Зображення сторінки

tages of Gibbon over Hume and Ro-
bertson, 8; his ardour and perseve-
rance, ib.; extract, ib.; difficulty of
the historian to arrive at truth, 10;
two leading features of his history
stated, 12; inferior to Hume and
Robertson in historical painting,
ib.; its causes endeavoured to be
accounted for, 13; some remarks
on Gibbon's manner in regard to
notes, ib.; notes unknown to the an-
cients, ib.; sanctioned by our three
great historians, 14; character of
Mr. G.'s notes, ib.; objections to them,
ib; Mr. G.'s style considered, ib.;
character of Hume's style, 15; Ro-
bertson's, ib.; art a prevalent feature
in Gibbon's style, ib.; deficient in con-
cealing it, ib.; followed Tacitus as his
model, ib.; his style to be justly ap
preciated must be studied, ib.; many
objectionable peculiarities of his style
adduced, 16; extract, illustrative, ib.;
peculiar construction of Gibbon's pe-
riods, 17; instances, ib.; his gallicisms
comparatively few, 18; two particu-
lars in which these three historians
remarkably agree, ib. et seq.; their
excellence as historians dependent
probably upon an admixture of the
French and English character, 19;
neither historian ever wrote poetry,
b.; poetry incompatible with the
eloquence essential to historical com-
position, ib.; Gibbon's style approxi-
mates too closely to poetry, and that
of the worst kind, 20; two exception-
able features of Gibbon's history,
180; reviewer's confession of his former
infidelity, ib.; Gibbon's scepticism
pervades his work on the Decline and
Fall, 181; instances from the present
work, ib.; inquiry into the nature of
religious doubting, 182; man, praise
or blame-worthy in proportion as his
conduct proceeds from the heart, ib.;
fact always the objects of faith,

man required to believe not
to comprehend, for his salvation,
ib.; inquiry how this faith becomes
praiseworthy, and the contrary, ib.;
nature of faith, ib.; on the unbelief
of the disciples in regard to the resur
rection of Jesus Christ, ib.; evidence
considered as being either defective,
sufficient, or compelling, ib.; in-
quiry into what constitutes sufficient
evidence, 186; self-love the great ob-
stacle to the reception of just evi-
dence, ib.; absolute indifference not
the proper state for the accurate dis-
crimination of truth, ib.; hardness of

heart the true source of the unbelief
of the disciples, 187; import of the
term, hardness of heart, ib.; its scrip-
tural import different from the gene-
rally received meaning, 188; the
scepticism of Hume and Gibbon, ori-
ginated in hardness of heart, in the
scriptural sense, ib.; Hume and Gib-
bon passed through life comparatively
free from trouble, 190; the stimulus of
hope necessary to excite man to con-
stant exertion, ib.; men in elevated
life, not feeling the want of religion,
inquire not into its evidences, 191;
inquiry into the origin and into the
nature of the faith of the general body
of the clergy, 192, et seq.; inefficacy
of mere clerical faith, 193; unbelief
the prevailing disease of human na-
ture, 194; investigation into the
causes of the exemplary lives of our
most noted infidels, and of Gibbon,
195; some other circumstances tend<
ing to strengthen unbelief, &c. 196;
causes of the luminous views of reli.
gious truth, as exhibited in the writ
ings of bishop Horsley, and other
such writings, 197; Dr. Robertson
possessed at least clerical faith, ib.;
Mr. Gibbon's propensity to indelicacy
in his quotations, its causes investi-
gated, 197, et seq.; Gibbon more inge-
nuous than Hume who was less inde-
licate, 198; his character artless, ib.:
scorned to conceal the real propen-
sities of his heart, ib.; Dr. Robertson's
writings perfectly free from indelicate
allusions, 199; some objections
against destroying any of the writings
of Mr. Gibbon, 199, et seq.; advan-
tages that may be expected from
studying the springs and motives of
so extraordinary a mind as Mr. Gib-
bon's, 200

Gisborne's letters to the bishop of Glou-
cester, on the subject of the British
and Foreign Bible Society, 53, et seq.;
see Bible Society.

Glover's thoughts on the character and
tendency of the property tax, &c.
417, et seq.

