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' quent protestations' their attachment t'o the faith

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THE se: COND CAUSE. The doctrine os _ the immortality of the soul among the philosophers;

5! In particular, the first book of. the Tusculan Questions, and the treatise De Sencctute, and the Somnium Scipionis, contain, in the mostvbeautisul language, every thing that Grecian philosophy, or R om'in good sense, could poslibly suggest on'this dark but impcrLant object. . ' - s 7 ss

their vanity. When they viewed with compla- C lip?cency the extent of their own mental powers, . .' ,

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important ftruth of the immortality of the soul was inculcated with more diligence as well as

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dispensations of Providence 57, when we discover, that the doctrinev of the immortality of the soul 'isv omitted in the law of Moses; it is darkly infinuated by the prophets, and during the long period which elapsed between the Egyptian and the Babylonian servitudes, the hopes as well as fears of the Jews appear to have been confined

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