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and much less repeat all the rough and long syllables of the following verse, though fewer in number,

Arx, tridens, vostris, sphinx, præster, torrida, seps, strix.


"A BARE clinch will serve the turn; a carwichet, a quarterquibble, or a pun."Wild Gallant, DRYDEN, vol. 1, p. 12.

A COLLECTION of Geometrical Flowers, presented to the Royal Society by Guido Grandi, Abbot of the Cameldales, and Professor of Mathematics at Pisa, 1723.

This handful or bouquet of geometrical roses is a dissertation on certain curves geometrically described in a circle, of a nature more curious and fanciful than any way

useful.-Phil. Trans. Abr. vol. 6, p. 664.

MR. DOWNES has observed in several countries, distinguished by what he calls a local physiognomy, that it is most perceptible in the women.-Letters from the Continent, vol. 1, p. 202.

HALF the diary of Philip the Fair, on waxed wooden tablets, is in the library at Geneva. Queen Christina purchased the other half at Paris, and presented it to the Vatican.-Ibid. p. 248.

A JEW told the Ulm physician (Johan Marius) that by wearing a cap of beaver's fur, anointing the head once a month with oil of castor, and taking two or three ounces

of it in a year, "one's memory will be so strengthened as to remember every thing one reads." The Dr. (Marius) conjectures that this notion might at first have brought the use of the beaver's fur into request for hats. Phil. Trans. Abr. 7, 642.

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WILLIAM MANUEL (Mansel ?) a Welsh prodigy, three and a half years' old, reads Welsh and English fluently in the usual, or in an inverted, or thwart position, "but appears to prefer reading upside-down.' Manchester Courier, February 15, 1834.

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In an island near Bombay, a large snake was found dead with a porcupine in its belly. The snake had seized the porcupine by the head, and had so sucked it in. When it was quite in, the quills, which were flatted down while it was going in, rose, ran through the snake's belly and killed it: so that there was a monstrous snake dead, with the quills of a porcupine sticking out of it in many places."— Phil. Trans. Abr. 9, p. 102.

PIGEONS for many ages built under the roof of the great church at Pisa; their dung (spontaneously) took fire at last, and the church was consumed.-Ibid. p. 143.

APPLES, as well as pears and coleworts, &c. are affected by their neighbours; so that it may be of importance to the curious in fruits to take care how their trees are

sorted, and what company they keep.— Ibid. p. 169.

VIVIPAROUS animalculæ, ergo, all animalculæ are not produced from eggs. Ibid. p. 203.

The ergo not conclusive, because, as in the aphis, an impregnation might suffice for many generations.

AN altar to Silvanus, erected by C. Tatius Veturius Micianus, Præf. Alæ Sebosianæ, ob aprum eximiæ formæ captum, quem multi Antecessores ejus prædari non potuerunt. V. S. L. P. i. e. votum solvens lubens posuit. "Silvano morato sacrum" is the first line, and this makes the inscription complete. It was found near Stanhope, in the bishoprick of Durham.-Ibid. p. 470.

THE first anecdote relating to Sir Wil

liam Jones is, that at the age of three years and not quite nine months, he was weighed before the Royal Society against a dwarf, John Coan by name. The dwarf weighed thirty-four pounds, the child thirty-six. The dwarf, with shoes, hat, and wig on, measured thirty-eight five-tenths inches; the child, without any thing on his head, thirty-seven seven-tenths.-Ibid. vol. 10, p. 53.

1753. ALTAR at York discovered, Matribus Africis, Italicis, Germanicis.—Ibid. p. 317.

THE first rope-dancer had once been a monkey; the first who threw a somerset, a tumbler pigeon.

CORNAGE a better tenure for his Crispin than that by which Don Carlos's bootmaker held his office. "Son cordonnier luy avoit fait une paire de bottes très-mal faites: il les fit mettre en petites pieces, et fricasser comme tripes de bœuf, et les luy fit manger toutes devant luy, en sa chambre, de cette façon."-BRANTOME, vol. 5, p. 134.

THE pain which our affections suffer from a solution of continuity.

BREECHING, the apanthroposis of a boy. It was like the change from grub to butterfly, without the intermediate aurelian state of torpidity.

What was the assumption of the toga to this!

TEMPLE of Rediculus near Rome, supposed to have been erected to the God of Return after Hannibal raised the siege of the city. DowNES, vol. 1, p. 407.

THE first indication of Canova's genius was manifested at an inn, where he was observed modelling in butter.-Ibid. p. 500.

See suprà, p. 456. The term has been explained before. See suprà, p. 206.-J. W. W.

THE temple of Vesta, at Tivoli, was purchased many years ago by an English nobleman, who meant to have it removed to his own grounds. The Roman government most properly issued a prohibition.—Ibid. p. 402.

"THE black shining sand which we throw upon writing to prevent blotting is found on the shore of the Canary Islands. It seems to have been thrown out of volcanoes; and is certainly the most perfect iron, for the loadstone will lick up every grain. Experiments have been made without effect to turn this sand into bar iron; yet I am credibly informed that a gentleman in London understands this secret, and has a case of razors made of this same black, shining sand."-GLAS. p. 271.

