Зображення сторінки

plaints of, i. 167; Atto of Vercelli,
complaints of, i. 167; Guarino of
Modena and Alberic of Marsico, i. 176;
Silvester II. lightly treats celibacy in,
i. 181; state of Church in eleventh
century, i. 208-10; S. Giovanni Gaul-
berto and austerities, i. 213; Henry
III. and the papacy, i. 214-15; St.
Peter Damiani and, i. 216; vain at-
tempts at reform in, i. 222; Damiani
and Hildebrand foremost figures in, i.
226; Council of Melfi in 1059, i. 231;
schism of Lombard clergy in, i. 235;
anti-pope Cadalus repudiated, i. 237;
failure of attempts to reform, i. 240-1;
reforms in Milan, i. 244–62; condition
of regulars in sixteenth century, ii. 89;
abuse of confessional in, ii. 269, note;
priest guilty of solicitation in, not
publicly punished, ii. 280; two de-
nunciations required before considera-
tion of case, ii. 283; case of Panzini
and the Inquisition in, ii. 326; con-
solidated under Victor Emanuel, ii.
337, 350; suppression of religious
houses in, ii. 337

Ivo of Chartres, on the canons, i. 317;
reproves measureless scandal, i. 318-19

JACOBINES, number of, i. 99

Jacobus quotes canons, ii. 252 note
Jacopo della Marchia, ii. 18; rebukes
immorality, forced to fly, ii. 19
Jainas, the, i. 22, note

Jalikiah, Church of, independent of
Rome, i. 369

James of Jerusalem Nazirite and pro-
bably Essene, i. 10

James IV. of Scotland protects Lollards,
ii. 155

James V., attempts at reform under, ii.

Jameson, Margaret, marriage of, ii. 166
Jan de Backer (Pistorius) of Woerden,
case of, ii. 50; burned alive, ii. 50
Jane of Flanders, i. 398
Jansenism, Ultramontanism triumphs
over, ii. 363

Jansenistic rigorism, ii. 242

Jean d'Hullier, puritan Bishop of
Meaux, i. 477, note; condemned by
Sorbonne, i. 477, note

Jean Laillier condemned by Sorbonne, ii.


Jean de Rély on morals of the Church,
ii. 15

Jean de Varennes accused of heretical
teaching, i. 472

Jephthah's daughter, story of, illustrates
Jewish views of virginity, i. 5
Jerome, St., on origin of celibacy, i. 13;
on virgin birth of Buddha, i. 22; con-
tempt of, for marriage, i. 38; de-
nounces agapetæ, i. 47-8, 81; de-

nounces Bonosiac heresy, i. 68; roundly
abuses Jovinian, i. 69; quarrels with
Vigilantius, i. 71; uses coarse invective
against Vigilantius, i. 72; successful
labour for ecclesiastical celibacy, i. 81;
urges custom of Antioch, Alexandria,
and Rome, i. 89; on difficulty of
maintaining virginity, ii. 339

Jerome of Prague on Huss, i. 478
Jerusalem, impression produced by cap-
ture of, i. 403

Jessopp, Dr., prints deed of thirteenth
century, i. 354; on miscreants who
robbed monasteries, ii. 101, note
Jesuits, guilty of solicitation favoured by
Sixtus V., ii. 261; influence of, power-
ful in Rome, ii. 261; try to gain ex-
emption for religious orders, ii. 261;
Reusch on Order of, ii. 266, note; ex-
pelled from Portugal, France, and
Spain, ii. 335; Order of, suppressed
by Clement XIV., ii. 335; attempt by
Charles V. to introduce, opposed, ii.

Jesus Christ, Portuguese Order of, i. 455
Jews, relation of, to asceticism, i. 4-12;
polygamy of, i. 26

Jodocus of Lubec, deputy of papal
legates, ii. 74, note

John IV. reproves laxity of Saxon
monasteries, i. 188

John XII., extreme depravity of, i. 165
John XIII., holds Council of Ravenna,

upholding celibacy, i. 172; St. Dunstan
procures bull from, i. 195

John XXII., Emperor Ludwig undertakes
to depose, i. 401

John XXIII., brutal licentiousness of, i.

