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Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.

December, 1910. A Statistical Survey of the Problems of Pauperism. (Presidential address.) THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD GEORGE HAMILTON. The Amount and Distribution of Income. Report of a Committee of the British Association. The amount of income (other than wages) below the income-tax exemptionlimit is estimated to be between £300,000,000 and £370,000,000; the possible error of the aggregate being calculated from the errors assigned to each of thirty-one constituent items. Influence of Parental Alcoholism. A Letter from Mr. J. M. Keynes continuing a controversy with Prof. Karl Pearson.

JANUARY, 1911. Great Britain's Capital Investments in Individual Colonial and Foreign Countries. G. PAISH. Of the total investments, amounting to nearly £3,200,000,000, more than half went to foreign countries, as distinguished from the British Empire; and to the "Americas," as distinguished from the rest of the world. Mr. Flux remarked on the stability of the proportion between investments within the British Empire and in foreign countries. What will happen if the foreigners become able to pay off their debt?

Influence of Parental Alcoholism. KARL PEARSON, F.R.S. A reply to Mr. Keynes' letter in the December number.

FEBRUARY. The Economic Progress of Belgium from 1880 to 1908. A. JULIN.

The Principal Averages and the Laws of Error which Lead to Them. J. M. Keynes. A contribution to Probabilities.

Influence of Parental Alcoholism. J. M. KEYNES. A rejoinder to Prof. Karl Pearson's letter in the January number.

The Economic Review.

JANUARY, 1911. The Right to Work. C. R. FAY. Some experimental schemes "complementary rather than rival to the ordinary body of industry are suggested. Some Recent Eugenic Work. A. M. CARR-SAUNDERS. Sociology and Pastoral Theology. REV. C. F. ROGERS. The Increased Supplies of Gold and the Rise of Prices. L. L. PRICE. Referring to Prof. Ashley's articles in the Evening News (see ECONOMIC JOURNAL, vol. xx., p. 669), Mr. Price considers the fact, the cause, and the probable consequences of the recent rise in prices.

The Nineteenth Century.

FEBRUARY, 1911. National Insurance against Invalidity and Old Age. ERNEST SCHUSTER. A reply to Mr. Carson Robert's article in December.

The National Review.

DECEMBER, 1910. Tariff Reform and the Cotton Trade. A. BONAR LAW, M.P.

FEBRUARY, 1911. Ireland and Tariff Reform. H. BROUGHAM LEECH. Free Trade arrested the growing exportation of cereals from Ireland into England. "A general import duty upon foreign produce would give to the Irish farmer a safer market for the disposal of his goods." "Tariff Reform will give an immense stimulus to Irish industries "—the linen industries, the manufacture of china, glass, &c.

The Edinburgh Review.

JANUARY, 1911. The United States and the Tariff. Behind political manoeuvres are discernible some points of economic interest; for instance, Mr. Roosevelt's pronouncement (September, 1910):

"What we desire is a tariff of such a measure of protection as will equalise the cost of production here and abroad . . . a tariff sufficient to make up for the difference of labour cost here and abroad."

The Cost of Living of the Working Classes. The results of the recent official inquiries relating to the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Belgium are summarised; and the reservations with which they must be accepted are pointed out. How shall we compare the benefits of the sun or the efficiency of the housewife, in different countries?

The Quarterly Review.

JANUARY, 1911. Woods and Forests. J. C. MEDD. Referring to Reports on forestry the writer summarises suggestions.

The Clare Market Review.

JANUARY, 1911. Some English Railway Problems. SIR GEORGE GIBB.

"The picture is neither very bright nor very dark. Expenses have gone up, dividends have gone down, but the divisible product-the gross receipts from which both expenses and dividends come-are greater than they were in relation to the capital invested in the business."

There is no ground for alarm, but there is for investigation, to facilitate which more complete statistics are demanded. JANUARY, 1911. Conditions of Women's Work in Finland. ROSALIND TRAVERS. The principle of "equal wages for equal work" is largely accepted by the State. Among the champions of working women are noticed two leading female members of Parliament (Landtag). Industrial Laws and International Agreement. SOPHY SANGER. An account of the sixth meeting of the International Association for Labour Legislation at Lugano last September.

