Зображення сторінки

BATH (Pulteney, Earl of) Congratulatory Letter to a certain Right Hon. Person on his late disappointment of being First Commissioner of the Treasury. (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 36.) 8° London, 1743.

Faction Detected by the Evidence of Facts, containing a view of Parties at home, and Affairs abroad. (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 36) 8° London, 1743.

The Detector Detected, in answer to "Faction Detected." (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 36.) 8° London, 1743.

The Desertion Discussed, or the last and present Opposition placed in their true light; in answer to "Faction Detected." (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 36.) 8° Lond. 1743. Review of the Political Conduct of a late eminent Patriot, being an answer to "Faction Detected." (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 36.) 8° London, 1743.

Defence of the People; or, Confutation of " Faction Detected." (M. Pitt Coll vol. 38.) 8° London, 1744.

The Opposition rescued from the insolent attacks of "Faction Detected." (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 38.) 8° London, 1744.

The New Opposition compared with the Old, in which the aspersions of "Faction Detected" are fully refuted. (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 38) 8° London, 1774.

Enquiry into the Present State of our Domestic Affairs, wherein some Characters (E. of Bath, &c.) which have been unjustly aspersed are modestly vindidicated. (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 38.) 8° London, 1744.

BAUDIN (Admiral)-see Mexico.

BAYLIES (F.) The Contrast; or, Military Chieftains and Political Chieftains. (Am. Coll. vol. 24.) 8° Albany, 1828.

see Adams.

BEALES (Ed.) The Polish Question stated in a speech at the Anniversary Meeting. (Ath. Coll. vol. 65.) 8° London, 1835.

BEARD (J.) Letters which have passed between him and John Shebbeare. (Nasm. Coll. vol. 18.) 8° London, 1767.

BEASLEY (F.) An Examination of Tract No. 90. (Tract. Controv. vol. 6.) 8° New York, 1842.

BEAUMARCHAIS (P. A. Caron de) Observations sur le Mémoire Justificatif de la Cour de Londres. (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 97.) 8° London, 1780.

BEAUMONT (J. T. Barber) The Consequences of the Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt considered. (Ath. Coll. vol. 75.) 8° London, 1836.

On the Causes and Cure of the present Distresses: with a Plan of Parliamentary Reform. (Ath. Coll. vol. 30.) 8° London, 1830.

(G.) Full particulars of the Reform Bill, with Observations. (Ath. Coll. vol. 18.) 8° London, 1831.

BEDFORD (A Letter to the Duke of). (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 52.) 8° London, 1757.

A Letter to C. J. Fox, in consequence of the publication of A Sketch of the Character of Francis, Duke of Bedford. (Nasm. Coll. vol. 38.) 8° Bath. BEEKE (H.) Observations on the produce of the Income Tax, and on its proportion to the whole Income of Great Britain. (Nasm. Coll. vol. 33.) 8° London, 1799. BELDAM (J.) On the Reduction of the Duties on Sugar. (Ath. Coll. vol. 148.) 8° London, 1841.

BELGIUM. A Letter on the Belgic Revolution, its origin, causes, and consequences. (Ath. Coll. vol. 6.) 8° London, 1831.

Recueil de Piéces Diplomatiques, relatives aux affaires de la Hollande et de la Belgique. (Ath. Coll. vol. 6.) 8° La Haye, 1831.

A Letter to the Marquis Camden, on the disputes between Holland and Belgium. (Ath. Coll. vol. 6.) 8° London, 1832.

Statuts Organiques de la Commission Centrale de Statistique de Belgique. (Ath. Coll. vol. 153.) 8° Bruxelles, 1841.

BELL (John) A Vindication of the rights of British Landowners, Farmers, and Labourers, against the claims of the Cotton Capitalists to a Free Trade in Corn. (Ath. Coll. vol. 113.) 8° London, 1839.

(J.) On the progress of Pharmacy in Great Britain. (Ath. Coll. vol. 161.) 8° London, 1843.

(Robert) On the relative merits of the English and Scotch Banking Systems. (Ath. Coll. vol. 100.) 8° Edinburgh, 1838.

A Letter to J. W. Gilbart, on the regulation of the Currency by the Foreign Exchanges. (Ath. Coll. vol. 123.) 8° London, 1840.

BELLEISLES (The Duke de) Letters to Marechal de Contades, found after the Battle of Minden. (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 58.) 8° London, 1759.

BELLENDENUS. A Free Translation of the Preface to Bellendenus [by Dr. Parr]; containing animated Strictures on the great Political Characters of the Present Time. (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 122.) 8° London, 1788.

BELTRAMI (J. C.) La Découverte des Sources du Mississippi et de la Rivière Sanglante. (Am. Coll. vol. 1.) 8° Nouv. Orleans, 1824.

