Зображення сторінки

WOOLF (LEONARD). Empire and Commerce in Africa. A Study in Economic Imperialism. London: Allen and Unwin. Pp. 374. [Written as a report for the Labour Research Department, 34 Eccleston Square, Westminster, where the book may be obtained. To be reviewed.]


BOGART (ERNEST L.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Preliminary Economic Studies of the War. Direct and Indirect Costs of the Great World War. New York: Oxford University Press. 1919. Pp. 338.

[The (gross) total direct cost incurred by the belligerents is estimated at over $208,000,000,000, from which is deducted, so as not to be counted twice, the advances made by several countries to their allies, some $22,000,000.]

BLOOMFIELD (M.). Management and Men. New York: Century Co. 1919. Pp. xv+591. $3.50.

[Labour conditions in Great Britain during the last years of the war and the first weeks of Armistice are discussed.]

BISSENDEN (PAUL F.). The I.W.W. A Study of American Syndicalism. New York: Longmans, Green and Co. 1919. Pp. 432. $4.

CALBERTSON (W. S.). Commercial Policy in War-time and After. A Study of the Application of Democratic Ideas to International Commercial Relations. With an Introduction by H. C. Emery. New York: Appleton. 1919. Pp. xxiv +479. $2.50.

["A certain amount of independence of action must be surrendered by individual nations." "The economic life of the world has burst the confines of the individual State." Nations should agree to prevent unfair practices by means of Commissions under the League of Nations, who would investigate and make public infringement of rules.]

DUBLIN (L. I.). Mortality Statistics of Assured Wage-earners and their Families. New York: Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.


Pp. viii+397. GOLDSTEIN (J. M.). Investment in Russia. 1919. Pp. 13.

America's Opportunities for Trade and
New York: Russian Information Bureau.

[Unless America and the Allies are alert, Germany will again dominate Russian commerce.]

HAMMOND (M. B.). British Labour Conditions and Legislation during the War. (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Preliminary Economic Studies of the War.) New York: Oxford University Press. 1919. Pp. 335.

HENDERSON (ROBERT) and SHEPPARD (H. N.). Graduation of Mortality and other Tables. (Actuarial Tables, No. 4.) New York: Actuarial Society of America. 1919. Pp. v +82.

[The fourth of a set which the Actuarial Society is publishing to meet the requirements both of students and trained actuaries.]

HUTCHINSON (E. J.). Women's Wages. A Study of Industrial Women and Measures suggested to increase them. (Columbia University Studies, Vol. lxxxix.) New York: Longmans. 1919. 1919. Pp.

179. $1.50.

HOLLANDER (JACOB H.): American Citizenship and Economic Welfare. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. Pp. 132. $1.25.

[Three lectures delivered at the University of North Carolina in the spring of 1919, on the Weil Foundation.]

JOHNSON (E. R.). Ocean Rates and Terminal Charges. Washington: U.S. Shipping Board. 1919. Pp. 84.

[The authority of an expert attaches to Prof. Johnson's recommendation that the control of rates should be continued until the shortage of shipping tonnage has been surmounted.]

LEVINE (LOUIS, Ph.D.). The Taxation of Mines in Montana. New York: Huebsch. 1919. Pp. 141.

[To be reviewed.]

RAWLLEY (RATAN C.). Economics of the Silk Industry. A Study in Industrial Organisation. London: King. 1919. Pp. 343.

LLOYD (J. W., Ph.D.). Co-operative and other Organised Methods of Marketing Californian Horticultural Products. (University of Illinois Studies.) Urbana: University of Illinois. 1919. Pp. 142. $1.25.

[The author is professor of "Olericulture" at the University of Illinois.] NEILSON (F.). The Old Freedom. New York: Huebsch. 1919. Pp. 176. $1.

[The doctrines of G. Sorel, Karl Marx, and certain Fabians are criticised.] NORTHCOTT (CLARENCE H.). Australian Social Development. (Columbia University Studies.) New York: Longmans, Green and Co. 1918. Pp. 302. $2.50.

VEBLEN (T.). The Vested Interest and the State of the Industrial Arts. New York: Huebsch. 1919. Pp. 183.

WANG (C. C.). Legislative Regulation of Railway Finance in England. (University of Illinois Studies.) Vol. VII. Urbana: University of Illinois. 1918. Pp. 196. Pp. 196. $1.50.

[The author has been an honorary fellow of Illinois University, and is now Director of a Chinese railway.]

War-time Changes in the Cost of Living. (Research Report No. 17.) Boston: National Industrial Conference Board 1919. Pp. 31.


