Зображення сторінки


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Years Ago, I, 250.
Public Affairs, (April, 1843), I, 299.
Public Libraries, I, 307.

Review of A. B. Chapin on the Prim-
itive Church, I, 390.

Review of Bishop Whittingham's
Charge (1848) to his Clergy, I, 545.
The Ordination of Arthur Carey, I,

Review of a letter of a Presbyter of
Connecticut, [A. C. Coxe], in re-
ply to the criticisms of the New
Englander on Bishop Whitting-
ham's Charge to the Clergy, II,

[blocks in formation]

BACON, L.-Macaulay and the Anglo- BACON, L.-Palfrey's History of New

Catholics, VII, 288.

Music in Worship, VII, 350.

The Applications of Political Econ-
omy, VII, 419.

Review of J. P. Lesley's Address to
the Suffolk North Association of
Congregational Ministers, VII, 478.
Isaac Taylor's Works, VII, 610.
Looking for the Church, VIII, 106.
Are you Ready for the Question?
VIII, 299.

John Cotton, VIII, 388.

Conscience and the Constitution, with
remarks on Webster's Speech in the
Senate [1850] on the subject of
Slavery, VIII, 472.
Moses Stuart, X, 42.
Evangelical Alliance, X, 309.

Review of Prof. Park's Memoir of
Hopkins, X, 448.

Literature of Slavery, X, 588.
The Church Review and New England
Theology, XI, 92.

The Life and Works of John Robinson,
XI, 136.

Church Review Theology examined,
XI, 261.

Review of Thornwell on Slavery, XII,


Review of Prof. Schaff's Church His-
tory, XII, 237.

Morality of the Nebraska Bill, XII,


The Southern Apostasy, XII, 627.
The Puritan Ritual, XIII, 450.
Review of Hodge on Presbyterianism,
XIV, 1.

The Relation of Christianity to Law
and Government, XIV, 447.
The President's Message at the Third
Session of the 34th Congress [1856],
XV, 1.

Paul on Politics, XV, 462.
Buchanan on Kansas, XV, 675.
Review of the New Andover Hymn
Book, XVII, 69.

The Moral of Harper's Ferry, XVII,


The Minister's Wooing. From the
Dr. Dryasdust Point of View,
XVIII, 145.

The Crime against the Right of Suf-
frage, XVIII, 453.

A Hymn and its Author-Augustus
L. Hillhouse, XVIII, 557.

A Half Century of Foreign Missions,
XVIII, 711.

England, XVIII, 1020,
Puritan History, XIX, 126.

The Pulpit and the Crisis, XIX, 140.
The Martyrs under Queen Elizabeth,
XIX, 437.

BACON, L. W.-Layard's Discoveries,
XI, 457.

Review of the Plymouth Collection of

Hymns and Tunes, XIV, 92.

The Home Heathen, and how to
reach them, XVIII, 998.

BACON, W. T.-The Fallen Eagle. A
Poem, IV, 331.

Morning. A Poem, IV, 368.

BAIRD, H. M.-The Military Orders,
IX, 388.

BALDWIN, A. C.-Review of A. J. Down-
ing's Fruit and Fruit Trees of Amer-
ica, IV, 229.

BARNES, A.-Position of the Evangelical
Party in the Episcopal Church, II,


The Episcopal Church, III, $33.

BARRETT, J. H.-Swedenborg and the
New Church, V, 495.

BARROWS, W. --Immigration; its Evils
and their Remedies, XIII, 262.
Ancient and Modern India, XV, 29.
The High School Policy of Massa-
chusetts, XVI, 854.

BEECHER, C.—Typology, XII, 205.

BEECHER, Miss C. M.-Intuitive Truths,
II, 359.

BEMENT, W.-Stoddardeanism, IV, 370
Review of Hetherington's History of
the Westminster Assembly, IV, 356
and 483.

The Right of Property in Land, VIII,

Is the Soul Immortal? XI, 362.

BIRNEY, J. Jr.-Proposed Amendment

of the Constitution as respects the
apportionment of Representatives
and direct Taxes, advocated, Ill.
Relations of the Federal Constitution
to Slavery, III, 595.

BITTINGER, J. B.-Hebrew Servitude, CHESEBROUGH, A. S.-Mysticism in its

XVIII, 352.

BLAKEMAN, P.-Review of the Memoir
and Works of William Ellery Chan-
ning, VIII, 345.

BLANCHARD, A.-Influence of Tradition-
ary Law upon Civil Government
and Religion, IV, 305.

BOIES, W. E.-Review of the Recrea-
tions of a Country Parson, XIX,

relation to Christianity, V, 348.

CLAPP, C. W.-Review of the West-
minster Review on Septenary In-
stitutions, X, 207.

Is the Pulpit losing its Power? XIV,

The Sphere of the Pulpit, XV, 135.
The Design and Nature of Punish-
ment under the Divine Government,
XIX, 63.

The Problem of Inspiration, XIX,


BOURNE, W. O.-Missionary Operations CLARK, S. D.-Review of the Memoir of
in Polynesia, VI, 41.

[blocks in formation]

Rev. Oliver Alden Taylor, XI, 509.
God's Regard for the Church, XII,

Preaching the Gospel, the Instrument
of the World's Conversion, XII,


The Evangelizing Church, XV, 221.

