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The publication of this series of elementary electro-technical treatises on applied electricity has been undertaken to meet a demand which is believed to exist on the part of the public and others for reliable information regarding such matters in electricity as cannot be readily understood by those not specially trained in electro-technics. The general public, students of elementary electricity and the many interested in the subject from a financial or other indirect connection, as well as electricians desiring information in other branches than their own, will find in these works precise and authoritative statements concerning the several branches of applied electrical science of which the separate volumes treat. The repu tation of the authors and their recognized abilities as writers, are a sufficient guarantee for the accuracy and reliability of the statements contained. The entire issue, though published in a series of ten volumes, is nevertheless so prepared that each book is complete in itself and can be understood independently of the others. The volumes are profusely illustrated, printed on a superior quality of paper, and handsomely bound in covers of a special design.

Copies of this or any other electrical book published will be sent by mail, POSTAGE PREPAID, to any address in the world on receipt of price.

The W. J. Johnston Company, Publishers,



Electrical Words, Terms,

and Phrases.

By EDWIN J. HOUSTON, PH.D. (Princeton),


Advanced Primers of Electricity; Electricity One Hundred
Years Ago and To-day, etc., etc., etc.

Cloth. 667 large octavo pages, 582 Illustrations.
Price, $5.00.

Some idea of the scope of this important work and of the immense amount of labor involved in it, may be formed when it is stated that it contains definitions of about 6000 distinct words, terms, or phrases. The dictionary is not a mere word-book; the words, terms, and phrases are invariably followed by a short, concise definition, giving the sense in which they are correctly employed, and a general statement of the principles of electrical science on which the definition is founded. Each of the great classes or divisions of electrical investigation or utilization comes under careful and exhaustive treatment; and while close attention is given to the more settled and hackneyed phraseology of the older branches of work, the newer words and the novel departments they belong to are not less thoroughly handled. Every source of information has been referred to, and while libraries have been ransacked, the note-book of the laboratory and the catalogue of the wareroom have not been forgotten or neglected. So far has the work been carried in respect to the policy of inclusion that the book has been brought down to date by means of an appendix, in which are placed the very newest words, as well as many whose rareness of use had consigned them to obscurity and oblivion. As one feature, an elaborate system of cross-references has been adopted, so that it is as easy to find the definitions as the words, and aliases are readily detected and traced. The typography is excellent, being large and bold, and so arranged that each word catches the eye at a glance by standing out in sharp relief from the page.

Copies of this or any other electrical book published will be sent by mail, POSTAGE PREPAID, to any address in the world, on receipt of price.

The W. J. Johnston Company, Publishers,


Uniform in size with “The Electric Railway in Theory and Practice." Price, $2.50.

The plan of the work is similar to that of "The Electric Railway in Theory and Practice," the treatment of the subject being non-mathematical and not involving on the part of the reader a knowledge of the purely scientific theories relating to electrical currents. The book is essentially practical in its character, and while primarily an engineering treatise, is also intended for the information of those interested in electrical transmission of power, financially or in a general way. The author has a practical acquaintance with the problems met with in the electrical transmission of energy from his connection with many of the most important installations yet made in America, and in these pages the subject is developed for the first time with respect to its practical aspects as met with in actual work. The first two chapters review the fundamental principles relating to the generation and distribution of electrical energy, and in the three succeeding ones their methods of application with both continuous and alternating currents are described. The sixth chapter gives a general discussion of the methods of transformation, the various considerations applying to converters and rotary transformers being developed and these apparatus described. In the chapter on prime movers various forms of water-wheels, gas and steam engines are discussed with respect to their applicability to the purpose in view, and in the chapter on hydraulic development the limitations that decide the commercial availability' of water power for electrical transmission of power are pointed out in detail. The five succeeding chapters deal with practical design and with construction work-the power-house, line, and centres of distribution being taken up in turn. The chapter on the latter subject will be found of particular value, as it treats for the first time in a thorough and practical manner one of the most difficult points in electrical transmission. The chapter on commercial data contains the first information given as to costs, and will, therefore, be much appreciated by engineers and others in deciding as to the commercial practicability of proposed transmission projects. This is the first work covering the entire ground of the electrical transmission of power that has been written by an engineer of wide practical experience in all of the details included in the subject, and thus forms a valuable and much-needed addition to electrical engineering literature.

Copies of this or any other electrical book published will be sent by mail, POSTAGE PREPAID, to any address in the world, on receipt of price.

The W. J. Johnston Company, Publishers,


Alternating-Current Phenomena.



Cloth. Price, $2.50.

This is the first work yet written in any language dealing in a complete and logical manner with all of the phenomena of alternating currents and their calculation in the design of alternating-current machinery. In the first six chapters the various primary conceptions and methods of treatment are developed, the use of complex quantities being explained in a remarkably clear and effective manner. The various alternating-current phenomena are then taken up in turn and the more complex parts of the subject approached so gradually and with such a logical preparation that but little if any difficulty will be met in their understanding. The remaining chapters of the book, forming half of its contents, are devoted to the methods of calculation of transformers, simple alternating and polyphase generators and motors, all of the various reactions involved being thoroughly analyzed and discussed. The work contains the very latest knowledge relating to alternating-current phenomena, much of which is original with the author, and here appears for the first time in book form. The high authority of the author on the questions of which he treats, and the original methods which he pursues in their exposition, give this work a character which will assign it to a high place in electrical literature, in which it promises to rank as a classic.

Copies of this or any other electrical book published will be sent by mail, postage PREPAID, to any address in the world, on receipt of price.

The W. J. Johnston Company, Publishers,


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