Зображення сторінки


No. 1.

1. What is the meaning of the right of impeachment possessed by the House of Commons? Can the Sovereign pardon in cases of impeachment? Does the impeachment abate if the Parliament is dissolved?

2. On what does the title of a Peer to sit in the House of Lords rest? 3. Give an account of the origin, constitution, and functions of grand


4. Sketch briefly the history of the land tax.

5. What are the chief precautions taken under the English constitution against the danger of a standing army?

6. What was the point at issue in the contest relating to the payment of ship-money in the time of Charles I.?

7. What was the position of the Privy Council in the reigns of the Tudors?

8. Whence do county magistrates derive their authority?

9. What is the meaning of the Habeas Corpus Act, and what is the legal process by which it is applied in particular cases?

10. What is the legal position of the cabinet? How are ministers made responsible for their acts?

11. Mention the chief articles of the Treaty of Union between England and Scotland.

12. By what class of persons was the electoral franchise in ancient boroughs originally possessed?

No. 2.

1. Give a brief account of the various changes which have taken place in the mode of furnishing the Sovereign with a revenue for the support of the royal dignity.

2. What is the Mutiny Bill, and what characteristics distinguish it from other bills?

3. In what respect are the powers of the House of Lords limited as regards Money Bills? From what period does the limitation date? 4. Explain fully the terms Privilege of Parliament, Act of Attainder, Writ of Quo Warranto.

5. What was the origin of the jurisdiction of the Admiralty Court? What are the principles of jurisprudence which it follows in adjudication?

6. What was the nature of the change effected in the reign of Charles II. when tenure by knight-service was converted into socage-tenure? What political and constitutional importance had the alteration?

7. Describe roughly the difference between a Private and a Public Act of Parliament. How does the procedure of the House of Commons in reference to Private Bills differ from that applicable to Public Bills?

8. What are the powers of the Convocation of the Clergy? How far is the Queen's licence required before it can address itself to any particular subject?

9. What is a premunire? By what acts is it incurred, and what penalties does it involve?

Along with questions 6, 7, 12 of No. 1.

No. 3.

1. In what reign and under what circumstances did the principal struggle take place in the English Parliament on the question whether public functionaries should have seats in the House of, Commons? Give a brief sketch of the existing law as to the power of persons holding office under the Crown to sit in the Lower House.

2. What is known as to the origin of the Habeas Corpus ? What is the date of the Habeas Corpus Act?

3. What is the Nullum Tempus Act? and what was the mischief it was designed to remedy?

4. What train of circumstances has led to the House of Lords becoming the Supreme Court of Appeal in certain cases and the Privy Council in others?

5. In what particular do the rules of evidence observed in cases of high treason differ from those ordinarily observed in criminal procedure?

6. On what charges were the following persons tried?-Lord Russell, Lord George Gordon, Dr. Sacheverell, Horne Tooke.

7. According to the theory of the English constitution, in what relation does the sheriff of a county stand to the sovereign? Along with questions 1, 2, 3 of No. 2.


No. 1.

1. What rule as to the ships and goods of neutrals and enemies was adopted by the parties to the armed neutrality of 1780? How far was this rule an innovation on the previously accepted law of nations; and how far has it been sanctioned by the treaty of Paris?

2. When is the title to real property transferred in war?

3. If the ship of one ally recaptures the ship of another ally, how is the rate of salvage fixed?

4. Give instances illustrating the species of residence which constitutes such a domicile as will render the resident liable to reprisals,

5. On what was the Danish claim to the Sound dues founded?

6. What is required beyond discovery, to give a right of property in a new country?

7. How far are foreign judgments conclusive in personal actions? 8. Give instances of the extra-territorial operation of the laws regu

lating personal status.

9. What must be proved in order to establish that a ship has been guilty of a violation of blockade?

10. In what way did the dispute between Great Britain and the United States, respecting the right of fishery on the British coasts, depend on the distinction between transitory and nontransitory conventions?

11. What are the rights of riparian States over the river that flows through their territories?

12. How far is a private vessel, while lying in the port of a foreign State, under the local jurisdiction of that State?

No. 2.

1. Explain what is meant by a "Transitory Convention," and mention some of the criteria by which its character is determined.

2. Explain the expression Demi-sovereign State. In relation to what system of states was the phrase first employed, and in what respect has its meaning changed since it first came into use? 3. Enumerate the principal commodities which are universally admitted to be contraband of war, and specify those respecting which there is doubt or controversy.

4. Under what limitations can the Sovereign of a country alienate the public domain? If he is prohibited from alienation by the laws of his State, how far are foreign governments bound, in dealing with him, to take notice of the prohibition?

