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This constitutes the first part of the Work before us, wherein the fundamental evil of Society is palpably depicted; wherein also, the only sure remedy capable of producing a permanent restoration to something like order and reality, is also clearly shown. That it is no new doctrine, we are well aware; but that it is yet, for the most part, an unpractised one, is equally certain; and as long as it continues thus, there is necessity sad enough for its repetition.

But, in the mean time, what must become of the starving Thousands of to-day? The remedy, tho sure, must necessarily be slow in its operation, and already grim necessity nudges us, with grave admonition. Is it not incredible to contemplate, the Vice and Misery amongst which we sit and sleep? This day, many human beings have died from want, and at this moment others are starving; To-day, some thousand living souls have been dragged into the Abyss of Poverty and Wretchedness, and all this time Honorable Members are perorating and spouting on 'British Constitution,' 'British liberty,' 'Necessary business of the Session,' and the like. Starving: think of the terrible significance of that word, and if custom and indifference have not turned your heart to stone, it will bleed indeed. To offer our purse, is the natural and nearest remedy; that done, and the suffering alleviated for a day, we wipe our eyes, and-da capo. Mr. Carlyle has not thus contemplated it; painful as the task must be, he has resolution enough to button his pockets, and confront the difficulty. The immense discrepancy between the magnitude of the evil, and the means hitherto adopted to remedy it, is too apparent. With his accustomed honesty, he hurls aside all further tamperings with the evil, and demonstrates, in terms strong enough, that the hour of Action has arrived. A trifle too much 'mouthy vehemence' there may be, in his denunciations; but there is immense intrinsic value. What that action may be, the Reader will find in the work itself, and we feel confident, that if inclined, he may extract advice practicable enough. In the last address, of his imaginary "British Prime Minister, to the floods of Irish "and other Beggars, the able-bodied Lackalls, nomadic or stationary, and the "general assembly, outdoor and indoor, of the Pauper Population of these Realms," —we can discern much of value, altho full of Humor and Sarcasm: would that we could at all times say as much of the addresses of real Prime Ministers. Nevertheless, Parliament alone can grapple with its Magnitude; yet not by Workhouses and Poor-rates must it be, but by healthy Labor. Not even by Voluntary Subscriptions and Prayers; we have cried long enough in our incompetency 'God mend all'-let us now set to in all earnest, and 'help him to end it.'

N. E. P.



ORTAL! all the World is mirrored in that restless Heart of Thine:-
Seas of Sorrow; Worlds of Pleasure:-Skies where starry visions shine;
Mountains of high Aspiration, Valleys of luxurious Ease,-

Hope's broad Rainbow, arching over Grief's tear-nourished, tideless Seas;
Tempests of Internal Conflict, Summer days of Peace and Calm,-
Fires of burning, fierce Temptation, where the soul is purged from harm;-
Edens of Child's Innocence; Hells of Manhood's Guilt and Sin;-
Heavens whose gates to all are opened that have Faith to enter in ;-
Starry Paths for Soul's ascending, Skies where guiding Beacons shine;
Mortal! look within and find them, all in that large Heart of Thine!



ow moan the Winds, and the summer hues are failing;
Slowly creep the Winds in the shadow of the trees;
Weird forms the forest haunt, with hollow voices wailing-

'We have press'd the Vintage out,-Life has its lees.'

Hark to the Winds thrö the leafless branches creeping;
Hark to their whisper-Joy must wane;'

Cold is the autumn eve,-autumn skies are weeping,-
When may the summer-prime come back to us again?

Low moan the Winds, and the snow is falling thickly;
Lightly the cold snow is heaped o'er the graves
Of the sweet summer flowers: Thought looketh sickly;
Yet the hopes o'the Spring-time dwell in the winter caves.



On the Treatment of Asiatic Cholera. By DR. MOSGROVE. Bombay, 1849.
The Philosophy of Epidemic Cholera. By JOHN BALBIRNIE, M.A., M.D., Malvern,
Author of the Words of a Water Doctor,' etc. London, Horsell. 1849. pp. 46.

