Зображення сторінки

DELAFIELD (John)-see Gloucestriensia.

DELAMARE (l'Abbé) Essai sur la véritable origine, et sur les vicissitudes de la Cathedrale de Coutances. 4° Caen, 1841.

DELANDINE (F. A.)—see Chaudon.

DE LA WARRE (Lord) Relation made to the Counsell of Virginia, June 25, 1611.-Purchas's Voyages, vol. 4.

DELILLE (Jacques) Œuvres, avec la Vie de l'Auteur. 19 tomes. 8° Paris, 1802.

DE LOLME (John Lewis) The British Empire in Europe. 4° London, 1787.

The Constitution of England; or, an Account of the English Government, with Notes and a Preface biographical and critical. 8° London, 1810.

DELONEY (Thomas) Strange Histories, consisting of Ballads and other Poems; with an Introduction and Notes. (Percy Society.) 8° London, 1841.

DEL RIO (Antonio) Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City discovered near Palenque, in Guatemala; translated, with a critical investigation and research into the History of the Americans, by P. F. Cabrera. 4° London, 1822.

DE LUC (J. A.) Histoire du Passage des Alpes par Annibal. 8° Genève, 1825.

DEMADES.-Oratores Attici, vol. 3.

DE MORGAN (Augustus) The Differential and Integral Calculus.
London, 1842.

DEMOSTHENES.-Oratores Attici, vols. 4 to 7.

The Oration upon the Crown, translated, with Notes and the Greek Text, by Henry Lord Brougham. 8° London, 1840. DENHAM (Sir John) Poems.-British Poets, vol. 20.

- (Major Dixon), Capt. Hugh Clapperton, and Dr. Oudney. Travels in Northern and Central Africa, 1822-24; with an Appendix. 4° London, 1826.

Another Edition. 2 vols. 8° London, 1826.

DENINA (Carlo) Delle Rivoluzioni d'Italia. 3 vols. 8° Milano, 1820. DENIS (Mich.)-see Maittaire.

DENISART (J. B.)-see France.

DENMARK. Forordning, angaaende Provindsial-Stændernes Indretning i Danmark, forsaavidt Sjællands, Fyens og Lolland-Falsters Stifter, samt Island og Færoe angaaer. 4° Kjobenh. 1834.

Forordning, angaaende Provindsial-Stændernes Indretning i Danmark, forsaavidt Norre-Iylland angaaer. 4° Kjobenh. 1834.

Verordnung wegen näherer Regulirung der ständischen Verhältnisse in dem Herzogthum Holstein. 4° Kopenh. 1834.

Verordnung, wegen näherer Regulirung der ständischen Verhältnisse in dem Herzogthum Schleswig. 4° Kopenh. 1834.

(History of) see Dahlmann, Dunham, Saxo-Grammaticus.

DENNIE (Col. William H.) Personal Narrative of the Campaigns in Affghanistan, Sinde, Beloochistan, &c.; with his Correspondence, edited by W. E. Steele. 12° Dublin, 1843.

DENON (Le Baron) Description des Objets d'Arts dans son cabinet; Estampes par Duchesne ainé, Monuments par L. J. Dubois. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1826.

DENS (Petri) Theologia Moralis et Dogmatica; cum Supplemento. 8 vols. 12° Dublini, 1832.

D'ENTRECASTEAUX (Bruny) Voyage à la recherche de la Pérouse ; rédigé par M. de Rossel, avec l'Atlas en folio. 2 vols. 4° Paris, 1808. DENYS.-See Saint Denys.

DEPPING (G. B.)—see Paris.

DESCAMPS (J. B.) La Vie des Peintres Flamands, Allemands, et Hollandais. 5 vols. 8° Paris, 1753-69.

DESCARTES (Réné) Œuvres, publiées par V. Cousin. 11 vols. 8° Paris, 1824-26.

De quelques figures de Verres qui servent à la réfraction et à la réflexion de la Lumière, extrait par Cl. Rabuel.-Maseres, Scriptores Optici.

Dioptrice.-Maseres, Scriptores Optici.

Explicatio quatuor Generum Novarum Ovalium, opera et cum notis F. A. Schooten.-Maseres, Scriptores Optici.

La Métaphysique.-see Gruyer.

DESMOULINS (Camille) Le Vieux Cordelier; Journal politique, rédigé en l'an 2. 8° Paris, 1825.

DESTOUCHES (Phil. Néricault) Euvres Dramatiques; précédées d'une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages [par M. de Senonnes.] 6 vols. 8° Paris, 1811.

