Зображення сторінки

Moonish, variable, inconstant, ii. 153.
Moralize, to interpret, iii. 739.

More, greater, further, i. 309, ii. 76, iii. 741.

More and less, great and small, i. 575, iii. 774.
More sacks to the mill, a game, i. 77.
Morris, Morisco dance, ii. 55, 393.
Morris-pike, Moorish pike, i. 150.
Mortal, deadly, iii. 728.

Mort o' the deer, a strain on the horn, iii. 199
Mortified, ascetic, iii. 510.

Most an end, constantly, perpetually, i. 33.
Mot, motto or word, iii. 746.

Motion, puppet-show or puppet, i. 11, iii. 255.
Motion, the impulse of desire, iii. 370.
Motley, a fool, iii. 376.

Mought, might, ii. 444.

Mouse, a term of endearment, i. 84, ii. 241.
Mouse-hunt, an animal of the weasel tribe, i. 202.
Mousing, gorging, devouring, i. 295.

Mowes, mouths, ludicrous antics, iii. 36, 354.

Much, an expression of contempt, i. 590, ii. 161, 468.
Muffler, a covering to conceal a portion of the face, i. 688.
Mule, Bajazet's; ii. 38.

Muleters, muleteers, iii. 558.

Mum-budget, a pass-word, i. 685.

Murdered persons bleeding on the approach of the murderer,
ii. 576.

Murdering-piece, a piece of artillery with several barrels,
iii. 380.

Muscadel, a wine used in church at marriage ceremonies,
i. 276.

Musit, or Muset, a gap in a hedge, iii. 728.
Muss, a scramble, iii. 564.

Mutines, mutineers, i. 330.

Mutton, laced, a cant term for a courtezan, i. 41.

My cake is dough, a proverbial saying, i. 234, 270.
My heart is full of woe, a tune, i. 204.
NAPKINS, handkerchiefs, iii. 440, 784.

Naught a while, be, a mischief on you! ii. 128.
Naughty, wicked, base, i. 421, iii. 93.

Nay-word, a watch-word, i. 680, ii. 248.

Neapolitan bone-ache, iii. 283, 308.

Near, in close confidence, i. 705.

Near be, ne'er the near, a proverbial phrase, i. 484.

Neat slavé, a base cow-herd, iii. 74.

Neeld, needle, ii. 208, iii. 741.

Neglection, neglect, ii. 206, 318, iii. 272.

Neif, fist, i. 370, 591.

Nether-stocks, short stockings, i. 529, iii. 77.

Next way, the nearest way, i. 540, ii. 12, iii. 223.

Nice, trivial, effeminate, dainty, i. 187, 209, 400, 574.

Nicely, scrupulously, ii. 209.

Nicholas' clerks, St., cut-purses, i. 521.

Nick, to mark like a fool, i. 143.

Nick, out of all, beyond all reckoning, i. 30.

Nicked, emasculated, iii. 563.

Night-rule, a night revel, i. 361.

Nill, will not, ii. 201.

Nine men's morris, a rustic sport, i. 383.

Nine Worthies, pageant of, i. 104.

Noble, a coin, i. 532.

Nobody, the picture of, iii. 32, 49.

Noddy, a game at cards, also a noodle, a simpleton, i. 5.

No had, an archaic expression, i. 315.

Noise, a band of musicians, i. 588.

Nonce, for the occasion, i. 514.

Nook-shotten, spawned in a corner, ii. 87.

No poynt, non point, i. 62, 89.

Nott-pated, round-headed, i. 528.

Novum, a game played with dice, i. 93.

Nurture, breeding, ii. 144.

Nut-hook, a beadle or catchpoll, i. 622, 642.

O, orb, circlet or round, iii. 581.

Oaken garlands, iii. 187.

Oath of fidelity by attendants of the nobility, ii. 767.

Oaths taken on the sword, i. 497, iii. 345.

Ob, obolum, a halfpenny, i. 535.

Oberon, of fairy legends, i. 383.

Obidicut, a fiend, iii. 96.

Objected, proposed, projected, ii. 299.
Obsequious, funereal, ii. 419, 515, iii. 334.
Obsequious, obedient, submissive iii. 648.
Observation, rites or observances, i. 371.
Observed, respectfully treated, i. 609, 612.
Obstacle, corruption of obstinate, ii. 327.
Occupation, handicraft, iii. 418.
Oddly, unequally, iii. 275.
Odds, quarrel, iii. 669.