426-7; convokes Council of Constance,
ii. 3; releases Hospitaller from vow on
payment of 600 ducats, ii. 14-15
John, King of England, Innocent III.
places interdict on kingdom of, i. 344–
5, 405

John Merlaw of Fulda relaxes rules, ii.
23, note

John of Alexandria (Eleemosynarius), i.
138, note

John of Crema, hypocrisy of, i. 338; visits
Scotland, i. 367

John of Engheim, murder of, i. 417, note
John of Frankfort on papal authority, ii.
14, note

John of Leyden, ii. 24

John of Liége, i. 417, note

John of Lisieux, i. 319

John of Niklaushausen (rustic prophet),
ii. 24; burned at stake, ii. 24
John (Ruchrath) of Oberwesel, ii. 28
John of Pirna, i. 472

John of Rouen, i. 308
John of Salisbury, i. 319

John of Saxony forbids election of Abbot
Ilgenthal, ii. 64

John of Utrecht prohibits men entering

nunneries, i. 422, note

John, St., of Jerusalem, Knights of, i. 451
John, St., the Evangelist, condemns the
Nicolites, i. 21

John the Baptist undoubtedly an Essene,
i. 10

Jonas, Justus, on Luther's marriage, ii 51
Joseph II., reforms monastic orders, i.
450; inclines to priestly marriage, ii.
300; reduces religious orders in his
possessions, ii. 335

Jovian on marriage of sacred virgins, i.


Jovinian, claims equal merit for maidens,

wives, and widows, i. 37-8; opposes
ascetic spirit, i. 67; attacked by St.
Ildefonso, i. 68: condemned by St.
Ambrose and Siricius, i. 69; driven to
Milan, i. 69; abused by St. Jerome, i.
69; openly assembles followers at
Rome, i. 70; scourged and exiled to
rock of Boa, Dalmatia, i. 70

Juan, Don Jorje, ii. 249

Judæ, Leo, marries a béguine, ii. 46
Judah and Tamar, story of, i. 5

Judhäel of Dol, simony and marriage of,
i. 311

Julian (Emperor) on Syrian asceticism, i.
42, note

Julian, Cardinal, legate to Ireland, i. 364
Julius, Bishop of Wurzburg, ii. 232
Julius III., grants powers to Cardinal
Pole, ii. 125, note, 130; bull of indul-
gence for England, ii. 130; re-convokes
Council of Trent, ii. 181
Junqua, Abbé, case of, ii. 324
Jurisdiction, appellate, of Rome, i. 158;
of seducer over seduced forfeited, ii.
357, note

Jus primæ noctis, i. 441

Jus spolii enforced by Robert the Frisian,
i. 313

Justification, by works, doctrine of, i. 129;
by faith, doctrine in Scottish Reforma-
tion, ii. 162

Justin Martyr on chastity and marriage,
i. 19

Justinian, constitution on ecclesiastical

marriage, i. 92; adds provision to legis-
lation on monachism, i. 120
Juvenal on shameless papal court, i. 426

KARSGENG, Our Lady of, ii. 155-6
Katharine of Aragon divorced, ii. 83
Katz, work on celibacy, ii. 301
Keledeus or Culdee, i. 366
Killore, John, burned, ii. 166
King's College, Cambridge, enriched by
spoils of monasteries, ii. 83; Windsor
enriched by spoils of monasteries, ii.

Kirkham, Bishop of Durham, prohibits
priestly marriage, i. 353-4

Knade, James, married priest of the
Reformation, ii. 42

Knights, of Avis, i. 455; of St. John of
Jerusalem, i. 451; of Rhodes, or of
Malta, i. 451; of Santiago, i. 455; of
Marian Order, i. 457

Koch of Wiesbaden, case of, ii. 325
Kokkius, Dr., denounces clerical immor-
ality, ii. 13

