Зображення сторінки

them? 36. What abundant fruits does he pray for in them? 37. How are they to show their knowledge and judgment? 38. What is here meant by approving things excellent? A. Knowing what is excellent. 39. How did the Collect for Whit-Sunday make the prayer for judgment to see what is excellent? 40. Knowing what is right, how does he ask that they may go on? 41. What is meant by sincere? 42. What is offence? A. A stumbling-block. 43. What does he pray that they may be filled with? 44. Whereabouts in the letter to the Philippians does this beautiful address come? 45. Then you see it is St. Paul's greeting to his friends, and it shows us what we should most of all wish and pray for our friends. How does the Collect ask that we may live according to the blessing in this Epistle?

Him for their return? Psalm cxxvi.; cxlvii. 2. 24. How long did the captivity last? Jer. xxv. 11. 25. When did it end? 2 Chron. xxxvi. 22, 23. 26. Where then did the Jews go back and dwell? 27. Whence did they come ? 28. What ceased for a


30. Of

time in all the world? A. All wars. Who then arose among them? whose family was He? 31. What was He called from the place where He lived? St. Matt. ii. 23. 32. What does Jeremiah here say would be raised to David? 33. And in Hebrew the word Branch is the same as Nazarene, so when did the Jews call Him a Branch? 34. Where again is He called by this name? Zech. vi. 12. 35. But what was His real name? 36. What is that name in the Old Testament? Num. xiii. 16. 37. What is the name which is translated from Hebrew as the Lord? A. JEHOVAH. 38. What reason did the angel

SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT. give for the name of JESUS? 39. What

1. WHENCE does the portion appointed instead of an Epistle come day? 2. Why do I say instead of an Epistle? 3. Who was Jeremiah? 4. Did he live before or after the coming of our Lord? 5. In whose

time did Jeremiah live? Jer. i. 2, 3. 6. What grievous misfortune befell the Jews in Jeremiah's time? 7. Whither were they taken? 8. But what did God promise them by the mouth of Jeremiah? Jer. xxiii. 3. 9. Whose children were their kings? 10. What had just been said of their king? Jer. xxii. 30. 11. But what promise of better days does God here give? 12. Who was to rise up and reign? 13. Who had given this promise before? Isaiah, xi. 1. 14. When that King should come, how should it be with the Jews? 15. What should He be called? 16. What was the greatest deliverance that had been wrought for the Israelites in old time? 17. How did they praise God for it? Psalm lxxxi. cxiv. 18. But what fresh deliverance should they have by-and-by to talk of? 19. What was the north country? A. Assyria. 20. To what other countries were they driven? A. To Media, Persia, Egypt, and many others. 21. But what were they all to do? 22. What should they praise God for then? 23. How did they praise



does It mean? A. JEROVah our SalVATION. 40. What does Jeremiah here say He should be called? 41. Why does he call Him our righteousness? 42. By whose holiness do we stand before God? How has He covered our sinfulness? Then is He not truly the Lord our salvation and righteousness? 45. From what captivity is He come to deliver us? 46. What first deliverance have we all had? 47. What was to us the land of Egypt and house of bondage? 48. How were we freed from that? 49. How does St. Paul refer to that deliverance in the Epistle for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity? 50. What is His Kingdom? 51. Where is it? 52. Whither does it spread? 53. Who are safe within it? 54. Who are the true Israel and Judah? 55. How do the true Israel of God dwell under His wing? 56. But what still greater deliverance is coming? 57. When shall we all be quite safe? 58. Where shall we be gathered from? 59. What is our own true land? 60. What is our own true home? Rev. xxi. 10. 61. What is God praised for there? Rev. v. 9.

62. Why do we read this prophecy today? 63. Whose coming are we about to celebrate? 64. What days are we going to trace through again? 65. What must we do that we may be fit to meet our King?




1. How is the teaching of the five last Commandments summed up? 2. What is hurting by word? 3. What is hurting

by deed? 4. What are the two parts of our neighbour? 5. How can we hurt his body? 6. How can we hurt his soul? 7. Which is the worst injury? 8. Why so? 9. In what ways can we lead our neighbour into sin? 10. What shall we have to answer for? 11. How does St. Paul sum up these five last Commandments? Romans, xiii. 9. 12. How so?