Good's translation of the book of Job,
132, et seq.; Mr. G.'s eulogy on the
book, 133; states it to be a regular
epic poem, 134; its supposed scene,
ib.; its divisions, ib.; the subject, ib.;
according to Mr. G. ib.; and Mr.
Scott, ib.; on the author and era of the
poem, ib. et seq.; objections, ib, et
seq.; doctrines of the book of Job,
136, et seq.: remarks on the doctrine
of angels, 137; on the resurrection,

.138; commencement of the poem,
139; extracts from Mr. G.'s translation
and critical remarks on them, 139, et seq.;
extracts from the notes, 148, et seq.;
errors of the press, &c. noticed, 150;
see correspondence.
Government, true nature and extent of
its interference in 'regard to religion,
&c. 218; remarks on its late enor-
mous expenditure, 427, et seq.
Greeks, tradition of a country inhabited

by the descendants of those settled in
the east, in the time of Alexander,
Greenlanders, account of the first fruits of
the Moravian missions among them,
224, 5; the Christian Greenlanders in
1750, 232

Griffin's memoirs of Captain James
Wilson, 275, et seq.; chief subjects of
the narrative, 276, et seq.; account of
his conversion, ib, et seq.
Gunpowder, a solitary discovery, its
cause according to lord Bacon, 256
Gurney's serious address to the clergy,

84, et seq.; reflections on the taking of
the priestly office, 85; striking instance
of ignorance in a Christian reviewer,

Hall, Robert, his expression of his great
veneration, for the late Rev. Andrew
Fuller, 489

Hamilton, Lady, memoirs of, 284;
her personal qualities, 285; her infe-
rior origin, 286; her residence with
Mr. Greville, 287; marries Sir
William Hamilton, ib.; her influence
over lord Nelson, ib.; becomes a vo-
luntary spectator of the execution of
the unhappy Carraccioli, 288; her anx-
iely on account of her daughter, 288,9;
lady H. not concerned in the publica-
tion of lord Nelson's letters, ib.
Hardness of heart, inquiry into its scrip-

tural meaning, 187, et seq.; Dr. Ro-
bertson's misapplication of the term,

Hartgill, Mr. and his son murdered by

lord Stourton and his four sons, 457
Headlong Hall, 372, et seq.; a humour-
ous piece, ib.; description of the cha-
racters, ib. et seq.; extracts, conversa-
tion on modern picturesque gardening,
314; between a deteriorationist and a
perfectibilian, 375; on the nature of
disinterestedness, 376, et seq.; Cranium's
lecture on skulls, 378; his practical in-
ferences, 379; love and opportunity, a
song, 380

Heathen, propagation of Christianity

among them since the Reformation,
223; see Brown.
Hebrew scriptures, difficulty in regard
to interpreting them, 22; new me-
thod of interpretation, ib.; third me-
thod followed and perfected by Schul-
tens, ib.

Hessian Fly, alarm occasioned by the
fear of its being brought into the king-
dom, 573, (note)

Hewling, B. and W. grandsons of Mr.
Kiffin, their execution, 407

Hill's, the Rev. Rowland, religious free-
dom in danger, 493, et seq.; era of
the enactment of the poors' rates, ib.;
evils that may be expected from tax-
ing places of worship, 494; import-
ance of the question, 495; Mr. Van-
sittart's bill of last sessions misunder-
stood, ib.; distressing case of a con-
gregation at Worcester, 496; libera-
lity of the congregation at Surrey
chapel, ib.; attempt to tax Surrey
chapel adverse to the great majority
of the inhabitants, and to the parish
officers, 496, (note.)

Highlands, letters from, 236, et seq.; in-
terest excited by the Highland cha-
racter, 237; military reverses of the
Highlanders during the early part of
the last century attended with the
decay of their peculiar customs, &c.
ib.; testimony of Dr. Johnson, 238;
remote date of their letters, ib.; their
information unsatisfactory, 239; the
author's qualifications examined, ib.;
style of the work objectionable,
description of the Highlanders, 241,
et seq.; intellectual superiority of
the Highland mountaineers over the
English peasants, 245; Scotch cookery,
246; the author's offensive description
of Highland scenery, 248; similarities
and variations in Alpine scenery,
ib.; Ben Nevis, the highest point
of the Highlands, ib.; character of
the Alpine scenery of Scotland, 250;
effects of grand scenery on the hu-
man mind and feelings, ib. et seq.;
on the Highlander in particular, 251,
et seq.; the author impeaches the hos-
pitality of the Highlanders, 252, 3;
change in the Highland character of
a highly beneficial tendency, 254
Hindoo Coosh, highest elevation of this
range of mountains, 557