CLARK, W.-The Philosophy of Reform,
XIII, 28.

CLARKE, T. S.-Duty in regard to Read-
ing, X, 188.

Responsibility for Errors of Opinion,
XI, 11.

The Discontented Classes, XI, 539.

COLTON, H.-Winter. A Poem, I, 34.

CORNING, W. H.-Manufacturing Cor-
porations and Manufacturing Vil.
lages, VII, 240.

Christ as the Foundation of Chris-
tianity, XIV, 250.

CowLES, J. P.-Life and Labors of
Mary Lyon, X, 259.

CRANE, E. B.-Odd-Fellowship, IV, 506.

CUYLER, T. L.-Edinburgh Reviewers,
II, 256.

Review of Vinet's Vital Christianity,
III, 600.

California, its Characteristics and DABNEY, J. P.—Dryden, Prior, and

Prospects, XVI, 142.

CARRINGTON, H. A.-Review of W. B.
Carpenter's Principles of Physiol
ogy, XI, 1.

CHASE, S.-An Apology for Physical
Science, IV, 542.

Swift, XII, 198.

DAGGETT, O. E.-Party Spirit, I, 517.
Metrical Psalms, IV, 72.

The Psalms in Worship, IV, 312.
Review of the Hymn Book of the
General Association of Connecti-
cut, IV, 422.

DAGGETT, O. E.-The Impressiveness of DUTTON, H.-The Doings of the Last
Preaching, V, 90.
Church Building, VI, 1.

Churches and Parsonages, XII, 276.
C. H. Spurgeon and Extemporaneous
Preaching, XVI, 28.

DANA, J. D.-The Mosaic Cosmogony,
XVI, 74.

Anticipations of Man in Nature,
XVII, 293.

DAVIS, E.-The Common School Con-
troversy in Massachusetts, V, 513.

DAVIS, J. G.-Systematic Benevolence,
IX, 14.

DAY, G. E.-The Israelites in Egypt,
XVI, 65.

DAY, H. N.-Review of A. B. Chapin's
Classical Spelling Book, II, 350.
Principles in the Art of Landscape,
VI, 331.

DAY, J.-Doctrine of the Higher Law,
XI, 161.

Analysis of Conscience, XIV, 243.

DEFOREST, J. W.-Olimpia Morata,XIII,

DENISON, A. C.-Reflex Benefits of the
Clerical Office-a Letter from a
Country Clergyman to his Des-
ponding Brethren, XVIII, 573.

DEXTER, H. M.-Review of Dyer on
Inspiration, VII, 515.

Note to the Review of Dyer on Inspi-
ration, VIII, 144.

DIMON, J. L.-Dr. Grant and the Moun-
tain Nestorians, XI, 440.
Early Christianity in China, XI, 481.

DUNNING, E. 0.-Review of Headley's
Writings, V, 402.

Martial Men and Martial Books, VI,

Review of Abbott's Napoleon, XI, 329
Review of Abbott's Napoleon Bona-
parte at St. Helena, XIV, 215.
Private Character of Thomas Jefferson,
XIX, 648.

DUTTON, H-Increase of Crimes against
Life, II, 346.

Connecticut Legislature on Tem-
perance and Liberty, XII, 449.

DUTTON, S. W. S.-Review of Matthew
H. Smith's " Universalism, Exam-
ined, Renounced, Exposed," I, 85.
The Protestant Principle in its Ap-
plication to High Church Episco
pacy, II, 66.

Review of Dr. G. Peck on the Divine

Rule of Faith, II, 304.

Review of Dr. J. S. Stone on Scriptural
Views of Preaching and the Sacra-
ments, as distinguished from Bap-
tismal Regeneration and the Real
Presence, II, 510.

Review of Dr. J. S. Stone's Memoir of
Bishop Griswold, III, 227.

The Tract Society's Alterations of
Standard Works, reviewed and cen-
sured, III, 272.

Review of Gov. Hammond's Defense
of Slavery, in his Letters to Thomas
Clarkson, III, 567.

Religious Instruction of the Slaves,
IV, 45.

Memoir of John Breed Dwight, IV,

Review of Albert Barnes's "Scriptural

Views of Slavery," IV, 384.
Review of Nathaniel Hawthorne's
Twice Told Tales, and Mosses from
an Old Manse, V, 56.
The Sufferings of Christ not confined
to His Human Nature, V, 415.
Review of Dr. J. S. Stone on the
Church Universal, V, 247.
Proposed Substitution of Sectarian for
Public Schools, VI, 230.
Supplement to "Proposed Substitu-
tion of Sectarian for PublicSchools,"
VI, 299.

The French Revolution of 1848, VI,

Review of Dr. J. S. Stone's Memoir of
the Life of Dr. Milnor, VII, 122.
The American Board and Slavery-
Review of S. Treat's Report, VII,

Popular Education in the West by
Female Teachers from the East,
VII, 593.

David Hale, VIII, 129.

The Supremacy of God's Law. (“The
Higher Law.") Mr. Seward's Speech
on the Admission of California,
VIII, 378.

Reform and Reformers, VIII, 507.

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