Od's pittikins, God me pity, ii. 750.
Eiliads, ogles, i. 646, iii. 100.

O'erparted, not equal to a part or character, i. 93.
O'erraught, over-reached, over-took, i. 118, iii. 357.
O'erstrawed, o'erstrewed, iii. 733.

Oes, circular bosses of shining metal, i. 364.

Oes, small-pox marks, i. 85.

Of, for, iii. 219, 542.

Of all loves, for love's sake, i. 356, 656, iii. 673.

Offices, the apartments in great establishments where refresh-

ments were prepared or distributed, iii. 666.

Old, old utis, rare, rare fun, i. 589, 647, 736.

On, of, iii. 415, 772.

On, pronounced own, i. 10.

Once, for the nonce, sometimes, i. 128, 149, 668,700, ili. 149,580.
One good woman in ten, ii. 54.
Oneyers, owners, i. 521, 564.
Oosel-cock, the blackbird, i. 359.
Opinion, reputation, i. 558.
Opposite, adversary, i. 603, ii. 258.

Or e'er, before, sooner than, i. 318, ii. 732, iii. 7, 43.
Or, ore, gold, iii. 375, 738.

Orbs, field fairy-rings, i. 348.

Order, to take, to adapt measures, i. 288, iii. 436.
Orgulous, proud, haught, iii. 263.

Orient, pellucid, lustrous, iii. 537.
Orthography, orthographer, i. 709.
Orts, scraps, ii. 494, iii. 445.

Ospray, a large hawk, the sea-eagle, iii. 175.
Ostent, appearance, parade, i. 404.

Otherwhere, otherplace, i. 120, iii. 62.

Ounce, the lynx, i. 354.

Ouphes, elves, goblins, 1. 677.

Out, past, iii. 8.

Out of all cess, out of all measure, i. 520.

Out of all nick, beyond all reckoning, i. 30.

Out of thy star, iii. 350.

Outvied, defeated, i. 246.

Overflown, flooded, drowned, i. 870.

Overlook, to overbear, to overcome, to bewitch, i. 325, 416, 683.
Overscutched, i. 601.

Oversee, to execute, or superintend the execution of a will.
iii. 750.

Overwrested, overwound, iii. 273.

Owches, bosses of gold set in diamonds, i. 589.

Owe, to own, to possess, i. 127, 330, 355, 479, ii. 27, 598, iii. 763.
Owen Glendower, i. 565.

Owl, the, a baker's daughter, iii. 403.

PACK, to scheme, to complot, iii. 624.

Packed, confederate, i. 734.

Packing, plotting, chicaning, i. 270, ii. 738, iii. 84.

Paddock, a toad, iii. 373, 472.

Pageant of the Nine Worthies, i. 104.

Pageants and masques, i. 44, 104.

Paid, punished, i. 530, ii. 748.

Painted-cloth, hangings for rooms, i. 93, 626, ii. 151, iii. 740.

Pajock, peacock, iii. 366.

Palabras, few words, i. 721.

Pale, to impale, ii. 409.

Palled, decayed, waned, iii. 550.

Palliament, a robe, iii. 601.

Pansies for thoughts, iii. 403.

Pantaloon, the Italian, i. 249, 275.

Parcel, parcel-gilt, part, parti-gilt, i. 582, 642.

Paris Garden for bear-baiting, ii. 703.

Parish-top for the public amusement, ii. 238, 277.

Paritor, an apparitor, i. 67.

Parle, speech, i. 5, 294, ii. 85.


Parling, speaking, iii. 738.

Parlous, perilous, i. 357.

Partake, to impart, to participate, ii. 185, iii. 251.
Partake, to take the part of, iii. 783.

Partaker, a partner, a factionary, ii. 301.

Parted, endowed, imparted, iii. 293.

Partially, by partiality, iii. 669.

Partisan, a weapon, half-pike and half-halberd, iii. 549.
Partlet, Dame, a name for the hen, i. 543, iii. 213.

Pash, head or brow, iii. 200.

Pass, to surpass belief or expression, i. 644, 674, ii. 444, iii. 234.
Passado, a term in fencing, i. 217.