D'ESTRADES (Le Comte) Lettres, Mémoires, et Négociations. 9 vols. 12° Londres, 1743.

DEVON (Francis)—see Pell Records.

DEWAR (Daniel) Elements of Moral Philosophy and the Christian Ethics. 8° London, 1826.

D'EWES (Sir Simonds) The Journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth; revised and published by P. Bowes. Folio. London, 1682.

DE WERT (Sebald) Voyage to the South Sea.-Purchas's Voyages, vol. 1. DE WITT (John) Political Maxims of Holland; with Memoirs of Cornelius and John de Witt. 8° London, 1743.

DEXIPPUS, Eunapius, P. Patricius, Priscus, Malchus, Menander. Historia Gr. et Lat. cum Notis et Indicibus, e recens. J. Bekkeri et Niebuhrii. (Script. Byzant.) 8° Bonnæ, 1829.

D'HANCARVILLE (P. F. Hughes.) Recherches sur l'Origine, l'Esprit, et les Progrès des Arts de la Grèce, et sur leurs connections avec les Arts et la Religion des plus anciens peuples connus. 3 vols. 4° Londres, 1785.

D'HERBELOT (Barth.) Bibliothèque Orientale, continuée par C. Visdelou & A. Galand. 4 vols. 4° La Haye, 1777-79.

DIACONUS (Leo) Historia: acced. Libelli qui Niceph. Phocæ et Joan. Tzimiscis Historiam illustrant, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis et Indicibus, e recens. C. B. Hasii. (Script. Byzant.) 8° Bonnæ, 1828.

DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) Bibliomania, or Book Madness: a bibliographical romance. 2 vols. 8° London, 1842.

DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) An Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. 2 vols. 8° London, 1827.

The Library Companion; or, the Young Man's Guide and the Old Man's Comfort in the choice of a Library. 8° London, 1824.

Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, and many valuable first editions, in the Library of George John, Earl Spencer; with the EDES ALTHORPIANE, and Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 7 vols. 8° London, 1814-23.

The Bibliographical Decameron; or, ten days pleasant discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts and subjects connected with early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1817.

A Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. 2 vols. 8° London, 1838.

Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. 3 vols. 8° London, 1821.

Reminiscences of a Literary Life. 2 vols. 8° London, 1836. see Ames.

DICCIONARIO de la Lengua Castellana, de los Proverbios o Refranes, y otras cosas convenientes al uso de la lengua, compuesto por la Real Academia Española. 6 vols. fol. Madrid, 1726-39.

de la Lengua Castellana por la Academia Española, reducido à

un tomo. 4° Madrid, 1822.

DICK (Robert) On the derangements of the Organs of Digestion. 12° Edinburgh, 1840.

DICKENS (Charles) The Pickwick Papers. 8° London, 1837.

DICKSON (Samuel) Fallacies of the Faculty; with the Principles of the Chrono-Thermal System. 8° London, 1839.

[blocks in formation]

Another edition. 8° London, 1843.

The Unity of Disease proved; with facts and cases.
London, 1839.

DICTA Sapientum, Erasmo Roterodamo interprete. 12° Paris.

Polyglott.-see Calepin, Castell,
Minshew, Nemnich.

African (East) Salt's Abyssinia.
American [United States]
Anglo-Saxon. - Bosworth,
Hickes, Junius, Lye.
Arabic.-Freytag, Richardson.
Armenian.-Armenian, Ciakciak.



Breton or Celtique.-Bullet, François, Le Pelletier, Rostrenan. Chinese, Canton Dialect.-Mor


Coptic.-see Peyron.



English.-Bailey, Crabb, John-
son, Nares, Skinner, Walker,

English (Provincial)-Glossary,
Grose, Holloway.
French.-Boyer, Cotgrave, Dic-
tionnaire de l'Acad., Diction-
naire de Trévoux, Fleming &
Tibbings, Lacombe, Leroux,
Ménage, Roubaud.
Gaelic.-see Armstrong, and Dic-

DICTIONARIES, continued:-

cange, Gesnerus, Spelman. Malayan.-Marsden.

Northern Languages.—Hickes.

German.-see Adelung, Flügel, Latin (Middle Age)- see Du-
Küttner, Rondeau, Wachter.
Greek.-Biel, Brasse, Donnegan,
Gebelin, (le Monde Primitif,
vol. 1,) Hederic, Hesychius,
Liddell, Morel, Pollux, Schleus-
ner, Stephanus, Suidas.
Greek (Modern)-Lowndes.
Gypsey.-Borrow's Zincali.