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Pilgrimage,” and the Quarterly Review. (Ath. Coll. vol. 50.) 8° London (privately printed, 1828).

BENNETT (W.)—see Scourge.

BENSON (Egb.) Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, Dec. 31, 1816. (Am. Coll. vol. 4.) 8° Jamaica, 1825.

(Christopher) The Duty of Contending for the Faith: a Sermon. (Sermons, vol. 1.) 8° London, 1832.

A Sermon in Aid of the Cholera Fund of Worcester. (Sermons, vol. 1.) 8° Worcester, 1832.

Letter on the Proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. (Ath. Coll. vol. 67.) 8° London, 1837.

Protestant Zeal recommended: a Sermon. (Sermons, vol. 2.) 8° Lond. 1837. Discourses upon Tradition and Episcopacy. (Tract. Controv. vol. 5.) 8° London, 1839.

(Robert) On the Office of Deputy Recorder of Salisbury. (Ath. Coll. vol. 39.) 8° London, 1831.

BENTHAM (George) Observations on the Registration Bill. (Ath. Coll. vol. 10.) 8° London, 1831.

(Jeremy) Canada: Emancipate your Colonies! an unpublished Argument. (Ath. Coll. vol. 85.) 8° London, 1838.

BERÄTTELSE OM de Arbeten och Försök som vid Köngl. Landt bruks-Academiens Experimentalfält verkställdes ar 1831. (Misc. Coll. vol. 2.) 12° Stockholm, 1832. BERENS (Archdeacon E.) On Church Reform. (Ath. Coll. vol. 44.) 8° Oxford, 1834. BERESFORD (Rt. Hon. John) Speech on his moving the vith Article of the Union with Ireland, March 19th, 1800. (Union Coll. vol. 8.) 8° Dublin, 1800.

(Viscount) Letter to C. E. Long, on the Extracts from the Correspondence of the late Lieut.-Gen. R. B. Long. (Ath. Coll. vol. 40.) 8° London, 1833. BERKELEY (Bishop) The Analyst; or, a Discourse addressed to an Infidel Mathematician with an Answer by J. Walton. (Nasm. Coll. vol. 7.) 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1734. A Defence of Free-thinking in Mathematics. (Nasm. Coll. vol. 7.) 8° London, 1735.

An Introduction to the Doctrine of Fluxions, and Defence of the Mathematicians, against Bishop Berkeley. (Nasm. Coll. vol. 7.) 8° London, 1736. see Walton.

(Hon. Capt.) A Letter to Sir John Barrow, on the system of War and Peace complements in Her Majesty's Ships. (Ath. Coll. vol. 121.) 8° London, 1839. BERMINGHAM (Jos. A.) Observations on the Utility and Conformity of the Archbishop of Dublin's Injunction. (Ath. Coll. vol. 62.) 8° Dublin, 1836.

BERMINGHAM (T.) A Letter on the Corn Laws to the Landowners and Occupiers of Land in Ireland. (Corn L. Coll. vol. 4.) 8° Dublin, 1841.

BERNARD (Governor) Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 74.) 8° London, 1774.

(J. B.) Appeal to the Conservatives. (Ath. Coll. vol. 51.) 8° London, 1835. BERQUIN (M.) Sentimens des Colons de Saint Domingue, envers leur Monarque et leur Patrie. (Mack. Coll. vol. 17.) 8° Paris, 1814.

BEST (Samuel) Case of the Deans and Chapters considered, in answer to W. L. Bowles. (Ath. Coll. vol. 67.) 8° London, 1837.

After Thoughts on reading Dr. Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise. (Ath. Coll. vol. 73.) 8° London, 1837.

BETHAM (Sir William) Papers on an Ancient Astronomical Instrument of the Irish; on the Ring Money of the Celta; and on the Affinity of the Phenician and Celtic Languages. (Misc. Coll. vol. 4.) 4° Dublin, 1836.

Observations on the Evidence on the Record Commission, as it refers to the Irish Records. (Ath. Coll. vol. 79.) 8° Dublin, 1837.

Two Letters to Sir William R. Hamilton, President of the Royal Irish Academy. (Ath. Coll. vol. 141.) 8° Dublin, 1840.

see Petrie.

BETHEL (Isaac B.) A Reply to Arguments for and against an Union, in which McKenna's Memoir is taken into consideration. (Union Coll. vol. 2.) 8° Dublin, 1799. BETHUNE (J. E. Drinkwater) Letter to M. T. Sadler. (Ath. Coll. vol. 45.) 8° Leeds, 1833.

BETTRIDGE (William) Brief History of the Church in Upper Canada. (Ath. Coll. vol. 90.) 8° London, 1838.