History, importance and advantages of stu-
dying it, 595

Home on the influence of the nerves

upon the action of the arteries, 515
Home's account of the fossil remains of

an animal more nearly allied to fishes
than any other classes of animals,

Home's observations on the functions of
the brain, 506

Hooker on the nature of sacraments,

439, et seq.; on the necessity of bap-
tism, 442
Hooper's advantages of early piety,
590, 1

Horsley's, bishop, book of psalms, 20,
et seq.; his diversified qualifications,
ib.; considered as a theologian 21;
announcement of his posthumous
papers, ib.; difficulties in regard to
interpreting the Hebrew scriptures,
22; new method of interpretation,
ib.; a third method adopted by Schul-
tens, ib.; the psalms are applied chief-
ly to the Messiah by bishop H. 23;
principle of his application stated, ib.
et seq.; his arguments, 25; general re-
marks on the subjects of the psalms, 26;
objections to the bishop's hypothesis,
ib. et seq.; bases which may justify
the application of certain passages of
the old testament to the Messiah, 27;
versions of certain psalms by Dr.
Horsley and by the Reviewer, 28, el

Horsley's, bishop, nine sermons, 151, et
seq.; prophecies among the heathens
concerning the Messiah, their origin
according to bishop Horsley, 152, 3;
objections, ib.; means by which those
prophecies were preserved among
them, 154; the evidence of the fact of
our Lord's resurrection, 155; applica-
tion of the expression some doubted, ib.
et seq.; extract in answer to unbelievers
in the resurrection of Christ, 157, 8;
Christ had no residence on the earth
after the resurrection, ib.; his subse-
quent appearance said to have been
miraculous, b.; on the sufficiency of
scripture, 158

Hume, his irreligion far exceeded Gib-
bon's, 4; his history indebted for its
chief interest to its being national, 5;
Gibbon and Hume not endowed with
the talent of rapid elocution, 6; cha-
racter of Hume's style, 15, 17; never
indulged in any poetical attempt, 19;
less indelicate in his writings than
Gibbon, 198

Hunt's story of Rimini, a poem, 380;
et seq.; character of the poem, narra-
tive, ib.; tale objectionable, 381;
a spring morning, ib.; various extracts,
ib. et seq.

Indelicacy, Mr. Gibbon's propensity for
it in his quotations and allusions con-
sidered, 197; Hume less indelicate
than Gibbon, 198; Dr. Robertson's.
writings perfectly free from this
charge, 199

Independents, first church of, in Eng-
land, 402

Infallibility, Romish, considered, col
lective infallibility, 323

Influence of vast and antecedently un
explored regions on a philosophic and
imaginative spirit, 107

Inquiry into the causes of the exem-
plary lives of some of our most noted
infidels, 195, et seq.


Insanity, remarkable instance of its alter
naling with bodily disease, 296; its fre-
quent cessation previous to the ap
proach of death, 296

Insects, transformations of, 577; their
surprising fecundity, ib.; destructive
nature of some species, 578, 9; flight of
locusts, ib.; benefits derived from in
sects, 580; extract, 581, 2; considered
as articles of food, 581, et seq.

Jacob, Joseph, short sketch of his life,

586; strict laws adopted in his church,
586, 7; extracts from two remarkable
sermons of his, 587, el seq.
Jacobins, their state under Bonaparte, 69
James I. begs the loan of a pair of silk
stockings, 583

Jefferson, Madison, Gallatin rivers,
what and where, 128
Jewel, bishop, his character, 455
Jews, after the captivity, supposed to
have settled in Afghaunistan, 560, et

Jews, miserable state and cruel usage of
at Morocco, 527

Job, J. M. Good's translation of the
book of, 132, et seq.; see Good.
Johnson, Dr. his remarks on alpine sce-
nery, 248, 9

Jonah, a poem, by J. W. Bellamy, 289,
et seq.; extract, 290

by E. Smedley, 291, et

seq.; extract, ib.
Journal of Llewellyn Penrose, a seaman,
395, el seq.

Kaaba (El), or the House of God, at
Mecca, description of, 535; the black or
heavenly stone, ib; ceremony of wash-
ing its floor, 536-

Kaid, his powers and mode of adminis
tering justice at Fez, 525

Kidd's observations respecting the natu

ral production of salt petre on the
walls of subterraneous and other
buildings, 511

Kidd's Sermons for the use of villages
and families, 369, et seq.; author's
style considered, 370; reflections on
the prety of Abijah, ib.; on the prayer of
Jesus on the Cross, ib.