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Romance.-François, Raynouard,


Spanish. Connelly, Diccionario
de la R. Acad., Neuman Nunez.
Spanish and Latin. Antonio



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Troubadour.-see above, under

Turkish.-Kieffer, Ciakciak.
Welsh.-Lhuyd, Owen.

DICTIONARY of the Gaelic Language; compiled under the direction of the Highland Society of Scotland. 2 vols. 4° Edinburgh, 1828.

DICTIONNAIRE de l'Académie Françoise; avec le Supplément. 2 vols. 4° Paris, 1822.

de l'Académie Française; avec le Supplément, par F. Raymond. 3 vols. 4° Paris, 1835-36.

de l'Académie Française. Le Complément publié par un Membre de l'Académie, avec une préface par Louis Barré. 4to. Paris, 1842. Complet, François et Russe, par une Société de Gens de Lettres. 2 vols. 4° St. Pétersbourg, 1786.

des Sciences Naturelles, dans lequel on traite méthodiquement des différens êtres de la Nature, suivi d'une Biographie des plus célèbres Naturalistes [rédigé par F. Cuvier]. 60 vols. Avec les Planches, 12 vols. et Supplement, tome 1. 73 vols. 8° Paris, 1816-40.

Universel, François et Latin, vulgairement appelé Dictionnaire de Trévoux. 8 vols. fol. Paris, 1771.

DICTYS CRETENSIS et Dares Phrygius. De Bello Trojano, ex edit. S. Artopæi, cum Notis in usum Delph. Notis Varior. et Indicibus, acced. Iscanus de Bello Trojano. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Londini, 1825. DIDEROT.

-see Grimm.

DIDRON (M.) Iconographie Chrétienne; Histoire de Dieu. 4° Paris, 1843. DIGBY (W.) On the 1260 days.—see Maitland.

DIGGES (Sir Dudley) The Compleat Ambassador; or, Treaties of the intended Marriage of Queen Elizabeth, in Letters of Sir Francis Walsingham, with the answers of Lord Burleigh, &c. Folio. London, 1655.

DILETTANTI SOCIETY. Specimens of Antient Sculpture, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, and Roman, selected from different Collections in Great Britain [with descriptions, by R. Payne Knight]. 2 vols. fol. London, 1802.

see Attica.

DILLON (John Talbot) Travels through Spain, with a view to illustrate the Natural History of that kingdom. 4° London, 1782.

DILLWYN (L. W.) On the Coleopterous Insects of the neighbourhood of Swansea. 8° 8° Swansea (privately printed), 1829.

A Review of the References to the "Hortus Malabaricus." 8° Swansea (privately printed), 1839.

see Collinson.

DINARCHUS.-Oratores Attici, vol. 3.

DINDORFIUS (Guil.)-see Aristophanes.

DIO CASSIUS. Historia Romana, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Valesii et J. A. Fabricii, Var. Lect., Apparatus et Indices adjecit H. S. Reimarus. 2 vols. fol. Hamburgi, 1750.

DIOCLETIAN. His Edict, A.D. 303, fixing a maximum of Prices throughout the Roman empire, with Translation, by W. M. Leake. 8° London, 1826.

DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliotheca Historica, Gr. et Lat. a Laur. Rhodomano, cum Notis Varior. et Indicibus, ad fidem MSS. recens. P. Wesselingius. 2 vols. fol. Amstelod. 1746.

Bibliothèque Historique, traduite du Grec. par A. F. Miot, avec des Notes, et une Table des Matières (in vol. 7). 7 vols. Paris, 1834-38.

DIOGENES LAERTIUS. De Vitis Philosophorum, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Variorum et Meibomii, access. Menagii Observationes, Var. Lect. et Indices locupletiss. 4° Amstelod. 1692.

DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS. Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat., Notis Varior., curavit J. J. Reiske, cum Indicibus (in vol. 6). 6 vols. Lipsiæ, 1774.


The Roman Antiquities, translated; with Notes and Dissertations,

by Edward Spelman. 4 vols. in 2. 4° London, 1758.

DISNEY (John) Outlines of a Penal Code on the basis of the Law of England, with a Commentary thereon. 8° London, 1826.

D'ISRAELI (Isaac) Amenities of Literature, consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature. 3 vols. 8° London, 1841.

Calamities of Authors. 2 vols. 8°

Curiosities of Literature. 6 vols.

London, 1812.

12° London, 1834.

Curiosities of Literature, First and Second Series. 6 vols. 8°

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The Genius of Judaism. 8° London, 1833.

The Literary Character illustrated by the History of Men of

Genius. 2 vols. 12° London, 1822.

Literary Miscellanies, including a Dissertation on Anecdotes. 12° London, 1801.

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