Romans, xiii. 10. 13. What is the rule
for all our actions? 14. What are your
dealings? 15. What is it to be true in
all your dealings? 16. What reason does
St. Paul give us for being sincere? Eph.
iv. 25. 17. What is it to be just in your
dealings? 18. How does St. Paul order
this? Romans, xiii. 7. 19. What feelings
would lead us to do harm to our neigh-
bours? 20. What are we not to bear in our
hearts? 21. What is malice? 22. What is
hatred? 23. Which Commandment for-
bids you to bear malice and hatred in your
heart? 24. How does the Sixth forbid
malice and hatred? 25. What are you
to keep your hands from?
Commandment teaches this?
26. Which

1. WHAT are you to keep your tongue
from? 2. Which Commandment teaches
you this? 3. What is evil speaking? 4.
What is lying? 5. Who is the father of
lies? 6. What does David pray to be
delivered from? Psalm cxx. 2. 7. Who
does he say shall not tarry in his sight?
Psalm ci. 10. 8. Who will ascend into
the hill of the Lord? Psalm xv. 3. 9.
What is God called? 10. What was there
not in our Saviour's mouth? 11. What is
the Holy Spirit called? 12. What will
He not bear in us? 13. Can we deceive
Him? 14. When will He make all things
known? 15. If we have done wrong, what
must we do? 16. If we have done any
mischief by accident, what must we do?
17. Should we be prevented from confess-
ing by the fear of anger? 18. Whose anger
shall we be sure of, if we do not confess?
19. How soon should we confess?
What might be the consequence of putting
it off? 21. If an innocent person is blamed
through our silence, what have we done in
effect? 22. May we say what is not true
in play? 23. If we get a habit of saying
untruths for nothing, when shall we soon
say them? 24. May we say what is not
true to get something by it? 25. What
was Gehazi's punishment for so doing?
26. What is the mark of a Christian's
word? 27. What is slandering?

SECTION VII.-KEEPING MY BODY. 1. How are you to keep your body? 2. Which Commandment teaches you this? 3. How so? A. It teaches purity. 4. What is the word here used that means purity? 5. What words mean keeping from excess? 6. What is excess? A. Too much of anything. 7. What pleasures of the body tempt us to excess? A. Food and rest. 8. What does Solomon say about the glutton and drunkard? Proverbs, xxiii. 9. What does he say to the sluggard? Proverbs, vi. 6. 10. How did the rich man in our Lord's parable live? 11. What will


forget? 12. What does St. Paul say about those who indulge themselves be apt to the way he kept his body? 1 Cor. ix. 27. 14. How can we be too fond of it? 15. 13. How shall we be temperate in food? pleasures of the body? 16. What especial How can we make a good use of these days has the Church appointed for selfdenial? 17. How can we be temperate in rest? 18. What is the evil of lying in bed being temperate in rest? 20. What is the too long? 19. Is there any other way of harm of all these things? 21. Why should not the body be indulged? 22. What further harm is there in gratifying all the desires of the body even when they are innocent? 23. What will enable us in all things not to give way to the wishes of our bodies? 24. Should we live after the flesh, or after the Spirit? Romans, viii. 13. SECTION VIII.-KEEPING OUR HEARTS. 1. How are we to guard our wishes? 2. Which Commandment teaches you this? Commandment? 3. What is the virtue taught by the Tenth 4. What are we to be



learning? 6. What is our time for labourcontent to do? 5. What is the time for ing? 7. Why have all to labour? 8. Do all persons labour? 9. What happens to those who will not labour for themselves work for our own living, what should we or others? 10. If we are not obliged to do? 11. How are we to learn and labour? 12. What do you mean by truly? What should you labour for? 14. What say about independence? 1 Timothy, v. 8. does this mean? 15 What does St. Paul 16. What are you not to labour for? is wrong? Is it wrong to be rich or great? 18. What such things? Eccles. i. 2. 20. What is 19. What did Solomon find the best use we can make of such gifts? 22. What was our Lord's commendation 21. Is it only rich people that should give? of the poor widow? St. Mark, xii. 44. selves, what have we to trust to? 23. If illness prevent our working for ourTo God's care of us. you to learn and labour for? 25. What 24. What else are do you mean by your state of life? 26. What are you-what is your own state of life? 27. What is your duty as a child? 28. What is your duty as a scholar? 29. What were you made at your Baptism? 30. What is each member to do? 31. What is your office? What is our prayer for the whole body in Who fixed your state of life? 34. Is not the Second Collect for Good Friday? 33. each one's state of life the best for him? 35. What is this life for? 36. What will 37. Will it matter what our state of lite has be the thing that will matter at our death? been? 38. What do you mean when you say, "The state of life to which it shall



please God to call me?" 39. Why do you say, "shall please?" 40. In all changes and chances, where must your heart be fixed?




