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between the utility of a variation and its production-The luminous apparatus of deep-sea fishes.

3. Co-operation between natural selection and germinal selection -Germinal selection effectuates variations of morphological value, natural selection effectuates variations of biological value -Fore-wing of Phyllodes ornata-Tendency of the determinants to vary-Nevertheless, many species remain constant during long periods-The reason of this constancy is to be sought for in the inhibitory action of natural selection, which regulates the force of the variations in the germ-plasm-Only variations of morphological value are controllable by germinal selection-Plus-variations in one group of determinants entail minus-variations in other groups-Mutations-No antithesis between constancy and adaptability-Specific psychical talents-The musical facultyCorrelation of psychical faculties in genius-All the changes in the germ-plasm are quantitative in their nature






1. Contradiction between the theory of Weismann and that of Lamarck-Untenability of the Lamarckian hypothesis-The results of mutilation-Experiments of Weismann-Inborn mutilations different to acquired mutilations-Adverse evidence of cattle-breeders-Acquired and transmissible diseases-Disease can affect the germ-plasm as much as the soma-Syphilis and alcoholism - Tuberculosis is transmitted indirectly, not directly-Cancer not hereditary-The alleged transmission of epilepsy-Experiments of Brown-Séquard - Unsatisfactory character of these experiments-A general pathological condition is transmitted, not the disease itself.

2. The case of instinct-Instinct as "inherited habit "- Refutation of this conception of instinct-Instincts which manifest themselves but once in a lifetime-Natural selection suffices to explain the phenomenon of instinct—An act of volition can become instinctive-Instinct can occasionally be the result of tradition-Modification of the passive parts of the organism— Regression of the wings and ovaries of worker-ants-The biogenetic law-Harmony between the biogenetic law and the determinant theory-Co-adaptation-The horns of the Irish stag -Useful variations not only possible, but necessary-Formation of the membranes of insects



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Although continual mingling of heterogeneous germ-plasms be
advantageous for the species, consanguinity is not necessarily
harmful-Biological results of exogamous and endogamous
pairing-Reasons of consanguineous degeneracy-Consan-
guineous degeneracy presupposes unfavourable variations, but

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1. Innate tendency of organic life counteracted by the action of
selection-Suicide as a social factor-Individualist theories of
society-Increase in the rate of suicide since the middle of the
nineteenth century-The increase of suicide is not due to an
increase of insanity-Suicide and heredity-Imitation as a


determining factor of suicide-Suicide among the religious de-
nominations-The increase in the suicide-rate is due to a lack of
social integration and cohesion-Influence of family life on
suicide-Influence of political crises on suicide.

2. The majority of the wants of civilised man are not of a
physiological but of a psychological nature-Essential homo-
geneity of the physiological characters of mankind-Hetero-
geneity of the psychological characters-The correlation of physi-
ological and psychological phenomena―The psychological wants
of civilised man are unlimited, therefore insatiable-The neces-
sity of a regulating factor in our psychological life-Society
itself can alone undertake the regulation of our psychological life.
3. The necessity of belief for the integration of society-The
share of the Church in the evolution of Western civilisation—
Decline of the ecclesiastical power and growth of the economic
power-Detrimental influence on social integration of the
increase of social wealth.

4. Conflict is not a determining cause of social disintegration— This disintegration is due to excessive individualism-Destruction of the successive principles which have ensured the integration of the various social types-Growth and extension of the State-Necessity for the re-establishment of a principle ensuring social integration




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1. Increase in the rate of insanity an alarming symptom of our social life-Although it be true that all movement, whether physiological or social, implies loss; nevertheless excessive loss occasions a serious weakening of vital force-Selection eliminates the weak and the degenerate; insufficiency of the action of selection in our social life to-day-The fact that the increase in the rate of suicide does not in itself imply an increase in the rate of insanity must not be taken as denying the reality of such an increase of insanity-The individual element appears more clearly in considering insanity than it does in considering suicide, for suicide is not bound up with any clinical form of mental aberration-Social causes are, however, in a large measure responsible for the increase in the insanity-rate.

2. Statistics relating to the increase of insanity in general, of alcoholic insanity, and of general paralysis-Statistics relating

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