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is mild. The press is free. Religion is free. Knowledge reaches, or may reach every home. What fairer prospect of success could be presented? What means more adequate to accomplish the sublime end? What more is necessary, than for the people to preserve what they themselves have created?

9. Already has the age caught the spirit of our institutions. It has already ascended the Andes, and snuffed the breezes of both oceans. It has infused itself into the life-blood of Europe, and warmed the sunny plains of France, and the low lands of Holland. It has touched the philosophy of Germany and the North, and, moving onward to the South, has opened to Greece the lessons of her better days.

10. Can it be that America, under such circumstances, can betray herself?-that she is to be added to the catalogue of Republics, the inscription of whose ruin is, "they were, but they are not." Forbid it, my countrymen; forbid it, Heaven.

11. I call upon you, fathers, by the shades of your ancestors, by the dear ashes which repose in this precious soil, by all you are, and all you hope to be,-resist every project of disunion,-resist every.encroachment upon your liberties,— resist every attempt to fetter your consciences, or smother your public schools, or extinguish your system of public instruction.

12. I call upon you, mothers, by that which never fails in woman, the love of your offspring,-teach them, as they climb your knees, or lean on your bosom, the blessing of liberty. Swear them at the altar, as with their baptismal vows, to be true to their country, and never to forget or to forsake her.

13. I call upon you, young men, to remember whose sons you are whose inheritance you possess. Life can never be too short, which brings nothing but disgrace and oppression. Death never comes too soon, if necessary in defense of the liberties of your country.

14. I call upon you, old men, for your counsels, and your prayers, and your benedictions. May not your gray hairs go down in sorrow to the grave, with the recollection that vou have lived in vain. May not your last sun sink in the west upon a nation of slaves.

15. No-I read in the destiny of my country, far better nopes, far brighter visions. We who are now assembled ere, must soon be gathered to the congregation of other days. The time for our departure is at hand, to make way for our

a En-croach'-ment, unlawful intrusion. c Ben-e-dic ́-tions, blessings, acknowbn-her'-it-ance, hereditary estate. ledgments.

children upon the theater of life. May God speed them and theirs. May he who at the distance of another century shall stand here to celebrate this day, still look round upon a free, happy, and virtuous people. May he have reason to exult as we do. May he, with all the enthusiasm of truth, as well as of poetry, exclaim, that here is still his country

"Zealous, yet modest; innocent, though free;
Patient of toil; serene amidst alarms;
Inflexible in faith; invincible in arms."


On the Formation of Character, and the attainment of knowledge:-Addressed to the American Youth.

A GOOD name is in all cases the fruit of personal exertion. It is not inherited from parents; it is not created by external advantages; it is no necessary appendage of birth, or wealth, or talents, or station; but the result of one's own endeavors, the fruit and reward of good principles, manifest in a course of virtuous and honorable action. This is the more important to be remarked, because it shows that the attainment of a good name, whatever be your external circumstances, is entirely within your power.

2. No young man, however humble his birth, or obscure his condition, is excluded from the invaluable boon. He has only to fix his eyes upon the prize, and press toward it in a course of virtuous and useful conduct, and it is his. And it is interesting to notice how many of our worthiest and best citizens, have risen to honor and usefulness by their own persevering exertions. They are to be found in great numbers, in each of the learned professions, and in every department of business; and they stand forth, bright and animating examples of what can be accomplished by resolution and effort.

3. Indeed, in the formation of character, personal exertion is the first, the second, and the third virtue. Nothing great or excellent can be acquired without it. A good name will not come without being sought. All the virtues of which it is composed, are the result of untiring application and industry. Nothing can be more fatal to the attainment of a good character, than a treacherous confidence in external advantages. These, if not seconded by your own endeavors, will "drop you mid-way, or perhaps you will not have started, when the diligent traveler will have won the race."

4. Thousands of young men have been ruined by relying

a Boon, a gift, favor.

for a good name on their honorable parentage, or inherited wealth, or the patronage of friends. Flattered by these distinctions, they have felt as if they might live without plan and without effort,-merely for their own gratification and indulgence. No mistake is more fatal. It always issues in producing an inefficient and useless character.

5. On this account, it is, that character and wealth rarely continue in the same family, more than two or three generations. The younger branches, placing a deceptive confidence in an hereditary character, neglect the means of forming one of their own, and often exist in society only a reproach to the worthy ancestry, whose name they bear.

6. In the formation of a good character, it is of great importance that the early part of life be improved and guarded, with the utmost diligence and carefulness. The most critical period of life is that which elapses from fourteen to twentyone years of age. More is done during this period, to mould and settle the character of the future man, than in all the other years of life.

7. If a young man passes this season with pure morals and a fair reputation, a good name is almost sure to crown his maturer years, and descend with him to the close of his days. On the other hand, if a young man in this spring season of life neglects his mind and heart; if he indulges himself in vicious courses, and forms habits of inefficiency and slothfulness, he experiences a loss which no effort can retrieve, and brings a stain upon his character which no tears can wash away.