Kolderup-Rosenvinge, Latin text of
Cnut's laws, i. 202

Kopp, Leonhard, helps nuns to escape,
ii. 50

Krishna, similarity of, to Christ, i. 99,


Kyle, Lollards of, ii. 155

LABATA, Francisco, imprisoned, ii. 261
La Baumelle, Mémoires de Mme. de
Maintenon, ii. 298, note

Lactantius, condemns asceticism, i. 40;
denounces hermit's life as that of
beast, i. 106

Ladak, lamas in, i. 103

Ladislas, St., introduces celibacy into
Hungary, i. 297

Lafitau, Bishop of Sisterion, on priestly
marriage, ii. 298, note
Lafuente, ii. 336, note

Lagrèze, Histoire du Devil dans les
Pyrénées, i. 441

Laity, corrupted by clergy, i. 320, 343,

ii. 237; in favour of priestly marriage,
i. 301, ii. 48; in favour of celibacy,
i. 279; ii. 108, 148

Lambert of Artois enforces celibacy,
i. 315

Lamentatio ob Colibatum Sacerdotum,
ii. 25

Lämmer on scarcity of priests, ii. 197,


Lancisky, synod of, i. 301

Landolfo, leader of Paterins, wounded,
i. 254

Lands of Church, in German Reforma-
tion, ii. 64, 65; in England, ii. 92, 130;
in Scotland, ii. 160; in France, ii. 335;
in Italy, ii. 337

Lanfranc, moderation of reforms of,
i. 329

Langdon, Abbot of, "drunkennest knave
living," ii. 88

Langdon, Rev. William Chauncy, on
clerical morality, ii. 348

Langlande, on foreign prelates, i. 354,
note; on venality of officials, i. 358, note;
on the Church, ii. 77
Langssac, M. de, instructions on, at
Trent, ii. 197

Lanzo of Milan, i. 245

Laodicea, Council of, in 352, i. 56
Laon, case of married sub-deacon of, i.

La Réole, monks of, kill St. Abbo, i. 177

[blocks in formation]

Latin America, Plenary Council in 1899,
ii. 343

Latin Church dominates history of
modern civilisation, i. 1

Laurentius, Gallus, i. 434, note

Lausanne, clergy of, drive out bishop,
i. 423

La Vendée, insurrections in, ii. 308
Lawney, chaplain to Duke of Norfolk,
bon một of, ii. 113, note

Lead, value of, in English monasteries,
ii. 99 note

League of Schmalkalden formed, ii. 67
Le Bas, estimate of number of French
ecclesiastics, ii. 313, note

Lecky, History of European Morals, i.
117, note; History of Rationalism, i.
450, note

Lefèvre d'Etaples, ii. 150

Legacies, to Church restricted, i. 61;
void, to priests' children, treated as
legitimate, i. 382

Legitimation, letters of, ii. 161
Leibnitz on Lutherans returning to

Roman communion, ii. 298, note
Leo I., on marriage between priests and
widows, i. 27; treats recalcitrant
Cenobites tenderly, i. 115

Leo VII. answers inquiry of Gerard of
Lorsch, i. 169

Leo IX., ascends pontifical throne, i. 218;
takes Monk Hildebrand to Rome, i.
218; degrades Dabralis, i. 220; Council
of, at Mantua, broken up, i. 222;|death
of, i. 223

Leo X., character of, ii. 34; propositions
of, opposed in Diet of Augsburg, ii. 38;
issues bull against Luther, ii. 40;
feeble efforts of, for reform in morals,
ii. 55; Wolsey applies to, ii. 81
Leo XIII., concessions of, to Francis
Joseph, i. 458

Leo and Anthemius forbid monks to go
beyond monasteries, i. 119

Leo Marsicanus on Alberic of Marsico, i.
176, note

Leo the Isaurian, i. 144

Leo the Philosopher, regulations in
basilica, i. 92, 93, note; orders recalci-
trant monks to return to convent, i. 120
Leonistæ, St. Ambrose countenances
tradition of, i. 66

Leopold of Austria, Bishop, dispensations
for marriage, ii. 219

Leopold of Tuscany tries to reform
religious houses, ii. 282, 303
Leptines, synod of, in 743, i. 148