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similitude which will increase into many applications. It is animal fœcundum, a bird | of a most teeming fertility; whether any that flies doth breed oftener I am not certain, I believe not many. Such fecundity then is always in a lively faith. It hath no gall, or, if Aristotle hath observed it better than others, so small a one that it can scarce be perceived; now the gall is the draught of cholerical matter in man's body, out of which distemper proceed anger, revenge, and malice. Notable, too, is this bird's harmlessness; it hath neither beak nor talons to tyrannize over smaller creatures, sine armis extra, sine felle intus. The smallest flies or gnats may hum about it, and take no harm, for it devours nothing wherein there is life. And it is a cleanly feeder; not pecking like crows and vultures upon carrion, but picking up grains of corn, and the purest fruits of the field. And it is a bird

of strong flight.

It is impossible to teach a dove to sing a cheerful tune, for Nature hath engrafted in it a solemn mourning, gemitus pro cantu. Here the parallel failed in D.'s case.

"SUCH wits as delighted in holy ingenuity have applied the several parts of Christ's merits and sufferance and passion unto us in the notions of physic and chirurgery. There was no disease of sin whereof we were not sick, there was no kind of cure to be invented which was not practised to restore us." But the conceit is pursued in a manner rather to cause displeasure than edification.-BISHOP HACKET, p. 241.

NONE are said to be sealed of the tribe of Dan. Bishop Hacket (p. 402) approves the interpreter who explains that the reason why Ephraim and Dan are not in the list, was because they were the first, after the death of Moses, who let in idolatry, in the matter of Micah; and therefore their names are not in the blessing of that book of life.

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THIS man says, "Man is nothing but selfinterest incarnate,” the philosophy of an infidel."-Ibid. p. 150. And nowhere is it more broadly stated. What makes the English, he says, enjoy that liberty and property which other neighbouring subjects want, but our own happy ill nature, ibid.; and he proceeds to show (p. 151) that might is right, and nothing can be unjust! See p. 221, ibid. for more of this philosophy!

BUT he might well wonder how those men "who by their hard censures of the Almighty make salvation seem almost impossible, should ever marry,-since, according to their belief, it is above ten thousand to one that the children they may have will be damned.” P. 159.

OPINIONS Concerning the body of Moses. -BISHOP HACKET, p. 429.

*Αριτος μὲν ἄριτος is held in these days for a truer axiom than Pindar's.

IMAGE was a word of Dryden's, at least Then often used by him in his prefaces. came idea; now we have emanation. What next? effluences, perhaps.

PROLOGO Galeato, the title party-coloured, because the book is motley; red letters, because a holy day book.

The mixture of the work like Punch.

Difference between tragi-comedy in Shakespeare and in Otway.

CRAMP rings were blest by the King on Good Friday. They were put in a bason,

Nightingales and bullfinches, it is well known, will over-sing themselves. We all recollect VINNY BOURNE'S Strada Philomela, "Tuque etiam in modulos surgis Philomela: sed impar

Viribus, heu impar, exanimisque cadis."
J. W. W.

the King was to pass his hands over them, or into them, and say a prayer; they were to be sprinkled with holy water.

"THAT Paradise Lost of Milton's," says RYMER," which some are pleased to call a poem!"


"Small store of manners when the King says come

And feast at court, to say I've meat at home."

Not if the King has dirty cooks, who spoil good meat. It is better then to take of one's own cold fragments at home, or even to dine with the Duke.

ALL persons after sixty ought to wear a wig, says SIR JOHN SINCLAIR, Code of Health, p. 455.

WEARING a wig is an excellent practice for the old, the tender, and the studious.Ibid. p. 460.

"THE abilities and the eloquence of that branch of the Pitt family who were created Earls of Chatham and Lords Camelford was

owing to a fortunate connection they made with a Miss Innes of Redhall, in the Highlands of Scotland. And the talents of the family of Dundas of Arniston have also been attributed to the marriage of one of their ancestors with a Miss Sinclair, of the family of Stevenson, in East Lothian."Ibid. Appendix, p. 11.

This is given in proof that "the talents and structure of the mind are derived from the mother, and that the abilities of many families may be traced to one distinguished female who introduced talent into it, or, according to a common expression, mother wit."-Ibid. p. 11.

"I BELIEVE they call a provincial horse, not known on the great arena of Newmarket, a blind horse, whose pedigree and history may be falsified, without easy de


tection." ―SIR EGerton Brydges, Autob. vol. 2, p. 13.

"KENT'S style of architecture predominated during his life, and his oracle was so much consulted by all who affected taste, that nothing was thought complete without his assistance. He was not only consulted for furniture, as frames of pictures, glasses, chairs, &c. but for plate, for a barge, and even for a cradle. And so impetuous was fashion, that two great ladies prevailed on him to make designs for their birthday gowns. The one he dressed in a petticoat decorated with columns of five orders; the other like bronze, in copper-coloured satin, with ornaments of gold. He was not more happy in other works to which he applied his genius."-Biographical Sketches of Eminent Artists.

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