5. What is the state of the law of England in reference to Foreign Enlistment?

6. What international effects follow from a change in the person of the Sovereign or in the form of Government of a State (1) as respects public debts, (2) as respects public domain?

7. What was the general principle governing the arrangements made by the treaties of Vienna with respect to the great European rivers?

8. How far does the maritime territorial jurisdiction of a neutral state extend, and by what sorts of capture is it considered to be invaded?

9. What do you consider to be the legal relation towards the British Crown of a British subject who has been naturalized in the United States?

10. What would be the effects of a change in the International Law of War which should simply exempt private property on the high sea from hostile capture?

Along with questions 4, 6, and 8 of No. 1.

No. 3.

The same, with the substitution of the following for questions 12 and 13:

12. What was the nature of the controversy which arose in 1830-31, between the King of the Netherlands and the rest of the European powers, as to the free navigation of the Rhine? How was it settled?

13. On what grounds is the conduct of the Prussian Government with regard to the Silesian loan condemned by the publicists of highest authority?

No. 4.

1. Enumerate the principal immunities and privileges to which an ambassador or minister plenipotentiary is entitled in the country to which he is accredited.

2. When a foreign contract is the subject of litigation, how far is the lex fori applied, and how far the lex loci contractus?

3. What are the conditions which must be satisfied in order that a sea may be entitled to the character of Mare clausum? Give an account of the Russian attempt to constitute part of the North Pacific a Mare clausum.

4. What is the modern theory respecting the position of a prisoner of war? What comforts is he entitled to? Can he be compelled to work?

5. What body, person, or combination of persons possesses the power of declaring war (1) in the United States of America, (2) in the Germanic Confederation?

6. What arrangements are now in existence as to the navigation of the St. Lawrence by vessels owned by citizens of the United States? How far do you consider that these arrangements, so far as they are conventional, depart from, or conform to, the strict rules of International Law?

7. In what respect is the title to a new country conferred by first discovery imperfect? Illustrate your answer by historical examples.

8. What is the doctrine impliedly repudiated by those who assert that the right of search is exclusively a belligerent right? Along with questions 4, 5, and 6 of No. 2.

No. 5.

What is

1. What was the droit d'Aubaine of the old French law? the present state of the French law on the subject, and through what changes has it passed?

2. Enumerate briefly the cases in which the municipal laws of a state have an extra-territorial operation.

3. How far do you consider it true that the status of a bankrupt follows the person?

4. What exceptions are there to the general rule which exempts a plenipotentiary from local jurisdiction?

5. What distinction is taken in international law between a surety

and a guarantee


6. What consequences does a neutral vessel incur by carrying the despatches of a belligerent?

7. What are the blockades stigmatized as "paper" blockades, and what is the present state of international law on the subject? What principles did (1) the United States, and (2) the Emperor Napoleon contend for as applicable to blockades in the war at the beginning of the century?

8. What tribunals are qualified to pronounce on the validity of maritime captures?

9. How far is a formal declaration of war necessary to confer any rights on a community opening hostilities?

10. Is the house of trade of a neutral, established in an enemy's country, to be considered as neutral or as hostile property by the other belligerent?

11. Under what circumstances were the conventions of Closter-Seven and of El Arish concluded? On what grounds were they

subsequently repudiated?

Along with questions 7 and 8 of No. 2; and 12 and 13 of No. 3.

No. 6.

Questions 6 and 7 of No. 2; 5, 6, 7, 8 of No. 4; and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of No. 5.

No. 7.

Questions 4, 7, 8 of No. 2; 12 of No. 3; 1, 7, 8 of No. 4; and 5, 7, 9 of No. 5.

No. 8.

1. What were the declarations made by the British and American Governments as to the contemplated interference of certain European powers in the war between Spain and her revolted American colonies?

2. Name the principal privileges of a public minister, and state whether there is any class of ministers not entitled to them or only entitled to some of them.

3. Under what circumstances are auxiliary legislative measures essential to the validity of a treaty ?

4. What are the privileges which can only be acquired by a belligerent through a formal declaration of war?

5. What is the rule of international law as to trade with a belligerent enemy? How far do you consider that the principle was departed from in the late war with Russia?

6. Name the distinctions between the modes of acquiring title to property captured at sea and title to property taken on land.

7. What are the courts which have jurisdiction to condemn vessels taken at sea as the lawful prize of the captor? What attempts have there been made to extend the principle?

8. What is the blockade stigmatized as a "paper blockade ?" Give instances of attempted blockades which deserved the designation. 9. When individuals are injured in their property by the terms of a treaty of peace, are they entitled to compensation, and by whom? Along with questions 9, 10, and 11 of No. 2.

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