Kiffin, Mr. W. biographical sketch of
his life, 403, et seq.; see Wilson's his-
tory of dissenting churches.
Kirby's entomology, see Entomology.
Klaproth's travels in the Caucasus, and

Georgia, 328, et seq.; formidable ex-
tent and power of the Russian em-
pire, ib.; origin of the expedition,
329; nature of the author's arduous
duties, 330; general character and
estimate of the work, ib. et seq.; reli
gion, &c. of the Calinucks, &c. 332;
description of the Kürdä or praying mill,
ib. et seq.; other superstitious ceremo-
nies, 334; Grandshuhr or master-book
of the whole world, ib.; great preva-
lence of priestcraft among them, ib.;
doubtful nature of the author's reli-
gious principles, 335; his statement of
their morality, ib, et seq.; their mode of
ordination for priests' orders, 336; ab-
surd nature of their petitions, 337;
superstitious observances among the Mon-
gols, ib.; practise a kind of baptism,
358; mode of preparing for death, ib. ;
general habits, &c. of the Tscherkes-
sians, ib.; remains of Madshar, 339;
great elevation of the Elbrus and
Mqinwari mountains, ib.; supersti-
tious opinion of the natives concern-
ing them, ib. et seq.

Knowledge, Williams's moral tenden-
cies of, 594,5

Konig on a fossil human skeleton from
Guadaloupe, 505; not a fossil re-
main, but merely an incrustation, 506
Kubla Khan, a poem, by S. T. Cole-
ridge, 571

Kürdä, or praying mill, 332

Lalande fond of eating spiders, 582
Leaves, 399, et seq.; character of the
poems, ib.; the child of love and genius,

Lecture on Skulls, see Headlong Hall.
Letters from a gentleman in the north

of Scotland, see Highlands.
Letter to Mr. Gisborne by one of the
clergy, see Bible Society, 52
Lewis and Clarke's travels to the source
of the Missouri river, 105, et seq.; see

Lincoln, letter to the bishop of, on ac,

count of his attack on the British and

Foreign Bible Society, in his late
charge to his clergy, see Bible Society.
Little Davy's new hat, Bloomfield's his-
tory of, 76, 7; extract, 77

Liturgy, Mr. Bugg's opinion of the re-
strictive nature of its language, 436
Love and opportunity, a song, 380
Locusts, a flight of, described, 579.
London Missionary Society, Dr. Brown's
account of, 234; causes of their first
misfortunes, ib.; instrumental in ex-
ciling new energy into the other mission-
ary societies, ib.

Low Countries, good policy of uniting
them with the States of Holland, 352
Lunatic asylums, pauper, Tuke's prac-
tical hints on the construction and
economy of, 293, 301, et ssq.

Mc Lean, Mr. Archibald, his contro-
versy with Mr. Andrew Fuller on
faith, 485, et seq.
Madhouses, reports, &c. respecting
them, 293, et seq.; awful interest of
the subject, ib.; inquiry if madness be
curable by medicine, 294; opinion of
practitioners on the subject, various,
ib.: probable causes of this difference,
295; remarkable instance of alterna-
tion in mental and bodily disease, 296;
mental sanity frequently precedes the
death of insane persons, ib.; inquiries
in regard to a conciliatory mode of
treatment, 297; extract from the Hon.
H. Grey Bennett's evidence before the
House, ib. et seq.; cases of Mrs. Stone
and of Norris, ib.; statement of some
particulars that have been beneficial
in lunatic asylums, 300; inquiry in
regard to exercise, ib. et seq.; defects in
lunatic asylums, 301; Mr. Tuke's pro-
posed classification of patients, 302;
Mr. Bakewell's plan, ib.; an interest-
ing case of apparently religious insa-
nity, 303; the subject, in fact, a
bold profligate, ib.; Mr. Bakewell's
opinion in regard to supposed religi-
ous maniacs, ib.; great credit due to
him for his firm intrepidity in expo-
sing the false assertions that religion
is the frequent occasion of madness,
304; dependence on medicine in cases
of insanity very small, 305; great
necessity of county establishments,
306; probability of beneficial effects
from the investigation, ib.

Majolo, the, a tale, 77, et seq.; reflec-
tions on acquired knowledge, &c. 78;
character of the Majolo, 79; the
Majoli, who they are, ib.; appearance
of the Majolo, ib.; character of the indi-
genous music of mountainous countries,

80; character seldom understood by an
estimate of the qualities of the mind, 81;
illustrated in the (imagined) character of
Don Lopez, ib.; Majolo's reasons for
thinking the life of a merchant the most
preferable, 82; his first efforts to obtain
literary eminence detailed, 82, 3; con-
cluding remarks on the character of
the work, 84

Mandan Indians, 117; their tradition of

their remote history, 117

Mant's, Dr. two tracts, on regeneration

and conversion according to the sense
of holy scripture, and the church of
England, 429, et seq.