Passage, passengers, iii. 699.

Passionate, perturbed, agitated, i. 298.

Passionate Shepherd, i. 687.

Passioning, displaying emotion, i. 85, iii. 732.

Pass not, regard not, ii. 377.

Pass on, pass upon, to sentence, ii. 600, iii. 93.
Passy-measure's pavin, a dance, ii. 274.
Pastry, the room where paste was made, i. 202.
Patch, fool or jester, i. 127, 372, 407, iii. 30, 511.
Patchery, roguery, villany, iii. 283.

Patience perforce, an adage, i. 170, ii. 615.
Patient, to make patient, iii. 599.

Patine, the cover of the chalice anciently used to hold par-
ticles of the host; a plate, a round, bright object, i. 433.
Pauca, pauca verba, paucus pallabris, few words, i. 75, 227,
641, ii. 74.

[blocks in formation]

Peg-a-Ramsey, a tune, ii. 278.

Peise, to weigh down, ii. 569.

Peised, balanced, weighted, i. 298, 417.

Pelleted, formed into pellets, or little balls, iii. 565, 784.
Pelting, paltry, despicable, i. 351, 459, iii. 77.

Pen-and-inkhorn, carried by professional persons, ii. 395.
Penitent, doing penance, i. 117.

Penny, metaphor for money, or means generally, i. 102.
Pensioners, a band of gentlemen in immediate attendance on

[blocks in formation]

Pestered, impeded, encumbered, i. 515, iii. 309, 511.
Pew-fellow, companion, sharer, ii. 559.

Pheere, companion, husband or wife, iii. 621.

Pheeze, to tickle, i. 227, iii. 285.

Philip, a name for the sparrow, i. 289.

Phill-horse, the shaft-horse, i. 402.

Phisnomy, physiognomy, ii. 45.

Physical, medicinal, iii. 426.

Pick, to pitch, ii. 696, iii. 131.

Picked, scrupulously nice, i. 82, iii. 388.

Pick-thanks, parasites, i. 540.
Pickt-hatch, the manor of, i. 654.
Picture of Nobody, iii. 32, 49.
Picture of we three, ii. 278.

Pied, party-coloured, i. 98, iii. 774.
Pied ninny, a jester, a fool, iii. 30.
Pight, fixed, iii. 73, 318-

Pigrogromitus and the Napians, ii. 278.

Pilcher, pilch, an outer garment of leather, i. 186.

Pilled, robbed, pillaged, i. 462, ii 522.

Pin, to cleave the, to split the wooden pin in a target, i. 39, 71.

Pin and web, the cataract in the eye, iii. 89, 203.
Pinched, restrained, nipped, iii. 208.

Pinfold, a pound, i. 5, iii. 74.

Pink eyne, small eyes, iii. 551.

Pioners, or pioneers, degraded soldiers, iii. 681.

Pip, a spot on a card, i. 237.

Pitch, or pith, eminence, iii. 360.

Pitch and pay, pay on delivery, ii. 78.
Pittikins, 'ods, God me pity, ii. 750.
Place, abiding-place, ii. 139.

Place, seat of authority, i. 426, iii. 563.

Places, dignities, honours, iii. 206, 563.

Placket, a petticoat, i. 67, iii. 88, 233, 238, 283.

Plagued, punished, ii. 522.

Planched, planked, made of boards, ii. 620.

Plantage, the moon's influence on plants, iii. 291.

Plantain, its medicinal use, i. 65, 164.

Plants, the soles of the feet, iii. 549.

Plates, silver coin, iii. 581.

Platforms, plans, schemes, ii. 297.

Plausibly, with expressions of applause, iii. 757.

Plausive manners, gracious, popular, winning manners,

iii. 340.

Pleached, intertwined, i. 701.

Please one, and please all, a ballad, ii. 280.
Plighting troth, mode of, i. 43.

Plurisy, repletion, iii, 385.

Point-device, precise, with great nicety. i. 82, ii. 153, 254.
Point of war, a strain of military music, i. 603.

Points, long tagged laces to fasten dresses, i. 250, ii. 241, iii. 232.
Poize, weight, iii. 676.

Poking-sticks, irons for setting ruffs, iii. 256.

Polacks, Polanders, iii. 330.

