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VOL. 65.



NO. 20.

he did the servant of the centurian, as recorded in Matthew viii. He had anROXBORO, N. C., Sept. 6, 1897. other purpose in view. His power over ELDER F. A. CHICK-DEAR BROTHER death, as well as over diseases, must be IN CHRIST:-When on my way home made manifest. The power of God which from the Warwick Association, sister was in our Lord, was not made manifest Shepherd, of Trenton, N. J., requested in saying only, but in doing as well. He me to write my views upon the resurrec-said, "Pull down this temple, and in tion, and send them to the SIGNS for pub-three days I will build it again." This lication. Brother I. H. Harris, of Tar power must be made known in deed also. River, N. C., has also made the same re- Therefore he said, "And I am glad for quest. You remember that this was my your sakes that I was not there, to the subject on the last day of the Warwick intent that ye may believe." The sisters Association, and many seemed much of the dead were yet weeping, and as stirred up, and among the rest yourself. This has been the cause that I have not written up to this time, but now I feel to pen a few thoughts upon this subject, and give them to the SIGNS, hoping that our God will give the hearing ear, and understanding beart.

soon as Martha had heard that Jesus was coming, she went forth to meet him, and then said to him, "Lord, if thou hadst been here my brother had not died." Jesus said unto her, "Thy brother shall rise again." Here is a turning point. Martha believed in the resurrection, but This subject seems to me to be em- she viewed it as being so far away that braced in the sentence, "I am the resur- she knew not the great comfort there was rection and the life."-John xi. 25. Laz-in it. She had felt nothing of that to arus and his two sisters were friends to which she was looking forward. She was our Lord. He makes special mention of looking in expectation to some far off this in the eleventh verse. This man was sick, and Jesus was sent for, but he did not go to heal him, and neither did he manifest his power in healing him, as

day or time unspecified, when her brother should rise from the dead. She calls this day the last day. Little did she think that the joy which she hoped to embrace

He soon

in that far off day, was so very near her, sadness, and of the things that caused it. looking upon her as the beautiful morn- A man who appeared to them as ing sun looks in at the window upon the stranger, walked with them. unconscious sleeper, and awakes him to entered into their conversation, and soon see that it is now beautiful daylight. became chief speaker. And more than The word comes immediately back to this, his wisdom began to so fill them her, "I am the resurrection and the life." that there was a heart-burning within That for which thou art looking in the them. But they knew not the cause. great distance is here now; this is the When they had gotten to the end of their day of thy joy. This was more than she journey, as they sat at meat, this man could realize, until her brother was raised broke bread, and immediately the resurfrom the dead, and she had seen him rection was before them. They now see alive and loosed from his grave clothes. him who was dead, sitting before them. How many of the little ones of our Lord's Certain women had told them of this, brethren are to-day looking so far away but now they are witnesses for themfrom this present time, to a day that they selves. As soon as they knew him, he have never experienced, and know noth- was gone, but his peace remains, and ing of, only as a hope. How good when their conversation changes. He is no one can feel that Jesus is our resurrec- longer a dead leader, but their living tion, and that he is now present with us. Lord. His power over death is seen. Jesus died for us, was buried for us, and They realize that it was his presence and rose again for us. When he died for us, conversation with them that caused their all the body died; when he arose, all the hearts to burn within them, as he talked body arose with him, every member of it. with them by the way. It was when They are victors over death and the Abraham viewed Isaac released from grave, in his victory. As we journey on death that he said, Jehovah Jireh. It in our pilgrimage here, the Holy Spirit was in waving the first sheaf that the reveals this wonderful resurrection in us. evidence came to Israel that the harvest We have trouble and sorrow often, finding should be good, for as was the sheaf, so ourselves down deep in the horrible pit, should all the harvest be. As the Lord crying to God for deliverance. The Lord accepted that sheaf, so should he pour inclines his ear and hears our cry. His out all his blessings upon Israel. Thus everlasting arm is revealed underneath the resurrection of Christ, the first sheaf, us, and he shows us that he has brought is revealed in us; taking away our sins, us up. At once our hearts are filled removing our troubles, showing us that with praise, and we find ourselves stand- he has borne them all, and that he, our ing firmly upon the Rock, and singing the song of deliverance. Now what is this? Is it not a revelation of the resurrection (of Jesus, who is the resurrection) in our hearts? This was what caused the burning in the hearts of two of his followers, as they journeyed from Jerusalem to Emmaus. They were in trouble, and were conversing together of their

life, is the end of our troubles, even in death. God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has already shined in our hearts, in the light of his power over death, and has given us this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.-2 Cor. iv. 6, 7. This treasure shall not go down in death, for

it is the subject of the resurrection which up into glory. This was the first sheaf is already revealed in us, and in which of the harvest, and as that was, so shall