Lerida, Council of, in 1250, i. 379-80;
1314, i. 380

Lhassa, monasteries and lamas in, i. 103
Liber de Amabili Ecclesiæ, Concordia
(Erasmus), ii. 62, note

Liber Gomorrhianus, i, 219, note
Licences, to sin, tribute known as culla-
gium, i. 309; inveighed against in
Apocalypsis Goliæ, i. 345-6; con-
demned by Lateran Council, i. 406;
for concubinage must in all cases be
paid, ii. 239; bishops sell to women,
for immorality, ii. 55, note

Licentiousness, treated more lightly than
marriage, i. 165, 236, 434-5; of clergy
treated as result of celibacy, ii. 211;
regarded as a matter of course, i. 412;
of Middle Ages, i. 423

Liége, Manichæism in, in 1025, i. 244;
priestly marriage in, in twelfth century,
i. 295; Bishop of, on corruption of
priesthood, ii. 193, note; Council of, in
1131, i. 294, 387; heretics in, i. 464;
Bishop of, on gift of continence, ii.
193, note

Lignana, Girolamo, attempts to murder
St. Charles Borromeo, ii. 228

Liguori, St. Alphonso de, on papal de-
crees, ii. 268; letter to conclave for
election of Pope, ii. 305

Lillebonne, Council of, in 1080, i. 308
Lima, synod of, in 1585, ii. 246; in 1552
and 1567, ii. 247

Lincoln, case of subdeacon of, i. 396,

Lindet of Evreux, marriage of, ii. 310
Link, Wenceslas, Vicar Augustine Order,
marriage of, ii. 46

Lisieux, case of Archdeacon of, i. 435,
note; synod of, in 1055, i. 308
Litchfield, Saxon Bishop of, i. 329;
visitation of diocese of, ii. 87

Liturgy, the new, enforced in 1549, ii.


Livonia, privilege in, for sons of priests,
i. 416

Lizka makes short work with heretics,
i. 471

Llandaff, Bishop of, on commission to
try married bishops, ii. 125
Llorente on secular and regular priests,
ii. 294

Lochon on secrets of the confessional,
ii. 271, note

Lollards, the, i. 476; declaration of
Archbishop of Canterbury on, i. 476;
of Kyle, ii, 155

Loménie, coadjutor of Archbishop of
Sens, married, ii. 310

London, Dr., abbess of Chepstow ac-
cuses, ii. 97; chronicles troubles of
ejected monks, ii. 113, note

London, married priests deprived, in
1554, ii. 124; enumeration of married

priests in archdeaconry of, ii. 139;
Council of, in 1075, i. 329-30; in 1102,
i. 331; in 1108, i. 336; in 1126, i. 338;
in 1237, i. 350

López, Father Juan, imprisoned, ii.


Lords, House of, delays priestly mar-
riage, ii. 117

Lorraine, Cardinal, instructions of, at
Trent, ii. 197

Los von Rom, movement of, ii. 329
Loserth on immoral priests in Prague,
i. 478, note

Lothair, Emperor, tries to enforce celi-
bacy, i. 294

Louis le Débonnaire attempts to reform
Church, i. 129, 153; makes seduction
of nun capital offence, i. 154; prohibits
practice of letting blood, i. 156
Louis le Gros, conditions of charter at
Compiègne, i, 326

Louis IX. arbitrates for children of
Margaret of Flanders, i. 399

Louis XII. and relics of St. Denis, i.
256, note

Louis XV., on disorders among regular

clergy, ii. 302; orders arrest of priests
frequenting brothels, ii. 303

Louis Philippe, ii. 338

Louise of Savoy, Clement VII. addresses
brief to, ii. 151

Louvain, University of, urges reform on
Philip II., ii. 191

Love letters handed in confessional,
discussion on, ii. 266-7

Loyola, Ignatius, Life of, by Ribadeneira,
ii. 175, note; scandalised by Spanish
morals, ii. 175

Loyson, M. (Père Hyacinthe), case of,
ii. 324

Lucca, sacerdotal marriage in, i. 262
Lucerne, priest's wife disowned in, ii.