Politician, a schemer for his own advantage, iii. 387.

Polled, cleared, iii. 171.

Pomander, a ball of perfume, iii. 238.

Pomewater, a kind of apple, i. 71.

Poor John, hake, a fish, i. 160.
Popinjay, a parrot, a trifling fop, i. 515.
Porpentine, porcupine, i. 129, iii. 278.
Port, a gate, iii. 535.

Port, show, state, appearance, i. 235, 395.
Portable, bearable, supportable, iii. 93, 506.
Portage, portholes, ii. 82.

Portance, carriage, mien, bearing, iii. 656.

Possessed, informed, i. 398.

Posset, a, curdled milk, i. 690.

Posset, to coagulate, i. 690.

Post, the sheriff's, ii. 277.
Potch, to push, to thrust, iii. 140.
Potents, potentates, i. 295.
Poulter, a poulterer, i. 534.
Pouncet-box, scent-box, i. 515.
Powder, to salt, i. 560.

Poynt no, non point, i. 62, 89.

Practice, conspiracy, machination, collusion, ii. 77, 631, iii.

78, 112, 706.

Practise on, to plot or intrigue against, iii. 541.

'Praise, to appraise, ii. 243.

Prank, to adorn, to dress ostentatiously, ii. 250, iii. 155, 229.
Praying at the end of performances, i. 632.

Precedent, a sign, an indicator, iii. 722.

Precepts, warrants, i. 616.

Prefer, to advance, to promote, i. 233, ii. 764.

Pregnancy, ready wit, i. 577.

Pregnant, supple, ready, iii. 362.

Prenominate, forenamed, iii. 307, 347.

Preposterous, misplaced, inversely, i. 248, 363, 658.

Prescription, medical, ii. 54.

Presence, presence-chamber, i. 210.

Presently, immediately, ii. 355, 555, iii. 748.

Pressed, ready, bound, urged, i. 395.

Pretence, design, device, i. 21, ii. 314, iii. 216.

Pretend, to intend, i. 17, iii. 744.

[blocks in formation]

Proface, welcome, i. 620.

Profane use of the sacred names, act for preventing, i. 562.

Prognostication, almanac, iii. 241.

Project, to shape, iii. 581.

Projection, forecast, preparation, ii. 79.

Prolixious, coy, delaying, ii. 609.

Prompture, suggestion, ii. 609.

Prone, ardent, ii. 595, iii. 745.

Proof, armour, iii. 473.

Proper, peculiar, personal, iii. 140, 179.
Proper-false, handsome-false, ii. 246.

Propertied, circumscribed, appropriated, ii. 268, 462.
Properties, a theatrical term, i. 347, 677.

Proposing, discoursing, i. 713.

Prorougue, to deaden or benumb, iii. 540.

Provand, provender, iii. 146.

Provincial, of the ecclesiastical province, ii. 633.

Provincial, from Provins, celebrated for roses, iii. 366.

Prune, to plume, i. 511, ii. 758.

Pruning, trimming up, adorning, i. 78.

Pucelle, La, ii. 332, 334.

Pugging, prigging, iii. 227.

Puke-stocking, puce-stocking, i. 528.

Pun, to pound, iii. 278.

Punk, a prostitute, i. 656, ii. 19, 631, 636.

Punto reverso, in fencing, a back-handed stroke, i. 217, 650.

Purchase, profit, advantage, ii. 181.

Purchase, booty, plunder, i. 522, 615.

Push! pish! pshaw! i. 731, ii. 74.

Push-pin, a game, i. 78.

Put on, to incite, to provoke, iii. 508. 663, 672.

Putter on, a contriver, an inciter, ii. 650, iii. 153, 209, 508.

Patter out, an adventurer of money, iii. 33.

Puttock, a buzzard, ii. 713.

Puzzel, a foul drab, ii. 294.

QUAIL, to slacken, ii. 139.

Quaint, dainty, clever, nimble, i. 264.

Quaintly, clever, adroit, i. 12, 21.

Qualification, temperament, iii. 666.

Qualify, to mitigate, to weaken, iii. 667, 742.

Quarrels, book of, ii. 173.

Quality, profession, calling, i. 29, iii. 353, 658.

Quarry, a pile of slaughtered game, iii. 130.

