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perische not: but haue euerlastynge liff/ foþely god fente not his lone into þe worlde þat he iuge þe worlde: but þat þe worlde be fauede by hym/ he þat bileueh into hym: is not demyde (or dampnyde)/ forlohe he þat bileuch not* is now demyde: for he bileueh not in þe name of þe one bigotten lone of god/ Copely þis is þe doom/ for lizte came into þe worlde: and men loueden more dirkeneflis þan lizte/ forsope here werkis weren euyl/ foþely eche man þat doiþ euyl: hatip lizt/ and comeþ not to lizt: þat his werke be not reprouyde (or vndirnomen)/ foþely he þat doiþ treuße, comeß to lizt* þat his werkis be schewides for þei ben in god/ aftir þes þingis Ihĩ came * his difciplis into þe lande of Judes and þere he dwellide wih hem & baptizide/ fopeli Joon was baptilynge in ennon bifidis falym • for manye watris weren þeres and þei camen* & weren baptifide/ foþely Jon was not zit lente into prifoune/fopely a question (or aringe) is made of Jones difciplis wiþ þe iewis of þe purificacōn (or clensynge)/ and þei camen to Joon: and seyden to hym/ raby (cr mayster)• he þat was wih þee ouer Jordan to whom þou halt borne witnellynge: lo he baptisiþ, and alle men comen to hym / Jon answeride * seyde/ a man may not take any þing: but zif it be zouen to hym/ from heuene/ zee zoure self beren witneflynge to me þat I leyde I am not fit: but for I am fente bifore hym/ he þat haþ a spouse (or wijf): is þe spouse (or housbonde)/ Forlope a frende of he spouse pat stondi herip hym ioyeþ in ioye. for þe voyce of þe spouse/ perfore in þis þing: my ioye is fulfilde/ it bihoueþ hym for to ware: forlope me for to be munyschide (or made laffe)/ he þat came from about is upon alle/ he þat is of pe erpe: spekip of pe erpe/ he pat comep fro heuene: is aboue alle/ and his þing pat


Cm 4m

he size & herde. he witnelliß: x no man takiþ his witnellynge/ forfohe he þat haþ taken his witneffynge: haþ markide þat god is foþefaft/ forlope he whom god lente: spekiþ þe wordis of god/ forlope not to mesure, god zyuch þe spirit/ þe kadir louch þe' lone. & he haþ zouen alle þingis in his hande/ he þat bileueþ into þe sone: haþ euerlaftynge_liff/ forfohe he þat is vnbileueful to þe fones schal not se euerlaftynge lijf • but he wrappe of god dwellih on hym/

Therfore as Ihū knewe þat pharilees herden þat Ihū makiþ mo difciplis & baptifiþ þan Jon: þouz ihĩ baptifide not but his discipliss he lefte Jude & wente azen into galilee/ fobely it bihouede hym to paffe by famarie/ þerfore Ihc came by a cytee of famarie. þat is leyde ficar. bifidis þe maner (or feelde) hat Jacob zaue to Joseph his lone/ forlohe pe welle of Jacob was þere/ foþely ihĩ made wery (or faynte) of he tourney: fatte pus at he welle/ fohely he houre was as þe fixte (or vndrun)/ a womman came of lamarie for to drawe water/ Ihr leiþ to hire/ zyue me for to drynke/ forlope his disciplis hadden gon into þe cytee: þat þei schulden bye metis/ perfore he ilke womman of lamarie leih to hym/ how you whanne þou art a iewe arist of me for to dryncke s þat am a womman of famarie/ forfohe icwis vlen not to comoune wiþ famaritans/ Iht answeride & feyde to hire/ zik þou wiltilt þe zifte of god• x who it is þat leip to þee* que to me for to drynkes parauenture þou schuldist haue aride of hym• * he schulde haue zyve to þee quycke water/ þe womman leip to hym/ Sire neþer þou haft in what þing þou schalt drawe: * þe pitte is deep/ þerfore wher of halt þou quycke water wher hou art more þan oure fadir Jacob


