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MIDDLETOWN, ORANGE CO., NEW YORK, To Whom all letters should be addressed, and money orders made payable.

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(Which enables any one to readily find any passage of Scripture of which they can call to mind two or three words.) With a Complete Table of Proper Names, with their meanings in the Original Lan- | guages, a Concordance to the Proper Names of the Old This work is no dry mass of details no bombastic and New Testaments, a Concordance to the Apocrypha, effort to inflame the national pride, but a vivid and and a Compendium of the Holy Scriptures, &c. brilliant narrative of the events of our history, from the discovery of the American Continent down to

The above described book of 719 pages 64x94 inches, we will mail postage paid for one dollar and fifty cents; or

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VOL. 65.

MIDDLETOWN, N. Y., MARCH 15, 1897.


NO. 6.

The first certain and essential fact to be observed in this investigation, is that AUTHORITY OF CHURCHES. the exclusive source of authority, and the In determining the effect of any action of an individual church, it must necesonly power in the church, is that which is immediately derived from her omniposarily be considered by what law the tent King. However the system of popchurch was governed in the particular ular sovereignty may be adapted to the action under investigation. Upon the assumption that sovereignty rightfully government of the nations of this world, it can never be recognized in the kingbelongs to every organized church, the dom of Jesus, which is not of this world. most erroneous and conflicting decisions This is plainly asserted by our risen Lord have been promulgated in all ages, even himself; and is by him assigned as the before the apostles were taken from personal supervision of the administration of ground upon which his inspired apostles the affairs of the kingdom of Christ. Were to go and teach all nations. He does not bid them rely upon the support Certainly in the perfect law of our King of created beings, whose breath is in their there is definite provision for determining every question which can arise in prac-them in the trying hour. Trusting exnostrils. Such dependence might fail

tical obedience to the directions which he has given. Whatever of difficulty may appear to be involved in the application of his complete law to any circumstances surrounding a church, there can be no defect in that law; the darkness is in our own ignorance of the things which God has revealed. It is of great importance, therefore, to carefully examine the subject in the light of that only standard of infallible direction, the law of the kingdom of Christ, as written in the New Testament.

clusively in the presence of their Lord,

they obeyed his direction; and in all subsequent ages they have gone in their recorded judgment, according to his commandment; and he has not failed to verify his word by manifesting himself with them alway, even unto the end of the world. When the words which they were inspired to write are taken by the Spirit of truth and shown to his saints, they never fail to recognize in them the testimony of Jesus, and thus he is with his

be no

witnesses. Without this divine revela- This is as true of separate church organition of Jesus in those writings, the most zations as of individual members. Felearnest efforts of inspired apostles could lowship and love cannot be enforced never give the knowledge of God. Much under penalties. It is not an oversight less could they give instruction in the on the part of the Lord that no direction things of the kingdom to those who were is given by which the church may enforce dead in the sin under which all men are the respect due to her dignity when her already condemned by nature. Jesus decisions are not recognized. There can Christ is the only absolute Sovereign. be no obedience to the law of Christ but From him comes every blessing to each that which is rendered as the most joyous of his saints; and his faithfulness must privilege of those who hear his commandfail before any good thing can be with-ment. Evidently such obedience cannot held from one of his little ones. It should be rendered under the prompting of any never be forgotten that in the gospel other power but divine love. kingdom, the new Jerusalem, "there shall As in the primitive churches wars and more curse." The gracious law fightings among them originated in their of liberty is fulfilled only by that perfect lusts that warred in their members, so it love which casteth out fear. In the gos- has been in all ages since. It is impospel kingdom no slavish terror enforces sible that such works of the flesh should unwilling obedience to the inflexible de- be found among the gracious fruits of mands of a fiery law. Those who are the Spirit. "For where envying and governed by the Spirit of Christ are strife is, there is confusion and every evil judged alone by the law of liberty. This work; but the wisdom that is from above principle shines in every ordinance of our is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and King, since the admonition speaks to the easy to be entreated, full of mercy and saints expressly, saying, "Wherefore, my good fruits, without partiality (or wrangbeloved, as ye have always obeyed, not ling,) and without hypocrisy. And the as in my presence only, but now much fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of more in my absence, work out your own them that make peace."--James ii. 16–18. salvation with fear and trembling; for it It is well for all who love our Lord to is God which worketh in you both to will carefully examine themselves by this inand to do of his good pleasure."-Phil. ii. fallible test; and whatever is condemned, 12, 13. He has given no commandment must be rejected, even though it should but that he has made his people willing manifest carnality in what we had supto obey. None can know of the doctrine of posed to be zeal of God. It is of himself Jesus, except they have the desire to and the saints to whom he writes, that do his will; and all such are included in James speaks in asking, "Do ye think the blessing written in the last chapter of that the Scripture saith in vain, The spirit the inspired record. To those who do that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" not love him, Jesus has given no com- Surely there can be no difficulty in dismandment. This principle is inseparably cerning the difference between this work identified with the whole system of the of the flesh, and the love which is the kingdom of divine grace. There can be fruit of the Spirit. Crafty workers of inno room in this kingdom of love for dis-iquity may bewilder the unwary by a cord and jealousies to find entrance. form of compliance with the letter of the