Quart d'écu, or cardecue, a coin, the fourth part of a French

[blocks in formation]

Quillets, quodlibets, quibbles, iii. 387.

Quilt, a flock bed, i. 550.

Quintain, a military exercise, a pastime, ii. 171.

Quips, sudden, angry gibes, scoffs, i. 29.

Quit, to requite, ii. 635, iii. 565.

Quittance, requital, to make requital, i. 574, ii. 296, 467.
Quiver, smart, nimble, i. 601.

Quote, to look into, to scan, iii. 347, 621, 746.

R, the dog's letter, i. 217.

Rabato, or rebato, an ornament for the neck, a kind of ruff,

i. 720.

Rabbit-sucker, a sucking rabbit, i. 534.

Race, nature, iii. 14.

Rack, to stretch, to extend, i. 726.

Rack, drifting vapour, or scud, ii. 411, iii. 50, 765.

Racked, harassed by exactions, ii. 347.

Rag, a term of contempt, ii. 492.

Ragged, rough, rugged, base, i. 574, 618, ii. 142.

Ragged, beggared, iii. 747.

Rake up, to cover up, iii. 105.

Rampallian, a low, creeping, mean wretch, i. 582.

Rank, chorus, rhyme, ii. 149.

Rank, brimming, full, iii. 722, 778.

Rankness, riotousness, i. 325, iii. 435.
Raps, transports, ii. 719.

Rapture, a fit, iii. 145.

Rarely, curiously, ii. 728.

Rascal, a lean deer, ii. 155, 317, iii. 129.
Rates, counts for, is equivalent to, iii. 562.

Rather, hasty, quick, i. 65.

Rats rhymed to death by charms, ii. 173, 332.
Raught, reft, reached, grasped, ii. 857, 409.
Ravin, to devour greedily, ii. 595, iii. 489.
Ravined, ravenous, iii. 501.

Rayed, chafed, excoriated, i. 254.
Razed, slashed, opened, iii. 366.
Razes, roots, i. 521.

Read, to tread, i. 547, ii. 697.
Rearmice, bats, i. 354.

Rearward, rearguard, iii. 773.

Reason, to discourse, i. 411.

Reasonable swiftness, speed of thought, ii. 71.

Rebate, to blunt, i. 51, 598.

Rebato, a kind of ruff, an ornament for the neck, i. 720.

Rebeck, a sort of fiddle, i. 205.

Receipt, receptacle, iii. 481.

Recheat, a note on the horn, i. 699.

Reck, to regard, iii. 339.

Record, to chant, i. 37, ii. 208.

Recorder, a musical instrument resembling a flute, iii. 401.

Recover the wind of me, a hunting expression, iii. 367.

Recure, to recover, ii. 549.

Rede, counsel, advice, iii. 339.

Red-lattice, the denotement of an ale-house, i. 586, 626.

Red-lattice phrases, ale-house phraseology, i. 654.

Reduce, to restore, to bring back to a former state, ii. 575.

Reechy, discoloured by smoke, i. 719.

Refelled, refuted, ii. 631.

Regard, reflection, observation, iii. 741, 752.

Regiment, directorship, rule, iii. 558.

Reguerdon, recompence, ii. 307, 312.

Relume, to relight, iii. 701.

Remarkable, profoundly striking, iii. 577.

Remember thy courtesy, discontinue ceremony, i. 83.
Remembered, reminded, iii. 778.

Remembrance, memorial, iii. 680.

Remonstrance, exhibition, manifestation, ii. 634.*

Remorse, pity, tenderness of feeling, i. 31, 319, ii. 373, 631,
iii. 681.

Remorseless, relentless, pitiless, iii. 743.
Remotion, removal, ii. 492, iii. 78.

Removed, remote, private, i. 293, 343, ii. 152, 595, iii. 247.
Removes, stages, journeys, ii. 51.
Render, to describe, to represent, ii. 162.
Reneges, denies, renounces, iii. 75, 530.

In the text the suggestion of Malone to read demonstrance was too
hastily adopted. The right word is unquestionably remonstrance.'

[blocks in formation]

Rich eyes, ii. 49, 159.

Rid, to destroy, ii. 447, iii. 14.

Riddles, fustian, ii. 279.

Rides the wild mare, plays at see-saw, i. 593.