Luceta, Dr. Pedro, foul case of solicita-
tion by, ii. 290

Lucius II. on hereditary priesthood, i.

Lucius III., on sacraments of sinful
priests, i. 229, note; on hereditary
benefices, i. 397-8; on rules for Tem-
plars, i. 452; condemns the Waldenses,
i. 467

Lucretia Borgia, i. 428, note

Ludeña, Doctor Juan de, disputes on
priestly marriage, ii. 203

Lugo, Bernal Díaz de, on scandal attach-
ing to immorality, ii. 255

Lunden, Archbishop of, on priestly mar-
riage, i. 302; question on digami by,
i. 434

Lupus of Troyes on celibacy, i. 82
Luther, mistake to credit, with Reforma-
tion, ii. 35; ninety-five propositions of,
ii. 39; progress of, very slow, ii. 40;

changes views of priestly marriage, ii.
40, 41; Leo X. issues bull against, ii. 40;
burns books of canon law at Witten-
berg, ii. 41; preaches on clerical
marriage, ii. 46; marriage of, ii. 51;
defends digami, ii. 53; at enmity with
Anabaptists, ii. 68

Lutheran colleges crowded on account
of question of celibacy, ii. 196
Lutherans dispute with Calvinists and
Philippists, ii. 225, note

Lyons, Poor Men of, i. 468

Lyons, Council of, in 1274, i. 407, 436;
efforts at, to reunite Greek Church, i.
407; in 1528, ii. 173

MACAULAY, LORD, on Anglican clergy,
ii. 149

MacClosky, Cardinal, ii. 341, note
Macedonia, celibacy enforced in, i. 91
Macliaus of Brittany, story of, i. 133-4
MacMahon, Marshal, reactionary govern-
ment of, ii. 338

Macon, Council of, in 581, i. 133; Claude,
Bishop of, ii. 173

Madrid, "soliciting" priest temporarily
exiled from, ii. 286, note, 290

Madrigal, Manuel, voted to torture by
inquisitors, ii. 285

Maesse-þegnes, i. 201, note

Magdeburg, Council of, in 1403, i. 439,
note; letter of Archbishop of, points
to papal rapacity, ii. 14

Mahavira, legend of, i. 22, note

Mahue, curé of S. Sulpice, on priestly
marriage, ii. 311; tried for pamphlet,
ii. 311

Maiden Bradley, morals of prior of, ii.
98, note

Mainardo, Cardinal, mission of, to Milan,
i. 257

Mainerio Boccardo, provisions of will of,
i. 262

Mainz, Council of (1049) forbids simony
and marriage, i. 220-1; enforcement
of celibacy in, i. 274; revolt at,
against Rodolf of Swabia, i. 282; Diet
of, in 1085, i. 285; metropolitan synod
of, in 1549, ii. 190; Diether, Archbishop
of, case of, ii. 34, note; Archbishop of,
upon points of discipline, ii. 218;
Council of, in 888, 'i. 157, note; in 1049,
i. 220; in 1075, i. 275; in 1225, i. 418;
in 1527, ii. 47, note

Majorca, troubles in, with regard to
canons, i. 382

Majorian, laws of, respecting nuns in
458, i. 116

Malachi, St., reforms of, i. 362; visits
St. Bernard at Clairvaux, i. 362
Malatesta, Carlo, of Rimini, on concu-
bines of priests, i. 421

Maldonaldo, Fray, accused of solicita-
tion, ii. 289

Mallet, Abbé, case of, ii. 359; heinous-
ness of offence of, concealed by ortho-
dox journal, ii. 359
Malta, Knights of, i. 451; accusations
against, i. 453; suppressed in England,
ii. 98; Knight of, marries, ii. 154
Malvern, Great, prior of, offers bribe to
Cromwell, ii. 93, note

Manasses of Rheims forced to abandon
violent measures, i. 314

Mancio of Chalons, indecision of, i. 162
Manes, soi-disant envoy of Christ, career
of, i. 33