The Quarterly Journal of Economics (Boston). NOVEMBER, 1910. Railway Rate Theories of the Interstate Commerce Commission, I., M. B. HAMMOND. An analysis of the principles on which the Commission has based its decisions, viz., (1) value of the commodities transported, (2) cost of transport. [Others

to follow.] Proposals for Strengthening the National Banking System. O. M. W. SPRAGUE. In continuation of the articles in the February and August numbers of the Quarterly Journal, a central bank of limited scope is proposed. Social Productivity versus Private Acquisition. H. J. DAVENPORT. The obsolete doctrine of "unproductive labour" and "unproductive consumption" is examined. Rent and Price: "Alternative Use" and Scarcity Value." L. H. HANEY. Standardising the Wages of Railroad Trammers. W. CUNNINGHAM. The recent advance in the wages of American railway servants is connected with the advance in freights.


The Dun-Gibson Index Number. WESLEY C. MITCHELL. Unsuccessful as a continuation of Dun's series, the Gibson Index has merits of its own. But the worth of an index depends on the

end in view.

Political Science Quarterly (New York).

DECEMBER, 1910. The Mortgage-recording Tax. C. F. ROBINSON. The tax is recommended as preferable to the attempt to tax mortgage credits under the general property tax. Agrarian Changes in the Middle West. J. B. Ross. "Retrogressive immigration" from west to east-consequent on development of artificial drainage and enhancement of land values in the west is one of the principal changes. A Neglected Factor in Race Suicide. C. F. EMERICK. C. F. EMERICK. The unequal geographical distribution of the sexes, aggravated by class distinctions, diminishes the opportunities of marriage.

The Journal of Political Economy (Chicago).

DECEMBER, 1910. Banknotes and Lending Powers. J. Laurence LAUGHLIN. Making a Tariff Law. SAMUEL M. EVANS.


Until our

The tariff law should be made in broad daylight." tariff laws are made in this we shall have nothing but inequalities and chances of trickery behind closed doors."

The Shirtwaist Trade. PEARL GOODMAN and ELISA UELAND. The result of an investigation made by the writers in New York. A noticeable feature is partnership between the workers.

"Only one name or one number is put on the pay-roll, and the partners divide the wages according to some agreed ratio."

JANUARY, 1911. The New Apprenticeship. G. A. STEPHENS. There is required in America a system of training which shall combine the advantages of the old apprenticeship, now decayed, with those of the trade school. French Socialism of To-day. D. A. MACGIBBON. English Poor-Law Reform. EDITH ABBOTT.

Annals of the American Academy (Philadelphia). JANUARY, 1911. This number is devoted to Electric Railway Transportation. Part I., dealing with traffic and financial problems, consists of twelve articles by engineers, managers and other experts. Part II., dealing with the public regulation of electric railways, consists of five articles, one by B. H. Meyer on State Supervision of Electric Railways in Wisconsin.

The Yale Review (Newhaven).

NOVEMBER, 1910. Economic Phases of the Railroad Rate Controversy. A. M. SAKOLSKI. A survey of recent developments suggests the likelihood of further control over railroad operations and the adoption of the "distance principle" in rate-making.

Journal des Économistes (Paris).

DECEMBER, 1911. La production capitaliste et l'anarchie internationale. J. Novicow. Le crédit agricole. Le crédit agricole. F. BERNARD. La situation des chemins de fer fédéraux en Suisse. PH. FAVARGER. JANUARY, 1911. Le marché financier. Le marché financier. A. RAFFALOVICH. L'Industrie du fer et le Libre-échange. H. BELL. La repercussion des impôts. F. PASSY. Les Sociétés mutuelles agricoles

d'assurance contre l'incendie. G. DE NOUVION.


Ligue du Libre Échange. The manifesto of the new League. Les Banques d'emission. YVES GUYOT. L'Administration des ports de commerce. G. DOMBASLE. La protection de la petite propriété foncière. A. MossÉ. Les Grèves de salaire. E. GÉRARDIN.