DUVAL (H.). Graphiques comparés des rentes francaises de 1798 à 1918. Paris: Alcan. 1919. 2.50 francs.

MERIGNAC (A.). La guerre économique allemande. Paris: Sirey. 1919. Pp. 92.

[This is a publication of the "Comité pour la défense du droit international," which has already issued several brochures, one of them dealing with the deportations from the North of France. The pillage committed by the Germans, their destruction of manufactures, robbery of the machinery, imposition of forced labour, are attested with the aid of official documents left by the Germans in Belgium.]

Bordeaux :

MOUNIER, A. Les faits et la doctrine économique en Espagne sous Philippe V., Gerónimo de Uztariz, 1670-1732. Cadoret. 1919. Pp. 302.

PROBUS. La constitution sociale de la France. Paris Granet. 1919. 1 franc.

TSONDEROS (E. J.). Le relèvement économique de la Grèce. Préface de M. Charles Gide. Paris: Berger-Levrault. 1919. Pp. 254.


BÖHM-BAWERK (EUGEN VON). Kapital und Kapitalzins. Erste Abtheilung. Geschichte und Kritik des Kapitalzinstheorien. Dritte Auflage. Innsbruck: Wagner. 1914. Pp. 747.

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[This third edition of the first division-the historical and critical part of the Austrian leader's masterpiece is described as "revised and enlarged.' The additions are not so considerable as those made to the second edition (reviewed in THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 1901). The historian contents himself with brief references to the most recent literature.]

LINDAHL (ERIK). Die Gerechtigkeit der Besteuerung. Lund: Gleerupska. 1919. Pp. 224.

[To be reviewed.]

Denkschrift über den Grosschiffahrtsweg Rhein-Main-Donau. Veröffentlicht vom Main-Donau Stromverband. Munich Karl Gerber. 1920.

HARTMANN (GUSTAV). Die Stellung der Arbeiterschaft im neuen Deutschland. Munich: B. Hiller. 1919.

HEYN (DR. OTTO). Zur Valutafrage. Pp. 70. Munich and Leipzig: Dunckler und Humblot. 1920. 2.80 marks.

MUCKLE (FRIEDRICH). Das Kulturideal des Sozialismus. Pp. 289. Munich and Leipzig: Dunckler und Humblot. 1919. 15 marks. ONCKEN (HERMANN). Lassalle. Eine politische Biographie. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt.

POTTHOF (HEINZ). Rätesystem und Berufsparlament. Munich: B. Hiller. 1919.

SCHMIDT (Prof. Dr. M.). Der Zahlungsverkehr. Vol. II. Internationaler Zahlungsverkehr und Wechselkurse. Leipzig: G. A.

[blocks in formation]

SCHULZE-GAEVERNITZ (Professor VON). Der Frieden und die Zukunft der Weltwirtschaft. Offener Brief an die gerecht denkender Minderheiten in den allierten und neutralen Länder. Zurich: Orell Füssli. 1919. Pp. 32.

[Having secured the attention of the "right minded" by admitting some of the wrongs perpetrated by his countrymen in Belgium and in France, and by proving his own innocence, the able writer dwells on the blockade, which has cost Germany many hundred thousand young lives, and protests against the conditions, both economic and political, of the Treaty. The peace which senile (überlebtes) capitalism and imperialism forced on the young German Socialist State (Sozialstaate) by the whip of hunger cannot last."]


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BACHI (RICCARDO). L'Italia economica nel 1918. Città di Castello: Lapi. 1919. Pp. 352. The tenth annual.

CARLI (F.). L'equilibrio delle nazioni secondo la demografia applicata. Bologna: Zanichelli. 1919.

No. 117.-VOL. XXX.


CHIMIENTO (F.). L'attribuzione del prodotto industriale ai suoi fattori. Torino: Bocca. 1920.

CHESSA (F.). Costo economico e costo finanziario della guerra.

Rome: Atheneum. 1920.

EINAUDI (L.). Osseviazioni critiche intorno alla teoria dell' ammortamento dell' imposta e teorie delle variazioni nei redditi e nei valori, capitale susseguente all' imposta. (Reale Academia delle Scienze di Torino.) Turin: Bocca. 1919. Pp. 83.

(L.). II problema della finanza post-bellica. (Biblioteca di Scienze Economiche). Milan: Fratelli Treves. 1919. PRATO (G.). Riflessi Storici della economia di guerra. Bari: Laterza. 1919. Pp. 226.


Problemi del lavoro nell' ora presente. Milan. 1920.



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