Riggish, wanton, iii. 543.

Right, direct, immediate, i. 325.

Rigol, a circle, i. 612, iii. 756.

Rim, a part of the intestines, ii. 101.

Rivage, the shore or bank, ii. 81.

Rivality, participation, copartnership, iii. 556.
Rivals, associates, partners, iii. 329.

Rivo, a drinking exclamation, i. 529.

Road, a roadstead, a haven, i. 16.

Roaring Devil, ii. 119.

Robin, hey, jolly Robin, a song, i. 281.

Robin Goodfellow, i. 382.

Rolled, coiled, iii. 609.

Romage, commotion, turmoil, iii 332.

Rondure, a round or belt, iii. 763.

Ronyon, a scurvy old woman, a witch, i. 676, iii. 474.

Rood, the cross, the image on the cross, i. 597.

Rook, to squat down, to roost, ii. 449.

Ropery, rope-tricks, ribaldry, i. 181, 238.

Rosemary for remembrance, iii. 403.

Rother, red cattle, ii. 488.

Rough-hew, to plan, or fashion in the rough, iii. 392.

Round, plain spoken, i. 120, iii. 361.

Round, roundel, roundelay, a dance, i. 104, 354.

Rounded, insinuated, i. 298.

Rounding, whispering, insinuating, iii. 202.

Roundure, a circle, i. 294.

Rouse, a carouse, a deep draught, iii. 398.

Royal, a coin so called, i. 532.

Royal merchants, i. 440.

Roynish, scurvy, ii. 138.

Ruddock, the redbreast, ii. 748.

Rudesby, blusterer, swaggerer, i. 250.

Rue, herb-grace, iii. 382.

Ruff, the top of the boot turned over, ii. 29.

Ruffian, roisterer, swash-buckler, iii. 650.

Ruin, rubbish, i. 412.

Run counter, to follow on a false scent, i. 150.

Rushes strewed on room floors, and on the stage, i. 168, 255,

539, ii. 723.

SABLES, the wearing of, iii. 362.

Sack, sherris-sack, i. 629.

Sackerson, the name of a bear, i. 644, 686.

Sack-posset, i. 690.

Sacred, devoted, dedicated, iii. 425, 607.

Sacring-bell, the bell rung on the elevation of the host, ii. 678.

Sad, grave, serious, i. 8, 702, 712, iii. 234. 740.

Safe, sound, iii. 101.

Saffron, the colour of Judas' hair, the dissembling colour, ii. 45.

Sag, to droop, to flag, iii. 511.

[blocks in formation]

Sanded, of a sandy colour, i. 385.

Satire, a satirist, iii. 775.

Saucy, prurient, ii 44.

'Say, assay, taste, evidence, ii. 112.

'Sayed, assayed, ii. 183, iii. 112.

Scaled, dispersed, iii. 315.

Scamble, to seize, to scramble, to rifle, i. 319, ii. 64.

Scamels, or sea-mells, sea-birds, iii. 27.

Scapes, lapses, slips, iii. 221, 745.

Scarfed bark, vessel decorated with flags, i. 407.

Scathe, to damage, i. 170.

Scogan, Henry and John, i. 627.

Sconce, a fortification, ii. 88.

Sconce, the head, i. 118, 122, iii. 161, 387.

Scone stone, iii. 518.

Score, to mark, to brand, i. 117, iii. 689.

Scorn it with the heels, a manner of scornful rejection,

i. 401, 721.

Scotch, to wound, to notch, iii. 493.

Scrimers, fencers, iii. 384.

Scroyles, scabby rogues, i. 296.
Scrubbed, stunted, i. 434.

Sculls, shoals, iii. 315.

'Scuse, excuse, i. 430, iii. 687.

Scut, a tail, i. 681.

Scylla and Charybdis, i. 440.

Seals on deeds, i. 485.

Sear, to stigmatize, to close up, ii. 712, iii. 208.

Season, preservative, iii. 498.

Secret, separated, devoted, iii. 425, 607.

Secure, careless, to make over-confident, i. 487, 653, 658, 665,

ii. 296, iii. 96, 279, 344.

Secure, to assure, ii. 475.

Securely, carelessly, over-confidently, i. 462, iii. 304.