The first of these tracts furnishes a number of important facts in confirmation of the mode of treating Cholera which we recommended in The Truth Seeker for 1849-viz. the Hydropathic so far as the copious and continued use of Cold Water is concerned. Dr. Mosgrove seems to have had no knowlege of the Hydrotherapeutic processes, properly so called, tho they would, especially the wet-sheet packing, have been of admirable use in the subsequent feverishness which attended many of his cases, and would entirely have precluded the necessity of employing calomel.

The treatment advocated, he was led to in 1832, from merc accident, having allowed a child, in what he deemed a hopeless case, to satisfy her craving for water. This fluid acted as a sedative upon the stomach (just as upon inflamed or congested surfaces), gradually allaying irritation, and ultimately producing powerful re-action, which terminated in her speedy recovery. Being afterwards attacked with the disease himself, he drank copiously and frequently of Cold Water, with similar results. He says:

"I need scarcely say, that after experiencing these results I adopted the same means in every case which came under my observation, and with but one exception, in upwards of 150 instances they were followed by the same beneficial results. In each case, the water was retained on the stomach after a period of 15 to 20 minutes, and then did re-action commence -the thirst subsided-vomiting and diarrhoea abated-and the circulation in the skin returned. One most remarkable fact I have almost invariably noticed, viz. that the thirst did not return, even when reaction had taken place to such an extent as to amount to fever."

Dr. Mosgrove, it appears, some years ago went to reside in India, and he thus states his reason for postponing the publication of his system of treatment:

"I have delayed for upwards of three years to lay my views fully before the public, having been desirous of adding my experience in this country to that which I had gained in England. The testimony I have received in India to the efficacy of my plan of treatment, has been most striking indeed."

Many cases and facts then follow, but it will not be needful to quote them. One or two however, may be cited.

In 1836, when the Shah of Persia's Army was encampt at Teheran, above 10,000 of the soldiery and inhabitants perished in seven days! The survivors were panic stricken, and fled the city until it was literally emptied, The Shah himself forsook his Capital.

A member of the detachment connected with the British Legation, at the head of which were Sir J. Campbell and Col. Passmore, thus writes :

"Those persons who were led towards the North, where beautiful water was abundant, on being seized with the complaint, indulged in the gratification of their desire for drink; laying down at the side of the streams, drinking freely, and again vomiting, until their thirst was quenched and the other symptoms subsided. A very large proportion of these

recovered, whilst those who went towards the South, where water was scarce, laid down by the wayside and died by thousands, breathing a prayer for some kind soul to give them a mouthful of water. It was supposed at the time, that where one of the former party had died, at least 200 of the latter fell victims to the disease."

The testimony of a practitioner amongst the Native Population of Bombay, is also striking. In 1846, he took cases alternately as they occurred, treating one set in the usual manner, with stimulants, opium, and calomel, and to the other giving water only. The result in 22 cases was, that of the 11 treated with water 10 perfectly recovered, whilst of the 11 treated with brandy and drugs, 9 died.

The second of these brochures, is from the well-known pen of Dr. Balbirnie, and forms the third of his Tracts entitled 'Truths for the Times and the People.' The author proposes to unravel the mystery of Cholera, and in accounting for its phenomena by the ordinary laws of morbid action to disarm it of its terrors, and finally, to apply to it a simple, ready, and successful remedy within reach of every housekeeper. It displays abundance of knowlege and talent, and may be perused with advantage both by doctors and patients,

A Lecture to Young Men on Chastity: intended also for the serious consideration of Parents and Guardians. By SYLVESTER GRAHAM, of Boston, U. S. London, Horsell, 1849. pp. 160.

A delicate subject is here treated of, physiologically, in an able and discriminating manner. No question the topic is important, but we hope and believe that the American facts do not find their parallel in Britain. Exaggeration, here and everywhere, should be carefully avoided: the evils connected with the sexual passions are bad enough.

Original Views on Diet, with remarks, addressed to Consumptive Patients, on the Water Cure. London, W. Horsell. 1849.