we look forward to the hope of the eter- all the harvest be. That body which ennal glory of God. Thus this blessed dured the contradiction of sinners, which grace of our God is continually revealed suffered for our sins, and made an end of in us, and it is that which will continually them, is the same body that is the heir of deliver us from every sorrow and pain, eternal glory. While here it was an as long as we have an earthly existence. earthly body, just like the body of any othWith the christian there is here two men, er Jew, for he was a Jew naturally. Now the old and the new, the inner and the it is a heavenly body, a spiritual body, outer man. These are joined in battle. just as all the saints shall be when in The old man is carnal, and is changed in glory. We all die in Adam, but we live the new birth only as he is bound, or in Christ. The same body, but not the made a bond servant. He is just as car- same nature. It (the body) is sown in nal as he was before. Baptism does not corruption; it (the same body) is raised put away his filth, either in the burial, or in incorruption; it is sown in dishonor, it the resurrection. This every baptized is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, child of God knows, for he is a sinner it is raised in power; it is sown a natural still. But both the old and the new man body, it is raised a spiritual body.-1 Cor. must dwell together in the same house xv. 42-44. It is not raised and then (this earthen vessel) until death shall changed, but it comes forth in the resurprey upon this mortal body. Then the rection a changed body. a changed body. A beautiful old man, this carnality, this troubler of difference between that which is, and our christian life, shall be no more for-that which shall be, is seen in the body But what of this body, this earthen of our Lord as he appeared among men vessel? Water was put in the water- as a man, and then as he appeared upon pots, but it was drawn out wine-the the mount of transfiguration before his best wine. There had never been any disciples. Here he showed himself as a like it before. All that is of Adam shall man, but there his face did outshine the go down in death, and we shall not live sun, and his raiment was whiter than the any more in Adam. But this body shall light. So shall all the children of God live again, not in Adam, not like Adam, be in the resurrection. One said, "When but in Christ, and like Christ. When I awake in thy likeness then I shall be this shall be we do not know, and what the satisfied." So will all the family of God image shall be we do not know, but we do be satisfied then, but not one of them receive the earnest of these things, as we will ever be satisfied short of that glory. go on here, and this is a blessed assu- Thus the end of every sorrow is joy, and rance that we shall receive the whole of the end of every trouble is peace, and the inheritance. the end of the death of the body will be I suppose that all Old School Baptists life from the dead, and the end of our are established in the fact that the same mortality will be the glory of our God body that was nailed to the cross, pierced | fully revealed in us. I shall not try to with the spear, and laid in the grave, was designate the time when we shall be that body that arose from the dead, and raised up, for God has reserved that was seen of the disciples, and received knowledge to himself alone, and will re


veal it unto us as he does all the blessings of his grace, in the manifestation of it to us in him.

I have written hastily, but hope that all lovers of the truth will be able to gather my meaning.

Your brother in this blessed hope,

well says, except that it is future, and shall be at the end of all that is earthly. When the body is raised up, then will the consummation of redemption be experienced by all the saints; and our redemption is not experimentally completed without the resurrection of the bodies of the saints. We have said these things

[IT was our privilege to hear the ser-not to add to what brother Hardy has mon of which our brother makes mention, said, but to express our approval of the at the Warwick Association last June, burden of his letter.-ED.] and we desire to say here, as we did then to him, that we greatly delighted in it, POLKS RANCHE, Texas, July 5, 1897. and, as we trust, were edified by it. It ELDER F. A. CHICK:-How I wish I seems to us that the whole matter, as could feel as if I had a right to call you brother Hardy has presented it here, and brother, but this vile nature forbids. as he presented it in the sermon alluded Your good and interesting letter of April to, is summed up in the words of our 11th, has remained unanswered much Lord, recorded in John v. 25, 28, 29. longer than I designed, owing to my Verse twenty-five reads, "Verily, verily, dark and barren mind, which is still the I say unto you, the hour is coming, and case. But trusting to your charity, and now is, when the dead shall hear the knowing full well that you can expect voice of the Son of God: and they that nothing from one who has nothing to hear shall live." Verses twenty-eight give, I am now trying to answer it. No, and twenty-nine read, "Marvel not at I cannot answer it, but will send some this; for the hour is coming, in the which few thoughts that may present themall that are in their graves shall hear his selves to my mind, that you may know voice, and shall come forth; they that that I was gratified to be again favored in have done good, unto the resurrection of like manner as before with your letter. life, and they that have done evil, unto If you complain of loneliness and sadthe resurrection of damnation." The words in verse twenty-five, present the first resurrection work, which we commonly speak of as the new birth, and the Savior says of it, that it is not only coming, but now is, while in verse twenty-Lord, even by letter, with very few exeight, he says simply that the hour is coming, and does not say that it now is. Thus these three verses contain the full subject of our brother's letter and sermon. Verse twenty-five presents the quickening of a dead sinner into life, while verse twenty-nine presents the resurrection of the body. When that shall be, we are not told, as brother Hardy

ness, situated as you are, in the midst of those whom you hold dear for the truth's sake, surely you will not think it strange for me to feel lonely, cut off from all intercourse as I am, from such as love the

ceptions, and even from those from whom I thought I had a right to expect better things; but I do not wish to complain. I have not one trial or trouble too much, but many blessings that I do not deserve. I have been unusually sad to-day, and can give no special reason for it. Through the winter my heart trouble was worse than for some time. My doctor relieved

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