Security, carelessness, over-confidence, i. 469, iii. 431, 498

See, to, to the sight, iii. 766.

Seel, in falconry, to sew up the eyes, iii. 494, 564.

Scen, versed, practised, skilled, i. 238.

Seldom comes the better, a proverbial saying, il. 534.

Sense, to the, to the quick, iii. 698.

Septentrion, the north, ii. 409.

Sequester, a separation, iii. 683.

Sere, tickled o' the, easily moved to mirth, iii. 353.

Sergeant, anciently one of the king's guard, iii. 472.

Serpigo, leprosy, ii. 611.

Servant, a follower, an admirer, i. 43.

Sessa, be quiet, i. 227, iii. 92.

Set, a term in music, i. 7.

Set a match, to plan a robbery, i. 513.

Set up his rest, to stake all, i. 150, 203.

Setebos, a demon, iii. 48.

Seven ages of man, ii. 172.

Several, private, i. 63, iii. 781.

Several, manifold, ii. 10.

Shale, a case, a shell, ii. 99.

Shards, broken fragments, iii. 390.

Shards, scaly wings of a beetle, iii. 494, 553.

Shaven Hercules, the, i. 719.

Sheaf, iii. 339.

Sheen, brightness, splendour, i. 349, iii. 363.

Sheep, pronounced ship, i. 4.

Sheer, pure, unmixed, i. 229, 488.

Shent, undone, ruined, reproved, i. 648, iii. 179, 283.

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Shovel-boards, broad shillings used in the game of shove-
groat, i. 642.

Shrewd, shrewish, mischievous, i. 84, 234, 237, 325, 349, 366,
657, 703, ii. 169, 602, iii. 571.

Shrift, auricular confession, i. 161, 178, 181, 182, 201,
ii. 546, 623.

Shrive, to bring to confession and absolve, i. 125.
Shriving-time, time of shrift or confession, iii. 392.
Shut-up, finished, concluded, iii. 482.

Shylock, derivation of the name, i. 437.

Side, long, i. 720.

Siege, a seat, place, state, ii. 622, iii. 384.

Sigh-clout, a cloth to strain milk through, iii. 711.

Sightless, invisible, iii. 479, 480.

Sightless, unsightly, i. 300.

Sights, apertures for seeing through in a helmet, i. 604.

Sign, to give an omen, iii. 567.

Silly, simple, rustic, ii. 756.

Silly cheat, petty theft, iii. 227.
Similitudes, inapposite, i. 563.

Simular, counterfeit, deceitful, ii. 761, iii. 85.
Single, simple, feeble, i. 578. iii. 476.

Sink-a-pace, cinque-pace, a dance, i. 104, 704.
Sinklo, the actor, i. 229.

Sir, a title of certain churchmen, ii. 345.

Sır, applied to nobility and royalty, iii. 204, 245.

Sir Bevis of Hamptoun, ii. 699.

Sir Dagonet in Arthur's Show, i. 628.

Sir reverence, an apology for any unseemly saying, i. 130.

Sir, the, the gallant, the courtier, iii. 664.

Siren's song of allurement, i. 149.

Sirs, an old form of addressing women, iii. 577.

Sithence, since, ii. 12.

Sit out, refuse to play, a card-table phrase, i. 53.

Sit thee down, sorrow, i. 56.

Sizes, allowances, iii. 80.

Skainsmates, reckless fellows, i. 181.

Skill, cunning, design, reason, iii. 209, 231.
Skills not, is of no importance, ii. 364.

Skimble-skamble, jumbled, deranged, i. 538.
Skinker, drawer of liquor, i. 527.
Skirr, to scour, ii. 104, iii. 511.
Slander, to abuse, iii. 340.

Slanderous, ignominious, branded, iii. 748.
Slavish wipe, the brand of slaves, iii. 743.

Sleave, unwrought silk, iii. 484.

Sledded, sledged, iii. 330.

Sleeve, worn as a favour by tilters and warriors, iii. 323.
Sleided, untwisted, ii. 208, iii. 785.

Slipper, slippery, iii. 665.

Slips, counterfeit pieces of money, i. 179, iii. 283.

Sliver, to slit or slice, iii. 97, 385.

Slop, loose knee-breeches, i. 179.

Smirched, sullied, soiled, i. 719, 725, ii. 85, 136.