Medicine of the Mandans, an American
tribe, its singular meaning, 118;
medicine stone, 119

Meeting-houses, evils likely to result
from their being made subject to pa-
rochial assessments, 494, 5

Memoirs of lady Hamilton, 284, et seq.;
see Hamilton.

Mirage, account of one in Caubul, 466
Messiah, bishop Horsley's opinion of
the origin of the prophecies among
the heathen concerning him, 152, 3
Messiah, the only safe basis on which
passages from the old testament can
be applied to him, 27

Methodist (Wesleyan) missions in the

West Indies, 234; in the island of
Ceylon, ib.: conversion of a Budha
priest, ib.

Middle class of society, its rise and great
national importance, 213; not known
in France, 214, 217

Military influence, its danger, as illustrated
in the conduct of the French soldiery, 68
Milbank Penitentiary, its probable evil
tendency, 613

Ministers of the church, Wilks's essay

on the conversion and unconversion
of, 538, et seq.; see Wilks.

Missionary exertions, encouragements
for prosecuting them, 225
Missions, Brown's history of, 223; el seq.
See Brown.

Missouri river. Lewis and Clarke's travels
to the source of, 105, et seq.;, impor-
tance of the expedition, ib.; reflections
on the influence of vastand antecedent-
ly unexplored regions on a philosophi-
cal and imaginative spirit, 107; descrip-
tion of the parly, 109; nature of the
anticipated difficulties, ib. et seq.; ob-
stacles from the extreme rapidity of the
current and treachery of the bank, 110-1;
description of the Osages, ib.; their
own account of their descent from a
snail, ib.; general appearance of the
country, 112; extensive ancient

burying grounds of the Indians,
ib.; ravages of the small pox
among the Mahas, effects of their de-
spair, ib.; death of Sergeant Floyd,
ib.; remarkable bends in the river,
113; Ottoes and Missouri Indians,
ib.; effects of a hurricane, ib.; Staitan
or Kite Indians, ib.; notice of some
natural curiosities, ib.; remarkable re-
gular mound, ib.; water of the rivers
rendered deleterious by the great
quantity of copperas, &c. in its bank,
ib.; Sioux, a numerous and powerful
tribe, ib.; determined conduct of some
associated young and brave men in this
tribe, 115; description of some an-
cient fortifications 116; the Ricka-
ras, ib.; reject the use of spirituous
liquors, ib.; Mandans and other tribes,
117; Mandans, tradition of their origin,
117, 118; remarkable circumstance
in their religion, 118, 119; barbarous
revenge of a Minnetaree chief, 119; in-
tense cold of the winter, 120; vol-
canic appearances, 121; sharp and
dangerous encounter with a bear, 122;
singular mode of procuring buffaloes,
123; perilous situation of the Capt. L.
and one of his men, ib.; discover the
summits of the rock mountains, ib.;
Capt. L. arrives at the first cataract,ib.
extent, &c. of the various falls, 125;
cataracts described, ib.; danger of Capt.
C. and others from the effects of a heavy
rain, 126; destruction of the buffa-
lues at the falls, ib.; their immense
breeds, ib.; remarkable mountain ex-
plosions, ib.; Capt. L. surprized by a
bear, 127; the party pass the gates
of the rocky mountains, ib.; arrive
at the three forks,' 128; Shoshonee
Indians, their actions, &c. 128, 129;
cross the mountainous track, ib.; ar-
rive at the Columbia river, 130; dis-
cover the Pacific ocean, 131; customs,
&c. of the Indians on Colombia, a
river, ib.; return of the party, 132
Mongols, religion, &c. of, 336, et seq.
Monitor, weekly, 174

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Moorish school at Fex, 529

Morell's studies in history, vol. 2. His-
tory of Rome, 170, et seq.; best mode
of making history the vehicle of moral
and religious instruction, 171; con-
version of Constantine, 172; reflections
on it, 173

Morris's memoirs of the life and wri-
tings of the Rev. Andrew Fuller, 478,
See Fuller

et seq.
Moultan, 466

Mound of the little devils, 113; Indian
tradition concerning them, 114

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