Revue d'Économique Politique (Paris). NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1910. Une théorie négligée. A. LANDRY. continuation of the inquiry into the influence of the direction of demand on the productivity of work, on wages, and population. E.g., "When I spend 500 francs in mead, perhaps I pay 300 francs in wages; if I spend the same sum on wheat, the share of wages is perhaps only 100 francs." Le Socialisme Municipal en France. H. NÉZARD. Le projet d'impôt sur le revenu. A. DE LAVERGNE et PAUL HENRY. JANUARY FEBRUARY, 1911. La population au point de vue économique. E. SCHWIEDLAND. Un problème de répartition. E. CHATELAIN. On the shares of capital and labour in an increasing national income.

Revue Économique Internationale (Brussels).

NOVEMBER, 1911. Suite de l'enquête sur le prix des denrées. E. LEVASSeur. L'histoire des prix en France. E. LEVASSEUR. La lutte contre l'Opium. CH. GIDE.

JANUARY, 1911. Le Syndicalisme en France. F. DUBIEF. situation financière des syndicats ouvriers français. C. RIST.

L'Économiste Français (Paris).

We can only refer to a few sample articles :


DECEMBER 24TH. The cost to Russia of her war with Japan is computed by M. A. Ravallovich as exceeding £250,000,000 (not taking into account the loss of the fleet and some other incidental expenses).

FEBRUARY 4TH. A very different subject, the cigarette industry in Germany, is here treated by the same writer. The consumption of cigarettes in Germany has enormously increased-from, say, 132 millions in 1877 to some 5,500 millions in 1908. FEBRUARY 25TH. Night Work in Bakeries is the subject of an instructive article by M. E. Payen, who sympathises with the No. 81.-VOL. XXI.


object of the newly-proposed law prohibiting bakers from making bread or pastry between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., but doubts whether the object can be realised by legislation; quoting the experience of bakers in other countries, and the protests of those in France.

With this article may be read one on la panification moderne -kneading by machinery-FEBRUARY 11TH.

Jahrbücher für National Ökonomie (Jena).

NOVEMBER, 1910. Die Bankenquete und die Depositenfrage. W. LEXIS. Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Geschlechtverhaltniss der Geborenen. V. FURLAU.

DECEMBER, 1910. Berufliche und soziale Gliederung in Deutschen Reiche. A. HESSE.

JANUARY, 1911. Die Süditalienische

Auswanderung. A S.

WALTERSHAUSEN. Das Ureigentum auf der Pyrenäischen
Halbinsel. R. LEONHARD.

Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft (Tübingen).

M. J.

NOVEMBER, 1910. Siedlungsfragen und Eingeborenpolitik. BONN. This concluding article deals with proprietary rights in South Africa. JANUARY, 1911. Léon Walras und die hedonistisch-mathematische Schule von Lausanne. PROF. ENRICO LEONE. Zur Psychophysik der Textilarkeit. MARIE BERNAYS. Certain psychophysical attributes, such as the improvement in efficiency and steadiness, are measured for several classes of workpeople.

Archiv für Rechts u. Wirtschaftsphilosophie (Berlin). OCTOBER, 1910. This number, the first of the fourth volume, includes an article (in French) by Professor Loria on economic philosophy in contemporary Italy. The optimism of Ferrara was succeeded by an "intervenionnist Ricardianism" akin to the academic Socialism of J. S. Mill and Adolph Wagner. The writer's own system next claims description. Then follows a racy onslaught on the Italian Mathematical School.

De Economist (La Hague).

NOVEMBER, 1910. This number includes an article on the adminis tration of the Poor Law in Holland since 1818, with reference to the Bill of 1910.

DECEMBER, 1910. In this number is noticeable, inter alia, a review of the first instalment of Mr. Pierson's economic writings collected by Prof. Verrign Stuart.

Giornale degli Economisti (Rome).

NOVEMBER, 1910. I servizi pubblici a trazione meccanica concessi all' industria privata. [A speech of the Minister of Public Works, Hettore Sacchi.] DECEMBER, 1910. La questione economica Portoghese. E. GIRETTI. The substance of an address given at Lisbon by the new Portuguese Minister of Finances, José Relvas; an authoritative statement of economic conditions and policy. La classe

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