by singing and prayer, the old grandmother, (who had been converted many years since in London, by the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Romaine,) said, Hear, sir, what one of the little ones is saying: —she says, Mother, we must never forget what the gentleman has been saying.'" The energy with which this old pilgrim expressed herself, indicated the desires she felt for the salvation of her descendants, that they also might receive from the fulness of Christ, and grace for grace. May the whole of this hospitable family" find mercy of the Lord in that day!" and may succeeding generations inhabit Oldcastle Court, who shall be like its former illustrious inhabitant, "shining as lights in a dark place," and be indeed "the salt of the earth."

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OUR readers will recollect, that in the month of November last, the town of St. John's, Newfoundland, was nearly destroyed by two dreadful fires, which occurred in quick succession. The property consumed was estimated at 900,000l. sterling; and as this great calamity took place just at the commencement of winter, during which season, the harbours of the island are frozen up, there seemed too much reason to fear that the wretched inhabitants would have to endure all the horrors of famine, in addition to the loss of their property,

following case possesses sufficient importance and novelty to interest your readers, by giving it an early admission into your Magazine, you will oblige

Yours, very respectfully,


Hinckley, July, 1818.

(says Mr.

"The opposition, Richards,) to the practice of immersion, is, in a great measure, grounded indecent; but this is mere pretence upon two objections :--1. That it is and cant. Immersion is certainly, ling; nor is it conducted, among the in itself, no less decent than sprink

and the usual rigours of the season. | From this dreadful prospect, however, they were relieved by the prompt and generous kindness of the citizens of Boston. As soon as the news of their distress reached that city, a liberal subscription was set on foot, a quantity of provisions purchased, and a vessel freighted to convey it, as speedily as possible, to Newfoundland. Such was the alacrity displayed, by all ranks, in this munificent undertaking, that the vessel was loaded in about twelve hours; and the very labourers, who were employed, refused any compensation for their trouble. The vessel performed the passage, al-Baptists, with less decency than the ready become dangerous, with expedition and safety; and so ample dents, and other sprinklers. It must other rite is among the Indepenwas the supply, thus generously fur-be, surely, very odd, that the won bished, that it was expected each derfully delicate patrons of this obfamily, among the numerous suf- jection, should never find any fault. ferers, would receive from four to with the Jewish bathings, and cirfive cwt. for its own share. cumcision. The other objection I referred to, is,-2. That immersion is dangerous to health, especially in cold climates: but this contradicts the express declarations of the most eminent physicians, as well as universal experience. Is not immersion commonly practised throughout the vast Russian empire, which comprehends some of the coldest climates in the world? and is it not practised there too, in the coldest season of the year, and that without any bad consequence at all to the health of the subjects?In this country also, (which, though



Not Dangerous to Health.

To the Editors of the Baptist Magazine. THE "remarkable appearance of 'Providence, at Baptism," in the case of Mrs. Dechamp's, communicated by Mr. Ivimey, and inserted in your last Number, brought to my recollection another case, equally remarkable. It is related by my old and respected friend, the Rev. Mr. Richards, of Lynn, and may be met with in his third Reply to Mr. Carter, on the subject of Baptism, entitled, "The History of Antichrist; or, Free Thoughts on the Corruptions of Christianity, &c.-Letter 5th, p. 99 to 102. I know of none who have written more ably on the subject of Adult Baptism, than my friend has; and, of course, I hold his treatises on that subject in high estimation, and deem them worthy the perusal of such of your readers as have not met with them.* If you think the

* About the year 1780, or 1781, a controversy commenced, on the subject of

Baptism, betwixt Mr. Richards and Mr. Carter, an Independent minister. The latter published a piece, on Infant Bap tism. Mr. Richards published a "Re, view" of it, in three Letters to a friend. Mr. Carter replied to that "Review," in a pamphlet, entitled "The Reviewer Re viewed." Mr. Richards then published a second piece, entitled, "Observations &c." in a series of Letters to the author. on Infant Sprinkling; or, an Answer, This was afterwards succeeded by a third, entitled, "The History of Antichrist, &c, in a Series of Letters, to the Author of the Reviewer Reviewed, and other late Publications." Here, I believe, the controversy terminated. Mr. Richards has published other pieces on Baptism, both in Welsh and English; one, on the "Nature and Design of Christian Baptism," in English, is particularly valuable.

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