Зображення сторінки

for a tax commission to investigate and report. Nothing came of all this; and yet it is clear that sooner or later and probably sooner rather than later-noteworthy changes will be made in Michigan. In Massachusetts the movement for a general succession tax is gaining strength. A bill for a graduated tax ranging from 1 per cent. on estates under $50,000 to 8 per cent. on estates over $5,000,000 was passed by the Massachusetts House; and, when this was rejected by the Senate, another bill for a level tax of 5 per cent. was passed by the House, but also failed in the Senate by a narrow vote. Here, too, it is only a question of time when this addition to the tax system of Massachusetts will come; while it must remain a question whether the change will be accompanied by other needed readjustments in the tax system.

IN the Jahrbücher für National-ekonomie (No. 5 of the current volume) Professor J. Conrad brings down to the present time the index numbers for prices in Hamburg which have been published from time to time in that journal; and in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society for March Mr. A. Sauerbeck brings to date his much-used index numbers for English prices. Some of the salient results of these inquiries are here noted for convenience of reference and comparison.

The simplest and most easily comparable figures are the general index numbers showing the arithmetical means of the prices of the several years. Mr. Sauerbeck's figures represent an average for 45 commodities in London; Professor Conrad's, for 163 commodities in Hamburg. For the former the average for the decade 1867-77 is taken as the base (= 100): for the latter the average for 1871-80 is taken as the base (= 100). Professor Conrad's figures are given year by year only for the most recent period. These divergences in the basis and method of presentation of the results need to be borne in mind. The figures are: —

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The trend of the figures is the same in both cases; and for recent years they indicate that, while a slight rise of prices. took place in 1897 and 1898, the range is still below that for 1893. Substantially the same results are derived from the price quotations collected in Germany by the Imperial Bureau of Statistics, which, like Mr. Sauerbeck's, are continued to the year 1898. In these, with the whole period 1879-98 as a basis (= 100), the index numbers are:

[blocks in formation]

Professor Conrad gives still a different set of figures, representing the weighted mean for 22 articles, the articles being

weighted according to the quantities consumed in Germany. The index numbers so obtained are:

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

This weighted mean would indicate a fall in prices far greater than that deduced from the simple average of the 143 Hamburg commodities. But as only 22 articles were used in making up the weighted average, the discrepancy is not necessarily significant of a divergence in the outcome of the two methods; and the much larger number of commodities used for the simple mean makes the figure so obtained the safer one. For 47 Hamburg articles prices are on record for the period 1840-1897 which are strictly comparable; that is, of commodities whose quality has remained the same. Virtually, all of these show in 1897 prices lower than their average for the earlier half of the period; i.e., for the years 1847-70. Only four show higher prices; namely, coffee, cocoa, herrings, and linen yarn. As compared with the years immediately preceding, the year 1897 shows no changes of much significance.


[Chiefly published or announced since April, 1899.]


COOLEY (Charles H.). Personal Competition: Its Place in the Social Order and Effect upon Individuals; with Some Considerations on Success. [In Economic Studies, publ. for Amer. Econ. Assoc.] New York: Macmillan Co. 12mo. pp. 95. 50 cts.

COSTE (Ad.). Les Principes d'une Sociologie Objective. [În Bibliothèque de Philosophie Contemporaine. Paris: F. Alcan. 8vo. pp. 244. 3.75 fr. FERRIS (J.). Pauperizing the Rich:

An Inquiry into the Value and Significance of Unearned Wealth. [Plan for a redistribution of national income.] Philadelphia: T. S. Leach & Co. 8vo. pp. 432. FOURNIÈRE (E.). L'Idéalisme So

cial. [In Bibliothèque des Sciences Sociales.] Paris: F. Alcan. Svo.

GROPPALI (A.). Saggi di Socio

logia. [Pref. by A. Asturaro.] Milan: Battiselli. 8vo. pp. 195. 4 fr. KISTIAKOWSKI (Th.). Gesellschaft und Einzelwesen. Eine methodologische Studie. Berlin: O. Liebmann. 8vo. 4 m.

LIESSE (A.). Le Travail aux Points de Vue Scientifique, Industriel, et Social. Paris: Guillaumin. 8vo. 7.50 fr.

MACKINTOSH (Robert). From Comte to Benjamin Kidd: The Appeal to Biology or Evolution for Human Guidance. London and New York: Macmillan Co. 8vo. pp. 310. $3.

MARCORA (A.). Le Basi della Te

oria del Valore in Economia Pura. Milan: Tip. Civelli. 4to. pp. 46. MOLINARI (G. de). Esquisse de

l'Organisation Politique et Économique de la Société Future. Paris: Guillaumin. 18mo. 3.50 fr. PAYSON (E. P.). Suggestions toward an Applied Science of Sociology [with regard to criminal law, education, charities . . .]. New York: Putnam's. 12mo. pp. 246. $1.25. PHILIPPOVICH (E. von, Professor). Volkswirthschaftspolitik. I. Theil. Freiburg: J. C. B. Mohr. 8vo. 7.40 m. [Announced.] VILLEY (Edm.). L'Euvre Economique de Charles Dunoyer. Paris: Larose. Svo. pp. 338. 7.50 fr.