BEVERLEY (R. M.) Reply to Professor Sedgwick's Letter on the corrupt state of the University of Cambridge. (Ath. Coll. vol. 43.) 8° London, 1834.

The Heresy of a Human Priesthood traced, in Letters on the present state of the Visible Church of Christ. (Ath. Coll. vol. 138.) 8° London, 1839. see Sedgwick.

BEXLEY (Lord)-see Roman-catholic Question.

BIBER (G. E.) Catholicity v. Sibthorp; or, some help to answer the Question, Whether R. W. Sibthorp is now or ever was a Catholic? (Tract. Controv. vol. 4.) 80 London, 1842.

BICKERSTAFFE (Isaac) Maid of the Mill; a Comic Opera. (Nasm. Coll. vol. 14.) 8° London, 1765.

The Padlock; a Comic Opera. (Nasm. Coll. vol. 21.) 8° London, 1768. BIDDLE (Nicholas) Eulogium on Thomas Jefferson, before the American Philosophical Society, April 11, 1827. (Am. Coll. vol. 17.) 8° Philadelphia, 1827.

BIGSBY (John) Localities of Canadian Minerals; with Notes and Extracts. (Am. Coll. vol. 19.) 8° Quebec, 1827.

BINNEY (Hor.) Eulogium upon the Hon. William Tilghman, late Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. (Am. Coll. vol. 17.) 8° Philadelphia, 1827.

BINTINAYE (Le Chevalier de la) Observations sur un Article du " Morning Chronicle," [sur la Révolution.] (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 134.) 8° London, 1792.

BIRD (C. S.) A Plea for the Reformed Church. (Tract. Controv. vol. 9.) 8° Lond. 1841. see Jewell.

BIRT (J.) On the Administration of the Act for the Abolition of British Colonial Slavery. (Ath. Coll. vol. 96.) 8° London, 1837.

BISHOPS. An Address to the Deans and Chapters of Cathedral Churches on the Election of Bishops. (Ath. Coll. vol. 44.) 8° London, 1833.

BLACAS (Le Comte de)-see Chabannes.

BLACKBURN (Peter) Argument respecting Moral Duty in Legislation. (Ath. Coll. vol. 71.) 8° London, 1836.

see Watson.

BLACKBURNE (J.) Some Remarks upon the Nature and Origin of the Tithes in London. (Ath. Coll. vol. 136.) 8° Cambridge, 1839.

BLACKER (William) On the management of Landed Property in Ireland; a Prize Essay. (Ath. Coll. vol. 45.) 8° Dublin, 1834.

The Evils inseparable from a Mixed Currency, and the Advantages to be secured by introducing an incontrovertible National Paper Circulation. (Ath. Coll. vol. 123.) 8° London, 1839.

Review of C. Shaw Lefevre's Letter to his Constituents on the State of Agriculture. (Ath. Coll. vol. 81.) 8° London, 1837.

BLAKE (Sir F.) The Efficacy of a Sinking Fund of one Million per annum considered. (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 117.) 8° London, 1786.

Peers" all alike." What do Ministers now think of an Elective House of Lords? (Ath. Coll. vol. 98.) 8° London, 1838.

(Francis)-see Thornton.

(William) On the Principles which regulate the Course of Exchange, and on the depreciated state of the Currency. (Bullion Coll. vol. 3, and Currency Coll. vol. 1.) 8° London, 1810.

Observations, in reply to a pamphlet, by the Rev. R. Jones, on the Assessment of Tithes to the Poor's Rate. (Ath. Coll. vol. 111.) 8° London, 1839. BLAKESLEY (Joseph William) Thoughts on the Recommendations of the Ecclesiastical Commission. (Ath. Coll. vol. 67.) 8° London, 1837.

The Studies of the University essentially general in their nature; the Commemoration Sermon, preached Dec. 15, 1836. (Sermons, vol. 3.) 8° Camb. 1836. Seminaries of Sound Learning and Religious Education; the Commemoration Sermon, preached Dec. 16, 1839. (Sermons, vol. 4.) 8° Cambridge, 1839.

-Catholicity and Protestantism; the Commemoration Sermon, Dec. 16, 1841. (Sermons, vol. 3.) 8° Cambridge, 1842.

BLAKEWAY (Rev. John) An Attempt to ascertain the author of the Letters of Junius. (Mack. Coll. vol. 7.) 8° London, 1813.

BLANDFORD (The Marquis of)-see Parliamentary Reform.

BLIGH (R.) Bellum Agrarium: Observations on the Poor Law Bill. (Ath. Coll. vol. 45.) 8° London, 1834.

BLOIS (La Régence à) ou, les derniers Momens du Gouvernement Impérial, par un Habitant de Paris, réfugié à Blois. (Mack. Coll. vol. 15.) 8° Paris, 1814. BLOMFIELD (Bishop, C. J.) A Letter on the present Neglect of the Lord's Day. (Ath. Coll. vol. 50.) 8° London, 1830.