8. Life will inevitably take much of its shape and coloring, from the plastic powers that are now operating. Every thing, almost, depends upon giving a proper direction to this outset of life. The course now taken is usually decisive.The principles now adopted, and the habits now formed, whether good or bad, become a kind of second nature, fixed and permanent.

9. Youthful thoughtlessness, I know, is wont to regard the indiscretions and vicious indulgencies of this period, as of very little importance. But they have great influence in forming your future character, and deciding the estimation in which you are to be held in the community. They are the germs of bad habits; and bad habits confirmed, are ruin to the character and the scul. The errors and vices of a young man, even when they do not ripen into habit, impress a blot on the name which is rarely effaced. They are remembered

a In-efficient, not efficient. El-aps'-es, passes away.

c Re-trieve', to recover again.
d Plastic, forming, giving form

in subsequent life; the public eye is often turning back to them; the stigma" is seen; it cleaves fast to the character, and its unhappy effects are felt till the end of his days.

10. "A fair reputation, it should be remembered, is a plant, delicate in its nature, and by no means rapid in its growth. It will not shoot up in a night, like the gourd that shaded the prophet's head; but like that same gourd, it may perish in a night." A character which it has cost many years to esta blish, is often destroyed in a single hour, or even minute. Guard then, with peculiar vigilance, this forming, fixing season of your existence; and let the precious days and hours that are now passing by you, be diligently occupied in acquiring those habits of intelligence, of virtue and enterprise, which are so essential to the honor and success of future life.

11. To the formation of a good character it is of the highest importance that you have a commanding object in view, and that your aim in life be elevated. To this cause, perhaps, more than to any other, is to be ascribed the great difference which appears in the characters of men. Some start in life

with an object in view, and are determined to attain it; while others live without plan, and reach not for the prize set before them. The energies of the one are called into vigorous action, and they rise to eminence, while the others are left to slumber in ignoble ease, and sink into obscurity.

12. It is an old proverb, that he who aims at the sun, to be sure will not reach it, but his arrow will fly higher than if he aimed at an object on a level with himself. Just so in the formation of character. Set your standard high; and, though you may not reach it, you can hardly fail to rise higher than if you aimed at some inferior excellence. Young men are not, in general, conscious of what they are capable of doing. They do not task their faculties, nor improve their powers, nor attempt, as they ought, to rise to superior excellence. They have no high, commanding object at which to aim; but often seem to be passing away life, without object and without aim.

13. The consequence is, their efforts are few and feeble; they are not waked up to any thing great or distinguished; and therefore fail to acquire a character of decided worth. But, my friends, you may be whatever you resolve to be. Resolution is omnipotent. Determine that you will be something in the world, and you shall be something. Aim at excellence, and excellence will be attained. This is the great secret of effort and eminence.

a Stigma, mark of disgrace.

b Con'-scious, inwardly persuaded.

e Om-nip-o-tent, having almighty power.


14. The circumstances in which you are placed as the members of a free and intelligent community; also demand of a careful improvement of the means of knowledge you enjoy. You live in an age of great mental excitement. The public mind is awake, and society in general is fast rising on the scale of improvement. At the same time, the means of knowledge are most abundant. They exist every where and in the richest variety.

15. Nor were stronger inducements ever held out to engage all classes of people in the diligent use of these means. Useful talents of every kind are in great demand. The field of enterprise is widening and spreading around you. The road to wealth, to honor, to usefulness, and happiness, is open to all, and all who will may enter upon it, with the almost certain prospect of success. In this free community there are no privileged orders. Every man finds his level. If he has talents he will be known and estimated, and rise in the respect and confidence of society.

16. Added to this, every man is here a freeman. He has a voice in the election of rulers, in making and executing the laws, and may be called to fill important places of honor and trust, in the community of which he is a member. What then is the duty of persons in these circumstances? Are they not called to cultivate their minds, to improve their talents, and acquire the knowledge which is necessary to enable them to act, with honor and usefulness, that part assigned them on the stage of life?

17. Can any expect to maintain a respectable standing in society, if, while others are rising around them, they neglect the means to rise with them? If any please thus to neglect their opportunities for acquiring knowledge, they can have their choice; but let them at the same time make up their minds to exist as mere cyphers in society; to be hewers of wood and drawers of water; to float down as leaves upon the bosom of the stream, unknown, unregarded, soon to be forgotten as if they had never been.

18. A diligent use of the means of knowledge, accord well with your nature as rational and immortal beings. God has given you minds which are capable of indefinite improvement; he has placed you in circumstances peculiarly favorable for making such improvement; and to inspire you with diligence in mounting up the shining course before you, he points you to the prospect of an endless existence beyond the grave; and assures you that the glories, and the woes of it depend on the character you form at this period of your life. a Mental, belonging to the mind.

b In-dep

c Ap-prox-i-ma -tion. a near approach.

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