Smoke, to discover, ii. 34, 38.

Smoothed, fawned on, ii. 488.

Smug, spruce, smart, i. 415, 538, iii. 104.

Sneap, a sarcasm, a set-down, i. 583.

Sneap, to nip or check, iii. 198, 741.

Sneck-up, go hang! ii. 247.

Snipe, a fool, a blockhead, iii. 660.

Snuff, take it in, to take it in dudgeon, i. 84, 377.
Snuffs, tiffs, iii. 84.

So, as, ii. 41, 197, 465, 470, 473, iii. 535, 538.
So like you he is the worse, a proverb, iii. 213.
Softly, slowly, iii. 377.

Solemn, grave, public, accustomed, i. 251.
Solidares, a coin, ii. 477.

Something-nothing, neither here nor there, iii. 678.

Sometimes, formerly, i. 396, 491.
Sonnet, Sonnets or Sonneteer, i. 709.
Sonties, corruption of sanctities, i. 401.
Soon at, about, i. 116.

Sooth, sweetness, softness, truth, i. 473.
Sorrow, sit thee down, i. 56.
Sorry, dismal, sorrowful, i. 143.
Sort, lot, iii. 275.

Sort, to suit, to fit, iii. 266, 747.

Sort, gang, crew, company, i. 480, ii. 355.
Sort, rank, degree, quality, i. 696.

Sot, a fool, i. 125, ii. 761.

Sowle, to lug, to drag, iii. 171.

Speak by the card, to speak precisely, or according to the book

of manners, iii. 388.

Speak to, to aspire or lay claim to, iii. 651.
Speculation, view, espial, iii. 293.

Speculative instruments, organs of vision.
Sped, done, settled, i. 186.
Speed, fortune, iii. 219.
Sperr, to shut up, iii. 263.

Spill, to spoil, to come to harm, iii. 710.

Spirits in magic or witchcraft, iii. 47.

Spleen, flash, i. 297, 343, 380.

Spot, stain, iii. 774.

Sprag, quick, ready, sprightly, i. 673.

Spring, shoot, sprig, iii. 728, 738, 747.

Sprited, haunted, ii. 726.

Squandered, dispersed, i. 398.

Square, equitable, ii. 503.

Square, a quarrel, to quarrel, i. 349, iii. 540, 563.
Square, a stomacher, iii. 232.

Squash, an immature peascod, i. 361, iii. 202.

Squire, a rule, i. 92, 522, iii. 234.

Staggers, a kind of apoplexy in horses, i. 250.

Staggers, perplexities, incertitudes, ii. 23, 762.

Stain, tinct, mark, eclipse, ii. 8, iii. 556.

Stale, insipid, out of date, i. 121.

Stalking-horse of fowlers, i. 742.

Stand on, stands me upon, it is incumbent on me, i. 178,
467, iii. 392, 540.

Stands, or Standings, in the sport of deer-shooting, i. 600.
Stannyel, a kind of hawk, ii. 253.

Star Chamber, court of, i. 686.
Stark, rigid, stiff, ii. 748.

Starve, to perish, ii. 716.

State, a chair or throne, i. 533, iii. 495.

Statuas, statues, ii. 548, iii. 430, 441.

Statue, picture, image, i. 35.

Statute, security, or obligation, iii. 780.
Statute-caps, caps worn by citizens, i, 104.
Stay, a check or obstacle, i. 297.

Steel, to harden like steel, iii. 725.
Stelled, fixed, iii. 753.

Stern, rigid, unyielding, ii. 39.

Sternage, steerage, course, ii. 81.

Sticking-place, abiding place, iii. 481.

Stickler, an arbitrator in combats, iii. 318.

Stigmatical, branded with deformity, i. 135, ii. 389, 417.

Still, always, ever, i. 395, 545, 698, ii. 42, 91, 98, iii. 435.

Still an end, constantly, perpetually, i. 33.

Still music, soft, subdued music, î. 370, ii. 92, 168.
Stinted, stopped, i. 166.

Stith, an anvil, iii. 362.

Stithy, the smith's work-shop, iii. 362.

Stoccado, or stoccata, a term of fencing, i. 186, 659.
Stomach, haughtiness, ii. 683.

Stone-bow, a cross-bow for propelling stones, ii. 279.

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