hat zaue to vs he pitte

he dranke herof his fones

his beeltis Iht answeride & feyde to hir/ eche man þat drynckiþ of his water: schal þirste eftelones/ forlope he þat schal dryncke of þe water þat I schal zyue to hym: schal not hrifte into wih outen ende/ but he water hat I fchal zyue to hym: schal be made to hym a welle of spryngyng vp water: into euerlastyng liff/ þe womman feiß to hym/ fire zyve to me his water hat I þrifte not neher come hidir for to drawe/ The leth to hire/ go clepe þin housbonde & come hidir/ þe womman answeride & feyde/ I haue not an housbonde/ Jhe leip to hire/ þou seydist wel for I haue not an housbonde/ for you haft hadde fyne housbondis/ and he whom you haft: is not þín houlbonde/ þis þing þou leydilt lopely/ þe womman feth to hym/ lorde I fe for hou art a prophete/ oure faderis worschipeden in þis hil• * zee leyn for at irlm is place where it bihouch for to worschip/ Ihe leih to hire/ womman bileue þou to me for þe houre schal come⋆ whanne neher in his hil neþer in irlm: zee schulen preye (or worschip) he fadir/ zee worschipen þat zee witen not: we worchipen þat we witen for helpe is of Jewis/ but he houre comeþ & now it is* whan trewe worlchipers schulen worschip þe fadir in spirit treuße/ for whi & he fadir leekih luche: þat schulen worschip hym/god is a spirit it bihouch hem þat worschipen hym/ for to worschip in spirit & treuße/ þe womman leiþ to hym/ I wote for mellyas is comen: þat is feyde crist/ þerfore whanne he schal comes he schal telle to vs alle þingis/ The Ceip to hire/ I am: þat speke wih þee/ and anone his difciplis camen wondriden for he spac wih he womman/ nepeles no man seyde what sekift þou or what spekift þou wih hire/ þerfore þe womman lefte hire water potte & wente


into þe cytee * leih to þe men/ come zee & le zee a man þat leyde to me alle þingis, what euer þingis I have done/ wher he is crift$ and þei wenten oute of þe cytees and þei camen to hym/ in þe menewhile his disciplis preyeden hym feyinge/ raby (or mayster) ete/ sobely he feyde to hem/ I haue mete for to ete þat zee witen not/ perfore difciplis leyden to gedir/ wher any man brouzte to hym for to ete Ihế leip to hem/ my mete is þat I do he wille of hym þat sente mes and þat I parfourme þe werke of hym/ wher zee seyn not* for zit foure moneßes, ben & ripe corne come lo I leye to zou* lifte vp_zoure yzen* * se zee þe regiouns (or cuntrees) for nowe pei ben whist to ripe corne/ and he pat reepiþ takip hifre (or meede): and he þat gediriþ frugte into euerlaftynge liff/ þat & he þat lowiþ haue ioye to gedir * he þat reepiþ/ in þis þing loþely is þe worde trewe for anoþer is þat lowiþ: * anoþer þat reepiþ / I lente zou for to reepe þat þat zee traueyliden not/ oßer men traueylidens and zee entriden into here traueylis/ forfope of þat cytee manye famaritans bileueden into hym: for he worde of he womman berynge witnellynge* for he feyde to me alle þingis what euer þingis I dide/ þerfore whanne lamaritans camen to hym: þei preyeden hym þat he schulde dwelle þere/ and he dwellide þere two dayes/ and many mo bileueden for his worde* * feyden to þe womman/ for now not for þi speche we bileuen/ forlope we hane herde & we witen: for þis is verreyly þe faueour of þe worlde//fforlohe aftir two dayes he wente þens, & wente into galilee/ Soþely he bare witneflynge, for a prophete in his owne cuntre haþ not honoure (or worschip)/ perfore whanne he came into galilee: men of galilee receyueden hym• whanne þei hadden seen alle þingis þat he hadde done in irlm̃


in he feest day (or halyday)/ and fohely hei hadden comen to þe feest day/ þerfore he came eftelone into þe chane of galilee, wher he made þe water wyn/ and fum litil king was whos fone was fisk at capharnaum/ whanne he þis had herde• þat Ihū schulde come fro Jude into galileez he wente to hym * preyede hym• þat he schulde come doune & heele his lone/ forlope he bigan for to dye/ herfore Ihĩ leyde to hym/ no but zee schulen se tokenes * grete wondris: zee bileuen not/ þe litil kyng seiþ to hym/ lorde come doune bifore my fone dye/ Ihe leih to hym/ go hi fone lyuch/ he man bileuede to þe worde þat Ihū leyde to hym: and he wente/ foþely now hym comynge doune: þe feruauntis camen azenes hym• * tolden hym feyinge for his lone lyuede/ þerfore he aride of hem þe houre in whiche he hadde hym better/ * þei leyden to hym/ for ziftirday in þe leuench houre. þe feuer lefte hym/ herfore he fadir knewe þat þe ilke houre it was in whiche Ihĩ leyde to hym þi lone lyuep/ and he bileuede ₹ al his hous/ Ihū dide efte þis lecounde token: whanne he came fro Jude into galilee//

Aftir þis þing was a feest day of iewis/ and ihr wente Cm 5m into irlm/ Corsope in irlm is a stondynge water of beestis. þat in ebrewe is namyde bethlayda• hauyng fyue litil zatis/ in þis lay a greet multitude of langewischynge men• blynde * crokide* drie* abydynge þe styrynge of þe water/ forlope þe aungel of þe lorde aftir tyme came doune into þe stondynge waters and þe water was mouede/ and he þat first came doune in þe cesterne aftir þe mouynge of þe water: was made hool of what lekenelle he was holden// fforlope fumman was here hauyinge & þritty zeeris in his lekenelle/


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