1. REPEAT it. 2. Why is it called the Lord's Prayer? 3. To whom did He give it? 4. What did they ask Him to do? 5. Where do we find it? 6. In which Gospels do we find it? [7. What difference is there in St. Matthew and St. Luke? A. In St. Luke's Gospel there is not the last part. 8. What is that last part called? 4. The Doxology. 9. What does doxology mean? A. Giving glory.] 10. What command did our Lord give when He taught us the Lord's Prayer? A. "When ye pray, say ye, Our Father." 11. To whom is this command given? A. To all Christians. 12. So when are we to use it? A. When

ever we pray.

13. When does the Church

use it? A. In every service. [14. Tell when we use it in the Sunday Morning Service? A. Once after the Absolution, once after the Creed, once in the Litany, and in the Communion Service. 15. Why


so often? A. Because these are different services. 16. In which of these is the Doxology said ? A. In that after the Absolution. 17. Why? A. Because we are about to praise God. 18. At what other times is the Lord's Prayer used? A. In all the occasional services. When is it used with the Doxology? A. In the Thanksgiving after the Holy Communion; in the Thanksgiving after a Storm at Sea; in the Churching of Women.] 20. When should we use the Lord's Prayer ourselves? A. At our morning and evening prayers. 21. What do all other prayers express? A. Some part of this prayer. 22. Shall we not always find what we want to ask in some part of it? 23. Can we understand all it asks for? 24. Can we understand any of it? 25. What must we try to do? A. To pray with our hearts; that is, to wish for what it asks. 26. If we follow it in our hearts, what will God grant us? A. What is above our understanding, as well as what we can understand. 27. How is the Lord's Prayer divided? A. Into the address and the six petitions. 28. Which of these petitions relate to God? A. The three first. 29. Which relate to ourselves? A. The three last.

SECTION II,-THE ADDRESS. 1. To Whom is this prayer addressed? 2. What is the address? 3. Why do we call God Our Father? 4. When had we the right given us to call Him so? 5. What were you then made? 6. What does

our adoption enable us to call Him? 7. Why do we say "Our Father," not My Father? 4. Because we are praying for others as well as ourselves. 8. What are all Christians to each other? 9. What is the encouragement in calling Him our Father? A. That we may trust to Him for listening to us mercifully. 10. What does a father do for his children? A. Provides for them. 11. How did our Lord teach us to St. trust to God from this example? Matt. vii. 11. 12. How does the Psalm Psalm express His Fatherly mercy? ciii. 13. 13. Where is our great Father? 14. Where is He also? 15. How is this

expressed in the seventeenth chapter of the Acts? 16. How does Solomon speak of His Omnipresence? 2 Chron. vi. 18. 17. Though He is so high above all, what can He hear? A. Every prayer we make in our hearts. 18. If we remember that He is in Heaven, how shall we speak to Him? A. In fear and lowliness. 19. What

warning does Solomon give? Eccles. v.


20. If we remember that He is our

Father, how should we speak to Him? A. With love and trust. 21. What encouragement does calling Him Our Father give to repenting sinners? A. It is a pledge that He is ready to pardon. 22. How is this shown in the parable of the Prodigal Son? A. By the joy with which his father received him. 23. What comfort does calling God our Father give to us when we are in trouble? A. It shows that their affliction is sent them in love. 24. How should we bear this fatherly correction? Heb. xii. 5, 6. 25. What comfort does it give those in danger? A. It shows them that God will protect them. 26. How does the explanation of the Lord's Prayer explain the address? 4. "I desire my Lord God, our Heavenly Father, Who is the Giver of all goodness."


1. WHAT is the first petition? 2. What is hallowing? 3. What Commandment teaches us to hallow His Name? 4. How can we hallow His Name? A. By hallow

ing all on which He has set His Name.