This neat book is very well worthy of perusal, and will amply repay the cost of purchase.

A Letter to a Friend, in Reply to the question, What is Vegetarianism? C. Gilpin, London. 1849. pp. 48.

This tractate must meet with a welcome from every pure and open mind that may become cognizant of its contents. It states, in chaste and simple language, the course of the writer's own convictions on the subject of Vegetarianism, and records his reasons for the abandonment of flesh-diet. Having laid a basis for his argument in physiological and historic facts, he ascends to the highest moral bearings of his theme, and concludes with a powerful appeal to the humanity of his friend.

Lectures on the Science of Human Life. By SYLVESTER GRAHAM. People's Edition. London, Horsell, 13, Paternoster Row. 1849.

The public are greatly indebted to the enterprizing publisher for this cheap and well illustrated Edition of a book which hitherto has been sold at a price which placed it altogether beyond the means of the people. The Lectures of Sylvester Graham display undoubted talent, and great knowlege of his subject, and are moreover full of many original, striking, and suggestive views. Without all question, this work is the most elaborate and talented exposition of Vegetarianism which has ever been produced, and can be read by no person without much profit and practical instruction.

Having, however, awarded our praise thus frankly and fully, it remains to be said that the work is far from faultless, and may, indeed, on many points, lead to mistakes both of fact and philosophy. Nor is this to be wondered at, or ascribed to want of knowlege or ability in the author. The Lectures were published many years ago, since which time much new and important matter has been added to the science of physiology, while still larger additions have been made to the domains of organic and vital chemistry. The Lectures, therefore, should not have been republished verbatim, but accepted rather as the groundwork, making here and there, in the text or by way of notes, such additions and corrections as the progress of discovery, and the improved distinctions which ever result from an enlargement of the domain of Science, may have rendered proper--and, to prevent misleading error on the part of the multitude, even necessary.


The Leader. Weekly Newspaper. Specimen Number for March, 1850. J. Clayton, 265, Strand, London.

We hail this New Journal with a hearty welcome, and trust that the People, individually and in their clubs, will support it. The Prospectus shall speak for itself.

"The master principle of the paper will be the right of every opinion to its own free utterance. It is a fact confirmed by the observation of every man, that the expressed opinion of the day, as set forth in public discussion, in journals, or in books, does not represent the actual opinion of the day as it exists in the convictions of the most elevated, the most active and boldest intellects. The most pregnant portion is suppressed in deference to some political expediency, social routine, or trading prejudice. Before it attains expression, opinion is bated down to an average, and the country is debarred from enjoying the full force of the influences growing within it. To take the lead in freeing the issue, and offering a free utterance to the most advanced opinion, is the object of THE LEADER.

Its specific principles in political affairs, will accord with that main principle. Freed from the necessity to clip our words, or clothe our meaning in occult language, we shall endeavor to go straight to the heart of every public question, to deal with its substance, to declare our conviction in plain and unmistakable terms, and to seek for our opinion the suffrages of the people. We hold that such a course can be maintained in a spirit to win the confidence of all classes. As our convictions will be given in a positive rather than a negative form, so we shall proceed by constructive rather than destructive methods; less striving to destroy the works of the past, than to develop the influences which will build up the institutions of the future. Revolutions are the violent rents made in the artificial crust of society by the unrecognized institutions growing beneath: it is only by thoro freedom for the inherent powers of a country, that it can proceed from a glorious past, thrö a tranquil but energetic present, to a more glorious future. It is the perception of that truth which reconciles a conservative and reverential care for the achievments of the past, with a hopeful and vigorous working for the future. We will apply these principles to every institution and class. In home politics, while pointing out the services by which the heirs of ancient honors and of wealth may yet earn the goodwill of their countrymen, we shall stand up for the right of the whole people to a voice in the laws by which they are governed, and therefore to Universal Suffrage, with its accompanying reforms of shortened parliaments and protected voting; to the means of securing a knowlege of those laws as well as of the laws of nature and of God, and therefore to secular education; to the

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