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discipline of the gospel, while in spirit clusively. As the only Sovereign of they violate the law of Christ. Such evil heaven and earth, he reigns supreme. workers are very earnest in claiming re- He has never delegated any of his honor spect for their decisions; and they com- to creatures, whether they be called popes, plain bitterly of all who prefer implicit or bishops, or independent churches. All obedience to the commandment of Jesus. dignity and power are still in the hands Having secured from some organized of our divine King. His law is perfect; church such action as sustains their car- and no circumstances can arise for which nal notions, they are very intolerant of that law has not provided. There is all who question the authority which they therefore no need that churches should have supposed to be thus established. have any authority committed to them. In support of decisions attained by adroit Nor has it been revealed that such power management, the dignity of the church has ever been bestowed upon any comis cited, and if opposing decisions are ob-pany of mortals.

tained in sister churches, these enemies The only authority which can be justly of real peace are ready to proclaim war; recognized in any local company of beand when sustained by civil power they lievers, or individual church, is the power have enforced their authority by the and privilege of implicit obedience to the sword. According to the most reliable word and spirit of the law of Christ. records of history, by far the greater part While acting under such direction, the of the bloodshed in the last nineteen cen- authority of her King makes every word turies may be traced to the maintenance infallible as his own immediate decree. of the dignity of professed churches. Certainly the correctness of such action Surely no subject of divine instruction does not depend upon the number of can accept as truth the theory which members by whom it has been adopted; makes the law of Christ the source of nor can the validity of any doctrine or such abominable works of iniquity. The practice be derived from age or estabtrue church of Christ never did, and she lished custom of uninspired believers. never can, depend upon any earthly While courtesy concedes the recognition power for the maintenance of her dignity. of all actions of a sister church as preWhen her King was nailed to the bloody sumably conformed to this supreme law tree, her dignity was not sacrificed. of Christ, it is an unjustifiable extension Even the accursed cross was glorified by of courtesy by which any church demands the blood of that suffering Lamb of God, that other churches regard her action as in whose death the sins of his chosen above questioning. Only direct inspirapeople were blotted out. It is the only tion can be so received. Under the guidground of boasting with the saints that ance of the Spirit of truth, every church the grace of God in Jesus Christ has will sincerely wish all her steps to be given them all the worthiness in which critically compared with the perfect law they can glory. This is universally un- of Christ; and with humble submission to derstood by those who hope in the salva- the word of the Lord she will gladly retion of God which is in Jesus. None ceive correction whenever her decisions dare claim any personal merit or dignity. The song of the glorified myriads ascribes all worthiness to the name of Jesus ex

have been without the warrant of inspired direction. The only and exclusive authority of individual saints, or church

es, is the authority to hear and obey the It does seem strange to me that men of word of the Lord. All other actions are sound minds, and endowed with reason, in contempt of the law of the only King and who have the Bible to read and study and Lawgiver in Zion; and it is rebellion for themselves, should entertain such false against him for his saints to render obe- and contradictory sentiments as are found dience to such decrees as have no higher in the above sentences. It would be imauthority than the commandments of possible to compress in a smaller compass men. They are not less guilty of idolatry more contradictions than are found in the in honoring such decisions of churches, above. I understand that Elder John than in giving heed to decrees of popes Walker is the author of these statements, and ecclesiastical councils. "Let us hear and the Association indorsed them. You the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear will notice that the above quoted stateGod, and keep his commandments; for ments are divided into two articles. The this is the whole duty of man; for God first has reference to the atonement; and shall bring every work into judgment, the second to election and predestination. with every secret thing, whether it be In this article I will confine my remarks good, or whether it be evil."-Eccl. xii. to the above theory of the atonement. 13, 14. Then, if the Lord will, I desire to say something upon the doctrine of election and predestination.



PATTONSVILLE, Va., Feb. 2, 1897.

1st. "We believe that the atonement of Christ redeemed the world from the condemnation that justice demanded on account of Adam's transgression, and that they who are lost, are lost on account of their own sins; because they will not obey the gospel."

Elder Walker says that the atonement of Christ redeemed the world from the

THE following sentences are found in condemnation that justice demanded on the minutes of the Eastern District As-account of Adam's transgression. Let sociation, for the year 1896: us notice first, Adam's transgression. Second. The condemnation that it brought upon the race. Third. What justice demanded on account of that condemnation. "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”—Gen. ii. 16, 17. Adam knowingly and willfully violated this law of God, and brought upon himself and his posterity, all the sin and misery to which the human race is heir. Paul says, "By one man sin entered the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned."-Rom. v. 12. Now by that one offense judgment came upon all men to condemnation. Hence the whole Adamic family stood guilty and con

2nd. "We believe in the doctrine of election and predestination, as taught by the word of God, which accords with the christian experience, that God loves the world with pity, and graciously invites the whole race of Adam to obey his gracious law, and live. And the law of grace commands all men everywhere to repent. And we further believe that God knew, and chose, and predestinated the obedient, or believers, to everlasting life, and the disobedient, or unbelievers, to perdition, or eternal death."

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