5. How has he set His Name on us? We were baptized into His Name. 6. On what has He set His Name? A. On His ministers, on His churches. 7. How must we treat them? A. As holy unto the Lord. 8. How can we hallow His Name in ourselves? A. By living lives worthy of the Name of Christ. 9. Who can enable us to do this? A. The Holy Ghost. 10. What does Ho do for us? A. He sanctifies us. 11. What is this enabling us to do? A. To hallow God's Name. 12. How do the Angels hallow His Name? When they praise Him. 13. What do they sing? A. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of


Hosts. 14. How can we hallow it like them? A. By praising God. 15. How should we hallow it in our lives? A. By seeking God's glory in whatever we do. 16. When you say "Hallowed be Thy Name," do you mean that only you yourself should hallow it? 4. No; I mean that all should keep it holy. 17. What is the meaning of the petition? A. That God's great glory should spread more and more. 18. What does it entreat for those who do not know God? A. That they may learn to know and glorify His Name. 19. What does it entreat for those who do know Him? A. That they may always honour His Holy Name by their lips and in their lives. 20. What do you pray for yourself? A. That I may praise God aright, and never dishonour His Name. 21. What is the explanation of this petition? A. "That He will send His grace unto me and unto all people, that we may worship Him as we ought to do." 22. How is this prayer expressed in the Collect for the Second Sunday after Trinity? A. "Make us to have a perpetual fear and love of Thy Holy Name."


1. WHAT is the subject of the fourth division of the Catechism? 2. How does the teacher explain the need of prayer? 3. What was our promise about all these Commandments? 4. What was our proImise about the Creed? 5. When were these promises made? 6. What will happen if we do not keep these promises? 7. What does the teacher say the child should know? 8. What cannot we do? 9. What things cannot we do? 10. What do you mean by not doing them of ourselves? 11. Why cannot we keep them with our own strength? [12. What have we no power of ourselves to do? 13. What renders it impossible for us, unassisted, to do anything good? 14. What does St. Paul say of this? Romans, vii. 18. 15. Why is it hard to do right? A. Because our own will is against it. 16. What would happen if we were left to ourselves? 17. Has God given us any help? 18. What is this help to enable us to do? 19. What is the help that is to enable us to walk in His Commandments and serve Him? 20. What is His Grace? A. His free gift of the Holy Spirit, dwelling in our hearts to work with


21. What, then, is to be fulfilled in us? Romans, viii. 4.] 22. What does the Holy Spirit do for us? 23. What do you mean by special? A. For that very purpose. 24. For what especial purpose do we need His Grace? 25. How did we first obtain this Grace? 26. How shall we go on seeking it? 27. What is the meaning of diligent? What is Prayer?




29. Whom are we to ask? 30. How do we know that we may ask the Most High for what we need? 31. What is our Lord's promise to those that ask? How do we know that God hears our prayers? 33. How must we pray? 34. What must we try to do when we pray? A. To mind what we are saying. How are the Jews blamed for praying with their lips alone? St. Matt. xv. 8. 36. What should we think of when we pray? A. We should think how great and holy God is, and how good to let us speak to Him. 37. Why are we especially encouraged to speak to Him? A. Because He is our Father. 38. How does our Lord speak of this as an encouragement? St. Matt. vii. 11. 39. Why does God sometimes seem slow to grant our prayers? A. That our faith may be exercised in persevering. 40. By what parables did our Lord teach us to persevere in prayer? A. By the parables of the unjust judge, and the unkind neighbour. 41. What do both these parables teach? A. "That men ought always to pray and not to faint." 42. Is every prayer granted? A. Not always; for we may ask for what is not good for us. 43. Do we know what is good for us? A. Not in matters of this world. 44. Why are our requests sometimes denied us? A. Because they would do us harm. 45. How should we pray for all earthly things? A. Only as God sees fit to send them. What reason does St. James give for our prayers not being granted? James, iv. 3. 47. How must we ask? A. In faith. 48. What did our Lord say of asking in faith? St. Matt. xxi. 22. 49. What are we to believe? 4. That God can give us what we ask; and will give it through Jesus Christ, if it is for our good. 50. In Whose Name must we ask? A. In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 51. How did He teach us to ask in His Name? St. John, xiv. 14. 52. What do you mean by asking in His Name? A. Venturing to ask, because of what He has done for us. 53. What has He done for us? A. He has reconciled us with God. 54. How has He reconciled us with God? A. By taking away our sins, and giving us His Righteousness. 55. How do we end most of our prayers? A. By saying we ask through the merits and mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ. 56. What do we mean by saying through His merits? A. Because of what He deserved. 57. What do we mean by through His Mediation? A. Because He is between God and us. 58. Why does the Father listen to us? A. Because our Lord presents our prayers to Him. 59. What is He always doing? A. He ever liveth to make intercession for them. Hebrews, vii. 25. 60. What is He therefore called? A. Our Intercessor.


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