Proposals for a Fund for the building of additional Churches in the Metropolis. (Ath. Coll. vols. 68 and 90.) 8° London, 1836.

A Charge, delivered to the clergy of the Diocese of London, at the Visitation, in 1838. (Charges, vol. 1.) 8° London, 1838.

A Sermon, preached at the Coronation of Queen Victoria. (Sermons, vol. 2.) 8° London, 1838.

National Education, a Sermon. (Sermons, vol. 2.) 8° London, 1838. Speech on National Education, May 28, 1839. (Ath. Coll. vol. 116.) 8° London.

A Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, upon the formation of a Fund for endowing additional Bishoprics in the Colonies. (Ath. Coll. vol. 131.) 8° London, 1840.

A Charge, delivered to the clergy of the Diocese of London, at the Visitation, in 1842. (Charges, vol. 4.) 8° London, 1842.

BLUNDELL (Thomas) Conformity vindicated, in three Letters to the Bishop of Sarum. (Ath. Coll. vol. 68.) 8° London, 1835.

B. M. [Basil Montagu.] Letter to Lord Brougham, on the Elective Franchise. (Ath. Coll. vol. 106.) 8° London, 1839.

BODE (Baron de) His Appeal to the House of Commons for a Select Committee to complete the examination of his Claim. (Ath. Coll. vol. 77.) 8° London, 1836. BOLINGBROKE (Henry, Lord) The Grand Accuser the greatest of all Criminals. (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 24.) 8° London, 1735.

BONAPARTE (Louis Napoleon)-see Persigny.

(Lucien) Réponse aux Mémoires du Général Lamarque. (Ath. Coll. vol. 57.) 8° London, 1835. BOOKBINDING: its History and Improvements. (Ath. Coll. vol. 154.) 8° Lond. 1841. BOOTHBY (Sir Brooke) Observations on the Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, and on Paine's "Rights of Man." (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 130.) 8° London, 1792. BORRETT (W. P.) Three Letters upon a Poor Law and Public Medical Relief for Ireland. (Ath. Coll. vol. 82.) 8° London, 1838.

BOSANQUET (C.) Letter to W. Manning, on the causes of the rapid and progressive depreciation of West India Property. (Slavery Coll. vol. 1.) 8° London, 1807.

Supplement to Practical Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee. (Bullion Coll. vol. 2.) 8° London, 1810.

see Ricardo.

(J. W.) Metallic, Paper, and Credit Currency, and the means of regulating their quantity and value. (Ath. Coll. vol. 167.) 8° London, 1842.

BOSTOCK (John) On the Purification of Thames Water. (Misc. Coll. vol. 3.) 4° London, 1829.

see Pliny.

BOSTON. Some Account of the Medical School in Boston, and of the Massachusetts General Hospital. (Am. Coll. vol. 19.) 8° Boston, 1824.

Report of the Committee of the Boston House of Industry. (Am. Coll. vol. 40.) 8° Boston, 1827.

First Four Annual Reports of the Managers of the Boston Prison Discipline Society, 1826-28. (Am. Coll. vol. 38.) 4 vols. 8° Boston, 1830.

The Same; First, Second, and Third Annual Reports. (Am. Coll. vols. 25 and 26.) 2 vols. 8° Boston, 1826-28.

Review of the Report of a Committee of the citizens of Boston and vicinity, opposed to a further increase of Duties on Importations. (Am. Coll. vol. 32.) 8° Philadelphia, 1828.

BOURNE (R.) A Christian Miniature of John Savery, Esq., of Bristol, in testimony of esteem. (Misc. Coll. vol. 3.) 120 London, 1835.

BOWDLER (Charles) Ecclesiastical Courts Bill; a Letter to Sir R. H. Inglis. (Ath. Coll. vol. 180.) 8° London, 1844.

(John) Reform or Ruin; take your choice. (Nasm. Coll. vol. 34.) 8° London, 1798.

BOWDOIN COLLEGE. Catalogue of the Officers and Students, and of the Medical School of Maine. (Am. Coll. vol. 19.) 8° Brunswick, 1828.

BOWEN (John) Letter to the King, in refutation of the charges preferred against the Poor. (Ath. Coll. vol. 80.) 8° London, 1835.

The Joint-Stock Building Society Bubble examined. (Ath. Coll. vol. 178.) 8° London, 1844.

BOWLES (Capt.) Suggestions for the speedy conveyance of our reinforcements to Canada, (Ath. Coll. vol. 85.) 8° London, 1837.

(John) The Dangers of Premature Peace; with Strictures on the Declaration of the King of Prussia. (M. Pitt Coll. vol. 138.) 8° London, 1795.

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