In Periodicals.


BÖHM-BAWERK (E.). Einige strittige Fragen der Capitalstheorie. [Reply to various critics.] Zeitschr. Volksw., Soc.-Pol., und Verw., 8, Heft 2. DESCHESNE (L.). La Productivité

du Travail et les Salaires [first article]. Rev. d'Econ. Pol., April. FLUX (A. W.) and HOBSON (J. A.). Saving and Spending. [A criticism and a reply.] Econ. Rev., April.

GRABSKI (S.). Zur Erkenntnisslehre der volkswirthschaftlichen Phänomene. Jahrb. Nat. Oek., 17, Heft 4. GRAZIADEI (A.). e la Macchina. April. HENRY-LÉON. Quelle est la Véritable Définition de l'Individualisme? Journ. des Écon., April. PARETO (V.). I Problemi della Sociologia. Riv. Ital. di Sociol., March.

Il Lavoro umano Giorn. degli Econ.,



CALWER (R.). Arbeitsmarkt und Arbeitsnachweis in ihrer Bedeutung für die Arbeiterklasse. Stuttgart: J. H. W. Dietz. 8vo. pp. 68. .30 m.

CLARKE (Allen). Effects of the Factory System. London: Richards; New York: Scribners. 12mo. pp. 178. $1. COSTIER (P.). Les Retraites Ouvrières. Etat Actuel de la Question en France et à l'Étranger. Paris: Larose. 8vo. pp. 360. DÉSVEAUX (L.). Les Grèves de Chemin de Fer en France et à l'Étranger. Paris: Marchal & Billard. 8vo. pp. 222. 6 fr. ECKERT (H.). Ueber die beste Organisation des Arbeitsnachweises.

Gekrönte Preisschrift. Freiburg: Lorentz & Waetzel. 8vo. pp. 56. 1.20 m. EVERT (Georg, Reg. Rath).


Arbeiterschutz und seine Entwickelung im 19 Jahrhundert. Kurze Darstellung, nebst synopt. Uebersicht. Berlin: C. Heymann. 8vo. pp. 47. 1 m.

FREUND (R.). Der Arbeitsnach

weis. Eine sozialpolitische Studie. [Reprinted articles.] Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. 8vo. pp. 23. .40 m.

GILMAN (N. P.). A Dividend to Labor [employers' institutions for the benefit of workingmen]. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. [Announced for the autumn.] HITZE (F.). Die Arbeiterfrage und die Bestrebungen zu ihrer Lösung. Berlin: "Germania." Svo. pp. 191. 2 m.

HUBERT-VALLEROUX (P.). Les Associations Ouvrières et les Associations Patronales. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. 8vo. 10 fr. JOURDAIN (V.). La Législation Française sur les Coalitions Ouvrières. Son Évolution au XIXe Siècle. Lille: Le Bigot Frères. 8vo. pp. 178. MAROT (Helen). A Handbook of Labor Literature [classified and annotated list of books in English]. Philadelphia: Free Library of Economics. 12mo. pp. 96. $1.

MONTHEUIL (A.). L'Assistance Publique à l'Étranger [Allemagne, Angleterre, Belgique, Pays-Bas ...). Paris: Revue Municipale. 12mo. pp. 321. 6 fr. POINSARD (L.). La Guerre de Classes peut-elle être évitée et par quels Moyens pratiques? Paris: Le Soudier. 16mo. REICHESBERG (Prof. R.). Der Kampf gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit in der Schweiz. Bern: Steiger & Co. 8vo. pp. 80. 1.50 m. SACHET (A., Président du Tribunal

Civil de Vienne). Traité Théorique et Pratique de la Législation sur les Accidents du Travail [législation, questions juridiques, économiques, financières. . .]. Paris: L. Larose. 8vo. pp. 900. 12 fr. SEILHAC (L. de). Les Congrès Ouvrièrs en France, 1876-97. [In Bibliothèque du Musée Social.] Paris: Colin. Svo. pp. 377. 4 fr. STEPHENS (W. W.). Higher Life for Working People: Its Hindrances discussed. An Attempt to solve Some Social Questions without Injustice to Capital or Labor. London: Longmans. Svo. pp. 140. 3s. 6d. VIGOUROUX (L.). La Concentration des Forces ouvrières dans l'Amérique du Nord. Préface de P. de Roussiers. [In Bibliothèque du Musée Social.] Paris: Colin. 18mo. pp. 388. 4 fr. WEIGERT (O.). Arbeitsnachweis und Schutz der Arbeitswilligen. Berlin: F. Dummler. 8vo. pp. 98. 2 m.

WILSON (M.). Our Industrial Laws [working-women in factories and shops, and how to help them. Pref. by Mrs. H. J. Tennant]. London: Duckworth. Svo. pp. 80. 18. 6d.

In Periodicals.

ADDAMS (J.). A Function of the Social Settlement. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., May. BEMIS (E. W.). Benefit Features of

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