Manfredonia, Council of, in 1567, ii. 230
Manichæism, enthusiastically accepted,
i. 33; condemns marriage, i. 34;
eucharist in, according to Mazdean
form, i. 35; revived by Albigenses, i.
35; early, of St. Augustin, i. 75;
Milan headquarters of, i. 244; heresy
of, extirpated at stake, i. 244; revival
of, in eleventh century, i. 244; Milan
a nest of heresy of, i. 249, note
Manigold of Veringen, case of, i. 280-1
Mansfield, married priest of, imprisoned,

ii. 43

[blocks in formation]

Marcion, heresy of, i. 20

Marcus, heresy of (Marcosian), i. 20
Margaret of Flanders, story of, i. 399
Margaret of Parma and Council of Trent,
ii. 222, note

Maria da Gloria, ii. 337

Maria S. della Scala, canons of, Milan,
ii. 227

Mariana, on married clergy in Spain, i.

Marian Order, the, i. 457

Marian persecution, in England, ii. 135;
reaction in England, ii. 123
Marien, Frère, prosecuted, 299 offences,
ii. 361

Marillac, Bishop Charles de, on discip-
line, ii. 238

Marino, a married priest and miracle-

worker, i. 209

Marino of Ostia condemns priestly mar-
riage, i. 171

Marisco, Adam de, i. 357

Marozia, influence of, i. 164-5
Marquette, droit de, i. 441
Marriage, lofty teaching of Christ con-
cerning, i. 10; stigmatised as means
of transmitting original sin, i. 36;
Brahmanical and Buddhist views of,
i. 34; Manichæism condemns, i. 36;
not allowed in orders, i. 28, 79; per-
sisted in by clergy, i. 83; custom con-
cerning, in Greek Church, i. 97;
custom concerning, among Nestorians,
i. 98; St. Jerome's contempt for, i. 38;
St. Augustin on, i. 38, 75; St. Martin
of Tours on, i. 38; not dissolved by
monastic vows, i. 127; not contem-
plated in Irish Church, i. 184; Council
of Melfi endeavours to check, i. 231-2;
Councils of Vienne and Tours prohibit,
i. 232; marriage, clerical, openly de-
fended by chaplains of Godfrey of
Tuscany, i. 234; habitual among
Piedmontese, i. 238; comparative mild
decretal against, i. 241; St. Gregory,
St. Augustin, and St. Victor on dis-
solution of, i. 386-7, note; stigmatised
with degrading epithet by Alexander
III., i. 395; gradually given up in
Latin Church, i. 403; homily of
thirteenth century against, i. 431; a
mortal sin, according to Catharan
heresy, i. 459-60; heresy to teach, as
preferable to celibacy, ii. 204; dis-
pensations for, in England, ii. 209,
note; implies heresy, ii. 219
Marriage of bishops, prohibited, i. 28;
in fourth century, i. 53; in Eastern
Church, i. 93; in Africa, i. 95; not
allowed in Greek Church, i. 97; Mar
Abba forbids, i. 99; prohibited at
Council of Augsburg, i. 171; practised
in Gaul and Gothic Spain, i. 133, 135;
in eighth century, i. 149; in tenth
century, i. 177; in eleventh century, i.
209, 221, 232, 234; ends in separation
from wives in Hungary, i. 298; for
three generations in Quimper, i, 312:
in Rennes, Vannes, and Nantes, i. 312;
Saxon Bishop of Litchfield, i. 329;
English bishops, i. 341-2; Bishops
Peter, Philip, Spiridon of Cyprus, and
Hilary of Poitiers, ii. 42; gives wives
title of countesses, i. 312; allowed
under Edward VI., ii. 121; sanctioned
under Elizabeth, ii. 145; Archduke
Leopold of Austria, dispensation for,

ii. 219

Marriage of deacons, permitted, i. 28;
forbidden, i. 77, 92, 171, 299, 300, 331
Marriage of monks, permitted in fourth
century, i. 53; forbidden by Justinian,
i. 120; forbidden by Gregory the
Great, i. 127; St. Bernard on, i. 389;
common in ninth century, i. 158; in
thirteenth century, i. 401; forbidden

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